125 facts that will make you feel instantly smarter
These songs from Trivia will make you feel and ring more intelligently into a flash.

Maintain a healthy dose of curiosity around the world around youhelp sharpen your mind, appointment happier, reinforce your relationships, and evenImprove your productivity. In reality,Albert Einstein Once noticed: "I do not have special talent. I am only passionately curious." And that could be you!
If you want to fix yourself on a path to harvest these incredible advantages, like Einstein, read the 125 facts we have compiled here. They are fun, they are interesting and they are guaranteed toPique your curiosity. It's time to arrder from all kinds ofFascinating and trivial facts This will make you feel like a total genius, stimulating your confidence in a flash! And to test the knowledge you have already, try to answer these50 trivia questions only geniuses can answer.
1 The monkeys should not eat bananas.

If you are around a monkey, you may be inclined to feed a banana. But the fact is that bananas contain too much sugar for monkeys to manage. "GivingThis animal fruit is equivalent to giving them cakes and chocolate, "according toAmy Ploughman, Head of Conservation and Advocacy at the Paignton Zoo in Devon, the United Kingdom, compared to the food they would eat in nature, bananas ... have a lot of calories and contain much more sugar that is Bad for their teeth and can lead to diabetes and similar conditions. This can also cause gastrointestinal problems as their stomach is mainly suitable for eating fibrous foods with very low digestibility. "The more you know! And for more information on impressive animals, see these50 animal facts that will change your way of seeing the animal kingdom.
2 There are more cards bridge combinations than atoms on Earth.

Do not blame your bad hand on the poker table on a blow of misfortune; It's really a matter of mathematics, seeing that there are more ways to organize a card game thanTotal atoms on the earth! If a map bridge is well mixed, there is a very great chance that it comes out in an arrangement that has never existed before, because a bridge of 52 cards has a large number of astronomers ofpermutations. (Simply put: it's aAt 69 digits number!)
3 More than half of Shakespeare characters die in the same way.

William Shakespeare Had a touch for the dramatic, but he also relying on some tropics tested, including the way he killed his characters. WhenThe Guardian broken the data ofShakespeare Open Source In 2016, they found that the majority of deaths (54 out of 100 dead in all his pieces) wereDue to the dagger. The second most common cause of death was poisoned, although only four characters met their manufacturer in this way. And for even more strange from Trivia, check the100 fascinating facts that you will want to share with everyone you know.
4 All water on the ground would make a bullet of 860 miles wide.

About 71% of the surface of the earth is covered with water. However, it is difficult to fully grasp the amount of water that is really. Fortunately, NASA put it into perspective. They explain that if we were somehow able to take all the water on the planet and bring it together, it would form aMassive width ball of 860 miles. By way of comparison, the earth itself is 7,917.5 miles in diameter.
5 The New York Times ran a typing fault every day for more than 100 years.

Everybody makes mistakes. But you will not think that one of the largest newspapers in the United States would lead a typo on its first page of more than 100 years. However, that's exactly what happened when an employee ofThe New York Times accidentallyentered the wrong serial number An edition that came out in 1898. Seeing that they were intended for 14,499, the service obligation publisher dropped by what they thought of being a number for the next day. But instead of judging it 14,500, they set up 500 editions in the future at 15,000. As a result, each question was misappointed from 1898 to 1999 when an information assistant finally caught the mistake! And for more facts about the world of words, learn these40 facts on words that will breat you.
6 Two asteroids orbit the earth like the moon.

When you look at the night sky and you see the shiny moon, you may not have understood that it is not alone up there. Other than the lunar body, there istwo asteroids This orbit close to our planet. An asteroid, Cruitehe, follows the orbit of the earth, while Asteroid 2002 AA29 Moves along a path that is in the shape of iron riding. Because of this, he only except by us every 95 years.
7 There are dotted zebras.

The zebras are known for their striking black and white stripes, but it turns out that all creatures are not born with a nice doubled pattern. In fact, some rare zebras were born with spots, such as theZebra baby dotted polka (see above) that was spotted in the Masai Mara National Reserve of Kenya in 2019. Named Tira, the foal has a mainly dark coat but has white points, a thought to color because of a genetic mutation called Pseudomelanity. Although the little one looks a lot like the rest of his family, he seems to beJust fit.
8 Babies do not blink almost as much as adults.

Humans flash to keep our eyes clean and hydrated. However, it turns out that some of us flash much more than others. More specifically, adults tend to flash about 15 times per minute whileBabies flash only An average of two or three times in the same period. And for more information on the human body, memorize these33 amazing things you did not know about your own body.
9 There is a bird that has "evolved" in the existence twice.

The Aldabra white throat rail may not be a very well known bird, but it's certainly remarkable. The non-flight creature was first in difficulty 136,000 years ago when she went out - something that's been twice. However, a 2019 study published in theZoological Journal of Linnean explained that "the rail is an example of rarely observed phenomenon calledIterative evolution, in which the same ancestral line produces parallel shift species at different times. Because of that, he was able to gather and "evolve" in the existence of the twice, he was essentially erased.
10 There is only one continent without meadows.

Antarctica is an incredible place that has incredible iced landscapes, incredibly low temperatures and volcanic activities. It's also the "Most stressed place, the driest and most frozen on earth," according toNational Geographic. Another thing that distinguishes it? It is the only continent on earth that can not naturally help meadows. And for more information about the world around you, consult these100 blowing facts in mind that you have never heard before.
11 The oldest survivor banknotes are 1375.

Negotiating goods and services for money have been a system that has been around the world for thousands of years. However, theOldest survivor banknotes are the Da Ming Tongxing Baochao (Treasury Note from the Great Ming) of China, which were initially printed between 1368 and 1398. When the value of money crushed, the tickets were simply bleached and forgotten What is how some managed to survive, according to Guinness World Records.
12 Human corpses can continue to move for more than a year after death.

The thought of a body moving after a person is dead, sounds like something a horror movie, but this can be a natural phenomenon. According to a 2019 study published in the newspaperForensic International Science: Synergy and led by the Australian researcherAlyson Wilson,Corpses can continue to move for more than a year after death.
"What we found is that theThe arms were significantlySo that the weapons that started next to the body ended up on the body side, "she told ABC News." An arm came out and came back again to almost touch the body side. " The movement is believed to be the result of the decomposition process that causes ligaments of the corpses to dry and contract, pulling the members as they do.
13 Eggs are used to develop new human bones.

Chicken eggs are mainly consisting of calcium carbonate, a substance that also exists human bones. That's why researchers at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) believe thatThe eggs are perfect for the culture of new bones for humans who suffered injuries to their own skeleton. "It is important to develop new new and functional materials to repair and regenerate damaged bones"Gulden Camci-Unal, a chemical engineering professor in UML who directed the research, saidSmithsonian magazine in 2019. "In our laboratory, we like to take unconventional approaches; wewatch And try to see what we can use that already exists. "
14 Fur tufts inside a cat are called ear furniture.

The next time you play with an adorably blurred feline, you may want to notice these pieces of fur that come out of the cat's ears, which have a super cute name:Ear furniture.
15 A wind storm in Australia almost interrupted the diffusion of the landing of the moon.

When NASAApollo 11 Attached on the moon, it was a historic moment for all humanity, broadcast internationally. But it was also almost interrupted by a windstorm that blew by Australia. This is where the dish of the parks, which would receive the diffusion signals of the moon, was located. When a windstorm with winds of 60 km / h slammed directly into the dish, the crew on the ground kept their cold and a delay meant that the storm had time to pass in front of the critical signals that were finally sent in the world. According toSmithsonian magazine, "These TV images would never have reached the living rooms without the help of a crack team ofScientists and Australian Engineers, working in the bush a few hundred kilometers west of Sydney. "
16 There is a chapel in Spain that is inside a volcano.

If you want to visit theSanta Margarida Chapel of SacotYou will not have to head northeast of Spain, you will also have to go to a crater located inside a 2,238 feet volcano. The original structure was built in the Middle Ages and was unfortunately descended into an earthquake. However, the site is always at home at a small novel style stone building with a single nave and a bell of bell.
17 Unlike most snakes, the anacondas give birth to living babies as opposed to eggs.

Anacondas Is there not like the typical snake for many reasons, including the fact that they can reach up to 30 feet in length and can weigh up to 550 pounds. Another remarkable difference? Unlike most other types of snakes, Anacondas does not pose eggs, but instead of deliveringlive. They are born up to 40 snakes at a time, about two feet long.
18 Nettle pudding is one of the oldest recipes in the world and goes back 8,000 years.

If you like to address the recipes of the old school, so would you say to try the oldest known recipe in the world? Researchers at the Institute of Wales have tested aOld recipe for nettle pudding, which dates back about 8,000 years. Although nettles are a plant that your parents could warn you to stay away as a child, according to the researcherRuth Fairchildwhen he is cooked with barley and water at the bottom of the bottom, "the sting leaves."
19 Purple Jessop survived three of the biggest disasters of the ship's ship.

Jessop PurplePerhaps one of the luckiest or most unlucky women in history, depending on how you look at it. The hostess of the ocean lining has not only survived the sinking of theTitanic In 1912, but it was also present during theOlympic Collision of ships in 1911 and on board during the sinking of theBritish In 1916 (Olympic andBritish wereTitanicSID sister). Miraculously, none of the disasters could take Jessop Down and she lived 83, passing 1971.
20 The word "friends" is said in each episode of the showFriends.

Thanks to modern streaming services, you can watch an episode (or five) ofFriendswhenever you want. And if you are observant, you may notice that theword "friends" is said in each of the 236 episodes of the show, according toCosmopolitan.
21 In the Northwest Territories, Canada, some car license plates are shaped as a polar bear.

Take a trip to the Northwest Territories, Canada, and you will notice something about the cars that all nature lovers appreciate: the territory haslicense plates which are shaped like polar bears. And although the government has examined a new conception of years ago, the inspired animal plates can always be postponed to vehicles traveling in the country.
22 Thieves of tombs have once stole the Charlie Chaplin's body.

Charlie Chaplin Perhaps became famous to make people laugh, but what happened to his body after the artist's death is downright frightening. After the passage of Chaplin on Christmas Day in 1977, his remains were deposited at rest in a cemetery in the Swiss village of Corsier-sur-Vevey, which is located in the hills above Lake Geneva. However, a few months later, March 2, 1978, two menstolen the body and contacted the widow of Chaplin, Oona, to demand $ 600,000 for the return of the corpse while threatening his children. A police investigation resulted in the arrest and condemnation of the thieves and the recovery of the body, which was then rebalanced in a concrete grave.
23 Crows can recognize individual human faces and keep the grudge.

It is probably better not to get the wrong side of a raven. According to a study conducted in 2008 by wildlife researchers at the University of Washington, plus tons of anecdotal evidence of the Biologists of very intelligent birds areable to remember individual human facesAlthough those who have hurt them have a disguise. So, how do crows show their disgust? They shout. "The birds werereally hoarse, Crying constantly, "a volunteer in the Crow study saysThe New York Times. "And it was clear that they are not unhappy with something in general. They were mad at me. It seems intense!
24 Readers are more likely to agree with a test if it is printed in Baskerville characters.

Some fonts are pleasant to the eye while others contrarange readers for one reason or another. But it turns out that the policies we love (and not like us) influence more than we know. In an experience forThe New York Times, Readers who have shown a test in Baskerville wereMore likely to agree with the argument that if it has been presented in another font. The readers were the least likely to agree with the declarations made in the comic fonts without and Helvetica.
25 Lungs are the only human organ that can float on the water.

Every day, the average human blows about 22,000 times and, according to the pulmonary foundation of Australia, it does not matter how exhale a person, their lungs will still have about a liter of persistent interior of air, which makes thepretty carrier organ to float on the water. No other organ in the human body has the same capacity.
26 Antique Pompeii had restaurants to take away.

There are days when you are not a mood to cook yourself, which is why grabbing the takeaway is a great option. And apparently, the inhabitants of the Antique Pompeii felt the same way. Before the city was destroyed by the disastrous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 after Christ, most people who lived in the region have home cuisine and instead took advantage of said so-called "popinae"Who offered the food prepared like the porridge, ham, and stew. And in the same way that we can read the menus on the walls of McDonald or Burger King, Pompeiens could check painted frescoes that behaved the meals that they could order.
27 Chicago is flowing at a rate similar to Venice.

You may have heard that Venice is flowing, but it's Chicago and he'll go down as fast as quickly. According to the oceanic and atmospheric national administration, the city becomes Illinoisone to two millimeters lower each year (Which is four to eight inches per century). In comparison,Venice is flowing at a rate of two millimeters a year. The phenomenon is due to an ice melt that took place about 10,000 years ago. He led to some areas up after the weight of the ice disappeared (what would happen if you pressed one end of a toothpaste tube, the other end would be pop-up). Now the floor is set back decantation again, which means that it is falling down.
28 Scientists have made music especially for cats.

Cats apparently enjoy music as much as we do, but they do not necessarily do it as the same tunes as humans. That's why in 2015, scientists at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and the Maryland University worked together to compose "Cat music centered on. "Charles Snowdon, The main author of the study explained: "We examined the natural vocalizations of cats and paired our music at the same range of frequencies, which is about an octave or higher than the human voices ... and Since cats use a lot of frequencies drag in their calls, cat music had a lot of notes more than human slip music. " What they came with a song entitled "Air cozmo. "
29 Africa is the only continent on the ground in the four hemispheres.

As you already know, the planet Earth is divided into four hemispheres: to the north, south, east and west. But only one of the seven continents can boast of beinglocated in the four, And it's Africa.
30 Already seen is just a delay in brain processing.

Although it has not been proved at 100 percent, there isConsensus between scientists that the results of VU-already when there is a catch-up delay in the transfer of information on one side of the brain to the other, so your brain, overall, gets the information twice, the Essentially the event as happened before. Think of it as your spirit glitching and open the same web browser twice.
31 "J" is the only letter that does not appear on the periodic table.

If you are running in the list of items found on the periodic hydrogen table, helium, oxygen, magnesium, titanium, copper, and all the others there isa single missing letter: "J." (It is unless you look at a periodic table of countries like Norway, Poland, Sweden, Serbia or Croatia, which use the name "Jod" for iodine.)
32 People in the medieval times have worked different from the one we do now.

Back inmedieval times, Shoes were essentially thin leather bands that covered the foot and did not provide a lot of protection at all. Because of this, people have walked the same way we do naturally when we are barefoot: feet in the first place, which allows us to test the surface in front of us and puts less stress on our knees. Frankly, how humans walked for millennia beforemodern shoes Have come, who keep our feet much safer than we can go down harder with our first heels.
33 Family members share a smell.

The natural smells of two family members are similar, according to the research of Wayne State University. SearcherGlenn WeisfeldBelieves that the fragrance shared could explain why the jealesers are often treated differently than children living with their biological parents. "I think it's an important mechanism in the way peopleproof of discrimination against the children of the spouse," he saidNew Scientistin 2001.
34 Green exist "icebergs emerald".

It's hard to imagine icebergs like something other than mini gigantic white snow floating around the coldest places on earth. But for years, scientists have been disconcerted by the occasional "emerald iceberg. And while the color may seem strange, glaciologistStephen Warren From the University of Washington climbed to one of the frozen wonders to look closer.
"What is the most amazing is nottheir color but their clarity, Because they have no bubbles, "he saysIFL Sciences."Ordinary Icebergs Origin as snow, like the snow is compressed under its own weight in the ice, the air in the snow is closed in the form of ice bubbles so glacier contains many bubbles and icebergs are bright and cloudy .." After taking samples of the Jade Iceberg, Warren found that the color was due to the fact that icebergs were made of marine ice instead of glacier ice, and contained more iron oxide than Typical ice.
35 Red eyes in the photos is a reflection of your blood.

When the flash of a camera fires, the eye is not prepared for the sudden influx of light, and the student does not have time to restrict. You probably use flash in dark lighting, so your eyes dilated to adjust to the dark room. When the flash is triggered and the picture is taken, your eyes are still dilated, so that the light is reflected onThe red blood vessels of the choroid, Which is the connective tissue layer on the back of the eye that nourishes the retina.
36 The hair of Princess Leia inStars wars was inspired by real Mexican rebels.

Stars wars Perhaps we took place "a long time ago in a distant galaxy, very far, but the filmmakers responsible to come withEmblematic hairstyle of Princess Leia For the film were inspired by warriors of real life even. In particular, thesolderras, or the Mexican rebels women who fought against dictatorshipPORFIRIO DÍAZ towards the beginning of the 20th century. It is believed that the directorGeorge Lucas Double base of Leia rolls on a photo ofClara de la Rocha, Who was a colonel in the Mexican revolution.
37 An archaeologist discovered a 5000-year-old brasserie in China.

Lueled with a pint is not as modern as you might think. In 2016, archaeologists in the Central Plaine of China have discovered "tool kits manufacture of beer" in the underground rooms that were built between 3400 and 2900 av the equipment included funnels, pots, jugs, and a pottery stove. Scientists have used the residue they find inside the tools to deduce it5000 years old beer recipe, Who published in theActs of the National Academy of Sciences.
38 Astronauts grow up to two inches in space.

Whileastronauts float in space, they are not subject to pressure from the gravity of the earth. As a result, the vertebra in their thorns can grow and relax, which means that their body stretch up to three percent larger. This means that someone who is big six feet could reach up to two inches while they are in space. However, the extra height is only temporary. When astronauts come back to earth, they retract down their normal size in a few months.
39 The FBI is investigating once a song for two years.

With regard to national security, the songs are generally quite harmless. But in the 1960s, the parents of the whole country have become upset by a rumor that claimed the song "Louie Louie" by the Kingsmen contained inappropriate subliminal messages. The FBI intervened and passed more than two years to put the melody through various audio tests. And despite the production of a 120-page report, the federal government simply concluded that the song is "unintelligible at a speed. "
40 Men's languages are usually longer than women's languages

Humans come from all forms and sizes, but in general, women tend to be smaller than men in different ways - and this includes thetongue. Although the average length of men's languages is about 3.3 inches, women tend to have slightly smaller 3.1-inch languages.
41 There were two sets of semi-identical twins.

You know identical twins (when two babies result from the same fertilized egg) and fratern twins (when a woman frees two eggs and they are both fertilized), but did you know that semi-identical twins also exist?
AloneTwo pairs have never been identified and the most recent pair was a boy and a girl born in Brisbane, Australia, a few years ago, according to research published in theNew England Journal of Medicine In 2019. "The Brisbane twins are probably the result ofan egg being fertilized by two spermatozoa, resulting in three chromosomes, "according toIFL Science. "These three chromosomes were also divided into two clusters of cells which have become two embryos."
42 Medus can be as big as humans.

In July 2019, the underwater cinematographDan Abbott and a fauna biologist and presenterLizzie Daly Plug into the Celtic Sea of the U.K. When they fell on something incredible: aJelly giant barrel (Rhizostome Pulmo) It was as big as the humans themselves. Abbott was able to capture a video of the creature. These jellyfish are not even as big as the jellyfish of the lion's mane (Cyane Capillata), which can float around the ocean at a length of 120 feet.
43 Fish skin can be used to cure burns.

In Brazil, doctors devoid of supplies health professionals in the United States can use people of Tilapia to sprain and treat burns in the second and third degree. TheFish skin would remember healing time, reduces the need for pain medicines and contributes to healing, due to the abundant amount of collagen protein. In 2018, scientists from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore also discovered that in general,Fish derived collagen can help cure wounds.
44 The armadillo shells are bullets.

In 2015, a man inTexas tried to shoot an armadillo That he found wandering around his yard and had a big surprise: Armadillo's shells are bullets. The unlucky guy made this discovery when he fired his gun and the animal's ball only to hit the man of the jaw, which he had to have filtered from closed when he was taken to the local hospital.
45 Four seconds is the perfect duration for Dunk your edge in the milk.

If you like to enjoy the classic combination of milk and cookies, but hates when your cookie becomes too soggy, you are not alone. That's why researchers at the Utah State University in 2017 have conducted tests to determine theIdeal time time, you should leave your biscuit soaked in the milk. Their conclusions? Four seconds. This calendar is backed by a physics professor at the University of Bristol who proposed a complicated equation in the 1990s which determined that theIdeal duration for Dunking a British biscuit was three and a half to five seconds.
46 The number of kangaroos in Australia has almost doubled in recent years.

It's easy to kill Kangaroies with their impressive jump capabilities, but Australia faces a problem when it comes to multiplying the marsuples. In recent years, the number of kangaroos hasalmost doubled under, about 27 million in 2010 to nearly 45 million in 2016. In order to cope with the population that is rapidly controlled, experts encourage residents toto eat Kangaroos.
47 Charles Darwin frequently eaten the animals he studied.

Talking about eating strange animals, the "father of evolution"Charles Darwin, has always had a taste for unusual cuisine - it was even a grouch club member while a student at Cambridge University. And according toIO9, "Heeaten the iguanas he studied on the galapagos. He ate Armadillo, he claimed tasted like duck. He ate puma. The slightest rhem, known to scientists asRhea darwinii, took his name because Darwin sent the few bits he had not eaten in London. "According toFood, thescientist has taken advantage The great rheished bird without flight without flight for Christmas dinner.
48 Some trees are resistant to fire.

The bark of sequoia trees and older sequioa accumulates over time to protect them from items. The bark, which can reach a foot of a thick foot, contains tannin, which protects against fire and fungus. Tanin solutions are actually used regularly in the contractingwooden buildings Mitigate any potential for fire damage.
49 The full name of Picasso was 23 words long.

Picassois one of the most famous names in the world of art. But it turns out that his real name was actually a little longer than we are used to hearing. In fact, it wasa lot longer. The full name of the painter was Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de Los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz Y Picasso.
50 Only one American president was inside the vault at Fort Knox.

Fort Knox is one of the safest places in the United States, which is why it should not shock anyone that visitors are not welcome to the supervised facility. However, it can surprise you to learn that even the leaders of our country are not allowed to visit. In fact, only one presidentFranklin D. Roosevelt-The ever been in the vault; It was in 1943.
51 The researchers have discovered "pots of the dead" aged 1,000 in Laos.

In May 2019, the Australian National University announced that "Mysterious pots of the dead"had been" departed "in Laos. While researchers and scientists are not entirely sure of what the curious containers were originally intended, they" believe they were related to the elimination of the dead ". The 137 pots were discovered in an isolated forest area in addition to the others encountered in the past." These new sites were only visited by the occasional tiger hunter, "saidNicholas Skopal, the doctoral student who did the discovery. "Now we have rediscovered them, we hope to build a clear picture about this culture and how it eliminated its dead."
52 Ecchymosts change color because they lose oxygen.

Echymose is caused by bleeding under the skin; Tiny capillaries (blood vessels) are crushed, which expel the blood that is trapped under the skin. Initially, the bruising will just look red because the blood is always rich in oxygen.In one to two daysThe blood begins to lose its oxygen, rotating purple. Then, after three or more days, the bruises will begin to turn green, yellow or gray with compounds called Biliverdin and Bilirubin that break down hemoglobin to absorb vitamins and minerals (such as iron) for the body to be used. . The rest of the waste is finally purged or absorbed by the body.
53 The first use of "OMG" was in a letter to Winston Churchill in 1917.

If you have textured "OMG" to your friends, you can think that you use a modern acronym. But it turns out that the first appearance of the expression of three letters was in aletter toWinston Churchill In 1917.Lord Fisher, an innovator of Admiral and Naval, wrote to the British Prime Minister and was obviously enthusiastic about a possible honor for himself and those of his work. He wrote: "I hear a new order of the knights at rugs-O.g. (Oh, my God!) - Lower it on the Admiralty!"
54 Archaeologists have identified a 2,000-year-old tattoo needle.

Before archaeologists decided that a cactus spine tool was, in fact, the first proof of tattoo in the United States, the particular object was simply considered a "small odd artifact," according toNational Geographic. Made from needles of the spine of barbarism cactus and a carved handle of the summonade lemonade, the article was then linked with the fiber of Yucca and the tips immersed in a dark pigment in order to produce art Corporal about 2,000 years ago. This represents 1000 years earlier that historians previously thought that art had been practiced in the southwest.
55 Rue de sesameThe character Snugufferupagus has a first name.

Snervuffus-or Monsieur Snuguffagus If you are a whimsical - is a beloved character on the long-term children's television showRue de sesame. And while millions of children worship the great creature (and in the heart of the heart), they may not know that hisfirst name Aloysius is he Aroysius.
56 Dogs can really feel your fear.

If this seems like your puppy copy is always aware of your mood, it's because their nose very sensitive, alerts actually to your emotional state. According toPsychology today, Dogs can not just say when you're happy, butThey can also feel human fearBy picking up "Chemosignals", which are the bodily smells produced in the human armpits.
57 The most relaxing song is always "weightless" by the Marconi Union.

If you need to relax, try to put on "Weightless" by the Marconi Union. A study conducted by 2017David Lewis-Hodgson, PhD of Mindlab International, found that the air is "most relaxing song on earth, "Reduce the stress of listeners and anxiety of 65 percent. The song was such a success when it came to cool people during the study, that Lewis-Hodgson said: "I would recommend against the driving while listening to the song because it could be dangerous".
58 If you have removed the empty space of atoms, the entire humanity could hold in an apple.

An atom isMore than 99 percent of empty space And they are ridiculously tiny. To have an idea ofHow? 'Or' What Small, exactly, know that just a strand of your hair is about 1 million atoms thick. All this is to say if you had to take all the empty space in the atoms, then compress all the atoms so that they were physically touching, all human beings on the planet would be the size of an apple.
59 The most popular cinema hall in Colombia is grilled ants.

While most people in North America take a popcorn bag when they go to the cinema, this is not the case everywhere. For example, if you had to see a movie in Colombia, you can try grilled ants called "Hormiga Culona. And if you head to the theater in Norway you can enjoydried reindeer meat.
60 Phobophobia is the fear of phobias.

There are many things to fear, including heights, small spaces, and, of course, spiders. But there are people who have made a phobia of phobia themselves, which is calledphobophobia.
61 The Eiffel Tower can reach more than six inches during the summer.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris is composed of more than 7,300 tons and 1.063 feet. But during the heat of the summer, the metal develops of the structure, which means it cangrow more than six inches In height during the splash season.
62 Canadians say "sorry" as long as a law has been adopted so that excuses can not be used as an admission of guilt.

Canadians are well known to be incredibly polite, perhaps even a fault. That's why in 2009, the province of Ontario adopted the "apology law", Which stipulates that" sorry ", which can be an expression of sympathy or regret -can't be considered legally an admission of guilt or fault.
63 You do not really see black in a black piece of jet.

We can call it "black pitch", but what you see is "Eigengrau, "Who is" black light ", often called" gray of the brain. It is the completely uniform darkness (almost black) gray background that many people report to have seen in the absence of light. Some people prefer to call what they see "visual noise" because it is a field always changing small white and black dots.
64 YouTube was founded on Valentine's Day and started as an application for meetings.

Today, YouTube is where to go for makeup tutorials, toys and clip critics. But when the site was founded on Valentine's Day in 2005, it was supposed to be an application of meetings where singles can download video profiles. Years later, co-founder of YouTubeSteve Chen Explained, "We always thought there was something with the video there, but it would be the actual practical application? Wethought dating would be the obvious choice. "
65 And the day Martin Luther King Jr. Presidents are the only federal public holidays to commemorate birthdays.

Although there are 10 federal holidays in the United States in, only two celebrating birthdays. Presidents day started as a celebration ofGeorge Washington Anniversary, which was born on February 22, 1732. Today, it is celebrated on the third on Monday in February. AndMartin Luther King Jr. Day takes place on the third Monday of January, which tends to fall near the actual anniversary date of the king on January 15 he wasobserved for the first time January 20, 1986, three years after the former presidentRonald Reagan does the holiday official.
66 German chocolate cake was not named after Germany.

WhileGerman chocolate cake Sounds like something that originally was from Berlin or Munich, he was not the name of his country of origin. Instead, he was named after bakerSam German, Who invented chocolate in the cake, but not the recipe. In 1852, the German, which was either American or English-German-not come with a particular type of chocolate cooking for the Baker chocolate company, which it bears its name, namely "the chocolate of the German. When a woman in Texas used chocolate for her cake recipe and submitted it to a Dallas newspaper more than a century later, in 1957, she named the dessert "the German chocolate cake. Over time, the possessive "de" has been abandoned and has become German chocolate cake.
67 There is a person buried on the moon.

There is only one man who made the moon their place of final rest.Eugene ShoemakerHas been considered one of the founders of planetary science and after a career filled with great achievements, he spent his traveling days around the world with the impact craters of the study. When he died in 1997 during one of his travels, his wife, Carolyn, who had once discovered a comet with her husband,Sent his ashes on the moon in a metal cylinder that has been registered with a quote fromRomeo and Juliet: "And when he will die / take him and cut it into small stars / and he will make the face of the sky so beautiful / that everyone will be in love with the night / and pay any cult to the sun cried. "
68 Composer Hammerstein II is Oscar of the first and the only person named "Oscar" to win an Oscar.

In 1941, the paroleOscar Hammerstein II won his first Oscar of the best original song thanks to the words he wrote for "The Last Time I Saw Paris" of the filmLady Be Good. The victory also made him the first person to take an Oscar who shared a name with the statue of the arbitral award. According toPortable press, It's still theOscar Never win an Oscar. And he won a second original song in 1945, so that the Oscar has two Oscars in his name.
69 Watching a horror movie before watching art improves experience for most people.

When researchers in a 2012 study published by the American Psychological Association Exhibited a group of people at five different conditions Some participants watched a video of horror While others saw a happy clip, a few did a little exercise while others have twice as much, and the fifth group has nothing to all the subjects had the same reaction after when displaying art, with the exception of those who watched the video frightening. The study revealed that those who hadwatched the horror scene evaluated the art they were presented later as "sublime" And have been able to appreciate more than those who have not been scared.
70 "Treppenwitz" is the German word to think about a return when it's too late.

The next time you think of hours or even days-after a perfect answer someone says Snarky something to you, you will know what to call the frustrating experience. "Treppenqitz" is the German word to think about a return too late. It literally translates "stair joke" because "thereplica full of mind usually hits you in the stairwell on your way. Of course, it's already too late to use it, "Note DW Akademie. According toMental floss, "The French have a word for that too:The spirit of the stairs-literally, 'The spirit of the stairs. '
71 There are no words to rhymemonth,ampule,Wolf,walrus,rhythm,husband, Wherewomen.

Unless you get a little creativity with your pronunciation, you will not find words that rhyme in the English language formonth,ampule,Wolf,walrus,rhythm,husband, Wherewomen. It's unless you choose to considerdemoded words which are no longer used, such asCulb, The 17th century known word for a snippy answer andSmithamWhich refers to fine malt dust or ore lead powder.
72 The University of Karuein is the oldest educational institution in the world.

Located in Fez, Morocco, the University of Karuein (or University of Al Quarreiyin) was founded all the back 859 after Jesus Christ continued to operate for more than a thousand years, what earned him theGuinness World Record For "older learning institution, the oldest university. In 1963, it was incorporated into the university system of the modern state of Morocco; Nearly 8,000 students register each year.
73 IKEA is an acronym that stands for Ingvar Kamprad ElMtaryd Agunnaryd.

In 1943,Ingvar Kamprad, 17 years old at the time, received money from his father as a reward to do his school work well. With his income, the teenager decided to start his own business. To appoint it, he used his first two initials (I and K) as well as the first letters of the name of the farm and the village where he grew up, ElMtaryd (E) and Agunnaryd (A). Put them all together and you haveIKEA.
74 The nearest parent of the elephant is a guinea pig creature.

If you had to guess what kind of animal is the nearest parent of the elephant, you could imagine something big with an elongated nose. But you would bemanner out of the brand. Instead, you would need to take a look at theRock Hyrax, a small mammal resembling rodents living in Africa and the Middle East. While both animals seem to have nothing common, they descend from a common ancestor and have both defenses and dishes. They also have another relatively closely linked mammalian: the manaten.
75 An optical illusion can make the moon seems to go back.

On March 6, 2019, the Observatory of NASA solar dynamics, which is in orbit around the Earth, captured astrange phenomenon in space: The moon passed in front of the sun, then suddenly seemed to stop before starting to move back. According to NASA, unusual optical illusion was due to the fact that "a heavenly object seems to move upside down because of the way different objects move at different speeds at different points of their orbits". The same effect occurs when driving and passing a slower car, it seems to go back for a while while you are moving forward.
76 Vikings met to make legal decisions in community meetings called "things".

We have all kinds of words for important meetings where networks and decisions occur are taken: meetings, conferences, conventions, assemblies, judicial proceedings. But at the time of the Vikings, the communities would meet to decide on the legislation and to carry out business (as well as judgments of hands) during rallies called "things. "
77 The man who invented the Rubik cube could not solve it at the beginning.

When the teacherErnő Rubik inventedRubik's Cube In 1974, teaching his students a geometry of 3-D even he could not even solve the puzzle he had created. Hewritten famously It was like "watching a written writing written in a secret code. But for me, it was a code I myself invented! Still, I could not read it. It was such an extraordinary situation That I just could not accept this. " Despite his initial inability to take his own toy, he finally learned to master the cube and could solve the puzzle in less than a minute.
78 There are several versions of theMona Lisa.

TheMona Lisa Perhaps the most famous painting in the world, but it is not in fact an original. There are several copies of theMona Lisa All thoughts to be painted byLeonardo DeVinci, Although some may have been made by his students who were trying to copy the work of their master as a practice. With theMona Lisa In the Louvre, there is also theIsleworth Mona Lisa, the Prado Museum La GiocondaMona Lisa, the HermitageMona LisaSalaì'sMona Lisaand even anaked version. Oh my!
79 The name of Pillsbury Doughboy is poppin 'Fresh.

You probably always call the cute little creature that promotes pastry paste prepared onPillsbury Doughboy. But it lies to have a specific name: poppin 'fresh. He also has a woman named Poppie Fresh and two children, a son who goes through popper and a girl called Bun Bun. There are also grandparents, the grenigne and the Granpopper, as well as Uncle Rollie. And if that was not enough, the family has a dog called Flapjack and a cat named biscuit.
80 The pickles were probably used for the first time in ancient Egypt, not Scotland.

Pickles can be one of the most recognizable symbols of Scotland, commonly played by kilt-clad musicians sound songs onLoch Lomond. But the origin of the instrument has been drawn all the way back toAncient Egypt Where, in 400 BC., the so-called Puppers of Thebes used similar instruments made from bone and animal skin. Cornichons may have been able to go to Scotland in the hands of Roman invaders.
81 Cannabis is millions of years.

Cannabis can go through widespread legalization these days, but you probably do not know much of its original history. The conclusions of Vermont University of 2019 published in the journalHistory of vegetation and archaeobotanic show that it can havefirst cultivated millions of years agoIn Lake Qinghai, the largest lake in China, located on the Tibetan plateau.
82 A type of turtle can survive months under the ice by breathing from its delay.

All creatures do not go to warmer climates when the weather becomes colder, and that means they have to adapt to changing conditions. And while bears are comfortable in Nouzes caves and bees in their nests,painted turtles Treat with their frozen ponds more surprisingly. As the ice limits their access to the air over the water, they breathe instead of their behind (specifically, their cloaca orifice) through a process calledcloache. In this way, turtles are capable of obtaining oxygen directly from the water around them.
83 The reason why the tuning tower of Pisa is inclined is the same reason it is still standing.

If you have already wondered why the tower leaning of Pisa is inclined, it is due to the soft ground under the surface of the building. And although it could have frustrated the people who built the benchmark, the engineers understood that the furniture ground is partially what protects the earthquake building. The height and stiffness of the tower as well as the softness of the soil to the foundation of the building "causes a modification substantially the vibratory characteristics of the structure, so that theThe tower does not resonate with the earthquake ground movement, "according toPhys.org.
84 The first movie of all time to release an original band wasSnow White and seven dwarves.

There is a lot ofSoundtracks Classical Film This film-lovers and music lovers like to have listened again and again. But the very first movie to freely release an original band was Disney'sSnow White and Seven Dwarves. The film came out in 1937 while thesoundtrack-calledWalt Disney White Walt Disney's songs and seven dwarves (with the same characters and sound effects as in the film of this title)-Was published in January 1938 and included tracks like "I wish" "whistling while you work", "Heigh-Ho," and "one day my prince will come".
85 People Maya and Aztec used cocoa beans as a shape of currency.

Today we can pay with money, credit or flow, but back in the elderly Mayan and Aztec people, cocoa beans were currencies. The precious seeds were also a valuable goods that could be exchanged for other property. According toNational Bank Museum of BelgiumAbout 10 beans could buy you a rabbit.
86 LEGO translates into "playing well" in Danish.

The name "Lego" is so known that you probably never stopped thinking where the word seems seemingly random. But according to society itself, "Lego" is an abbreviation of the Danish words "godt of leg, "Meaning" plays well. "They say," It's our name and it's our ideal. "
87 Sweat does not feel.

The smell of sweat is actually caused by the presence of bacteria on your skin that breaks sweat out of your pores in the acids, according to theMAYO Clinic. Deodorians, who are antibacterial and often contain alcohol, work by killing bacteria on your skin that does it. Antiperspirants, on the other hand, work by forming a gel that temporarily branches the sweat glands on your skin, blocking them and reducing the amount of sweat that collapses.
88 The Andromeda Galaxy has a star that explodes every year.

Some quite amazing things happen in Andromeda, which is the galaxy right next to our own milky way. This includes the star M31N 2008-12a, which is actually a "recurrent Nova". It means that it illuminates regularly,Losing a shell from its outer layer in space about once a year, according to the newspaperNature.
89 The Congress Library is the largest library in the world.

With more than 162 million items in no less than 450 languages, theCongress Library In Washington, D.C., is the largest library in the world, based on its shelves and the number of books on them. And when it comes to othersImpressive librariesThe British Library (with more than 150 million items) is at N ° 2, followed by the Library and Archives Canada (54 million items), the New York Public Library (53.1 million items ) and the Russian state library (44.4 million items).
90 There are more than 1 million dollars of hidden treasures buried somewhere in the rocky mountains.

In 2016,Forrest Fenn, a former Vietnam fighter pilot who is also an art dealer and an author, says heHidden a treasure chest In the rocky mountains worth more than $ 1 million. Fenn toldNPR, "Nobody knows where thattreasure chest is only me. If I die tomorrow, the knowledge of this place goes in the coffin with me. "
If you are interested in looking for the Treasury, Fenn provides some tips at its location in its self-published memory,The thrill of hunting, with a supposed poem filled with indifferent book that he posted onInstagram. Fenn wrote: "All the information you need to find the treasure are in the poem. The chapters of my book have very subtle indices but are not deliberately placed to help the researcher. Good luck looking."
91 This dimple in your wine bottle serves a goal.

Also called "kick-up shot" or "punt", the dimple in the bottom of your wine bottle is a rest of the past, when the bottles were made of hand in hand. If the glass glass did not push the seam from the bottom of the wine bottle, it would not stand straight (because there would be a mass). Today, aPunton deeper Can say that it is a bottle of wine more enjoyable and more scholarly. So run your hand under this bottle of vino before buying!
92 Polar bears work faster than professional football players.

Polar bears can run25 mph. By comparison, the fastest NFL player nowadays,Nick Chubb, can run just over 22 mph.
93 You can never remember a single memory alone.

When you try to recall a single memory, such as a smell or look at a person's face, this memory can not be recalled in isolation. It was among the 2015 conclusions by a team of neuroscientists at College University London, who discovered thatWhen we try to remember a detail (For example, the color of the shoes to a friend bore last week), we bring with a series of other details (like the place where we saw said friend wearing the shoes, their other clothes, etc.). According to researchers, this is due to the fact that the hippocampus of the brain, memories and store them. And when we recover a memory, it brings a full range of other components.
94 The warmer temperatures turn mummies on black GOO.

Preserved mummies for more7,000 years in Peru Turning to Black Goo with a major increase in moisture. WhenScientists from Harvard University have tested whyIn 2015, they discovered that it is because the microbes of the skin are activated at high humidity, which is something that the inhabitants of Peru former have never had to worry, because of the atmosphere. Dry desert. However, recent climate changes have broughtfog of the region, thus increasing moisture in the air and melt the mummy human remains.
95 Alcohol suggests that your body thinks it's burned.

Ethanol (alcohol) activates theVANILLOID RECEIVER-1 (VR1 for Brief), which is what your body activates at high temperatures (107 degrees Fahrenheit or more, usually) to let you know that you are burned. Alcohol lowers the temperature to which your VR1 receivers are activated, instead of alerting yourself when your temperature increases above 107 degrees, it does it when it strikes 93 degrees. In other words, your receivers tell you that your normal body temperature (98.6 degrees) looks like combustion. This is also why open wounds sting when you pour alcohol over them - and that's why you're burning in the throat when you fight a particularly powerful force.
96 People with fatal hypothermia think they overheat.

This "paradoxical undress" occurs in almost half of all hypothermic deaths. It has not been fully studied because it would be pretty opposed to the ethics to do it, but there istwo theories at this stage:
- The nerves of the walls of the blood vessels are paralyzed because of the cold, which causes a vasodilation (where the blood flows more freely to the surface of the skin) giving the illusion of heat.
- Vasoconstriction in the first stage of hypothermia paralyzes the Vasomotor-which is what controls the sensations of body temperature throughout the body.
It becomes even narrower after that. Once undressed, the person will try to terrier in very small spaces. Finding organizations in states as if this is why hypothermic deaths are generally misinterpreted as acts of violence.
97 Espresso is not technically coffee.

We generally think of the espresso simply as a concentrated coffee, but it's more complex than that. To be officially "espresso", the drink must be made in a particular way-pressurizing productVery boiling water through finely ground coffee beans packed in cakes. If the drink is done in another way (in a pot of cooking plates or a fantasy outfitter method), it's coffee. Even if it had to taste exactly like a spin of espresso, you can not call it only if it is done through the pressure method. In other words, the espresso is not coffee.
98 You exhale the fat when you lose it.

While some deep breaths do not burn too many calories, thisisHow the most burned fat leaves our body. You may have thought it was through sweat, urine or other excretion, but the truth is, while we operate our day, most of the fat (84%, according to 2014 research. published in theBritish medical newspaper) isconverted into carbon dioxide and leaves our bodies through our lungs. The remaining 16% of fat are converted into water, which comes out of our body through urine or sweat.
99 Yosemite National Park has welcomed the 1932 Olympic Winter Games.

In the past, some American cities welcomed the Olympic Winter Games, including Lake Placid in 1932 and 1980 and Salt Lake City in 2002. But back in 1932,Yosemite National Park wanted to welcome international games. After installing Toboggan Runs and an ice rink, people behind Yosemite set their sites on the Olympic Games. However, because of the fact that the park was missing from other facilities and California had not had many experiences with winter-related competitions, the offer went to Lake Placid.
100 Women have Adam apples.

The Adam's Apple is the thyroid cartilage that surrounds the larynx. Unlike popular belief, women and men have one. It's just bigger in men because the larynx (voicemail)is much bigger in men (Hence the deeper voices).
101 Firefighters can make wetter water.

Firefighters have some different tactics that they can use in the face of severe flamboyancy - and includes the ability to make wetter water. According toInternational fire protection, A wetting agent can be used to increase the "penetration and propagation capacity" of water, which is why the treated liquid is called "wet water".
102 Archaeologists followed Lewis and Clark by their bodily waste.

Throughout the beginning of the 19th century, explorersMeriWeather Lewis andWilliam Clark Trekked through the United States of the East Coast at the Pacific Ocean. And although they kept regular journals, modern historians and archaeologists had had years that were difficult to struggled at specific locations that their forwarded shipment - information that would help future generations to understand this historically crucial trip. ThenThe researchers came on an idea To follow their exact movements:Analyze mercury toilet.
As happens, laxative mercury lessons were a popular solution for treating constipation during the era of Lewis and Clark, and traces of mercury can be detected centuries after depositing. So, by testing old lartrins sites along the road to Mercury, researchers could determine which the famous adventurers have visited. In total, some 600 sites have been connected to the famous pair.
103 Dry cleaning is not technically "dry".

Your dry cleaned clothes arethrown into a giant front loaded washer with a liquid detergent. Yes, your clothes are completely immersed with a liquid solvent; It's only called "dry" because there is no water in it. Dry cleaning was originally discovered byJean Baptiste Jolly In 1855, when his maid accidentally reversed the oil with a kerosene lamp over all the web-cloth, only to discover that the spots have deleted, he could not take out! Because oil is harmful to the environment with the amount of dry cleaning in the world, new solvents have been created over time.
104 There are cerebral amoebels.

Naegleria Fowleriis a form of free life excavation protractist that can enter the human body through the nose, then it moves from the nose to the brain where it destroys the brain tissue, invading the nervous system and consume the brain. It has been found only in hot fresh water: lakes, rivers and hot springs. So you may want to stay in the ocean to swim.
105 The sound journeys four times faster in the water than in the air.

The sound is a wave of alternation of compression and expansion, the speed thereof depends on the speed with which it rebounds from each compression; The least compressible media, it moves, the more quickly it turns faster. The water is about 800 times denser than the air, so there are many more particles so that the waves can bounce back. Thus, the sound is faster in the water.
However, the density has the opposite effect on the physical bodies (such as, for example, a bullet). Physical meetings meetings hang out when in the water due to its density, as being arranged by the equation of the trail inAn introduction to fluid dynamics. It has been proved that jumping in the water and swimming under its surface will literallyyou save to catch a ball. (So, all these movies and movies show where you see people jumping in the port of the race have a scientific base after all!)
106 There is a nasty plant than Venus Flytrap.

Carnivorous plants and peat bogpedbladderworts May close their traps to close less than a millisecond, 100 times faster than a Venus flytrap. These are rootless floating plants that have a yellow flower at the top and a bladder bag with insect digestion. They have a size of a few centimeters at a few feet long.
107 The tiny holes on the padlocks make sure they are not stuck.

Thetiny holes in padlocksServe a dual purpose: they allow any moisture that develops inside to escape and allow you to add oil to internal mechanisms to prevent rust and ventilation. Since padlocks are generally used outdoors, allowing water to run out to maintain colder locks and colder climates maintaining the lock to be frozen. If you have problems to open a padlock, stick to the WD40 in the tiny holes and you should be able to open it without problem.
108 The stars are made of matter.

You could imagine that a ball of light and star heat - a light and heat contain zero material and is entirely composed of energy. Almost! The stars do not contain gas material, liquid or solid, as we know. Instead, they are composed ofplasma, a super-heated state of material that humans can not handle. (Flash is also composed of plasma.)
109 You probably dream of color.

You probably heard that "We dream that in black and white. "But new research has shown that monochromatic dreams were only the case because of the black and white screen time. Nowadays, with the duration that we all spend monitor color programming - whether it is On television or mobile devices, our brain tends to keep all colors in dreams. Only about 25% of people in a 2008 study published in the newspaperConscious knowledge reportedDream in black and white.
110 The Supreme Court houses a basketball court.

The Supreme Court, the highest court of the country, is home toa basketball court On its roof (four floors, to be accurate), appointed, appropriately, the highest court of the country. It is smaller than a regulatory tribunal, but provides an excellent session of sweat. In recent years, it has been modified to include a gym and a yoga studio.
111 With respect to the law, video games are works of art.

If your parents were not too happy with the time you spent playing video games as a child (and perhaps still), you can justify your hobby with the fact that in 2011 theThe US Supreme Court ruled that video games are a form of art. In response to the issue of the sale of violent video games in California, the High Court found that video games deserve the same first protection as books, comics, plays and other artistic mediums.
112 Your taste buds have an average life of 10 days.

Adult taste buds, in general, turn aroundWithin eight to 12 days. The taste buds are clusters of polarized sensory cells integrated into the tongue and those that are closer to the surface have a shorter life. That's why when you burn your language, it does not take too much time before you are able to taste again.
113 Your pencils can be transformed into diamonds.

Science can be more glamorous than you think.The graphite can be transformed Diamond by applying a temperature of 3,000 degrees Celsius and the pressure of 100,000 atmospheres. This is because graphite and diamond are two shapes of the same chemical element, carbon. And this technique is not reserved for diamond jewelry are used for a variety ofIndustrial applications, such as cutting tools for electronic devices.
114 There is a rock that floats.

You have probably used the only floating rock in the world on your feet: yes, it'spumice. PUMICE is a volcanic rock produced when the lava bursts from a volcano, then cools with many small gas bubbles. Because of all bubbles, it is less dense than water (and ideal for cleaning dead skin). However, if it's been in the water for too long, it will eventually become slippery and flow.
115 All my apologies are much more efficient than you thought.

A 2008 study published in the journalClinical orthopedics and related researchpeople who have had a medical professional misconduct revealed that40% of them would not have filed an action if they had received an explanation and apology. Despite this research confined to the medical industry, physician-patient relations are probably not the only ones to enjoy a simplicity of excuses from time to time.
116 There is a turn to discover a double-direction mirror.

Walk to the mirror and place your finger or a nail on it. If the reflection of your finger directly touches your finger, it's adouble-lane mirror; If there are about 1 centimeter between your finger and reflection, this is not the case.
117 The fireflies are lit to flirt.

AsMarc Branham, a professor of entomology at the University of Florida explained toAmerican scientist, a light of firefly itself is the result of so-called "cold light. "Oxygen combines calcium, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the chemical luciferin, and the light is produced with a minimum lung energy of heat. Fireflies mainly emit a light to attract friends (via certain models of light Or to defend the territory (which is why when you put them in a pot, they light up, as a defense mechanism).
118 There is a goal for these tiny holes of aircraft windows.

Thoseholes in airplane windows are called "breather" or "bleeding" holes. The aircraft windows have multiple windows, the sniffy hole being in the middle to balance between the cab window and the exterior windows - it helps to attenuate the pressure so that neither outside nor windows inside do not crack.
119 Falling into your dream is actually your body trying to protect yourself.

The meaning ofFall into a dream is the result of what is called thehypicnic jerk, this thing that goes well as you are about to fall asleep. According to a 2003 study in theNeural transmission log, a hypicnic jerk occurs during the sleep cycle not REM (rapid eyes movement) and is a "Flexion movement of steep muscle action, generalized or partial and asymmetrical, which can cause excitement, with a fall illusion. "There are theories about why it's happening, one, according to the National Sleep Foundation, is it" as you derive sleep, yourbrain misinterprets the relaxation of your muscles as a sign that you really fall And signals your muscles to tender, to protect you. "
120 Black holes are not black.

Black holes are regions that have gravity effects as strong as nothing can escape inside; They fundamentally nourish particles and electromagnetic rays such as light, which we call "Falcon radiation," afterStephen Hawking, who proposed their existence. Because black holes constantly consume the material, they give up a dark glow, but they are not actually in black.
Before his death, falconExpanded on his black hole Theory by posing that, instead of existing black holes, they are "apparent horizons", which does only temporarily hold the material and energy held before freeing them, although in a more sneaking way.
121 This is not the tip of the whip that makes the cracked sound.

It has long believed that the sound of a whip is the result of the tip that breaks the sound barrier because it moves faster than the speed of the sound. But a 2002 study conducted at the University of Arizona proved, by the calculation and the experiment, that theThe crack of a whip comes from his loop traveling along the whip, winning a speed until it reaches the speed of sound and creates the crack. However, this does not make the tip less worrying; The tip reaches speeds of 30 times the speed of the loop.
122 Hot water freezes faster than cold water.

This phenomenon was discovered in the 1960s by a Tanzanian student who observed that a mixture of hot ice cream freezes faster than a cold mixture in kitchen classes. Name itMPEMBA effect, after the student, this effect always states scientists nearby and from far away, as it still remainsNo final reason Why this happens (although many grant that this has something to do with obligations).
123 Frozen trees can "melt from the inside".

Mother Nature is capable of pretty shiny phenomena, including trees that can melt from the inside. AvideoFrom Evanston, Illinois, went viral in February 2019 as he showed a tree covered with ice that had started thawing. The legend explains: "More than three days, the weather has gone from 20 degrees a day to the rain of the ice, next to 49 degrees on the third day, creating this phenomenon of ice melting." According toIFL Science, because part of the ice had moved away from the trunk,The fusion water of the tree was able to flow Between clear ice and bark under while the outer layer of the ice has remained frozen.
124 The sound does not really travel in space.

In the space,Molecules are expanded so far apart that the vibration of a sound is unable to reach them in order to vibrate and to be heard. The result is aReally low frequency It's hardly discernible. So, the famous film movie for science-fiction horror movieExtraterrestrial was just all along: "In space, no one can hear you shout."
125 The coffee confers by going to a sauna.

There areThree main ways To decafferate coffee, all that involves moistening the green coffee grain in temperatures between 160 and 210 degrees Fahrenheit. The approaches vary in the solvents they use to pull coffee caffeine in order to reach the 10 mg or less caffeine per serving required to be classified as "Decaf" (Ordinary Cafe has between 50 and 75 mg caffeine per serving ) Then check these50 wonderfully strange facts that will make you interview all.

Eating food with this flavor can bring your appetite after Covid