15 terrifying things in the ocean that can sting you

Some of the most venomous villains in the ocean are just hiding below the surface.

Life under the sea is extremely different from whatoptimistic movies AsThe little Mermaid andThe world of Nemo To be. We are far from the land of singing and forgetful crustaceans (still quite good mood!) Reef fish, the ocean is in fact home to more than a few creatures that would hurt you and in many cases this prejudice is in the form of a naughty stitch. Slow sea urchins crawling strange electric eels, they are surprisingCreatures of the sea that you do not want to meet.

War "Portuguese man o

Portuguese Man O War Sea Creatures That Sting

People often confuse the Portuguese man for a jellyfish, but this pet tingling is actually a species of siphonophore found in the hottest areas of the ocean around the world. According toNational Oceans and Atmosphere Administration, Their ugly capsules, called nematocysts, "deliver the venom capable of killing paralyzing and small fish and crustaceans. As for the man, while a Portuguese man war sting is almost never fatal, he still "packets by painful punch and causes zerburles on the exposed skin. »


stingray Sea Creatures That Sting

Past Pasts You can animal to the aquarium can not sting you because they have their barbs-or-darts removed. Stingrays found in nature, most often in tropical and sub-tropical regions, however, are another story. As a review published in the journalWilderness and Environmental Medicine Described, these pan-shaped animals inflict "a needle-type knife shot" that "causes intense pain ... out of proportion with the apparent injury. »

Like the world sawSteve IrwinIn 2006, Stingray pitfalls have the potential to be mortal, even if they are almost always treatable.

Electric eel

Electric eel sea creature

It should not be a shock for you-words-that electric eels can sting. (He is in their name, after all!) Curious to know this shock of an electric eel feels like? Well, according to a scientist who let himself be shocked in the name of science (and published his conclusions in the journalCurrent Biology), It is worse than being shot by a taser pistol. However, if you avoidDark, muddy waters Watercourses and ponds of the Amazon and Orinoque basin in South America, then you should not have a clear direction of the problem of these creeping creatures.


jellyfish on beach

Situatedin the whole world, In depth, shallow, cold, and warm waters as well, the jellyfish are easily one of the most recognizable marine creatures sting. According toMAYO ClinicThe victims of these temporary creature experiences such as pain, tingling red trails on the skin in a sprawling model, and itching and swelling at the site of the sting. (And no, you should not really take a page onMonica Geller's book And Pee on someone if they gets stung by a jellyfish. On the contrary, you can and must ifUse salt water to wash persistent nematocysts.)

Sea urchin

Sea Urchin on a Rock Sea Creatures That Sting

"On the 600 sea urchin species, it is estimated that nearly 80 of them can be venomous to humans," notes a paper of the Podology Institute entitled "Complicated Warrings of Uarsin Sting. "Of course, these creatures of the sea, which one finds all over the world, move too slowly to slip and attack, but the divers and the inhabitants of beach often stage on the accident, after which their thorns Barbed wire "release toxins" and can cause a series of shock complications and paralysis with muscle and infection.


Stonefish Sea Creatures that Sting

Stonefish, part of the venomousScorpaenidae Family, is a kind of shallow water with "13 dorsal spines capable of drilling a shoe with a flexible sole of 0.5 cm thick", according to a case study from theUniversity of Edinburgh in Scotland. Fish aregenerally found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific.

The victims of a Stonefish sting may experience symptoms such as "muscle paralysis, respiratory depression, peripheral vasoconstriction, shock, and, in severe cases,heart attack, "Although the majority of cases are much less mortal and vital prognosis. Stonefish are very good to blend in their environment, they look like stones, after all, so be careful every time you are in an area that is known to be home to these creatures.

Scorpion fish

Scorpionfish Sea Creatures That Sting

A parent of the Stonefish, Rascasses has dangerous thorns on his dorsal, pelvic and anal fins, all who "the liberation of venom when mechanically by contact with disturbed victim", according to a report entitled "Lionfish, Rascasse and Stonefish Toxicity. "

When humans are stung by this seasracy, typical symptoms includeheadache, Weakness, nausea, vomiting, hypotension, andchest pain, in addition to the pain at the site of the puncture. If you want to avoid scorpion fish, avoid areas with many coral reefs - that's where they like to go out!


Lionfish Sea Creatures That Sting

Exotic fish preservatives like to add lion fish to their collections, seeing that fish, which is spread in indo-peaceful waters, has clean and magnificent features. The problem? As "Lion-Lion, Scorpion Fish and Pierre Fish Toxicity" Stresses, Lion Fish are considered as Venimous Venouncements as their Parents Scorpion Fish and Pierre Fish and they usually cause injury when They are captured by fishermen or encountered by divers. "These same fins that make beautiful lion fish are what makes them also dangerous!

Cone snail

Cone Snail Sea Creatures That Sting

You may want to think twice before picking up an apparently harmless shell to bring home like souvenir. According to a paper written by teachers at theMedical Center at the University of NebraskaThe venom of a single cone snail "has a mortgaged potential to kill up to 700 people."

Reports on the fatality rates related to the cone snail vary from 15% to 75%, but it remains that this creature of the sea, which isfind In the Indian and peaceful oceans, the Caribbean and red seas, and along the Florida coast-are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

sea ​​anemone

Anemone Hardest Words to Pronounce

Seeing as he is tightly linked to the jellyfish, it's not a surprise that this colorful creature can sting. Although you can not always see them, the sea anemone has tentacles that, when approached by a predator, spring and injected a paralyzing neurotoxin, according toNational Geographic.

For humans, the amount of injected neurotoxin is generally not sufficient to cause major damage, but there are rare cases in which a sea anemone sting can cause swelling, tingling and other symptoms. Although this unique creature can be found in one of the world's oceans, some of the largest live in coastal tropical waters.


Banded Sea Krait Sea Creatures That Sting

This sea serpent, discovered mainly in tropical and hot climates near coral reefs, spends so much time under the water it does it on the ground. And although they have "powerful venom", "humans do not generally do to worry about the ringed sea keys. According toOceana, the creature of the Laughing Sea is relatively docile and poses only to attack if and when it is misunderstood. Stay out of his way, and it will stay outside yours!


Nudibranch Sea Creatures That Sting

A marine mollusc without shell, the nudbranch of the shallow water is known for its bright shades and its unique shape. However, you should keep your distance if you find yourself within reach of one of these marine creatures. According toNational GeographicThey have the ability to keep poisons drawn from their prey that they can use as defense mechanisms later. They can even eat jellyfish, an anemone and other spicy marine creatures andpiquante until they need it.


Fire Coral Sea Creatures That Sting

There is a reason why this hydrozoane is calledFire coral. AsNational GeographicExplains, tiny barbs that stick to "produce a painful burning sensation" when divers come into contact with them. Ouch! Fortunately, this creature resembling Coral prefers to use his stingers on animals that dare to try to use it as a house. It is mainly on the reefs in the Indian oceans, the Pacific and the Atlantic.

Puffer fish

Pufferfish sea creature

Do not be fooled by this seemingly benign and beautiful appearance fish. According toNational Geographic, Pépin-Pepperfish containing warmer climates in the world houses a toxic substance called tetodotoxin up to 1,200 times more murder than cyanide.

Some cultures consider that fish is a delicacy (it is only prepared by qualified leaders of license, because of its toxicity, government agencies such as theFDA Did explicitly explain that consuming this fish "can cause serious illness and even death."

Crimping fish

Weever Fish Sea Creatures that Sting

Found in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the snake fish is considered one of the most dangerous marine creatures of the sea. It is because, according to an analysis of theJournal of Accident & Emergency Medicine Two emergency room visits associated with fish, the venom found in its thorns "causes nibbling and flare reactions in subcutaneous injections and is deadly to certain animals".

Some of the symptoms that people experience following a meeting with a suspicion include "headache, nausea, vomiting, sweating and syncope", although the pain tends to replace after 24 hours at most 24 hours. .

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