15 strange Christmas traditions or forgotten person no longer does it

Some Christmas traditions lasted centuries, but these brains had faded over time.

Each holiday season, families around the worldcut their trees, sing carols, andhook down In the hopes, they will find them filled with goodies on the morning of Christmas. However, for all picturesque and picturesque customs and sometimes we follow today, there are so many foreign strange Christmas traditions that have been launched in the direction, falling from favor and remembered less and less each year.

So, we consultedBrian Earl, host of thePast Christmas Podcast, blog, andYoutube channelTo find out more about the most strange Christmas traditions of Yonde Yujetides, telling supernatural stories to hide coins in cakes. Continue reading for long-standing practices that you may want to revive your festivities and for more holiday triviales, discover55 Fun Christmas facts to get you into mind.

Make real plums of sugar (which were not overwritten)

Six sugar plum candies lying on a wooden table

You probably have readClement Clarke Moore's Iconic 1823 "'Twas at night before Christmas", which includes the line, "children were nestled all beds in their bed / while visions of sugar plums dance in the head." But have you ever stopped thinking about what a sugar plum is?

"Originally, it was Cardady seeds or cardamom pods - a kind of spice that was then covered with sugar," says Earl. (Modern holiday recipes involving dried fruit or nuts are actually "not at all authentic, but simply something thatAlton Brown compound, he says.) In this case, the wordplumComes from its unrelated use, which means "desirable", as in the term "plum work".

For some fascinating facts about the centerpiece of your decor, check30 incredible facts of Christmas trees to make an additional magical vacation.

Put Fruit Fund under your pillow

Christmas fruitcake in a serving dish on wooden table

Fruitcake got a bad rap late. But placing fruit cakes under your pillow actually soft origins. "If you have eaten a piece of fruit cooking - especially if it came from a wedding - and put the rest] under your pillow at night, the legend said you would dream of the person you will marry," says Earl.

And it's not the only oneChristmas tradition old involving love. Christmas hawks in the 17th century would also do things like throwing food on the wall to see if what is blocked the name of a lover. They also cast shoes in a tree - and if they were suspended there, the launcher would be married during the year. Today,French royalty Continues to serve fruit holidays in Christmastime's gatherings as a head of the tradition, explains Earl.

Celebrate the "donkey party"

Two donkeys in a field

In the twelfth century, France, a donkey would be led into a procession in the center of the city at the local church, where a service was in session. The donkey would stay next to the altar of the Church during the duration of the service, and the congregants imitate his Bray in a call and an answer with the priest. This tradition, known as the donkey party, was accompanied by "raucous parties that are usually abandoned," Earl said. The celebration has become such a problem that many cities have finally banned.

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Elect a child to lead the church

Bishop walks through a church followed by altar boys

Derived from the influence ofRoman Saturnalie The celebrations, social reversal has been a popular practice of the practice of Christmastime centuries ago, Earl said. This would generally involve the election of a "bishop, "or child, lead the church instead of a minister at the feast of Saint-Nicolas on December 6. 6. In the most extreme examples, you would find me" with a three-year current around the thing, "Earl explains.

Observe the twelve days of Christmas


Today theChristmas season Thanksgiving pass to Christmas Day. But it was not always the case. "Before, it was the opposite," explains Earl. The months before Christmas were considered the advent that, similar to Lent, was considered a period of stress for Christians.

Instead, the Christmas season was Christmas until the eve of the epiphany (January 6). And the biggest celebrations have really happened this last day, known as "twelfth night", which served as an inspiration forWilliam Shakespeare's Play the same name.

For the festive flick, you have to watch this year, discoverThe best Christmas movie of all time, according to critics.

Hide stringed beans in your Christmas cake

Slice of Christmas cake

Many games and Christmas celebrations have already been organized in the twelfth night. And one of these traditions, according to Earl, had to "cook a cake and hide something from something like a stringed bean or a coin", which is similar to the modern tradition of finding a bean or a figurine in A king cake served on Tuesday Gras in the south. Anyone who found the article in their slice of cake at the twelfth night "would lead the evening festivities," explains Earl.

Appointment of a bad frlege lord

Court jester performing at a Medieval festival

Under the tradition of the Lord of Mistrule, who was popular in medieval courts, a "Jester or Clown would become mayor of the city for the Christmas season, suggesting all sorts of funny things that everyone would have to do," explains Earl. According to the ruling structure of the village, it was also called "the abbé de Déraisonnier".

This tradition was supposed to provide entertainment throughout the Christmas season. Finally, the hoarse celebration was prohibited in 1541 byHenry VIII And banned again byElizabeth I After a brief resurrection by his predecessor.

For some fascinating regional celebrations that always exist, check20 Christmas ways is celebrated differently across the United States.

Wearing costumes

Venetian mask hanging outside a shop on an Italian street

Wearing costumes was a traditional part of theChristmas celebration, said Earl. In a famous case, a group of 13th century nobles burned to death when the tar of their "wild forest" costumes caught fire.King CharlesIn the meantime, escaped the incident and the practice closely forbidden in its yard.

Caroling extortion

Parents, children, and grandfather singing carols for senior woman
DGLImages / Shutterstock

"Caroling used to look like a lot more like something / milking," says Earl. In fact, in the nineteenth century Europe, it was an opportunity for the poor to ask for gifts of the wealthy landowners. According to Earl, "they would leave home at home and say," Ok, let's sing you a song and you can invite us to feed food or drink ... but if you do not do it, you do not Ever be aware of what will happen to your yard. '"Yikes!

Telling scary ghost stories

Marley's ghost illustration for a Christmas Carol

"In the song", this is the most wonderful period of the year: "You hear the line" There will be frightening ghost stories and stories of glory "and may wonder why there would be ghost stories Frightening at Christmas, "said Earl. In addition, you might be curious to know why "a Christmas carol", one of the mostFamous Christmas stories Of all time, is a ghost story.

Well, the Victorians - who have contributed to cement many of our modern American ideas of frightening Christmas-Christmas stories. In fact, "a Christmas carol" was far from the only Christmas theme ghost storyCharles Dickens written, said Earl. Yes, Christmas was once more fantasy and scary rather than warm and blurred.

Celebrate the supernatural

Ghostly silhouette of a woman

And it was not just stories of ghosts that made Christmas once the most foreign period of the year. "There was a huge supernatural component at Christmas," said Earl. For example, "in some parts of Europe, it was believed that supernatural activity was at a height on Christmas Eve, in a way the way it is the day of the dead." In addition, in Germany and Poland, if a child was born on Christmas Eve, they were considered asmore likely to be a wolf.

Think of Santa Claus like Gnome

Santa Claus in Coca-Cola ad
Coca Cola

In 1938, Coca-Cola and ArtistHaddon Sundblom Decided to describe Santa Claus as a "six feet grandfather and cultivated in its own right," said Earl. Due to their massive marketing budget, the coke version ofSanta Claus spread a lot and wide, and soon becomeThe standard image of Santaacross the United States and much of Europe. Before that, however, Santa's descriptions were "especially on the map," explains Earl. This included variations in Santa as a blind and a gnome - in fact, much of the time, it was not represented as fully human at all.

To worry about Santa's dust aids

Red sparkly elf shoes under a Christmas tree

Before the modern adoption of reindeer and elves inThe mythology of Saint Nick, Santa's assistants were a little more sinister. Instead, he would have "these characters Grouffis who walk with him and excessive punishment," says Earl. This includes the threatening Krampus, a horn goat that punishes vilain children and whose Christmas presence is always recognized in Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia.

Believe in "first foot"

Arch of Christmas lights in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

This superstitious Christmas tradition fell from the past in recent years, but "first foot" was the conviction that "the first person to cross the threshold [of a house]Christmas Eve Is considered good luck, especially if it were a black-haired gentleman, "says Earl. It has generally been observed in England and Scotland.

The preceding the tree

Decorated Christmas tree

"The Christmas tree was a regional German tradition," said Earl. And for many centuries, you would have been difficult to find people celebrating around a tree outside of Germany. Decorating Christmas trees has become popular internationally after Prince Albert and Queen Victoria have been sketched standing next to one at the Windsor Palace in an image of 1848 published in the News from London Illustrated, entitled " Christmas tree at Windsor Castle . "Soon, the British, Americans and other Europeans started doing the same thing.

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