That's why we cling to Christmas stockings, according to history and legend

Here's how the festive tradition of hanging the Christmas stockings came to be!

The Christmas stockings are a central feature ofHoliday home decor. The party accessories are hung in front of the chimney - "by the chimney with care", if you wait to be full of small giftsChristmas Eve. But did you knowheClassic Christmas Custom actually goes back to the 4ecentury? It's when Saint-Nicolas de Myra (the bishop who generated Santa Claus that we know and love today) Market the Earth, Make Miracles. According to a legend, Saint-Nicolas has helped a father who could not afford to obtain overlaps for his three girls. He threw gold bags through their window, where they landed in stockings left by the fire to dry.Whether it's really the source of the tradition of Bas suspended at Christmas is debating.

But here is another theory that goes back 700 years, when the Dutch children startedstuff their hooves with hay and carrots. They would leave the shoes outside their homes on the eve of Sinterklaas (December 6), believing that Santa Claus would take the treats for his reindeer and replace treats with coins orgifts for them to discover the next morning, according toSmithsonian.Over time, the shoes have been moved inside, then replaced by the children's socks - and the date on which they have been suspended have also changed, the day before the day before Saint-Nicholas on the eve of Xmas.

The American idea of ​​christmas stock stuff started withClement Clarke Moore's 1823 poem "A visit to Saint-Nicolas" (better known as "'Twas at night before Christmas")).Moore wrote that "the lows have been hung by the chimney with care / in the hope that Saint-Nicholas would soon be there." He also mentioned how Figure Jolly "filled all the bottom; then turned with a fool / and put his finger aside his nose / and giving a head head, the chimney he has pink."

As the poem wasRead and repeat every Christmas In the houses of the whole country, the tradition of the suspended stockings spreads with it,Penne underlines in his 1996 book,Christmas in America: a story.Mothers quickly started to customize the low, more elaborate, more elaborate, usually with the name of each child and manufacturers followed a combination with "a variety of storage specially designed for the reception of Christmas gifts", according to an article 1883 inThe New York Times.It was not long before the shoes are also familiar with a Christmas symbollike Jolly Old St. Nick himself!

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