If you have Apple devices, you must do it immediately.

A security vulnerability could endanger you.

Some software updates on your phone, your tablet and your computer can bring new exciting features that can make it feel like a new device. Others are pushed in the middle of the night and go completely unnoticed. But if you have Apple devices, you should be sure ofDownload the latest iOS update immediately Due to safety concerns,Strong reports. Read on to see why your products immediately need this hotfix, and for more important updates on your devices, discoverIf you use this to load your phone, the officials say stop now.

The last update named iOS 14.4.1 - Prot as a high security fix for all devices running the operating system, including any iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch or Apple Computer. The new software offers Microsoft and Google researchers have discovered aMajor vulnerability in IOS 14.4 Update Noted as a "high" gravity, Lifehacker reports.

The security problem focuses on what is called a webkit problem in which the malicious code may have to operate on a device simply by visiting a website. The attackers couldTheir victims without mistrust with e-mails or text messages Containing links to pages that can exploit the security breach.

"This vulnerability allows an attacker to embrace the contents only when it is treated on the device, give them the possibility of executing their code on it,"Daniel Mapa Cybersecurity Consultant, saysStrong. He suggested that it was important for Apple's product owners to be updated to IOS 14.4.1 "in a timely manner".

Fortunately, the update an update will be the problem on all devices. To make sure that you are running the last iOS, you can visit your iPhone or iPad settings, open the monitoring application or click the Apple logo on your computer to start the update. IPhones and iPads up-to-date show that iOS 14.4.1 is running, while Apple Watch will be updated to 7.3.2, and computers with MacOS Big on MUST execute version 11.2.3, Lifehacker reports .

Unfortunately, the last safety feat is not the only way to place in a numerical hazard. For the othersways that your phone could become compromised, keep reading and for more other products that could endanger you, discoverIf you have this popular app on your phone, delete it now.


young woman using speakerphone
Shutterstock / Branislav Nenin

The preferred voice wizard of everyone can be able to give a hand when you can not use yours, but there is a risky feature that you should be aware. ACable 2018 article warned consumersTo disable SIRI access when their screen is locked. Unfortunately, if you can easily access Siri without pass code, other people can also.

Unsecured applications

Close-up of an unrecognizable woman using smart phone

Just like doing shopping in the physical world, trust your choice that your products can be important. According toNeil Roach, aInform with 20 years of experience Founder of Boxroom desktop, many smartphones users will move from their way to download unsecured applications, which are "downloaded from a website and not from Google Play or Apple App Stores". And while the applications themselves may not be malicious, they often come with "security vulnerabilities that do not become apparent before you find you the victim of identity theft".

Unrecognizable text messages

older white woman texting outside while looking concerned

According toAnti Alatalo, atechnical expert and founder of Smart Watches 4 U, smartphone users should notOpen all text messages they do not recognize, especially if they store private information on their phone. These absent texts of blue could actually be "malicious malicious that downloads automatically when you click the message".

Public wifi

People on laptops in coffee shop wifi

You can enjoy can be able to browse the web while sitting in your favorite local coffee. But according toTurner Gabe, aDigital security expertand chief editor of Security.org, someone can easily hack your phone if you are connected to the public wifi. "If you are connected directly and not to a virtual private network (VPN), people can see your web business and your private IP address, which makes you more likely to hack. And they can access your photos", warn- he. And for more new technologies, you need to know, check Apple has just announced that this stopped this classic product .

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