This surprising feature makes men more attractive for a folition, declares studies

The scars were associated with negative qualities, but now they have an attraction.

In Western societies, it is widely accepted that the healing of the face makes a person less attractive. You only need to look for movie partitions and cartoons where the "nasty" has a huge scar on his cheek to know that many people attribute some negative qualities to those who defy the face defiguration. In fact, a study conducted in the 1970s revealed that those with facial scars were unjustly presumed to be less honest, sincere,popular, attractive and kind. Today, things look a little different: while still a level of stigmatization surrounding a more sevential facial trauma,The more recent searches show that women find attractive facial scars in men, especially when a woman considers her for a flan.

A study published in the journalElsevier revealed that today men withNon-serious facial scars Advertise more "precious features" than in the past. The researchers gathered 147 women and 76 male subjects and asked them to evaluate how many they found photos of opposite sex. The images have been modified numerically to present photorealistic scars on half of the faces and subjects have been invited to consider the person in the photo as a short-term potential partner.

Although male subjects have noted women with minor scars with women who had none, female subjects reported increased levels of attraction to men with minor facial scars.

The research team has theorined that "in certain scar circumstances may announce valuable information on their carriers", leading women to deduct some desirable qualities of a scar. For example, "scars acquired by the fight or other heroic behaviors" could make a woman think unconsciously to think that the man is brave, honorable or strong. "In addition, post-traumatic scars can report a risk-taking person or higher masculinity. Male risk takers aremore attractive, especially for short-term relationships, "said researchers.

For this reason, it was important if women considered healing as post-traumatic, accidental or non-traumatic. "A preliminary study was conducted to determine how scars were perceived as caused," explained the study. The scars on men were more frequently presumed to be the result of a trauma (for example a combat or war injury), which could explain the gender gap in the way it affected attraction. The women's scars were more typically attributed to an accident, which gives less indices onPersonal traits of a person or social standing.

The study leaves a lot of room for new research, but it should be illustrated that attitudes are ever evolving when it comes to attraction. Where before a scar could not have subcounted a lower social position or a non-cold lifestylesubject to violence, it now takes a new meaning. And, for these cicatricic sports individuals looking for a blank hecould Work just in your favor. And for more qualities, women find attractive, discoverThe easiest way to get you more attractive.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: Facts / Sex
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