It's the biggest danger hidden in your garage

This small criterion can be the source of major problems - and expensive repairs - before knowledge.

The average person does a lot to protect againstDangers at home, install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide to ensure that their windows and doors are locked at night. However, there is a surprising source of peril that can be hidden in your home without even realizing. According to the experts,The mice and rats are hiding in your garage could put you and your loved ones in terms of danger. Learn more about these rodents and for another pest to worry, get ready to discoverThe most murderer animal for man in the world, who will shock you.

"The most common [Types of] Damage that these rodents can do on your vehicle are ringent wires around the engine, a shredded gauze in the air vents and holes chewed in the components of furniture or non-engines. metal, "saysNatalie Barrett, supervisor of the quality of the service forNifty parasite control. (Not to mention the aesthetic damage of sharpening and defecation.)

Unfortunately, when rodents nest in your car, they can cause serious automobile problems that you may not notice before it's too late.

"Mice are known to eat wiring and, when it comes to a motor wiring harness, [the latter] can cause non-start-up problems, cause components specific to malfunction and result in additional material damage, or cause disabling security problems your vehicle ", explainsNicole MiskelieyManager ofPreventive maintenance repair in Marion, Illinois. It adds that the cost of replacing a motor wiring harness can be "astronomic", noting that it can even cost more than the vehicle is worth.

In addition, Miskeliey explains that rodents can also chew the wires controlling the headlights of your car or breaking lights of your car, which can be expensive to repair, and can make your car dangerous to drive if it is not repaired quickly.

In some cases, damage caused by rodents to wiring your car can have even more devastating consequences. According to Manhattan District ManagerDaisy Paez, the rats were theCulprits behind electric fire It totaled a car in New York in 2019.

mouse nest inside car engine
Shutterstock / Bell Ka Pang

Unfortunately, with many people working from home because of the coronavirus pandemic and, as such, many cars are unused for periods of extended time - it has never been easier for rodents to find Charging opportunities of cars.

Kelsey Snell, a Congress correspondent with NPR, tweeted at the end of April thatRats took the residence in its engineAnd noted that its local dealer admitted to having several calls on the same question in a single week, largely because of a lack of conduct.

If you find evidence of rodent infestation in your car or garage, Barrett recommends calling an exterminator for the problem to be corrected. After all,Mice and rats can carry diseases Including hantavirus, salmonella, laperspirosis and plague, among others. In addition, the CDC has recently reported that since the beginning of coronavirusRats became more and more aggressiveWhich means you may not want to deal with them yourself.

Fortunately, there are also many ways to limit the chances that rodents will make a house in your garage or car in the first place. Read on to find out what experts recommend toKeep these parasites at the bay.

Read the original article onBetter life.

Move your car more often.

Man wearing mask in car

The easiest way to keep mice and rats of nesting your car? Move it regularly.

"No animals would consider a running vehicle with a hot engine a safe shelter," says Barrett.

Close all entry points around your garage.

white man caulking wall
Shutterstock / Sandra Matic

Mice and rats can browse tiny spaces, so make sure your garage does not have easy entry points is an important step inKeep these pests From your car.

In addition to repairing all rotten boards, replace the hipping cans, and caulking windows and door areas, you should do "all you can to seal the perimeter of your garage and make sure all windows and the doors are closed, "saysRichard Reina,Director of Product Training at

Use moth balls.


An unpleasant or unexpected scent could be enough to keep your car without rodent. Reina says night balls placed around your car can help deter parasites. And for more great stories delivered in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Place the dryer leaves around your car.

Person Pulling Out a Dryer Sheet, diy hacks

You can enjoy the smell of dryer leaves, but this perfume may be enough to keep the animals out of your engine. Reina says that placing dryer leaves in your car and under the hood is a remedy at the popular house for pests. However, it notes that it is important to delete all the dryer sheets of the mechanical components of your car before driving it.

Limit additional food sources in your garage.

dog staring at food bowl on garage floor
Shutterstock / Chonlawut

If you store food in your garage, do not be surprised if rodents start doing at home.

"Do not leave pet food or bird seeds in the bag," saysLauren fixed, an analyst with the car coach. "They must be in sealed containers forkeep rodents. "

Hire a professional before seeing signs of full infestation.

exterminator spraying car in garage
Shutterstock / Hedgehog94

Do not wait for you to have a major rodent problem in your garage to get a professional on the case.

"Have your home on a preventive maintenance plan with a pest control company can often hit problems before becoming too much triolographic", explains the associated certified entomologistMichael Thome, a technical services manager forEhrlich pest control. And if you want to avoid an expensive error on the forehead of the house, know thatThis cleaning error ruins your home.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Home / Safety
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