21 ways to help the environment, from now

Reduce, reuse, recycle, repeat.

While "Reduce, reuse, recycle"Is repeated in today's classrooms with the ABC, it was not until relatively recently that ecological consciousness comes out of the fringe and in the dominant current. For people who did not grow separating their Recyclable materials or composting in their kitchen, the process of going green can feel like a mystery. But there is hope! To help you, we have compiled 21 simple ways to help the environment, all based on expert advice on sustainability.

Use durable bathroom products.

Shampoo bar

Have you ever noticed how much the plastic packaging is in your bathroom? According toJohnson & Johnson, "The number of shampoint bottles thrown in the United States each year could fill 1,164 football fields." Combat these waste, companies focused on sustainability asOdacite andThe detoxification market have createdshampoo bars,Reusable cotton round, andReusable facial cleaning sponges. By buying products created or created in a sustainable way, you will mitigate your negative impact on the ground and save money.

Cycle your business.

Up-cycled teapots as planters

"Everything does not need to be bought. Craft What you can" suggestGallina, expert on sustainability and co-founder ofBaabuk. WhileMarie Kondo-How your wardrobe can be attractive, maybe you may not be so quick to throw your business. "The discharge is not a place for objects that still have a life," says we hear. If you can not repair or repair an article, make sure to recycle or donate.

Start to compost.


While composting can feel overwhelming beginners, durability bloggersJen Panarosays there isWays of anyone with compost (which means recycle the organic material). "The composting reduces language municipal waste in landfills, significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions leading to global warming and reconstructs the soil," says Panaro. Once you started to compost, you will never look back - it's as easy as throwing your food.

Work from the house whenever possible.

Man working from home

Although it may not feel particularly attractive duringquarantine, Working from home is ideal for the environment. If you drive, type your trip means fewer cars on the road and fewer individual carbon footprints.Jeremy Scott FosterFounder of the travel site'Trip freak' pointed to aBBC Report on how pollution levels in China have dropped over the night following the quarantine implemented in the country. Working at home, even a few days, a week could have a significant positive impact on the environment.

Eating a more diet based on the plant.

Plant based buddha bowl

Do you want to make your body and the world healthier? DITCH Some of these meal meals for those packaged with plants. Meat consumption is linked to everythingcardiopathy Cancer of the colon and producing meat costs us a huge amount of valuable resources.

"Food is one of the greatest ways in which we can reduce the land, the water and the resources needed to support our lifestyles on earth," says the sustainable professionalLeslie NG, MBA, corporate coach for ecological entrepreneurs. "The food represents nearly 50% of the consumption emissions we generate."

Use induction cooking.

Induction cooking stove with pot of vegetables

Although gas ovens have a reputation for cooking things more uniformly than their electrical counterparts, induction stoves can save you time and energy in the kitchen - and can also help you save the planet. "The choice of electric induction cooking on gas can not only be more efficient in energy, but can actually lead to better air quality and is generally safer," says NG.

It notes that a typical induction hob is 84% ​​effective, while a range of gas is greater than about 40%, depending on theU.s. Department of Energy.

Check regular leaks and drafts.

Man checking home for draft

You do not have to venture into the world to help the earth. In fact, you can make your life greener with some simple changes at home. Start by checking your home for drafts and leaks. If you find it, eliminate them by caulking windows and luminaires, using drawing guards under your doors, or insulating around the pipes. This will help your home to become more efficient in energy, thus reducing your carbon footprint.

Turn off the faucet between shampoo and packaging.

Man shampooing in shower

If you are used to taking long hot showers, you do not make any mother's land favors. To really enjoy the planet, you should turn off the water between the steps (foam) and two (rinsing) of your hair washing routine.

"There is a lot of energy that went dealing with your water, then getting fired and heating it with your shower, only to spend nanoseconds on your body before going down again on the drain," says Ng. "It's not just about the conservation of water, but all the energy that has entered you in a hot shower."

Plant more.

Man planting flower in garden

A well maintained lawn can be beautiful, but opt ​​for a garden or tree planting will give more benefits for the long-term environment.

"Put native trees, shrubs andflowering plants. By doing this, you restore the capacity of your garden to absorb precipitation and soak in the ground, "saysMaya k. van rossumthe original organizer of theGreen amendment movement and author ofThe Green Amendment: Observe our right to a healthy environment.In doing so, "You will also create a beautiful healthy habitat for butterflies, birds and other local wildlife species, enriching your lives and lives," says Van Rossum.

Use a linen rope.


Make this change will also help you save money. Ditch This tumble dryer in favor of a linen rope. Electric dryers eat a huge piece of your electricity at home. According to spruce, "Air-drying clothes Can reduce the average carbon footprint of the household by a reduction of 2,400 pounds a year. "

Use heat pumps in your home.

Heat pump on outside of house in winter

Keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer can be a non-negotiable heating, but oil and gas heating and traditional air conditioners eat a ton of energyand Contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

"Making sustainable energy choices helps to slow climate change. You can do it by turning it by extinguishing fossil fuels, gasoline, natural gas and propane-to energy efficiency and renewable energy" , ExplainMatte daigle, CEO and founder of the Sustainable Building SocietyTo augment. "A great and easy way to do it is to invest in a heat pump. Heat pumps can reduce the amount of energy needed to heat up and cool your home and reduce or even limit your dependence on fossil fuels."

Use water saving technology.

Low flow sink faucet

While turning off the tap while you brush your teeth or take shorter showers, it's a great place to start, if you really want to reduce your water consumption, the replacement of some of your luminaires is a Ideal place to start.

"Look for simple and inexpensive ways to reduce your use, such as the search for EPA-labeled devices and low flow and toilet faucets. The toilets are the largest water user in a household, Representing up to 30% of the use of household water, so you are installing a more efficient toilet is your excellent way to reduce your water consumption, "adds Daigle.

Isolate your electrical outlets.

Electrical outlet on green wall

You can not give something smaller than your electrical outlets a second thought, but they are probably leaving a lot of air. "Put your hand on an electrical outlet on an outside wall during a cold night and you will feel the precipitation of the frigid air," saysShel Horowitzauthor ofGreenless. Horowitz suggests that users isolate electrical outlets, switches and telephone outlets on exterior walls, which can result in less heat loss at home. You can find inexpensiveFoam outlet insulating pads In most hardware stores.

Wash your recyclable plastics.

Rinsing recyclable bottle in sink

Throwing containers with food always on them directly in the recycling basket can cause serious environmental damage, so in case of doubt, rinse it. "Wash recyclable plastic food containers before recycling; contamination can make entire lots of non-recyclable recyclables, saysKaméa Chayne, host of the podcast of sustainabilityGreen dreamer.

Drive on the sun.

Solar charging station for cars

If you have an electric car, you can make your driving last even more powerful by looking for solar energy load stations to put your car. Transportation and generation of electricity account for almost60% of greenhouse gas emissions In the United States, according to the EPA. "Drive on the sun erases the two contributors," saysDesmond Wheatley, President and Chief Executive Officer Solar International.

Buy green pet products.

Cat in a litter box

Often, we involuntarily submit our pets to products that we do not realize are to be contrary to ethics. The next time you shop for food or pet accessories, make suredo some research. For example, many traditional chat rides are surprisingly harmful to the environment. Environmental ecologistMolly AndersonExplains: "Litter clay is a mined strip of virgin natural environments otherwise, killing native wildlife, ruining their habitat, and the spill of tons of silt in the rivers and the ocean, where it stifles the aquatic life and the Ecosystem more destroyed. Cat owners should consider going toEcological litterto keep the planet clean for themselves and their pets.

Use ecological toilet paper.

Man buying toilet paper

The toilet paper of any kind can be a hot product right now, but if you have the choice, consider an ecological option. "The choice of toilet paper is often neglectedclimate decision, In particular since each American usage near three rollers a week, "saysJeff Salzgeber ofNATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL (NRDC). "Canada's Boreal Forest Stores Nearly twice as many carbon than all the oil reserves of the combined world, but is cut in white at a one million acres a year, partly to feed the demand for Consumers for toilet paper, "he says. Consult the NRDC note ofCommon toilet paper Sustainability brands for more information.

Borrow more, buy less.

Borrowing and lending a book

One of the oldest institutions in America can teach us an invaluable lesson in sustainable development. Take note of the library and start looking for other possibilities to borrow, once it is safe, of course. "The loan retains valuable (and finished) resources of the Earth, it prevents our homes from being overwhelmed by the disorder, too," saysStephanie Seferian host ofSUSTAINABLE MINIMALISTS PODCAST. Seferian suggests extending the state of mind of the borrower to all areas of your life: "Do not spend money on a garment you will bring one or twice: borrow from a friend or rent fromTrack rental. Does your neede need a softball glove? Borrow someone in your community, then come back when the season is done. She also suggests organizing loan events with friends, such as toy or clothing swaps.

Eat local foods.

Locally grown produce in wooden crate

Have you ever thought of all the miles of food travel to get to supermarket rays? Although our current situation can make a challenge, Seferian suggests that you "articles renouncing thousands of miles away from traveling for days, burning diesel refrigeration trucks. This may seem limiting, but it actually opens many great alternatives. The tip of Seferian is "food limit at a radius of 200 mile by joiningThe local farm CSA program, Attendance in the farmer market, and eating seasonal food for your climate ".

Buy only companies that share your values.

Woman shopping

Unnecessary packaging is easily one of the most productive traditions of waste in America. Although he can be a challenge right now, online shopping, try to find a business that has the same values ​​as you. Looking for companies, such asMisfortune andRoot'd, Which are committed to creating sustainable products and packaging. Root'd "promised to make their products 100 percent plastic without and bio-composable in the next decade," according to their site. Until then, their team is the planting of millions of trees and the cleaning of 10 million plastic pounds of the land and oceans. By the companies only to support who have environmentally friendly packaging habits and sustainable business practices, you redirect what is considered acceptable by consumers. "I think a bit of extra search before buying will go a long way to a positive impact on our planet," saysMichael Cammarata, President and CEONeptune Wellness Solutions.

Talking about sustainable development with others.

Group doing a beach cleanup

Fill out your life with people who also want to help the land and do ecological activities together, once the lock is up, of course. Start a community garden, do a beach cleaning, or organize a club with friends. "We all need the support of the community. We need to meet with people similar to being seen and heard in our concerns for land so that we can group together and move in the power of a group, "says professional and environmental surfer activistLauren Hill.

Additional reports by Sarah Crow.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Garden / Home
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