65 things that no spouse wants to hear, according to the benefits of the relationship

Do not let these sentences cause a communication failure in your relationship.

When it comes to keeping a relationship on the constant layout, there is a majordifference between talk and actually communicate. In many cases, even the most magnet couples can make false fatal projections with regard to the way they talk to each other, creating serious tensions, resentments or even dissolving their relationship if they are not cautious. However, it is not only pivotive insults that canDamage your wedding over time"Some of the seemingly harmless things you say to your spouse could cause major problems in the line.

If you want to make sure you keep the communication lines open and keep your relationship healthy, read it to discover the experts of the relationship you recommend you never tell your spouse.

"You always ..."

asian woman pointing at man
Shutterstock / Happy Together

When you accuse your partner to always do a specific thing, that it distinguishes socks on the floor or that I will never share closely near the border, not only your accusation of reporting, but it does not offer much a lot of comments on how they can change things.

"It's hard to want your partner to try to do something different when they feel the times they are never noticed," says a licensed mental health advisorCJ Everhart, MSED, which notes that statements like this stem of needs that are not satisfied and could be better treated by expressing what these needs are.

"I can not count on you."

older hispanic couple arguing
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

Of course, you can feel as if your partner drops the ball left and right, but by telling them that you can not rely on them means that there is aFundamental distribution in your relationship.

"The use of these words communicates to your partner that you can not see the although they contribute to the relationship or a way out of the conflict", explains the therapist of couplesHeather Z. Lyons, PhD, owner ofBaltimore therapy group.

"I do not wanna talk about it."

Upset disappointed thoughtful gay couple sitting on the floor back to back with crossed arms

Although it may be true when you are in an increased emotional state, in most relationships, the only way out is through - and if you are not willing to talk to your partner of what is wrong, This means that you are not prepared to repair it either.

"Tuning Your partner or stop the conversation can communicate to your spouse that they are not important to you," says Lyon, who recommends put aside a specific time to speak later if you feel that way.

"We became separated."

upset young middle eastern woman
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

WhileYour dynamic relationship may have changed Over the years, unless you are ready to call it, it is best to avoid this sentence.

"In addition to growth is a choice," explains the wedding and relations coachStacey Greene, who recommends finding a neutral third, as a therapist or another mentor, to help you find ways to continue growing as a couple.

"I do not love you."

upset white couple in bed
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

It may be tempting to tell your partner that in the heat of the moment, but ", after that, it is impossible to come back from," said therapistRebecca Weiler, LMHC.

"Even if the spouse said later, they were angry and that they did not think so, the other person will always have doubts, and that affects the link and trust in a relationship." If you really want to end your relationship, there are many ways to do so without making your question from your partner if what you had was real.

"You are a slab."

woman scolding friend for messy home things you should never say to a single parent

It can be frustrating to note that your spouse never takes over after themselves or carries the same pair of sweatpants for the fifth day in a row, but calling them a slab will only hurt their feelings and damage your relationship. .

"You should never complain that involves a personal attack on someone's character," explains the clinical psychologistElie Cohen, PhD. Instead, Cohen suggests explain the situation in objective terms and to relate to the first person's perspective on how it affects you, suggesting an alternative that would work better.

"You can not be mad at me."

upset middle aged black couple
Shutterstock / Rawpixel.com

Tell your spouse what they can or can not be angry about quite successful - after all, what are the chances that you can really influence how they feel about what's happening next?

"These words are useless and indicated in an argument generally create more tension and frustration," said therapistPatricia O'Laughlin, MFT, who suggests discussing the reasons could be angry instead of simply trying to send them back.

"I like this about my ex."

young white men on bed putting his arm out to comfort sad white man sitting on floor

Your ex may have been wonderful, but compare them to your current spouse will never give positive results.

"Although we can compare in our minds, especially when we are angry, leave your partner on the details will only create defensive and insecurities," says O'Laughlin, who notes that something in these lines will result in usually more problems than solutions. .

"Shut your mouth."

older asian couple sitting on couch looking upset and angry
Shutterstock / Geeegg

You put to the ground when you told your parents, you have a detention when you told your teachers and you should never tell your partner to shut up either.

"The two partners in a relationship have perfectly the right to state their play," says O'Laughlin. "If you are saying to the person you like" shut up ", you have stopped communicating." Instead, she recommends taking a break from the conversation to cool up until you are as if you are sure you can discuss the question in a productive way.

"So and that the spouse always does that."

upset young asian couple fighting
Shutterstock / Cat Box

Even if you see a flagrant disparity between your relationship and the relationships of your friends - especially with regard to what their spouses do for them - it's never wise to try to make this comparison to your spouse.

"This statement makes the other feel that they are not sufficient for their spouse and is judgmental," says a licensed therapistJaime Bronstein, Who notes that there are nice ways to ask for something from your spouse - and this is certainly not one of them.

"You should not feel like that."

young white woman yelling at man on couch
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

No matter how much you believe that your spouse feelings are wrong, it is simply disrespectful to tell your spouse that they should not feel in a certain way.

"When you say that to someone, it makes them the second devines themselves, and it's the imbalance," says Bronstein.

"You should not eat that."

Man eating squares of chocolate

It's one thing to suggest that you and your spouse eat healthier or hit the gym together. This is another thing to criticize what your spouse has just ordered or is about to eat. Unless eating a little food would cause a medical question for them, it's not your place to tell them what to put in the mouth: your partner is an adult and can make one's own decisions.

"This statement shouts that you try to control your spouse, and some might feel offended as if their spouse thinks they are big," says Bronstein.

"I want you to do more money."

young black woman and man sitting on couch looking upset
Shutterstock / Prostock-Studio

Even if you are scarcely scanned, tell your spouse that they do not have their share financially, especially when they try to do so, will lead only resentments and relationship problems later.

"This message can be interpreted as", you are not good enough for me, "says Bronstein, who suggests providing advice on how your spouse could change their career path if he is not satisfied. "The money in general is a very delicate subject and should always be discussed with loving intentions," she adds.

"I would not do that if I were you."

Muslim woman and man arguing

In addition to controlling the appearance, this sentence can even meet as threatening, depending on the context in which it says.

"It's not because you would not make anything that does not mean that your spouse should not do it," says Bronstein. "That said unconsciously to your spouse you do not trust their decision-making capacity."

"To move on."

man and woman arguing outside, things you should never say to your spouse

This revocative and medium spirit phrase is unlikely to give the results you want - but quite likely to be the catalyst for a great fight. "Everyone is unique and takes his time to spend something," says Bronstein. Each spouse should respect the style of the other to move through an emotional situation. No matter how much you think your spouse is in progress, find a nice way to recognize their emotions.

"I do not care."

young black couple talking outside on bench
Shutterstock / Motion Movies

Even if you are not particularly passionate about something that your spouse says, tell them that you do not worry, it's both hurtful and duplication.

"" I do not care "closes only communication and creates a sense of obstacle," explains the psychotherapist and the certified relations coachBabita spinelli, founder ofOpening of psychotherapy doors. "A spouse will feel like their needs are not treated."

"Sorry but."

latino man comforting upset latino woman in bed

If you are reallydeliver sincere excusesIt should not come with a "but" at the end.

"All my apologies to create a meaning must be fully owned without extras," says Spinelli. "But" or "however" after excuses can feel like an excuse to a spouse. "

"We need to talk."

couple fighting and arguing, things you should never say to your spouse

Even if you reallyto doNeed to talk, it's not a great way to start things. "It always means that there will be a difficult conversation, and there is probably not going well," says the authorized psychotherapist and the authorJill Murray, PhD. "The fear of the unknown and the fear of accompaniment makes the worst."


man and woman arguing in bed, things you should never say to your spouse

"In the middle of something tense, the word" relax "your spouse picks up only things," saysMitzi Bockmann, a certified life coach. His advice and avoid this directive at all costs.

"I know I said I would do it, but ..."

man arguing with friend or boyfriend, things you should never say to your spouse

It may be tempting to say that you are going to do something you know you're not just to put an end to a conversation about it. But it's not an effective long-term strategy. While many partners of the procrastinators, know too well, "not having done the things they say they will be done is worse than saying that they can not do it," says Bockmann.

"You are like my ex."

upset young black woman in bed
Shutterstock / Prostock-Studio

By comparing your spouse with a past lover can be injuring, even if they are not usually competitive or jealous. "Most of the time of life, comparisons are useless for us psychologically," explains the cognitive-behavioral therapistAlex Hedger, Clinical Director ofDynamic You Clinical Therapy. "The comparison of a partner to a previous partner often causes fear and resentment. This can also prevent the partner who makes the comparison of their current relationship fully and healthy."

"We need space."

couple arguing on park bench, things you should never say to your spouse

Sometimes this sentence can be heard as "I'm preparing to put an end to our relationship" -so, and make sure to make it a conversation instead of declarative declaration.

"Although [Time Apart] can often be a useful strategy in a relationship, it is important that both partners understand why a little time can be helpful," said Hedger. "Unless both do not fully understand the justification and possible benefits that may come from downtime, it may seem a threatening thing to hear in a relationship."

"You are ridiculous."

Family Fighting Dealing with Holiday Stress, things you should never say to your spouse

"To be heard, empathitized with and" validated "is crucial for a healthy relationship," says Hedger. "Declarations like" you are ridiculous "demonstrate that someone has trouble getting involved or wanting to empathize. This often leads to a confrontation position with the other partner who felt they have to justify their thoughts or their feelings."

Hedger suggests glue to statements "I" as opposed to "you" in moments of conflict. For example, "I do not understand why you feel like that" would be a good substitute here.

"You remember my mother / father."

unhappy couple, things you should never say to your spouse

This could look like a compliment in your head, but it is likely that this is not the way your spouse will hear. "Comparisons to any family member can completely kill the atmosphere," saysKIMBERLY HERSHENSON, LMSW, a New York-based therapist.

"If you do not like it, go."

gay couple fighting, things you should never say to your spouse

Nobody likes an ultimatum, so unless you are really ready to say so long to your spouse, this sentence should never pass your lips. "This all-or-nothing approach is a manipulative conversation killer because it leaves you without reasonable way to answer," saysJess O'Reilly, PhD, the sexologist reside toAstroglide. It is best to avoid this type of demand at all costs.

"I want a divorce."

couple signing divorce papers, things you should never say to your spouse

Threatening divorce just to encourage a reaction is even worse than the ultimatum mentioned above. "So often, couples have temporary moments of discomfort in their weddings and instead of having logical conversations on the best way to make the relationship better, they go directly for the word of notesAllison Maxima lawyer atMaxime Law. "This is not only unhealthy rhetoric, but to make these comments could leave your spouse feeling dangerous and unsafe."

"You are so dramatic."

couple fighting over meal, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Fabrikasimf

What reads like the drama to you might be the way of your partner to express his feelings. If you feel that your spouse blows out of proportion objects, you can express this without resorting to this word D-Word also offensive.

"You are not listening to me."

man and woman fighting, things you should never say to your spouse

Make an accusation will not do you far away. The best approach is to check with your spouse and ask you what distract them. "Instead of supposing they did not hear you, you can ask yourself if they listen," saysRori Sasson, Matchmaker and CEO ofWorst platinum.

"You'd do better ..."

shirtless white men arguing with each other in bed

"Unless it is said in a fun way and in the bedroom, this sentence will probably not be smooth," says Sassoon. If you want your spouse to do something, do not order them or threaten them - just ask kindly.

"I'm fine."

asian couple fighting on couch, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Metamorworks

"Nothing is worse than" I'm fine, "saysMichelle Frankelthe founder ofNYCITY MAMPAKING. She notes that these two words can meet while you do not trust your partner to help you when you feel emotional. If you are not really good, so tell it.

"It's your fault."

woman arguing with man, things you should never say to your spouse

Place all blame on someone else is not a way to work through problems. "It is extremely important that couples solve problems as a team rather than organizing a responsible partner," said Frankel.

"Why do not you ever ...?"

white man trying to console sad white woman sitting by the water

"It does not matter the end of this question, it is already overflowing with negative connotations and shame before the subject is even delivered", noteBritanny Burr, expert of love and relationship forN sex sex psych. "Ask someone why they do not do something that they would like them will not make them want to do it - it only makes the Smoader and hurting them something they did not know that you wanted."

So, instead of saying, "Why do not you ever take me to dinner?" Try to go with it, "Would not it be fun to go out for dinner this week?"

"It's not my job."

father changing diaper, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Ilkecerik

There area lot of chores People do not like to do, whether they are layered changes or clean the oven. However, in a marriage, saying that something "is not your job", it seems that this vision of the fair work you have imagined when you have tied the node has stole the window sort of.

"You never attracted at home."

Couple is fighting, things you should never say to your spouse

Even if you do not feel like your spouse corresponds to your efforts in terms of household tasks, are the odds of certain things to help and recognize that you will make you farther than playing the game of blame.

The best way to ask your spouse to do more is to recognize what they have already done, praise them, and after that, just ask them to handle specific tasks on their arrival.

"Why do not we have sex as we used it?"

angry couple laying in bed, things you should never say to your spouse

A marriage without sex hardly worthwhile to be addressed, but this phrasing may put your spouse on the defensive. In addition, having unrealistic expectations about sex is not going to help you anywhere.

"It is absolutely possible for the long-term couples to have an exciting sex life, but it is unlikely that it was as if it were early,", somatic psychologist note and certified sexual therapistHolly Richmond, PhD. "Be open to passing passionately in the future, without trying to recreate the past."

"Wait, what did you say?"

women talking outside, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / GiletsWorkshop

If your spouse should repeat what they said because you do not get shriveled, do not be surprised when they are more than a little annoyed about it. "It can be very hurtful," says the registered psychologistWyatt Fisher, Psyd, founder of a couples retreat in Boulder, Colorado.

"You can not understand what I pass."

A Pregnant Black Woman Touching Her Baby Belly, things you should never say to your spouse

If you want a healthy marriage, it's worth leaving your partner know how you feel and how they can help instead of stopping them.

This is particularly true with regard to pregnancy and early parenting, explainsJustin lio, LCSW, a mental health and male health expert in New York. "Of course they can not, and they know it. But they want to find a way to find," he says masculine partners.

"You are so good at the time."

divorce over 40, things you should never say to your spouse

The accent put on the past makes this compliment a setback. Although you simply say that this is nice, do not be surprised if your partner takes him to signify that you want them to always seem to have the air there are several decades ago.

"You never let me do what I want."

woman walking away from angry boyfriend, things you should never say to your spouse

In partnership, it is important to take into account the needs of your spouse, and sometimes it means that you buy a safe and reliable car instead of a convertible, or that you put aside money for your future. place to spend costly holidays. Although it may seem like your partner tries to restrain you, it is important to realize that they act responsibly for the good of your wedding and your family, without trying to punish you. Otherwise, you could end up hearing this sentence ...

"We are short of money."

older couple going over financial documents, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Fizkes

"When married couples find themselves in this situation, it's because none of them can not occur on a financial level that they can both agree," said Personal Finance ExpertNolan Martin. "As a general rule, one of them is the dependence and one of them is the economizer. In many cases, they have difficulty reaching common ground to prevent not having enough dollars to get there during the month. "

"You should know how I feel."

Young Muslim woman upset, holds head in hand

It does not matter how much your spouse knows you, they probably can not guess your exact emotions. "Humans are not the spirit of natural readers," NotesDavid Bennett, A certified advisor and expert relationship. As Bennett explains, most people can not really say what someone feels if they are not said, even though this person is his husband.

"Do not take personally. »

couple arguing, things you should never say to your spouse

It is virtually impossible not to take personally, which suggests that they are trying not to be your spouse's spouse and actions in any way. "We have the right to feel what we feel, and work through these emotions with our partners," NotesJodi J. de Luca, Ph.D., Clinician psychologist in Colorado. "To be refused, this right is to invalidate a very intimate part of whom we are, and often leads to psychologically dangerous relations. »

"You have to…"

man yelling at woman, things you should never say to your spouse

Your spouse is their own person, they do not do itneed to do something just because it's what you think theyshould to do. Talking to your spouse as you are their teacher or parent does not risk producing the changes you hoped, anyway.

"How much did you have to drink? »

A night with the boys, things you should never say to your spouse

Unless your spouse has a habit of more soaking or attempting to do something dangerous, like taking the wheel, chances are all this issue will do is getting their guards.

If your spouse had a boiled couple, took a taxi to go home, and now try to explain what they think the meaning hidden behindThe world of Nemo That's all reminding you that you are cute, let them do without interrogation.

"I'm bored."

old worried woman sitting on the couch, single people

Simply because you can not think of ways to entertain you does not mean that the problem is your spouse. While life can be a little less exciting as you get older, it is unfair to blame that your partner does it not belong to them to make everyone have fun all the time.

"Hurry up."

woman trying on clothes with bored spouse, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Elnur

This one does not go right for you everywhere. Haveyou Never motivated to rush after hearing this sentence?

"I'm not attracted to you right now. »

older man not sure if he wants to have sex, things you should never say to your spouse

Is it acceptable for your attraction for your partner to wax and decrease? Of course, and it's always your prerogative to say no to be too intimate. That said, tell your white point partner that you are not attracted to the realizes that one thing: to feel bad without going to the root of why your attraction decreases them.

"Stop watching your phone. »

bored couple lying in bed with smartphones, things you should never say to your spouse

Of course, you may want your spouse to pay more attention to you andLess time on Facebook and Instagram. But it is better to work by compromises at another time than reprimanding your partner as they are a child.

"Stop harassing me."

man and woman fighting, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Iakov Filimonov

Often, which is interpreted as "throbbing" is simply asking for help.

For the person who would have made her throbbing, hearing this can be aggravating, especially especially when their spouses simply reminding them of doing something they promised they would do it.

"Why do you think about your mother ...? »

man fighting with girlfriend on couch, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

Yes, you sometimes need to evacuate in this shock of family titans, but to put your spouse between you and their parents rarely end well. In these conflicts, your spouse can not earn there will be problems on the interior front if they take their parents' side, and many cold shoulders during the holidays if they take yours.

"I hate your family. »

mother in law with mama's boy son, things you should never say to your spouse

This sentence-an even more extreme family disassignance-can reduce your spouse as a knife. If you have any particular problems with the family members of your partner, discuss it instead of ordering the group. For example, you could say, "He did not feel very respectful when your mother was going against our wishes about the baby's diet," or "it hurts my feelings when your brother calls me by This nickname. »

"I hate your friends. »

older couples taking photo while drinking wine, things you should never say to your spouse

Once again, even if you're not crazy friends from your spouse (or maybe just a friend in particular), it's better not to say flat that you hate them. It can be difficult tomake friends like an adultSo push a corner between your spouse and their peers can easily make your indelible spouse feel. As long as these friends are not disrespectful or dangerous, it is better not to mention it.

"It must be nice to have someone else take care of bills. »

man taking money out of a wallet, things you should never say to your spouse

If you are the main family support in your relationship, it does not mean that your partner does not contribute. Acting as if you pulling in a higher salary means that your spouse is essentially on a permanent vacation is not only paternalistic, but also decreases all the work they do, whether a less remunerative job or take care of your children in time full.

"Do you think they are more attractive than me?"

man hitting on waitress, things you should never say to your spouse

There is no way that an answer to this question will end up being the one you want. If your spouse says yes, they are in a fight. If they say no, they open up to a million questions about whether or not they say the truth.

Trust that your spouse has attracted you and if it seems that they stopped, it is worthy of a greater discussion than a comment out of hand on the eyes of someone else.

"I hate continue to harass, but ..."

couple arguing over lunch, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Fran Jetzt

If you know that your spouse does not move to something you need to do, making it that way, bringing it on and supervising these requests like "harping", is not the best way to do it.

Instead, clearly indicate that you are serious about the issue by hand and remember your spouse how it makes you feel when they do not listen to these requests.

"You talk too much."

older couple fighting on a park bench, things you should never say to your spouse

Reject your spouse as a chatting when they are animated about something is a correct way to break down communication, an essential component of your relationship. It is quite reasonable to expect you to say your room, but it's never a good idea to tell your spouse that they have to slip it to make you.

"I can not stand to drive with you."

couple fighting in car, things you should never say to your spouse

Tell your spouse how to drive or ridicule behind the wheel looks like a public outbreak. If they did a correct job until this point and they drive this road 82 times a week, they probably do not need your human GPS printing in their ear.

"Do you do?"

woman looking at outfit in mirror

If it's on your partner's body, go ahead and suppose that's what they have decided to wear, even if it's not your cup of tea. This mischief sentence will not only make your spouse of second-guess their choice of holding - it will probably give a look at their trust.

Trust us, no matter how many times the question is asked, the correct answer is always: "No, you are superb!"

"You did it first."

close up of the hands of a couple arguing with woman pointing finger at man, things you should never say to your spouse

If your partner expresses a grievance, this is not the time for a childish child who started it. Whether it's struggling to cope with your disorder or that they have the impression of being up to their emotional needs, tell them they do the same thing for you is immature and hurtful .

"You're just better with the kids I'm."

mom with young son, things you should never say to your spouse

Even if you feel it's true at a certain level, it's just a flexibility. In one home to two parents, you and your spouse both need to master children, not just one of you.

"They want their spouses to be intensified and help with children, do not just count on them to do everything," saysVikki ZieglerCelebrity divorce lawyer and author ofThe pre-matrimonial planner.

"What are you thinking about?"

older couple arguing at table, etiquette mistakes

This issue may seem relatively harmless in the midst of a deep conversation or argument. But to come with the right answer is easier to say than to do. Do you really know that your other other thinks about their fantastic football team, what does this passive-aggressive e-mail of their boss meant or what is your ex? If the answer is no, then do not ask this question.

"I have a std."

young couple arguing in bed, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / TorwaisTudio

It's a particularly touching subject because it often means that there issomething extramarital on"And otherwise, it's an undesirable reminder of past relationships. "It's scary to learn that you can contract something from your loved one who has had unprotected sex in the past," Note Ziegler. That said, "Testing and proactive can help a spouse protect yourself."

"Take the phone when I call."

stressed out woman taking a phone call, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Gaudilab

In fact, the courtesy does not dictate only for people to do it, but sometimes your spouse has other commitments that can not be avoided - even if they only texture 13 seconds earlier. Do not take it as an avoidance, but as a sign, they try to manage as much as possible.

"In a minute."

woman checking watch, things you should never say to your spouse

"This is a code for" perhaps ", sometimes, 'or" probably never ", saysGina Gardiner, an expert in relation and an author. (And heads up: your spouse already realizes that.)


female friends or lesbian couple arguing on couch, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Media Wavebreak

There is nothing worse than the silent treatment. "In my experience, when there is a lack of commitment, no answer to the questions, nor any empathy expressed when it is upset, it is incredibly hurtful and damaged," says Gardiner. "It destroys [your partner] trust and sense of self-confidence."

So even if you do not know what to say, know that saying that something is better than not to say anything at all.

Additional reporting of Sarah Crow.

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