15 surprising things you should never hunt

Plumbers warns that just because something says "fllushable" does not mean it's.

You probably do not spend a lot of time thinking about the functionality of your plumbing bathroom - until something is wrong, that is to say. Unfortunately, in many fireplaces, the toilets become the method of de facto elimination for virtually any household element when the trash is full, which often leads toSerious plumbing problems along the way. If you want to avoid an expensive error, discover which plumber objects say that you should never rinse the toilet. And for more ways to avoid a plumbing problem, check these13 things you should never hit the drain.


woman holding handful of hair

Cut your beard or clean your brush on the toilet could lead to an expensive plumbing problem before knowing it. "Garnished hair and beard do not dissolve in the water," says the certified plumberStephany Smith ofMy plumber. And it's more than just an obstacle you will face if you make a regular habit. Smith warns the hair that the hair can "entanglement around the internal toilets [parts] and form a massive ball of toilet obstacles".


close up of woman's hands using gel soap

Soap can be just fine to rinse your sink drain, but it's a major mistake to rinse your toilet.

"It's a common misconception that a cleaning tablet or soap detergent canclean your toilet, "Smith warns. She says no soap should be used in your toilet tank nor your bowl if you want to keep its feature. And for more errors, you can do with your pipes, check21 ways of damaging your home, according to your plumber.

Shampoo and after-shampoo

white hands pouring shampoo
Shutterstock / Pixel-shot

The same goes for shampoos and conditioners, explains Smith. "It's a bad idea to spill the washes, shampoos or revitalizers" in the toilet, she says. Indeed, these products tend to contain essential oils and cocoa butter, which are particularly likely to plug your pipes.

Talcum powder

white hand full of talcum powder
Shutterstock / ShaynedrinkstockPhoto

If you apply personal care products like Talcum Powder in the bathroom, make sure you do it with the closed toilet cover.

Smith says products like Talc can "form a tumble of tumbled" in your plumbing system or leave residues on your pipes that can lead to future hoofs. And for more useful information delivered in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


Woman hand holds white medication pills, pours from a white bottle into palm the calcium tablets dietary supplement.

They can not obstruct your pipes, but rinse prescription or over-the-counter medications in your toilet can cause serious problems well beyond your pipes. "The ingredients of the pharmaceuticals can pose hazards to your water supply," explainsGLENN GALLAS, Vice President of OperationsMr. Rooter, aNeighborhood society.

Instead, Gallas recommends returning allDrug unused At your local pharmacy or contact drug elimination programs in your area. And to avoid more mistakes like this, check these30 surprising things you should never put in garbage.


cub of overflowing cotton swabs

Although many types of cotton and paper - the main components of most cotton swabs are biodegradable, it does not mean that your plumbing system can handle to have cotton pads swimming there. "The cotton of these items can easily block and grab about everything," says Gallas.

It adds that cotton pads can even hurt the waste processing machines long after leaving your home plumbing system and often have to be manually removed by the worn plant workers.

Rough wipes

Baby wipes

Just because this box of wipes says they are flushes do not mean that you should actually eliminate them in the toilet.

"Although flying wipes can degrade faster than" non-fllushabic "wipes, they still do not degrade enough fast," saysMark Dawson, director of exploitation atBenjamin Franklin Plumbing. When you flush, they "sit in your toilet pipes, slow down everything," says Dawson.

Makeup wipes

young asian woman removing makeup with wipe
Shutterstock / Zyn Chakrapong

If this makeup is quite mild for your face, it should be soft enough for your plumbing system, right? Well, not exactly.

Commercial and residential plumberRyan Thompson, founder ofPlumbing Informant, says that, like other wipes, some makeup wipes can claim to be flushes, but "unless they are constructed to dissolve in water, it's not true." And to avoid more expensive mistakes, see these50 ways you ruin your home without realizing.

Litter for cats

litterbox things you should clean every day

If you rinse the contents of your cat litter box, do not be surprised when you find yourself with a major plumbing repair on your hands. "Plumbing systems are specifically designed to treat only human waste," says Thompson. "The cat litter is much stronger, which can lead to an obstacle."

Thompson also notes that chat waste may contain parasites that are not easily filtered by the average wastewater treatment system.

Chemical drain cleaners

man pouring chemical drain cleaner down a sink

This drain cleaner you used to disconnect your sink and shower has no place to the bottom of your toilet. "In your business to prevent hooves with difficult [chemicals], things can get still shallow blockages can go further into the plumbing system," says Smith.

And keep your family away from hard chemicals, check these15 cleaning products that you should keep away from your children.

Petroleum beauty products

Hand pouring oil for massage

Dyching that hair or body oil that do not suit you well? You will want to look elsewhere than your toilet to eliminate it.

Even one instance of rinse oil "can put you in the unpleasant situation of a dirty toilet," explains Smith, who explains that "they often solidify as they cool and develop in your pipes".

Dental floss

Dental floss

There may be relaxed things from your teeth, but do not deceive yourself: Dental floss can be constantly blocked in your plumbing.

"It's not biodegradable - and most often teflon or department - it envelops other non-biodegradable products to obstruct a system," saysplumber Joe Wood, founder of the standard Boston company.


hands applying bandage to finger
Shutterstock / JPC-Prod

If you have finished with this bandage, make sure to put it in the trash, not from the toilet. Depending on the wood, such as dental floss, your medium bandage is a "non-biodegradable product that will bind other non-dispersible items and cause problems."

Small objects

close up of hand lowering toilet seat

Unpleasant even if thought can be, if you accidentally drop something small and spent in your toilet, the best movement is to fish.

"All these small plugs of shampoos, food waste, razor blades, children's toys, hair clips, etc. can seduce a mountain of disorders of your toilet drain," explains Smith, who Note that these items can be trapped and caused your toilets to overflow.

To paint

woman dipping brush into paint

Have an extra painting left of aProject around the house? Whatever you do, do not pour into your toilet for elimination.

"The paint contains certain chemicals, such as biocides and cadmium, which can create a growing growth and damage the environment," Thompson said. And if you want to keep your home in the top tremor, avoid these23 common cleaning errors that experts really say ruin your home.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: cleaning / Home
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