You will pass as much as your life waiting for red lights

It's time to invest in high quality audiobooks.

If you are one of115 million Americans Who goes on the work in a vehicle, daily, the chances are few things that have frustrated you more than getting stuck in a red light. Unfortunately, these precious minutes that you spend waiting for a light to change are more than just boring: they are also a major period.

While red fires often feel like they take an eternity to change, it's not quite the case. According toNational Association of Urban Transport ManagersThe perfect amount of time for a light to stay red is between 60 and 90 seconds. This means that, ideally, an urban driver would go on average 75 seconds waiting for each red light.

Yes, this is the moment for some mathematics.

If you take into account theestimate Only 20% of all driving time passed to red lights, it can certainly add up. According toAaa, the average American spends 17,600 minutes of driving each year. This represents 3,520 minutes, or 58.6 hours, spent waiting at the red lights every 365 days. If you start driving at the age of 15 and you finish your days away when you are 65 years old, it means you spent 2 930 hours staying at stop lights before you remove even. Put another way: it's 122 days - or about 4 months of your life patting your fingers behind the steering wheel. (And if you are one of those too hauters who decides to push their retirement at 75 years, this number pulls up to 142 hours, or 4.7 months sitting at red lights.)

The good news? These days, more and more companies allow employees to teletremeter, so the duration you spend waiting for green lights can drop, if you wish. And if it seems attractive for you, make your cake (no shuttle) and eating it too (good salaries) by marking one of these25 home work jobs with high salaries.

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