50 facts about the wonders of nature that will take the breath

There are many more than seven years ago.

Even the most methodical scientists and the skeptics jeeded can not help but be impressed by the geniality of nature. Whether it's the majesty of the Grand Canyon, the intensity of a hurricane, or the complex beauty of a colorful butterfly, the world around us is really incredible. But the craziest thing about nature is perhaps that there is always new information to learn and new sites to see. So we have rounded a little shocking, funny and quite strangeFacts about wonders of nature it will give you evenFollowingAppreciation for the riches of the planet.

Acacia can notify each other.

Acacia tree at sunset in Kenya 03

Arcadia trees, which grow throughout the African savannah, have a unique defense system. When animals like antelopes begin to swell his leaves, the treeIncreases the production of tanninsto toxic levels for animals.

But that's not all. The tree then emits an ethylene gas cloud that runs air, reaching other trees so that they can also start producing more tannins.

Owls do not have eyeballs.

Owl head

What they have instead are better described as eyesTubes. As they can not move these tubes from before ahead, owls have developed incredible neck flexibility to see the world around them. They can turn the head a power270 degrees, while humans can only manage around 180.

As a result, owls have a special blood vessel system in the head to prevent fresh blood flowing into the brain when a fast head cuts traffic.

In space, the metal can weld by itself.

Shot of planet earth from space.

On the earth, you need heat to merge metal, but in space, two pieces of the same type of metal will merge with only a small pressure. The process is calledcold welding, and this happens because of the lack of atmosphere.

There are 28 types of "corpse flowers".

WASHINGTON, DC, USA - AUGUST 2, 2016: a corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) hits peak bloom at the United States Botanic Garden in Washington, DC. - Image

You may not know about thekind of plantsRafflesia,But you may have heard of the "corpse flower", a rare type of jungle plant that attracts pollinating insects to its enormous flowers feeling death and rot.

In fact, there are 28 distinct species of this rootless and no-leaf plant, with size flowers ranging from about 5 inches to 40 inches. Most of these flowers take six to nine months to grow and start to break down in a few days.

Fun Done: The Pokémon Vileplemeume and Sloom characters were inspired by this unusual flower.

The baby giraffes use their buttocks like pillows.

commonly misspelled words

While adult giraffes usually sleep standing, baby giraffeswill become a little more comfortable.They die on the floor and take advantage of their exaspolable neck, twisting around their nogins on their own Noggins. It does not look particularly comfortable, but it's surelyShe looks cute!

The heat is the most mature weather.

Thailand city view in heatwave summer season high temperature from global warming effect

Tornadoes, hurricanes and floods can devastate entire cities at a time, but the meteorological condition that proves the most murderer for humans is actually heat.

Looking at thenumbers of the last 30 years, Tornadoes have caused an average of 70 deaths a year and flood an average of 81 butHeatprovoked an average of 130 deaths a year. If you do not have access to air conditioning or sufficient water, excessive heat can be fatal.

Cows kill more people than sharks.

Two Cows national animal

It appears that,JawsThings are really blowing proportion for sharks. According toDisease Control Center, Sharks kill an average of four persons a year, while cows kill an average of 22 per year. Although some are due to road accidents, 75% were premeditated attacks.

"What is really chilled is that in five cases people have been killed by several cows in group attacks",Gizmodo journalist wrote. "Group attacks can be surprisingly well coordinated. When they feel defensively, cows will gather in a circle, all kinds out, lowering the head and stampen the ground. When they feel offensive, some cows lead the charged."

An extinct species of penguins was nearly 7 feet high!

emperor penguin animal facts

The biggest penguins around nowadays are empero penguins, measuring respect4 feet tall.

However, there are 37 million years ago, a species known asPALAEUDYTES KLEKOWSKIII, WherePenguins Colossus, Antarctic traveled. They weighed about 250 pounds and were about 6 feet, 6 inches tall, which is the average NBA player.Unfortunately, like modern penguins, these Penguins Colossus could not fly or, presumably, Dunk. But it's always fun to imagine a penguin that passes one on one withJames Lebron.

Goats have accents.


Researchers from Queen Mary University of London have found that while goats do not have their own language, they seem capable ofgather accents one of the other. You can listen to some of themhere.

There is a mushroom that bleeds.

Hydnellum ferrugineum, or Rusty Bleeding Tooth Fungus, with red liquid droplets, growing among pine branches and needles

Found everywhere in the United States, especially in the northwestern Pacific, themushroomHYDNELLUM PECKII Has a pretty incomparable appearance, especially when you are young.

This mushroom releases a thick and dark red sap on a white cap, the winner of many nicknames, "strawberries and cream", "tooth of the devil", "murderous teeth". Fortunately, neither the fungus nor the sap are toxic, but they both said to be bitter importantly. We therefore suggest staying away.

African buffalo herds make decisions voting.

Buffalo Animal Jokes

Apparently, democracy is not limited to humanity. For example, African buffalo herds are known to select the direction they move in voting.

One by one,Adult females of the flockwill defend, look in a particular direction, then fold. Whatever the direction gets the most looks is almost always where the flock moves. If the vote is strongly divided, the flock will often separate temporarily.

The red deer and many types of monkeys present similar democratic behavior.

The Pitcher plant of the bass is a toilet and a food source all in one.

Nepenthes, Tropical pitcher plants and monkey cups

You probably heard aboutcarnivor plantslike Venus Flytrap, but theNepenthes Lowii(or the bottom pitcher plant) has moved away from eating animals, in order to feast on what they leave behind.

The plant secretes a white and sweet nectar that birds and musaraignes love. But to access them, they must perch their rear ends on the mouth of the Pitcher plant. "Basically, it's a complete toilet with a feeding station," saida researcher At the Royal Roads University in British Columbia.

Bats save us billions of dollars a year.

Fruit bat

The bats tend to have a bad rap. The truth is, they gobble a lot of annoying insects. In fact, they are so good to keep the parasites away from our food crops that they will save farmers alone at least$ 3.7 billionon pesticides each year. SoThe bats are actually an important factor in our agricultural economy.

Our brain is narrowing.

doctor holding a brain

Fossil evidence tells us that, over the last 10,000 years, the averageThe human brain has narrowedAbout the size of a tennis ball. But that does not mean that we are less intelligent. Our smallest brains are probably more efficient, especially since most of us live in settled companies and do not need to constantly be on the lookout for predators. So do not worry too much; Your own brain is probably very good.

More male giraffes are gay than any right.

Scientists say that homosexual activity in male giraffes is more common than heterosexual activity. In a study by Tanzania published inBiological exuberation, 94% of all observed mounting activities were the same sex.

Our galaxy is placed to collide with Andromeda Galaxy.

planets in space in the future

Our galactic house, the Milky Way, is on an inevitable collision course with our nearest neighbor, Andromeda Galaxy.

The stars, including our sun, you will crush one another and the orbits will fly away from guy. Chaos will continue for a while, but eventually, everything will settle and theTwo galaxies will mergeIn a huge elliptical galaxy.

Do not lose any sleep on this eventuality, however, that will not happen for $ 3.75 billion.

You will grow nearly 600 miles of hair in your life.

unwashed hair best hair over 40

The average person will increase 590 miles of hair in their lives, according toThe Express. Presumably, this is cumulative of each hair on your body put end at the end. Nose hair alone contribute 6.5 feet of the total.

Dementities exist in nature.

Tarantula hawk wasp

Well, somehow.In 2015, Thailand's scientists discoveredA new species of wasp with a horrible method to kill their prey.

The wasps injected Venom into cockroaches to paralyze them, so they can drag the roach to their lair and start to feast while Roach is still alive. Finding a name for this Waspe, scientists watched theHarry PotterUniverse, in which the dampers punish their victims by sucking the souls of their alive bodies. And so, theWEMEOR WASPEwas born.

The king's holly plant breeds by cloning.

Leaves of Lomatia ferruginea (Fuinque), in the middle of the rainforest of southern chile mountain ranges - Image

Most plants breed by mixing the genetic material of two or more plants. But this is not trueof a plant of Lomatia calledHolly of the king.

To reproduce, the plant simply falls on its own branch, which will form its own root system and become its own plant, but with an identical DNA to the mother plant. Unfortunately, it is difficult for these plants to form defenses against diseases and predators without mixing genetic material. So, therefore, Holly of the king, What exists only in Tasmania, is in critical danger.

Saturn could float on the water.

planet Saturn in front of the Milky Way galaxy (3d illustration, elements of this image are furnished by NASA) - Illustration

The size has nothing to do with buoyancy. Take a giant iceberg, for example. It's less dense than what is about, it is therefore capable of sitting on the water.

The gas also has a density substantially lower than that of the liquid, including water. So, even if Saturn is the second largest planet of our solar system because it is made almost entirely of gas and ice,The planet could really floatin water. Good luck to find a tub pretty big to test it.

The armadillos are bullets.

armadillo near the everglades

There were many reports that if you pull an armadillo, the ball will be ricochet of the animal's armor and rather the shooter.

When a man in Texas has released his revolver .38 andshot three shots in a tear, The chained ball hitting man in the face, which led to having him closed his jaw. Long short story, do not try to test this one at home.

More than 200 viruses can cause a cold.

woman blowing her nose on the couch

There is more than200 different viruses which can cause symptoms ofthecommon cold.These upper respiratory infections are generally due to rhinovirus, but corona viruses, adenoviruses and enteroviruses can also result in colds.

The average adult gets two to four colds a year, which is not too serious given all different viruses that your body must fight to maintain this statistic. Thank you, mother nature.

Caffeine is a natural pesticide.

Businessman Drinking Coffee

Caffeine who is in tea leaves, Guarana berries, Kola nuts and, of course,coffee beans-Acts like aNatural pesticide.

It overloads the nervous systems of insects that try to eat plants containing caffeine, paralysis and even kill them before being able to do too much damage. It also affects the central nervous systems of humans, but for us, it simply acts as a stimulant.

Women flash more often than men.

woman blinking 50 amazing things your body tells you

On ato study Of the Functional Anatomy Research Center in Milan, women flash an average of 19 times per minute, while men flash only 11 times per minute. And now, you know the cards as stacked against women in the contests looking.

March has the biggest volcano of the solar system.

mars opposition {best of 2018}

13.6 miles of height and 370 miles wide,OLYMPUS MONSOn the Western March hemisphere is the largest volcano of our solar system.

We do not know if this volcano is still active. But what we know is that Olympus Mons has been able to grow so fat because March, unlike the earth, has no changing tectonic plate, so the mountain is simply on a hot spot that it gives a constant amount of lava.

Happy pop cobays like popcorn.

guinea pig

When a pig from India, especially a baby pig from India, is excited, it simply can not keep this feeling. It grows four feet and jumps directly into the air, resembling a nucleus of popcorn in a microwave.

Guinea pigs are not the only animals thatPop corn, As this behavior is called. The gazelles will make something similar to Predators, and even the horses have been known to popcorn on occasion.

Humans eats only 200 types of plants.

picking plants hobbies

Scientists feel that there are about it400,000 species of different plantson earth. It is much more difficult to estimate how many of them are edible, but the figures range from 80,000 to 300,000.

But in all cultures around the world we do not eat only 200 of these edible plants. Surprisingly, about 50% of the calories of plants we eat come from only three species: rice, wheat and corn (corn).

Your femur is stronger than concrete.

Inner/Outer Thigh Machine

Your femur, which is your cooking, is the biggest and strongest bone of your body.Book for the book, a human femur can withstand four times more pressure than the same amount of concrete because of theStructure and density of the bone.Once again, it's not something worth trying at home.

Lazy only poop once a week.

endangered species

All about lazy is slow, including their metabolism. The average pavers of adult lashing once every five to seven days and, when that would, he can expel a third of his own body weight.

Unfortunately,These trees inhabitantsGo down to the ground to defecate, who save their energy and leaves them vulnerable to predators. About half of the lazy deaths occur during their defection once a week.

Black holes are not really black.

black hole

In the heart of a black hole is something called a gravitational singularity, which is a mass so dense that it creates a gravity too strong for even the light to escape, that is to say the "black" part Black hole.

However, quantum physics really predicts that black holes, especially the smallest, emit observable radiation, including visible light. It's calledFalcon radiationAfter astrophysicist, Dr. Stephen Hawking, and he slowly drains the black holes of their mass and energy.

Liquids can boil and freeze at the same time.

Although it sounds completely counter-intuitive, all substances are called a "triple point" or the exact temperature and pressure to which the three main states of the material, liquid and solid are at the time. balance. For water, this point exists at 0.01 ° C (32,018 ° F) and611.657 Pascals of the partial pressure of the steam.

Like temperature and pressure fluctuate in tiny amounts around this triple point, aThe frozen liquid can start boilingand a boiling liquid can freeze solid. Pretty wild, huh?

The new Iberian ribbed uses its own bones like weapons.

The Iberian ribbed newt or Spanish ribbed newt (Pleurodeles waltl) - Image

It is a difficult world and animals must protect themselves from predators, but they can. For some, likeIberian ribbed born,It means pushing their own bones through their skin.

The Newt's abdomen contains special tubers that allow his ribs to tread his skin when the newt is frightened. As an extra bonus, his skin secretes a toxic chemical, transforming this little creature without pretension into a killer of all that tries to bite. Basically, this little guy is the real life of Wolverine.

Hurricanes release the energy of 10,000 nuclear bombs.

hurricane katrina

If you measure the kinetic energy of its only wind speed, a single mature hurricane can equal about half of our electricity production capacity of our planet. If you measure it in terms of precipitation, however, aThe hurricane frees strength10,000 atomic bombs on an area of ​​about 413 miles wide.

Of course, the difference is that energy is extended throughout the area instead of radiant by one point. Nevertheless, a well maintained force can make heavy damage, because too many flowers, Texans, Louisianians and North Carolins know each other.

Bamboo is the fastest plant in the world.

Stack of bamboo rice steamers

There are about 1,000 different types of bamboo and many grow fast enough, but only a few species can reachGuinness World Recordspeeds. The current registration is an amazing rate of 35 inches a day, or nearly three feet. The more typical growth rate of temperate climates is more similar to 1 to 4 inches a day, which is stilla lot.

Your language is composed of eight muscles.

Swollen tongue, doctor

The language is composed of eight muscles: four that anchor it at the head and neck, and four that mingle with makeupmuscle hydrostat,as an elephant trunk. Although it may not be the strongest muscle of the body - an honor that would go to the heart, the muscles of the jaw, or even the maximum glause, depending on how you measure the force - which does not make the less remarkable language.

The camel bumps consist of fat, no water.

camels in the desert

It is time for the world to know the truth. While you probably have not thought that these camel strips were drinks coolers, you may have imagined that all water as a camel.Up to 53 gallons in three minutes-Has to go somewhere. And that's, but it's not in his bumps. The water remains the stomach or the blood circulation of camels.

These bumps actually store fat, which is theCamel energy sourceWhen the food is rare. Since camels live in hot environments, they do not want all that insulating fat and overheating their organs, so it is stored in natural "backpacks" instead.

The resurrection plant can increase dead.

Rose of Jericho, Resurrection Plant, Selaginella lepidophylla

Also known as "Jericho Rose" or "Dinosaur Plant"Selaginella lépidophylllacan survive extreme dehydration. It is found in the deserts of North and South America, and in the total absence of water, it is ball in a dead appearance bullet.

This can remain in this way for months, but when it comes into contact with moisture, it reverses on a question of hours and start to find its green color. It synthesizes a special sugar called trehalose that protects its cells from the damage resulting from dehydration. It turns out, the resurrection is possible.

The ocean produces up to 85% of the oxygen of the earth.


Tiny housing creatures calledphytoplankton In fact, those who produce the vast majority of oxygen in our atmosphere: 50 to 85% are accurate. Although they are too small to see without microscope, they live in the upper layers of water and use the same installations of do-photosynthesis methods - to convert sunlight into energy, creating oxygen in the process.

A day on Venus Hardmanner More than a day on the earth.

the planet venus in space

On earth thanseemsAs a day can last longer than a whole year. In reality, our planet turns on its axis once every 24 hours and constitutes a complete revolution around the sun every 365.25 days.

On Venus, however, it turns much more slowly.A Venusian day-that is to say. Only one rotation on its axis - can take 243 days of the earth.It would be great on weekends, but it would make the work week in a Tortuisist way.

One of the closest living parents of the elephant weighs 10 pounds.

Close up image of rock hyrax sitting on a cliff - Image

The blurRock Hyrax Only found in some parts of Africa and the Middle East. Although it may seem a little memorable, it has a relative enough incredible: the elephant.You must look quite closely to see the similarities between these 10-pound creatures and an elephant of 10,000 pounds. But Roche Hyrax has long front teeth that look distinctly like tund.

TheElephant and HyraxShare another relative in the manaten. We will totally look at a family reunion among these three species.

Diamonds and pencils are manufactured in the same material.

bad jokes that are actually funny

Pencils these days are graphite, a mineral so sweet that it must be mixed with a little clay to maintain its shape while you write. Remarkably, this gentle and subway mineral is composed of the same blocks of construction as the best diamonds:carbon.

The two objects contain the same atoms, just arranged differently. The graphite must be subjected to hundreds of thousands of intense pressure inside the earth to form diamonds, hence the cost differential between engagement rings and pencils.

One inch of rain is equal to 10 to 15 inches of snow.

footprints in the snow

Similar to graphite and diamonds, water and snow consist of the same molecules arranged differently. The water expands when it is frozen and when snowflakes pile up, they penetrate with each other. This means that the same number of water molecules will take more volume like snow only in liquid water.

The cold weather is, the more air between the snowflakes andFluffier the snow.At 28 ° F, 1 inch of rainwater equals 10 inches of snow, but at 20 ° F, the report goes to 1:15.

DNA is flame retardant.

50 funniest facts

Your DNA is quite miraculous in that it codes the entire plan of your body using a set of only four characters (amino acids).

And that's not all. If you treat the outer surface of cotton fabric with concentrated genetic material, theDNA is flame retardant.It seems that the molecules that make up DNA are similar to those that make up other flame retardant substances.

The planets have a sound.

space prediction

Although it is true that the sound can not travel through the vacuum of space, NASA has launched several probes that flew near the planets of our solar systems to make recordings.

As it turns out, particles loaded in the atmospheres of planets interact to create radio waves and NASA hasTranslates these waves into audible sounds.Each planet has its own "song" and they are all a little strange. Jupiter sounds a bit like being underwater, Neptune sounds like waves of the ocean and saturn looks like the background of a horror movie.

Greenland sharks do not reach puberty before you get 150 years.

shark fin

The longest living vertebrate animal on the planet is the Greenland shark. At 21 feet long and 2,200 pounds, it is also one of the greatest predators in the world.

In 2016, when scientists found a method of determining age by examining the proteins of the shark eye lens, they realized that their specimen lived between 300 and 500 years. Maybe because they live so long,Greenland sharks grow very slowly:aloneabout one centimeter a year. On top of that, they do not reach sexual maturity before getting 150 years.

The glass is neither a liquid nor a solid.

Man Holding Empty Glass Random Facts

The glass is aamorphous solidThis does not have the rigid structure of a strong solid, nor a super-cooled liquid, as many have believed it for a long time. It's somewhere between the two. The spirit blown.

The first cultivated carrots were purple.

When the carrots werefirst domesticated like a food culture in 10eCentury Afghanistan, they were largely a rich purple color, with some yellow carrots among them. Finally, carrot seeds were moving towards Europe.Over time, people have realized that the yellow carrots have really tasted better than dark purple varieties, which had a bit bitter flavor.

Dutch farmers went to work to raise a carrot peer, and by 16ecentury, they had developed theorange carrot boldWe know today.

The slow lorises are the only venomous primacy.

cute animals slow loris

Found only in Southeast Asia, the slow Loris is a small monkey creature you could recognize for its big round eyes.

They also have the distinction of being the only primacy in the animal kingdom withA venomous bite.They lick a toxin producing gland under their arms before deterifying predators with their teeth. In humans, this venom causes an allergic reaction that generally leads to painful swelling, although there is at leastA report of a dying human Anaphylaxis with a slow bite of Loris.

Female dragonflies play dead to avoid sex.

dragonfly genius facts

Ascientist At the University of Zurich, observed that, in the face of aggressive men, the Female Moorland Hawker Dragonflies freeze the middle of the air, falls to the ground and are stationary. In research, more than 60% of women observed have escaped after simulating their death.

It is a practice called feigning sexual death, which is an attempt to avoid wounds and sometimes even death that can result from female dragonflies forced to mate. In addition to the dragonfly, four other species, such as the spider and the praying man, are known for practicingsexual death feigning.

Tiger skin also has scratches.

Amur tiger

Under the foil of tiger, the skin of the animal is striped as well. Even if shave a tiger Is not recommended, if you had to do it, you would see dark and clear stripes in the same pattern as its fur.

Just as some men have a very visible "five-hour shadow" where their beards are developing, black tiger hair follicles are easily distinguished from light on its skin. Snow leopards and other big cats also have skin markings to match their fur.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Facts / Fun Facts
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