It's the most painful insect sting in the world, said the scientist says

This entomologist admitted to a number of occasions on behalf of science.

It's probably sure to say that most of us want to avoidbee or bit by a firefighter ant. The annoying itching ofa mosquito bite Is pair too much for most of us. For a person, however, to obtain pain insects is a primary responsibility in his job description.Justin O. Schmidt, PhD, an entomologist at the organic institute of southwestern Arizona, was bitten andPique nearly a thousand times by a wide variety of painful-voluntarily creatures. Why do you ask? Well, to discover the most painful insect, we can experiment of course.

The scientist created the Schmidt Sting eponymous pain index, in which he noted the 78 species stings on a scale of one to four, with four being the absolute worst. Read to discover a sample of the stingers at all levels of pain, accompanied by Schmidt'sColorful, often cheeky, descriptions the way everyone feels, including the most painful of all, according to the museum of natural history of the U.K ..

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Red light background

Red fire ant

Poly pain index level: 1

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "Sharp, suddenly, slightly alarming. Like walking on a shag carpet and reach the light switch."

Tropical pungent ant

Tropical fire ant

Poly pain index level: 1

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "You should have learned, but the carpet is the same, and when you reap the light switch again, the shock makes fun of you."

South Arcian ant

Southern fire ants

Poly pain index level: 1

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "It happens the third day, when you reach the light switch and ask yourself when you will ever learn."

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Suture of the army army

Suturing army ant

Poly pain index level: 1.5

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "A cut on your elbow, sewn with a rusty needle."

Sheet of paper

paper wasp

Poly pain index level: 1.5

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "Burning, thrilling and lonely. A single drop of overheated frying oil landed on your arm."

Bulldog ant

Bulldog ant

Poly pain index level: 1.5

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "Intense, heartbreaking and clean. The dog's tooth has found his mark."

Giant ant

Giant ant

Poly pain index level: 1.5

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "A pulsating sting with some flavor. You have entered a salt bath with an open wound."

Large tropical black ant

Large tropical black ant

Poly pain index level: 2

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "Clean exquisitely and clean. The favorite Broadway hairdresser chooses his next victim."

Western yellow jacket

Western yellow jackets

Poly pain index level: 2

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "Hot and smoked, almost irreverent. Imagine W.C. Fields extinguishing a cigar on your tongue."

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Bee of western honey

Western Honey Bee

Poly pain index level: 2

Description of Schmidt of the sting"Burning, corrosive, but you can handle it. A burning heading head lands on your arm and is deactivated with lonola and with sulfuric acid."

Pedestrian ant

trap-jaw ant

Poly pain index level: 2.5

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "Instant and atrocious. A rat trap rings your index nail."

Ant harvester maricopa

maricopa harvester ant dangerous bugs in america

Poly pain index level: 3

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "After eight hours inappreciately drilling in this incarnated nail, you find that the drill is stuck in the stem."

WASP Warrior

warrior wasp

Poly pain index level: 4

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "Torture. You are chained in the flow of an active volcano. Why did I start this list?"

Tarantula Hawk Waspe

Tarantula hawk wasp

Poly pain index level: 4

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "Blinding, fierce, shocking electric. A running hairdryer has just fallen into your bubble bath."

Ant bullet

bullet ant

Poly pain index level: 4

Description of Schmidt of the sting: "Pure, intense and shiny pain. Like walking on the ignited charcoal with a three-inch nail integrated into your heel."

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Facts / News / Science
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