It's the worst thing you can say when you give a gift

Research found that people react more negatively when they accompany this sentence.

Every time youoffer a giftYou hope it is well received. Of course, it's not always the case, unfortunately. But it may not be becauseThe present itself is a bad. This is quite possible that you can ruin the gift you are so happy to give if you accompany it with five words in particular. According to the research,The worst thing you can tell someone when you give them a gift, it's ", it will make you make money." To find out what you should say instead, read it. And for more words that should not leave your lips, discoverThe word you should never say when you apologize.

The study, published in theJournal of the Association for Consumer ResearchIn July, found thatPeople react negatively to the gifts given to them When you told them that it would help you save them money. And he does not even need to be said in a direct way. The researchers have discovered that the recipients did not answer well if it was even justinferred That the guender thought the present would save money.

The researchers led a series of experiences to reach their conclusion. In one of them, they asked more than 400 people to remember a time in which they recently received a gift that they thought they intended to save them from money. When asked to write a few sentences on how they felt about the gift, the participants often said that it made them embarrassed feelings, honored and bad. People also have "thought that the garde garde implied that they could not take care of themselves and were incompetent because they needed money", study co-authorGrant Donnelly, a deputy professor of Marketing at Ohio State Fisher College of Business, said in a statement.

"Most of us have this conviction that any gift we give will be appreciated - butthe way a gift is presented can influence the way people feels, "added Donnelly.

Heterosexual couple in their home exchanging gifts.

However, the opposite is true for gifts designed to save the recipienttime. In another experience, researchers have provided 200 students from a $ 5 Starbucks gift card to give to a friend. In half of the cases, they were told to include the following message: "I know you've been stressed for money lately. I hope you enjoy this gift card in the hope of you save money. " The other cards had an identical message, with the exception of the word "silver" was replaced by "time".

Those who have received gift cards that indicated itwould help save them money Reacted more negatively than those who received one with a note that indicated that it would help save time. Donnelly says it's because people see gifts designed to save them precious minutes like a compliment rather than a light.

"When you do not have time, you are perceived as busy and in high demand. There is something high on this subject, compared to not have enough money, which is considered a low status ", did he declare.

According to Donnelly, this does not mean that you can not give gifts to help your friends or family who have trouble working financially. Instead, simply consider your approach. "It may be better to give a gift to save money without recognizing the reason or finding a way to save time," he explained.

For more ways to be a better gift-donor, read on and for other situations where you could say the wrong thing, discoverThe worst thing you can tell someone who has lost his job.

Think about the recipient's personality before choosing a gift.

young black woman looking in store window

People generally do not consider money as an aspect of their personality. Instead of focusing on monetary benefits to gifts,Lynne GoldbergFondre of Lynne Goldberg Group, whoOffers advisory services on the Event Label-Says It's "important to understand the personality of the recipient and try to match the gift to their way of life and their essence."

"If anyone likes practical and useful objects, do not buy them a gag gift for their office. If someone reads only books on their Kindle, do not buy a hard copy of a new book" , she says. "In other words, understand the recipient before choosing that their gift is important." And for more advice, see what a label expert saysThe worst thing you can do during the introduction.

Talk about what the person you give the gift means for you.

woman giving her friend a gift, best friend gifts

According toSusan Johnson, aOnline marketing expert, people care muchon what people think of them. And if you are focused on the monetary aspect of a gift, the recipient can assume that you think they care much about money, that people often associate with superfusion. Johnson recommends rather to ask what this person means for you and tell them that when you give them the gift. After all, you can not go wrong with the combination of a gift and a compliment, according to Johnson. And for good compliments to give, checkThe best small compliments that go a long way.

Emphasize the benefits of giving that are not on money.

couple exchanging gifts at home.

Anne Keyer, agift expert offering unique gifter, says instead of focusing on the backup of a recipient money, you should focus on the other benefits that a certain gift can provide.

For example, she says that many money saving giftsare often as ecologically friendly. "If you give a gift that could be misinterpreted, put additional efforts to focus on its non-monetary aspects," she says. "For example, you could say something like:" I absolutely love how these hair dryers are made from natural products, which means that I do not throw the trash every time I do the laundry, and I thought you would like them too. "And if you want to reduce you in yourself economic waste, do you check.It's the biggest loss of money you spend without knowing it.

Leave money out of the conversation.

elderly man being surprised with gift

No matter what money should be fully left out of the conversation when it gives a gift, saysLynell Ross, aSpecialist in behavioral changes and Director of Resources for Education Defenders. It's because you turn it, it could go wrong. For example, "If you give a gift to someone too expensive, they can feel uncomfortable," says Ross. In addition, if you make it appear as if it could not afford the gift themselves, they can feel offended or shameful. And for more useful advice delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

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