50 "well known" facts that are actually common myths
These common myths have been transmitted as false made for years.

Sometimes it can be difficult to separate the facts of fiction, especially when so many "facts", we spent all our life are actually sustainableMyths and misconceptions. These common myths seem true because we have heard over and over again, we may have even learned from our parents, or have taught them at school. Nevertheless, it is more important than ever to call false facts that far too many people believe, if they are related to ourFour-legged friends or thecurrent pandemic. Continue reading to discover the truth behind some of the most common persistent myths. And for the latest myths for dispelling, see these5 myths dangerous on the necessity coronavirus vaccine cease to believe.
1 Bulls get angry when they see the red color.

You are not alone if you believe that when matadors wave these red capes to make load bulls to them, it is the brilliant color that encourages their anger. But, according to theAmerican Science Guide,bulls (like other cattle) are red-green daltonians. WhatActually triggers the anger of the bull is the movement of Cape. And for more anecdotes about big and small creatures, enjoy these75 animal facts that will change your way to see the animal Kingdom.
2 The red fish only have a three second memory.

Red fish have a reputation for having bad memories. But it turns out that the idea that these orange aquatic creatures can not remember things for three seconds is a myth. not onlyThis fake was demystified Several studies throughout the year, some research even indicate red fish could have a time of memory up to five long months.
3 We use only 10 percent of our brain.

Many people believe that humans use only 10 percent of their brain; it's even the plot line for the movie 2014Lucy,starringScarlett Johansson. However, that does notnothing other than a myth, neurologistBarry Gordon RecountScientific. He says that humans "virtually use all parts of the brain" and most of the brain is "active almost all the time. And for more false ideas than we can blame on movies, these ditch17 health myths perpetuated by Hollywood.
4 George Washington had wooden teeth.

He is the first president of our nation was not scanned a pair of wooden chompers. The historians of the Washington Library say that everythingGeorge Washington Has suffered from dental problems, his prostheses were composed of ivory, gold, lead, and even other teeth, but the man never wood. They believe thatthis common myth is the result of ivory stain over time, which gives false teeth the appearance of the wood.
5 Women accused of witchcraft were burned on the pyre during the Salm Sorcière tests.

According to history, the most accused witches at the Salem Witch trial of the end of the 17th century were hanged, while others died in prison while waiting for their trial. Themyth according to which they were burned on the stake Most likely due to the fact that during medieval witch trials in Europe, it was common practice to execute the accused by fiercely put them on fire. And to get rid of false historical ideas, know who23 basic questions American story Most Americans do not get me wrong.
6 You must drink at least eight glasses of water each day.

If you have trouble going to your eighth glass of water each day, do not feel bad the quota is not really a hard and fastRule for a healthy life. According to the Mayo Clinic, theamount of water you need every day Depends on several factors, such as your health, your level of activity, and where you live. No single number applies to man in all areas-some people may beperfectly hydrated With less than eight glasses and others might need more. And for more things that you could get bad about the needs of your body, consult these25 myths of health what you need to stop believing.
7 You will have cramps if you will swim just after you eat.

Although it is apopular belief that your muscles gets cramps if you swim right after eating, it's not true (no matter how many timesyour parents said he was) Yes, the body needs extra blood to digest, but not enough to prevent the muscles with your arms and legs to work as they should.
8 In the days of Christopher Columbus, everyone thought the world was flat.

Allegedly, about 500 AV. J.-C., the old Greek philosopherPythagoras was the first person topropose the theory that the earth was flat. But soon after, in the middle of the third century BC. J.-C.,AristotleStatus that the earth was, in fact, spherical. And although he might have taken a bit foreveryone to come around the reality that our planet is, well, round,Christopher Colombushas not been one of the defeatists. When he navigated the blue of the ocean in 1492, he knew that the earth was a sphere. According to the historianJeffrey Burton Russell, "With some extraordinary exceptions no educated person in the history of Western civilization of the third century BC. BCbelieved that the earth was flat"
9 Dogs only see black and white.

No, your puppy does not see the world in black and white. VeterinaryBarbara Royale explained to Huffpost that dogs "do not see all the colors we see, butthey can actually distinguish between colors. And for more information more up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
10 Adding salt with water boils faster.

The difference between boiling water with salt and boiling water without salt is negligible. Like Middlebury College chemistry teacherLesley-Ann Giddings explained to livescience, "the temperature of salt water will be warmer faster than that of pure water, but it still has a higher boiling point, and the mass is even more when you add salt in the same volume of water. Thisdoes not mean that salt water comes down faster"
11 It takes seven years for your body to digest the gum.

You no longer have time to bother on this piece of gum you accidentally renovated a few years. Although it is often said that your body takes several years (seven is the number you have probably heard more used) to digest the gum, which is just a common myth. According to the Mayo Clinic,Your body can not really digest at all the gumEven in seven years. You see, the gum does not stay in your stomach, it moves quickly through all your digestive system and out of your stool.
12 You swallow eight spiders a year during sleep.

You do not need to be an arachnophobe be created by the idea that you swallow without knowing eight spiders in your sleep ever year on average. But the fear more, because there is no truth to this notion. According toScientificThese eight legs web spinnings do not deliberately seek contact with humans, and vibrations that come from a sleeping person probably scareing a spider. So, while it is plausible that youcould swallowing a spider in your sleep, it's unlikely,nor any factual evidence as you swallow eight per year.
13 The great wall of China is the only human structure visible from space.

Many people have been said that China's great wall is the only human structure visible from space, but it's just not the case. According to Snopes, thisfake Most likely developed as an attempt to transmit the large scale of the wall. Low space at 180 miles high, the great wall is not the only visible object, nor the most recognizable.Images of NASA Prove that you can see "highways, airports, bridges, dams and components of the Kennedy Space Center. And if you go further in space, the wall can not be recognized in radar images, not with the human eye or even with a photo.
14 Marie-Antoinette said, "Let them eat the cake" for the poor despite.

Marie Antoinette For a long time been a hateful symbol of the royal decadence to answer the news that the French had no bread in 1789 with the expression without mercy, "let them eat the cake. But historians say that the Queen of France has made no comments.
Like history reports,Similar stories had spent years Before the end of the 18th century, one aboutMarie Theresefrom Spain, who marriedKing Louis XIVIn 1660. She was accused of suggesting that the French eat "the crust of paste" (the crust of the pâté).
In addition, the author of the biography of Marie-Antoinette,Lady Antonia Fraser, Says he'sThe quote is unlikely from the French Queen, Which was not only very charitable, but also had great compassion for the poor. For example, the day of the coronation of her husband, shewritten to his mother: "Seeing the people who treat us so well in spite of their own misfortune, we are more than ever committed to work hard for happiness. »
15 Napoleon Bonaparte was extremely short.

Napoleon Bonaparte is often represented as an aggressive man of abnormally small size, which is the term "complex of Napoleon"-used to describe the men who overcompensate for their lack of height aggression comes. However,Bonaparte was the most likely average size a little more than 5'5 "big, says the story. Historians assume themyth he was out of the ordinary smallis derived from a series of caricatures of the general by the British draftsmanJames Gillrayin the early 1800s.
16 A sou fell from the top of the Empire State Building could kill someone.

We all heard this one before, but it's just another myth add to your mistake list. According toScientific,a penny is too small and flat to win enough natural impetus to make any kind of fatal impact. At most, if you have been touched, it might feel like being a shy on the forehead "but not yet very difficult,"Louis Bloomfield, Physicist at the University of Virginia, saidSmall mysteries of life Going throughHuffPost.
17 Albert Einstein does not have the class of mathematics.

If only for the irony of all this, it is fun to imagine thatAlbert Einstein Was a poor student so that he does not have his grade class of math of school. But it's just not true. According to an article published inTime, thisrumor had ran so widely That he was a topic of a 1935 "Ripley believe it or not! " column. Einstein himself challenged the article, claiming that he was at the top of his class at elementary school. "For 15 years, I had mastered differential and integral calculation," he added.
18 You must wait 24 hours before submitting the report of a missing person.

Countless police drama and crime thrillers contributed to the spread of the myth you must wait 24 hours before being able to deposit the report of a missing person (who still seemed a little disconcerting, if you ask ourselves). Fortunately, it is a "fact" in the fictitious world of entertainment. According to Child Find of America,There is no delay in which a person must wait before reporting a missing person. In fact, acting in the first 48 hours is crucial to successfully locate a missing person.
19 Touching a toad will give you the warts.

Unfortunately, embrace a toad does not turn it into a beautiful prince. But the good news is, touching will not give you the disgraceous bumps.National Geographic saidThis rumor probably comes from That the toads themselves have wart like bumps on the skin, but they are glands just that anything to not secrete that can cause warts. While some crapaud secretions can irritate the skin, the actual warts are caused by human viruses, dermatologistJerry Litt said the publication.
20 The fruit for defended in the story of Adam and Eve is an apple.

Yes, the BibleIs To say that Adam and Eve ate a forbidden fruit. But despite many Sunday school stories and visual representations representing this fruit as an apple, he never said in the text as such. According to NPR, therepresentation of the apple was the result of confusion with the Hebrew Bible translated into Latin, using the term "penalty", which translates at the same time "evil"and "Apple."
21 Your hair and nails continue to grow after your death.

It is true that the hair and nails of a person canappear more after their death. But, according to the University of Arkansas for the medical sciences, which is only because the skin around nails a person and retracts hair over time due to the dehydration of the body,not because their hair and nails are actually more and more.
22 If you touch a bite with a bare hands, his mother rejects him.

It has long been believed that if you had to take a lost chill and return it to his nest, his mother will reject once she catches the scent of a human being. If it seems a little hard, it's because it's. It's just anothercommon myth, according toScientific. "In general link, wild animals with their young people and do not give up them quickly,"Laura SimonFrom the US Protective Society explained to the publication. In addition, aThe bird capacity with odor is still in debate.
23 Drinking alcohol increases your body temperature.

While you canto feel Hot when drinking alcohol, which is the alcoholic beverage and your brain get together and play tricks on the rest of your body. In reality,Alcohol really decreases your basic body temperature, According to a study of 2005 often cited published in the scientific journalAlcohol.
24 Cracking your phalanges too will cause arthritis.

Knuckle crackers in the world can easily rest, at least on the arthritis' forehead, because, according to Harvard Medical School,cracking does not increase your phalanges to develop the painful common condition. Thiscracking of noise comes from the collapse of gas bubbles. However, cracking can too often weaken the strength of your handle (without talking to aggravate the nerves of people around you).
25 Georgia produces the most peaches of any state in the United States

Georgia can be known asPeach StateBut he is the Golden State who is the producer of high fishing in the United States in according to theAgricultural Marketing Resource Center, California grew 541,000 tons of peach in 2017. During this time, Georgia was not even in the top three, even thoughFisheries are the official fruit of the state! (For those who are curious, New Jersey, finished second and Pennsylvania finished third.)
26 Sugar causes hyperactivity in children.

Many parents blame the rugged behavior of their children on sugar overabundance, but there is no real evidence to support these demands. A definitive 1995 meta-analysis published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNALfoundsugar in the child diet does not change their behavior.
27 The bats are blind.

Unlike popular belief and idiom "like a blind bat" nocturnal creatures can absolutely see. In fact,Rob Mies, Former executive director of the organization for conservation beats,RecountNational Geographic, Bats "can see three times better than humans. So joke is on us!
28 The lightning never strikes twice.

You have probably heard someone say that "lightning never strikes twice," but when this old adage is still used today, it's not true, at least not scientifically. Nasademystified this myth In 2003, the reports that "lightning certainly strikes more than one place. In fact, it does a third of the time!
29 Humans only have five senses.

Many of us have learned that humans have five senses: touch, taste, smell, view and hearing. But they are only the fivebasic sense. Although this concept of "five" sensesOrigin with Aristotle, Many scientists say thatHumans have made between 14 and 20 senses.
30 Shaving your hair grows thicker.

Have you ever been warned against shaving arm hair, with the being of reasoning that it would just push more thick? Well, you're lucky, because we are about to demystify this myth.Shaving your hair does not change Color, growth rate, or thickness, says the Mayo Clinic. All it does is to give hair a blunt tip, which couldto feel Crosse that she grows out. But then it may seem more noticeable or thicker during this period, it is not in reality.
31 Chameleons change color to blend in their environment.

Yes, chameleons have the ability to change the colors, but the falsity here lies in the reason they do. According toWired,chameleons change color to regulate their temperature Or communicate with other chameleons, not to camouflage.
32 The declaration of independence was signed on July 4th.

Of course, you know that theOn the four of July is a national holiday during which the Americans celebrate the independence but of their country do not get confused the actual date at which the declaration of independence has been signed. While the Congress has approved the final declaration on July 4, 1776, thedocument has not been signed before August 2nd of this year.
33 Bananas grow on trees.

We all know that money does not grow on trees, but many of us believe that bananas are doing. Unfortunately, we are still deceived. Although they can look like trees, theRAINFORES ALLIANCE says that plants grow bananas on are actually "giant herbs related to lilies and orchids. »
34 Dogs sweat through their tongues.

Since the languages of most dogs hang when they halught, many people think that sweat is like dogs. But, according to the American Kennel Club,The Merocrine of Soutoripares Gland Dog Function Similar to Man and are located on their cushions. They also have apocrine sweat glands, but these are located all over the body, not just about their language. The reason why dog pants is to evaporate the moisture of their tongue, nasal pathways, and the lining of their lungs, making help to cool them.
35 It is safe to eat food that has been on the ground for five seconds or less.

Do not adhere to the five-second rule and take your chances with the food that fell on the floor. When the researchers at Clemson University Left Bologna and bread on a surface contaminated by salmonella in a 2017 study, they found that "A significant amount of bacteria transferred to food within five seconds"
36 All desserts are hot.

Deserts are not defined by their temperatures, but by their lack of rainfall. And while most of the world's most famous deserts are indeed hot,There are deserts that are so cold brutal. Known as polar deserts, these arid areas are in Iran (called Dasht-e Lut) and North Greenland, for example.
37 Fortune Cookies is from China.

Today, you are likely to receive a fortune cookie-stuffed with a proverb and lucky numbers - at the end of each meal in a Chinese restaurant in the US butNational Museum of American History stresses that the creator of the Biscuit of Fortune wasSuyichi Okamura, a Japanese immigrant who led a confectionery store in northern California in the early 1900s. When Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps duringThe Second World WarChinese Americans have taken over the fortune biscuit industry and that's why you see many of these treats in Chinese restaurants today.
38 The sun is yellow.

According to Stanford solar center, "it's acommon misconception that the sun is yellow or orange or even red. "In reality," the sun is essentially all the mixed colors, which appear in our eyes as white. "The reason we see the sun like yellow or orange most of the time is because these colorful wavelengths, which are longer, are the only ones that make them in our eyes. The other colors short-length of Wave-green, blue and purple are dispersed by the atmosphere, which looks from the blue sky during the day!
39 Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's independence day.

The revelator Cinco de Mayo has nothing to do with Mexican independence, but rathercelebrates a military victory. On May 5, 1862, the Mexican army successfully rejected France at the battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican war. Although the country's victory has been short-lived, people around the world participate in the celebration commemorating this battle every year with fireworks and parties.
40 You must urinate on someone if they are stung by a jellyfish.

Here is a "fact" that you are probably relieved to hear fiction. According to the Clinic of Cleveland, thegood way to treat a jellyfish sting is with hot water. Not only the urine is the urinenot an effective method of treatment, but it can evenaggravate the sting!
41 President Richard Nixon has been successfully acquitted.

He would probably have been, but that never did it. Official impregnation hearings againstRichard Nixon started in May 1974, but the 37thThe President announced his resignation August 8th before anyone can force it successfully in office.
42 Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.

Brown eggs are not healthier than white eggs. The color of a shell of an egg is simplydetermined by the type of chicken posing. And here is a fun fact: chickens with white bulgers typically lay white eggs!
43 Go outside with wet hair makes you sick.

Come downSub-zero temperatures Just after washing that your hair may make you front - and it could freeze your hair - but that will not make you sick.The colds are caused by a virus, and they do not care if your hair is wet or dry. "Youcan not catch a cold or flu simply out with wet hair during the winter,"Anita Skariah, Do, a doctor specializing in internal medicine and pediatrics at UNC Healthcare, told agitation. The tales "wives" are valid conclusions of the observations that people have done over the years, but it has not been conclusively proved. "
44 The peanuts are a type of nut.

Despite the misleading name,Peanuts are actually a type of legume. Although they are commonly served with nuts like nuts and almonds, they are more closely linked to clovers and chickpeas.
45 Twinkies has no expiry date.

Sorry, but Twinkies will not give up hunger during a zombie apocalypse. AsTHERESA COGSWELL, former Vice President of Research and Development at Interstate Bakeries Corp. (and a self-proclaimed Twinkie fanatical), saidThe Washington Post, the sweetSnack has only 25 days shelf life. However, still long with regard to pastries, it is unlikely that your Twinkie hiding will succeed through a nuclear winter.
46 There is a universal signage language.

The sign language is a form of manual communication and there are variations depending on the country and the region that you are in another language. In the United States, for example, you will find an American signaling language (ASL), which uses a spelling alphabet to a spelling hand, while the language of the British signs (BSL) in the U.K. is a different language.Uses a two-handed alphabet. And the differences are only from there!
47 The sugar causes headaches.

It isnot the sugar itself that causes your headache; It's a quick drop in your blood sugar level that delighted ravages on your head. For some people, eating a heavy carbohydrate meal leads to excess production of the hormonal insulin to the regulation of sugar, which renders the rates of glucose falls and leads to throbbing headaches that you often feel after consuming Too much cupcakes.
48 Put your laptop on your knees will cause infertility.

ThisMyth gained traction In 2011 when Argentinian researchers published a study in the journalFertility and sterilityAffirming that laptop radiation could affect sperm production. However, other scientists have been quick toDebunk Conclusions.
49 Chances are always 50-50 in a currency.

A group of researchers from Stanford Universityproved this wrong misconception erroneous In 2007 when they returned aparcel Neighborhoods and found that a coin was more likely to get rid of the face he started. The researchers put your chances real at more than 51-49 years, take special attention to the part of the coin when you make your call!
50 Every living thing dies.

Although yes, most living beings finally die, there is a kind of medusa that does not attempt technically. Known as theTuritisis Dohrniiii, This basicallyThe creature of the immortal sea returns to a juvenile state after adulthood-So he can live another life next to his offspring!