The 60 most interesting global facts that you ever hear

These Nordbags of all of nature to global policy will make you feel instantly smarter.

With about 200 countries and more than 7.8 billion people (plus plants, animals and other organizations), the world is full of interesting, fun and fascinating facts. In the Kiwis country, for example, you will find the highest concentration of pet owners on the planet. And more in Nicaragua, you will find one of the only two flags in the world to present the purple color. Hungry for moreFacts about the world And its growing growth population? Read on to learn interesting anchors about the past, the present and the future of the Earth.

Glaciers and ice leaves hold about 69% of the fresh waters of the world.

Glacier in Alaska
Maridav / Shutterstock

A little over 96% of the total amount of the world's water takes place in its oceans, according toWater in crisis: World Freshwater Resources Guide via the United States Geological Survey (USGS). However, it is mainly salty waters. To find most of the world's fresh water, you have to browse the poles, because 68.7% of it is locked up in ice caps, permanent snow and glaciers. For more facts sent directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

The fastest burst of the wind never recorded on Earth was 253 miles per hour.

Wind turbines
R.Classen / Shutterstock

Hang on your hats because it's not your middle wind storm. In 1996, a tropical cyclone named Olivia reached the coast of the coast of Barrow, Australia, with such a force she broke an incredible recording. According toThe weather chain, "Olivia's Yeywall produced five extreme wind bursts of three seconds, whose summit was a burst of 253 mph," which has blownThe previous wind record 231 mph set to Mount Washington, New Hampshire in 1934.

Recent droughts in Europe were the worst over 2,100 years.

Road sign that says
Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock

Europe has experienced serious dry spells and extreme heat since 2015, which caused major droughts. Research conducted by the University of Cambridge (and published on theNational Oceans and Atmosphere Administration Website) looked at isotopes in the rings of old European oaks in Central Europe that have formed over thousands of years to try to reduce the cause. They discovered thatDry spells are a "result of climate change caused by the man and the associated changes of the jet-stream", according to Eurekalert!

The best place in the world to see Rainbows is in Hawaii.

Double rainbow in Hawaii
Felix Nendzig / Shutterstock

If you are a Rainbow Gazer greed aircraft and you want to get your beautiful phenomenon filling, look no further than the state of Hawaii. A study published by theAmerican meteorological society In 2021, it was noted that "the mountains of the region produce sharp gradients in clouds and precipitation, which are the key to abundant rainbow observations". Air pollution, pollen and a large amount of skid waves also help to put Hawaii at the top of the list of rainbow and quality.

There are fossilized plants in Greenland under 1.4 km of ice.

Nuuk City, Greenland
Vadim Nefedoff / Shutterstock

About 80% of Greenland is covered by theGreenland Ice, whoBritannica to explain is the "biggest and possibly the only relic of plyistocene glaciations in the northern hemisphere". But has he always been so frozen? Well, at the bottom of a basic sample of 1.4 km, which was taken in 1966 at Century Camp during the Cold War,The researchers found "Fossil plants and well preserved biomolecules", which means that the melted massive sheet and reformed at least once in thousands of years. Brrrrr!

Whale songs can be used to map the bottom of the ocean.

fin whale
Juan Garcia / Shutterstock

Shoulders are basically theBarry White of the ocean. TheDeep songs, below May men use to attract friends are considered the strongest of all marine life and can be "heard up to 1,000 kilometers (600 miles)".according toAmerican scientist. They can also be used to map the ocean floor surrender thanks to the fact that the sound can reach depths of2.5 kilometers (1.6 miles) Underwater, which rebounds and provides researchers with precise measures. Beyond that,A study 2021 inScienceI showed how to use a song of the whale of fins can be much more useful and have less negative impact on marine life than using a large air gun, which is the typical researchers of the tool count on.

New creatures were found in volcanoes on the high seas.

Underwater volcano
Cchamorro / Shutterstock

Finding previously undiscovered organizations in the depths of the ocean may seem like something of science fiction horror movie, butA 2020 study of a deep sea volcano Near New Zealand, published inActs of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, discovered "more than 90 bacterial genomic families and putative archanes and nearly 300 genres previously unknown." Some research has linked hydrothermal winds, such as deep sea volcanoes, at the origin of life ". We examine the first signs of future landmen? We will have to wait and see.

Mount Everest now is now that the last time it has been measured.

Mount Everest

Mount Everest may not have to cultivate physically, havingreaches maturity a long time agoHowever, the most recent measure by geometers representing China and Nepal has the top of the mountain larger than we pensive it in the past. The previous readings ranged from 29 002 feet above sea level in 1856 until 20.029 in 1955,According to NPR. But after theLong mountain measurement process with GPS devices, experts have now declared thatMount Everest is at a height of 29,031.69 feetbecause of the tectonics of the plates.

Climate change causes color change flowers.

Azaleas on Hwangmaesan Mountain in Korea
Stock For You / Shutterstock

Do not worry, your red roses taken will not become turquoise during the night, but an increase in UV radiation due to the ozone layer deteriorating in recent decades causedFlowers all over the globe to change. A 2020 study led by scientists from the University of Clemson determined that theUV flowering pigement has increased With the time that led to the degradation of their pollen. Although we can not see the color changes with our eyes, it's a big problem for pollinators such as bees attracted by bright colors that flowers produce.

Dentistry is the oldest profession in the world.

Close up on a dentist holding a drill

Dentistry goes from all that humans first had teeth ... not quite so long. However, a study foundProof of pierced teeth in the skulls that dates from 7,500 to 9,000 years. The holes were probably made using a prehistoric exach. Could this be the work of the first dentist? OtherMordante search Realized by the University of Bologna, Italy on a 14,000-year-old skull found that "a rotten tooth in the jaw had been deliberately deliberately and scraped with a tool"According to the BBC. This makes dentistry one of the oldest recorded professions and is definitely a reason to smile.

North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can not buy Coca-Cola.

Woman selling Coke and Pepsi in Cambodia

No matter where you go, it is comforting to know that you can always enjoy a Coca-Cola. Well,almostall over. While this sparkling drink is sold almost everywhere, she still did not make the way to North Korea or Cuba,According to the BBC. This is because these countries are in long-term American commercial embargoes.

However, some people sayYou could be able to hang a sip of things if you try quite hard - although this is typically be aparcel More expensive than what you want to pay in the states - and probably imported from a neighboring country such as Mexico or China.

The entire global population could go inside Los Angeles.

Sunset Strip in Hollywood California

TheThe total population of the world is more than 7.5 billion. And obviously, this number seemshuge. However, it could feel a little more manageable once you learn that if each of these people was on the shoulder on the shoulder, they could all integrate in the 500 square miles of Los Angeles,according toNational Geographic.

There are more twins more than ever before.

Twin little boys in matching plaid shirts

You might think that the twins are a rarity, but they become more common than ever. "About 1915, when the statistical file starts, until 1980, about 50 born babies were a twin, a rate of 2%," writesAlexis C. Madrigal ofAtlantic. "Then the rate began to increase: by 1995, it was 2.5%. The rate exceeded 3% in 2001 and reached 3.3% in 2010. [This means that] a person on 30 born is a twin. "

Scientists believe that this trend is due to the fact that older women tend to have more twins and that women choose to start families later. Fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization are probably also playing a role.

The hottest pepper in the world is so hot that it might kill you.

Dragon's breath chili peppers

The "arms year"Dragon's wife pepper is so hot that it's downright fatal. If you have eaten one, it could potentially cause anaphylactic shock, burn your respiratory tract and close them.

"I tried it on the end of my tongue and it just burned and burned," saidMike SmithThe recreation farmer who invented the dragon's breath with Nottingham University scientists. So why do pepper as little practical? Upon arrival, Chile has been initially developed for use in medical treatment as anesthetic that can numb the skin.

More people visit France than any other country.

Woman eating croissant in French cafe

France is a beautiful country, filled at the edge of delicious wines, succulent cheeses and tons of romance. It is therefore not surprising that more people want to go to France than any other country in the world, according to theUnited Nations World Tourism Organization.

In 2017, the European country welcomed 86.9 million people. Spain was the most popular destination of 81.8 million visitors, followed by the United States (76.9 million), China (60.7 million) and Italy ($ 58.3 million). Life is Beautiful!

The most densely populated island in the world is the size of two football terrains.

Santa Cruz del Islote
Model / Sid Verma

The Santa Cruz del Islote in the San Bernardo archipelago off the Colombian coast can only have the size of two football courts (two acres), but the artificial island has four main streets and 10 neighborhoods. Five hundred people live on the island in about 155 houses. With so many people packed in such a small space, it is the most densely populated island in the world, according toThe Guardian.

The Canary Islands are named dogs, not birds.

Cocker Spaniel puppy

It may seem to assume that thethe Canary Islands Have been named after the Canary Birds, but the location was named for a different animal. Although off the coasts of North West Africa, the archipelago is part of Spain. In Spanish, the name of the region is Islas Canarias, which comes fromLatin phrase Canariae insulae For "dog island".

Indonesia is home to some of the shortest people in the world.

Aerial view of Indonesia

Although there are short people and great people everywhere, Indonesia is home to some of the shortest people in the world, depending on the data compiled from various global sources.speakTelegraph in 2017.

When you take into account genders, the average adult is about 5 feet, 1.8 inches. People in Bolivia do not tend to be much larger, with an average adult height of 5 feet, 2.4 inches. The highest people among us living in the Netherlands, where the average height of adults is 6 feet.

The Paris Agreement on Climate Change has been signed by the largest number of countries ever in one day.

United Nations Building flags flying

When 174 global leaders signed the Paris Day Agreement in 2016 at United Nations Headquarters (UN) in New York, it was thegreater number of countries Never come together to sign anything one day. The agreement aims to combat climate change and accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed to strengthen the global climate effort.

The most silent room in the world is located at Microsoft's headquarters in Washington State.

Microsoft sign on building

The silence is golden, as they say. And although it may not be just as much as the jewelry and gold of most people, it was certainly the main objective of those who built the most calm room in the world. Located at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington, the laboratory hall measures a background noise of -20.35 dBA, which represents 20 decibels below the human hearing threshold and violates the previous archives of spaces that were.considered as the quietest places on the planet, according toCnn.

"As soon as we enter the room, we immediately feel a strange and unique feel that is difficult to describe"Hundraj Gopal, a scientist of speech and audition and principal designer of the Anéchoic chamber at Microsoft, toldCnn. "Most people find the absence of his safening, feel a feeling of fullness in the ears, or ringtones. Very weak sounds become clearly audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low. When you turn your head, you can To hear this motion. You can hear this movement. You can hear this movement. Can you hear you breathe and it sounds a little strong. "

There is only one country in the world that does not use the metric system.

Meter rulers

For simplicity, most of the world's 200 countries use the metric system when they describe things like a length or mass. However, there was recentlyThree countries that have stood out: Liberia, Myanmar and United States.

In 2018, Liberia Trade and Minister of IndustryWilson Tarpeh stated that the government had planned to adopt the metric system to promote responsibility and transparency in commerce, according to theLiberal observer.Myanmar made a similar commitment, which leaves the u.s. as the only holder.

The longest name on the planet is 85 letters.

Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu in New Zealand

People who live in Mamungkukumpurangkunjunya Hill, Australia, need a small patience when it comes tospelltheir hometown name. But do you know what? So, the people of Lake Chargogaggman-ChagaggggggGugungchagunggggggchauggungoggggchaugs and TweeBuffelsmeen-Skootmorsdgeskietfontein, South Africa.

None of them do as much work to do when those living in Tamawhakatantgihanga-koauotamatitcha-ahoronukupokai-ahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu in New Zealand, however. 85 letters long is theName of the longest place in the world.

Four babies are born every second.

Parents kissing baby's cheeks

Every second, we welcome four new babies in our global population. Do some mathematics and you will know that it means that there is about250 births every minute, 15,000 every hour and 360,000 a day.

The coldest temperature never recorded was -144 degrees Fahrenheit.

Snow covered garden in Rome

You may think you are used to frigid and bluster air winds, but the average winter day has nothing the coldest day ever recorded, which was-144 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature was recorded in Antarctica for a period of research between 2004 and 2016. Some air breaths at this temperature would induce hemorrhage in your lungs and would kill you.

The terrestrial ozone layer will make a complete recovery in 50 years.

Earth from space

Due to pollution, the earthly ozone layer has suffered a lot. It is a bad news for everyone, because the fragile gas layer protects our planet and we pack the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Fortunately, climate change experts believe that the ozone layer will heal fully within 50 years, according to a 2018 report of theThe United Nations.

The recovery is largely thanks to the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which put a global prohibition on the use of one of the main culprits for the damage: chlorofluorocarbons (CFOS). Previously, CFOs had been common in refrigerators, aerosol cans and dry cleaning chemicals.

Japan is the largest number of earthquake in the world.

Earthquake aftermath in Japan

Earthquakes may vary from minor tremors that are barely perceptible for strengthening soil shakers that cause massive destruction. But it's an inevitable part of life for those living in countries such as China, Indonesia, Iran and Turkey, which are part of themost places subject to earthquakes on the planet. However, according to theUSGS, Japan records the most earthquakes in the world.

There are about 4 quadrillion quadrillion bacteria on the planet.

Bacteria in petri dish

All bacteria are not bad. In fact, some of these ITTY-Bitty organic cells are really good for us and the help of the world in different complex ways. And it's good to know, considering that there are about 4 quadrillion quadrillionsIndividual bacteria on our planet, according to NPR.

People who are currently alive account for about 7% of the total number of people who have never lived.

People walking down crowded sidewalk

Here is another global fact to keep behind your mind: according to thePopulation reference officeSince Homo Sapiens first struck the scene 50,000 years ago, more than 108 billion members of our species are born. And much of this number is alive right now. According to the Bureau, the number of living people today represents a height of 7% of the total number of human beings who have never lived.

Muhammad is considered the most popular name in the world.

Closeup of baby
Szefei / Shutterstock

Staff John, James, Mary and Jane - The most popular name in the world is considered Muhammad. According toTheIndependent, about 150 million men and boys around the worldShare this name. Popularity is thanks to a Muslim tradition of appointing each son of the firstborn after the Islamic Prophet.

Only two countries use purple in their national flags.

Dominica flag

The Nicaragua flag proposes a rainbow in the center which includes a purple band, while the flag of Dominica has an image of a Sisperou parrot, a bird with purple feathers. These elements make them the only two flags of the world thatUse purple color.

Africa and Asia are home to nearly 90% of the world rural population.

Small globe
Model / João Silas

Everyone does not live in a booming town or a sprawling suburbs. Many people always come home outside animated places, especially in India, whose largest people living in rural areas (about 893 million people live outside the city),according toReuters. China also has an impressive rural population of 578 million people living outside the main centers.

The most expensive play in the world has been sold for more than $ 7 million.

Pile of world coins

The Double Eagle of 1933 was a piece of USD 20 USD in gold that has never been circulated. Some pieces were made, but most were destroyed-Save for nine presumed people stolen by American mint workers. After years outstanding the globe and falling in the hands of some notable owners, including the King of Egypt - one of the coins was auctioned at Sotheby's in 2002 for a superb $ 7,590,020. Who made themost expensive never sold at auction.

The world's largest reef of the man's oyster was created in Maryland.

Man shucking live oyster
Bartosz Luczak / Shutterstock

Due to overfishing and illness, the oyster population of Chesapeakeee Maryland's bay suffered seriously. But thanks to the dedicated work of scientists at the Laboratory of Horn Point, to the Corps of the Army, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and to the Conservation of Nature, the State now is home to theThe biggest reef of the man's manufacturing oyster. Home to more than one billion oysters, the region is a non-fishing area, which, hopefully, will give the population a chance to recover.

A record of 92 countries has competed in the 2018 Olympic Winter Games.

Woman's hand holding gold medal

Every four years, the Olympic Games bring together the most competitive athletes around the world. And when thePyeongchang Winter Games took place in 2018,2,952 athletes were expected come from a total of 92 countries. Who beat theprevious registration From 2,800 athletes from 88 countries who participated in the winter games in 2014.

South Sudan is the youngest country in the world.

Aerial view of Juba, capital of South Sudan
FrontPage / Shutterstock

Some countries are hundreds of years, while others can trace the history of their nation for thousands of years. CornSouth Sudan in North Africaonly has acquired its independence from Sudan in 2011, which is currently the youngest country in the world.

More than 52% of the world's population is under 30 years old.

Kids in a huddled circle smiling and laughing

According toUnited Nations Organization for Education, Scientific and Culture (UNESCO), starting in 2012, 50.5% of the world's population were under 30 years old. About 89.7% of young people live in emerging and developing economies such as the Middle East and Africa.

People aged 60 and over represent 12.3% of the world's population.

Senior couple laughing together
Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock

Although the majority of the human population is currently under 30, there are still many older people among us. In fact, more than12% of people on earth have 60 years And older. This number is expected to reach 22% by 2050.

There are more than 24 time zones around the world.

Hitting snooze on alarm clock

If the earthtime zones They were each hour apart, so we would have 24 times areas, which seems pretty simple. However, the situation is a little more complicated than that. Since many areas of time differ only 30 or 45 minutes, they do not fit into a period of 24 hours neat and tidy, which means that there are more than 24, although it It's hard to say exactly how many people.

Nearly half of the world's population looked at the FIFA World Cup Games 2010 and 2014.

Trophy from 2014 FIFA Brazil games

Football-or football, according to which you are asking for - is the most popular sport around the world. That's why when FIFA World Cup games took place in both2010 and2014Almost half of the world's population (about 3.2 billion people) to see who would win.

It is estimated that Sweden has more islands than any other country.

Boat in harbor flying Swedish flag

With 221,800 islands, it is believed that Sweden would haveMore islands than any other country in the world. Only about 1,000 of them are inhabited.

There are 43 countries that still have a royal family.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their wedding day
Paul Marriott / Alamy Live News

The British royal family can be the most famous royal family on the planet, but there are still many other nobles there. In total, there is28 royal families Which reigns over a total of 43 countries of the world, including Japan, Spain, Swaziland, Bhutan, Thailand, Monaco, Sweden, the Netherlands and Liechtenstein.

California houses the "artichoke capital of the world".

Seasoned artichokes

Castroville is a rural city of California whichto growa lot artichokes (and other vegetable crops), thanks to the fact that the region benefits from the ideal time all year long. For this reason, it grows 99.9% of all artichokes grown in the trade and has even been nicknamed "the artichoke capital of the world".

All giant pandas in the zoos around the world are loan from China.

Panda bear

The panda to your local zoo may seem at home in its comfortable sanctuary. But unless you lived in China, the pandas you see are visited. This is because each of the gentle giants of the zoos around the world is loan from China. Yes, they are technically theProperty of the Government of China, according to Vox.

The "most typical human" is suitable for this description.

Person writing with right hand

According to a study developed forNational Geographic in 2011,the world "the most typical" of the world is right-handed, is less than $ 12,000 a year, has a mobile phone and does not have a bank account.

Canada has 9% of the world's forests.

Forest in Alberta Canada
MoreNo01 / Shutterstock

Our northern neighbors offer 396.9 million hectares of forests, 9% of all forest areas around the world, according toNatural Resources Canada.

The red beak is the most common bird on earth.

Red-billed quelea
Linn Currie / Shutterstock

There may not be red beak Queelas in your neighborhood, but it's not because there is no abundance. These birds, who live in sub-Saharan Africa, are considered agricultural pests because their massive herds can erase whole cultures. Although their numbers fluctuate, there are about 1 to 10 billion, which leads scientists to believe that there is more thanAny other bird on earth, according to Audobon.

There is a website that follows the world's real-time population.

Earth from space

From 2021, the global human population is estimated at more than 7.8 billion people. And if you want to look at this increase in real time, you can set in theWorld population clock, which shows the rising and the bowttics while babies are born and people die. You can also see the current populations of different countries.

More people talk about Mandarin Chinese than any other language.

Person writing Mandarin Chinese

With about 950 millions of native speakers and 200 million additional people speaking of Mandarin Chinese as a second language is theMost widely spoken language in the world.

Around a 200 men are direct descendants of Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan statue

During its life between 1162 and 1227,Genghis Khan generated innumerable children. And although we may never know exactly how much offspring the leader of the Mongolian Empire, scientists now believe that about 1 out of 200 men-aka 16millionpeople aredirect descendants of sound.

Copenhagen is the city's most adapted city in the world.

Young man on bike

Many cities around the world are trying to build cyclists and encourage more residents to use environmentally friendly mode of transportation. That's why Copenhagen has become such a model; according toCable, It's theThe city of most bikes in the world.

41 countries that recognize the language of signs as an official language.

Sign language class

It is estimated that there are 72 million deaf people around the world. There are also about 300 differentSign-The prior to the language of American signs and the language of international signs - as well as 41 countries that recognize them as an official language.

The global adult literacy rate is about 86%.

Woman laying on couch and reading iPad
Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock

With each passing generation, more and more people areto learn how to read, according to UNESCO. Nowadays, about 86% of adults around the world are able to enjoy a book for themselves. UNESCO also explained that their data show "a remarkable improvement among young people in terms of reading and writing skills and a constant reduction of gender gaps".

Facebook has more users than the people of the United States, China and Brazil have been combined.

Facebook toolbar

Do you use Facebook? If you do not do it, you are among a smaller number each day. In fact, 2 billion active users have an account on the social media platform, which is more than the population of the United States, China and Brazil. Co-founder and CEO of FacebookMark Zuckerberg Published on the milestoneBy saying, "We are making progress connecting the world and let's put closer the world closer."

There are only two countries with names that begin with "le".

Beach on Princess Cays Island in The Bahamas
GGAM / Shutterstock

Perhaps you will find yourself "the" before various countries and names of places during their reference, thanks to the grammar and the common pronunciation, which is why we say the United States or the Maldives. However, onlyThe Gambia and the Bahamas Formally include "the" in their names.

All ants on the earth weigh as much as all humans.

Red ants

The total population of people living on earth has not even reached 8 billion people. At the same time, there are 10 quadrillions (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) of individual ants crawling at any time. According to the wildlife presenterChris Packham,Which appeared on the BBC In 2014, discussing, once combined, all these ants would weigh in the same way as all American humans.

The oceans contain nearly 200,000 different viruses.

Ocean waves at sunset

The next time you want to take a dip in the big blue ocean, you may not want to think that the apparently virgin water houses nearly 200,000 different types of viruses. Although it may seem scary,Matthew Sullivan, a microbiologist at the University of Ohio State,RecountCnn, "Have this roadmap [from which viruses exists] help us do a lot of things we would like to better understand the ocean and, I hate to say, but maybe to have the engineer the ocean at a given moment. fight climate change. "

New Zealanders have more domestic animals than any other country.

Woman laying with cat and dog

People who live in New Zealand seem to love having at least one animal companion. That's why 68% of the country's householdshave a pet, which is more than any other nation in the world. Americans also pronounce fur friends, which is why more than half of all American houses have a dog or cat (or both).

Tokyo is the largest city in the world with 37 million inhabitants.

Tokyo at night

Tokyo is a booming city, not only by Japanese standards, but also compared to cities around the world. With about 37 million people living in Tokyo, it is the largest city in the world in terms of population size, according toReuters. The next biggest city is Delhi, India, (29 million people) and Shanghai, China (26 million people).

Interpol was founded in 1914 when professionals from 24 countries gathered to discuss fugitives captured.

Closeup on man's hands handcuffed behind his back

These days,Interpol (or the International Criminal Police Organization) can be deemed to follow the outlaws around the world. But the group dates back to 1914 when the International Criminal Congress was held in Monaco. This meeting saw the police and the judicial representatives of 24 countries meet with the aim of improving the contacts between the police forces of different countries to increase the effectiveness of international investigations.

Nearly two people die every second.

Cross-shaped grave stone in cemetery

While four babies are born on earth every second, it is estimated thatTwo people disappear at a time. This means that 105 people die every minute, 6,316 people die every hour, 151,600 people die each day and 55.3 million people die each year. Sorry, people - not all interesting facts are fun!

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Facts / Trivia
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