The worst thing you lie on your CV

The experts say they are trapped by this is the fastest way to end a job interview.

Many people will go ondistance to secure your dream work. But highlight that you can save some white lies on your CV. While many people assume that this is a harmless way to increase their chances, it can actually do a lot of damage - with potentially serious consequences depending on the lie you tell you. According to experts, the worst thing you conducted on your CV is your knowledge of a specific skill. Read on to find out why you should never lie about it, and for more maltrosts to avoid, consult theseLies Everyone tells during a job interview.

Jennifer Roquemore, a serial contractor and co-founder ofResume writing services, says people often seelie on a particular skill as the easiest to go out with their CV. And that's true: a CV 2020 laboratory found that two of the most common people of the most common lies admired on their curriculum vitae werelie on experience and lie skills.

According to Roqueemore, it is because this lie is not something that could be easily checked using a background check, as opposed to your work history or education. However, there are still many ways to recruit managers to discern the truth.

"It is quite common that employers integrate a kind of skills test during the hiring process to ensure that candidates have the technical feats needed to work," says Roquemore. "If the skill you lied about your CV on your CV is on the test, it's a way to get caught."

Roqueemore also says that someEmployment interviewers will have difficult questions Or even questions tricks during your interview to "test your level of expertise on a particular skill". And being taken in a lie is the fastest way to end your chances of landing a particular job.

"If you are trapped in your CV, there is basically a 0% song from going to the next job of the job process," she says. "I certainly never hired anyone that I caught on their application."

And the problem does not stop if you succeed in escaping recruitment managers and getting work, saysCindy datuffer, aHuman resources manager Thrive Agency, with more than 10 years of experience in the human resources industry.

"If you have brought the knowledge of a program or tool, you'd better be ready when it is tested at work," says disuse. "They would assume that you know it well and you do not need additional training. You simply dig up your own grave and it will lead to more problems at work. And above all, if it does not reflect your performance, you Go be considered incompetent and it can eventually lead you to be pulled. "

Even if you are able to hang on your job, you are not likely to get a brilliant criticism of the company progress in your career.Magda Zurawska, aHuman resources manager At Resumelab with more than four years of experience in the human resources industry, says that lying about your knowledge of a skill will leave a "bitter aftertaste and mistrust in future collaboration".

"It costs, time, money, resources and makeup frustration of your lie," she says. "You better have a powerful explanation because frankly, that's what it will take to be preserved and trained."

Overall, Roquemore says there is a difference between lying and exaggerating on your resume. "If you say that you are an expert in a skill, when you are probably competent, it's totally ok," she says. "But lie just about everything your CV is a terrible idea."

Yes, lie on your expertise with a specific skill is not the only lie you must omit your CV. Continue reading for more lies to keep your CV and for other things you should never lie,That's why you should not lie to your ophthalmologist on floats.

Your degree

middle age woman graduating from university

Deuse says that the most common lie that she finds on CV is that people claim to have a degree that does not really exist. "And it's the easiest thing to detect. Only one phone call at the university and everything is over," says Deuser. And for more things you should know when looking for a job, check theseInterview Tips Recruitment managers want you to know.

Your job story

group of people networking

Mark Hayes,Marketing Manager and Hiring Officer At Kintell, says it's also "remarkably easy" for your lie to be discovered if you pretend your work history. "A simple Google search can show that society never existed at all or you never worked there. You will receive questions that you can not answer, and the interview will not last very long," he says. And for more ways that you could use a job interview, discoverThe worst thing you can do during the introduction.

Your previous work schedule

man leaving work with box after quitting job

Although some people are not willing to lie about jobplaces on their curriculum vitae, they can be willing to steal the dates if unemployed for a while.Chris Muktar,Founder of Wikijob, says that people do that because they are often afraid that a business does not hire them if they discover they havebeen unemployed for a prolonged period. But Muktar says it's better to be honest about your unemployment time because he can always find a history of employment with your government contributions and with your tax documents. "And for more useful information delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Your official titles to previous jobs

middle age man presenting his work at his job

Jim Sullivan, aExperienced HR Professional And founder of the JCSI recruitment service, said many people often lie about the official position they have held at a previous job. He says people use it to "upgrade their title to something they have never had to make appear more official". Not only is this easy to control - it can also compromise your ability to do some work if you are hired. And for more lies to avoid, it'sThe biggest lie you must stop saying you.

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