These are all the terms of slang you will only hear in the Midwest
It's time for a little "pop" quiz for every winterlanders there.

As an original and Ohioanconsumer trust "pop" and "hotdishes" myVocabulary midwest Give sometimes my humble Ohio Origins as recently transplanted New Yorker. And if you are a drop to "jeez" often in conversation, it is likely that popularWords midwest Also make. So it's time toTest your knowledge with these words that are pronounced as in the heart of the heart. And if you think you know your local lingo,Can you guess the most popular slang term in your state?
1 Jeez

The Midwesterners are more likely to say a simple "Jeez" instead of a string of curse words when they express agitation or surprise, proving thatmanners Come first in this part of the United States.
Example: "Jeez, I should not have to have had as many eggs Noge at the party of the festival."
And for some travel advice if you ever drive through the heart,These are the best road trips in the Midwest.
2 Brewski

You are likely to hear the word "Brewski" floating around a local pub Midwest. It's just another way we say "beer" - and this is reflecting the large population fraternity Midwest.
Example: "Hey Bro, you can help a brewski? Preferably as an IPA."
3 Tennis shoes

The British call them "coaches" and midwesterners the call "tennis shoes" but you might know them as "sneakers", "running shoes" or "gym shoes". Depending on the search forReader's Digest "Tennis Shoes" is actually the preferred term for athletic shoes to US.S. and in case you were wondering, no - you do not have to play tennis when you wear them.
Example: "Please take your tennis shoes before walking on my carpet Shag."
And while Midwesterners are known for their ways, this is not the case everywhere in the United States, for example,This is the rudest state in America.
4 Expressway

The people of Chicago and other parts of the Midwest refer to the freeway "Highway" or "highway" as "highway". When you think about it, it almost makes more sense than the other words, as is usually the fastest way to travel.
Example: "Let's go up on the fast track and find the closest Applebee."
5 Pop

Depending on the region of the country you call home, you could call itbrown bubbly drink a "soda", a "coke" or if you are in the Midwest is "pop". Even if you make fun of this, do not worry, you're in good company. MappisteAlan McConchie created thisCard "Pop vs. Soda" And it turns out, "Pop" is the word of choice in the northwest Pacific, parts of southwest Alaska.
Example: "Can I have a pop with my hotdish?"
And to see which parts of the Midwest are hit hard by Covid now checkThese 22 states are beginning to leave again.
6 Sweeper

In Ohio and Indiana, "sweep" and "vacuum" actually mean the same thing. If anyone in these states ask you to scan the living room carpet, it does not mean you should get out of the broom - "sweeper" is a vacuum and broom is simply ... a broom.
Example: "Can you use the sweeper to clean the carpet hotdish?"
7 daubster

Many people throughout the southwest and Wisconsin specifically use the term "bubbler" rather than "water fountain" saysJodi Rose Gonzales, An art therapist based in Wisconsin and creatorJodi Rose Studio.
Example: "For cryin 'out loud, Tommy, stop blocking the airlock! Dontcha know that it's rude? "
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8 Opacity

"OPE" is a term often replaces words like "Oops" or "darnit." As qu'hentine Ohioan, I can attest that this word is pronounced with absurd frequency throughout the Midwest. It is normally followed by a string of morepolished My apologies that you have ever heard. After all, we are thealthough elevated section of the country.
Example:"OPE! I just spread my brewski everywhere."
9 Isch

When you refer to something unpleasant, instead of saying "raw" or "EW", the "minnesotans use especially" isch ". It is derived from the German, although it indicates no relationship with the German use - which, if you are curious, is also sufficiently associated with the names to form an adjective (that is, "Amerikanisch".
Example: "Isch, my Hotdish does not look like that of my painting by Pinterest."
10 Uffda

It is a term used to express astonishment, depletion, relief and consternation. This is basically a useful interjection for all situations, according toJohn Wilder, a marriage, a relationship and a sexual coach (and an expert in Minnesota). The term is from Norway, where it carries the same meaning.
Example: "Uffda! I'm so schnookeered at the bar last night."
11 Spent

According to the expert from linguistics and minnesota nativeAnne Szustek Talbot, The Midwesternal use theargot "Mouse" instead of saying that something is "a little expensive".
Example: "This Ann Taylor Top is a bit spent on my taste."
12 Hot dish
Hotdish is the term of local minnesotan for a casserole, typically consisting of starch, meat and vegetable or frozen mixed with canned soup. "Bonus Points If the dinner incorporates the mushroom cream and is garnished with TATTES, Dukee fries onions, or potato designs," Talbot said. If you wanted proof that the Midwest is the epicenter of comfort comfort, the hotdâtises are they.
Example: "JEEZ, I'm not sure what was in this Hotdish, but I think my body just aged 20 years."
13 Trixie
This is a super specific term for a super specific part of the Midwest and a super specific type of GAL. According to Talbot, it is used in Chicago to refer to "a freshly graduated sorority sister of a large university in one of the northern side of Chicago to date its male equivalent (a" chad "), causing VW Jetta and avoids spilling it from the PSL on his Ann Taylor blouse. "
Example: "This Trixie never knows when the last Chad she meets."
14 NS

Rather than wasting valuable syllables, Midwesters are guilty of shortening the sentence "Have you eaten?" in "Jeet?" Because apparently, the Midwesters do not waste time with the basics of the language.
Example: "Jet again? There is a chain restaurant in the street, I'm dying to try."
15 Timber

As someone who grew up playing "Padiddle" with my friends - and is slightly embarrassed to admit it, I can tell you how important this word is for Midwesternal. Basically, in this simple car game, when you spot a vehicle with a single functional headlight, you shout "Paiddle". Then those who were not fast enough for the draw must remove a clothing item.
Example: Player 1: "Padiddle!" Player 2: "Jape, you're fast!"
16 Cramp
"Crick" is a direct result of the erroneous pronunciation of the word "Creek" - and the ideal way to encapsulate the strange way most MidwesterstersPronounce common words.
Example: "Take your tennis shoes before falling into the creek."
17 Schnookeered

In the Midwest, you do not receive "wasted" or "slammed" at the bar. People of the heart are more likely to say that they have been "schnokeered", Aka Du in public, in terms of lay.
Example: "I'm totally schnookeered on Brewskis last night, man."