These information flashes illuminate your mind.

For nearly 3,000 years, we have been fascinated by the hypnotizing qualities of lightning. "It was the magic fire of the sky that the man captured and used to keep warm at night. He kept wild animals away,"according to Meteorologists at the National Meteorological Service. "As the primitive man asked for answers about the natural world, Lightning has become a part of his superstitions, his myths and his first religions."

Our collective fascination with the magic weapon of Zeus has never been linked. So, if you are interested in learning evenFollowing About the lightning of its spectacular temperatures to its only strength and power to read for 33 lightning facts you will certainly find the most striking.

Lightning creates warmer heat than the sun.

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Although forecasts vary, experts say it can be as hot as50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is difficult to imagine, let us put it in context: it's three times warmer than the surface of the sun. No wonder water in the path of lightning is immediately vaporized.

Technically, the lighting itself has no temperature.

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Allow us to explain the latter. Technically, these 50,000 degrees are in fact the temperature of the air or other materials than the lightning passthrough this. The bolt itself is a movement of electric charges, and for this reason, it does not really have a temperature itself.

Lightning can hit the same place twice or more!

Flashes of lightning in the night sky. Lightning strike. Lightning near the factory. Night sky. Storm cloud. A flash of lightning. Industrial landscape before the storm - Image

It's a myth that lightning never strike the same place twice. Not only that, but some places (as high-rise buildings or particularly favorable topography areas) can see dozens or hundreds of love at first sight. For example, the building of the empire State would behit by lightning about 23 times a year.

Lightning also strikes several places at a time.

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Not only does it strike the same places more than once, but also aSingle Lightning can hit more than one place at the same time. Strikes with two or even triple flash are not rare. For example, a few years ago, a videographed recorded a single flash keystrike three Top Chicago Buildings: Willis Tower, Trump Tower and John Hancock Building.

Lightning bolts are not very wide.

intensive bolt hit the ground

The photographs seem to indicate that the "channel diameter" of the average lightning bolts between two and seven inches. But researchers who examined melted metal locations where a bolt hit believe that they are closer to a little more thaninches in diameter.

The lighting can reach 90 miles long.

Strike of lightning - Image

The Lightning Martin Uman researcher observed lightning channels likelong as 90 miles.

Cameras are not really effective for capturing lightning.

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Something too short duration that a lightning can be difficult to measure. For example, have you ever seen lightningwithout clouds? Probably not.

It's because, although pictures can be useful for determining the overall size of a flash, they do not capture boltsinside the clouds. As a result, scientists consider that photography is one of the least effective means of measuring lightning.

The radar is a good way to measure a flash.

Lightning on the satellite dish - Image

As Uman explains, a radar assembly can send "electromagnetic impulses, which are reflected by certain objects (for example, metal aircraft)". The pulses move to 186,000 miles per second. So, the measurement of time elapsed between the emission of a pulse and its reflection during the reception allows the distance to be measured.

Florida experiences more lightning than any other American state.

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Ofthe top 15 American counties with the most flawed strikes in 2018, 14 were in Florida. Thanks to its geography bordered by the ocean on three sides in a subtropical climate, you will find almost daily storms in part of the state. The most struck part? The "enlightened", named "enlightened" between Tampa and Orlando.

But Venezuela feels more lightning than anywhere on the earth.

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In particular, Lake Maracaibo, to the right of the Caribbean Sea, holds the record of"The highest concentration of lightning" according toThe Guinness Book of World Records. There you will find the lightning familiarly, and scarecrow, catatumbo known as the "eternal storm", a meteorological phenomenon than the averages over 260 days of storm a year, including 150 the characteristic flash. Sometimes there are nearly 30 lightning flashes byminute.

So, why is this region so amolunizing? Scientists theorize that air above the lake is particularly driver because of the abundance of methane oil fields - or maybe it is due to a mysterious combination of topography and wind patterns. We only know one thing for some: do not bring your dog (unless you want to scare his fur).

Thunder can not exist without lightning.

lightening rain storm

Most people talk about thunder and lightning as if they are two distinct things, but in fact they are only two characteristics of the same phenomenon: thunder is the sound of lighting. In other words, thunder is the sound created as the air expands and contracts quickly into the resonance tube of lightning (which a teacher calls a "tubular drum")).

Thunder can be heard up to 10 miles from the lightning strike.

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Part of the reason, some people separate thunder and lightning is that it is possible to hear Thunder by 10 miles from the lightning that caused it. It's not because you do not see that lightning does not mean that's not there.

Flash can have up to one billion volts of electricity.

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Yes, abillion with a "B." Put another way, it's about the same amount of power as 79.4 million car batteries or 666 million AA batteries.

Lightning kills 51 people on average in the United States each year.

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It was themean For the years 1984 and 2013, according to the National Meteorological Service.

But this number has decreased: 2017 has been recorded for the least people killed by lightning in a year, with16 killed. Last year, he slightly checked, with20 dead, the second lowest on the recording.

Lightning kills disproportionately the poor.

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Lightning is responsible for an estimate of 24,000 dead all over the world in a given year. Many of thoseare in the poorest or more rural parts of the world. While the United States loses about 0.3 people for 1 million people, India loses 2 people per 1 million, Zimbabwe loses 20 for 1 million, and Malawi sees 84 people per million killed by lightning.

More than one billion lightning strikes strike the land every year.

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Yes, 24,000 annual deaths are a high number. But it's a bit smaller when you put it in perspective: the planet is hit an average of an average of1.4 billion timesper year. If each of these people struck a person, humanity would cease to exist in five years flat.

Lightning kills disproportionately men.

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In the United States, at leastMen are much more likely to be killed by lightning that women. According to the National Meteorological Service, 81% of lightning fatalities between 2006 and 2013 were men.

Most poppy lightning victims survive.

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If you live in the United States, your chances of surviving a lightning strike aresurprisingly high about 90%. There is aFew reasons Why the survival is so high, including the direct strikes are actually rare, that your body cuts a lot of the current and that the RCP is a widely known and often rapidly administered skill.

Lightning once destroyed a massive collection ofStars warsmemories.

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Stars wars Fanatic Graham Duck was once the victim of a lightning strike that would have made Dark Vador Jaloux. When a bolt hit the roof of his house in the north of England, a fire inflamed in the attic, where he kept 20,000 £ fromStars warsToys and memories. All irreplaceable action figures and collectibleshave been destroyed. If there was always a question that the force of force was a dark side power, it rules.

Being struck by lightning gives you a rash.

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The rash that the lightning leaves on those that it strikes is probably the least of the concerns of the victims, but they are pretty gnarly. The red shaft ramification pattern known as "Lichtenberg numbers"-De caused by the capillaries of electric charge rupture under the skin.

The rash is named for the German Physicist Professor Georg Lichtenberg, who discovered the model on electrically loaded plates. They are sometimes also called "lightning flowers" or "skin feathers".

Lightning does not need rain.

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Although we usually associate lightning with rainy storms, the phenomenon does not need rain to occur. Dry lightning is something thatcome In Western states and can be a major cause of forest fires and other dangers.

There is something called "Petrified Lightning".

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Sometimes lightning can be captured in a kind of frozen sand sculpture called "petrified lightning. "The conditions must be accurate, but if the bolt hits a sandy beach rich in silica or quartz, the intense temperature can bring the sand to be merged into a glass of silica. It causes an impressive snapshot of the bolt that could be confused for a tree branch.

There is also "positive lightning".

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No, it's not a kind of lightning that is more optimistic than most. The term refers to a bolt resulting from a positive charge building at the top of a cloud. This does not usually occur, unless there is a strong wind that moves a cloud of the negative load naturally forming in the way. It means that the positive lightningusually hits The soil of 20 to 30 miles from its storm, often as the worst of the Peters Storm.

And it is more murderer than normal lightning (aka negative).

A closeup of flowers atop a funeral casket outdoors

A "negative bolt" lighting - when a negative load is transferred from a cloud to the ground - is by far the most common lightning type. This usually produces 30,000 amps of electricity. Positive lightning product10 timesThat and is much more likely to kill someone he hits.

A love at first sight has already killed 81 people.

Airplane with an explosion in the sky

On December 8, 1963, a flash struck the left wing of the Pan American flight 214, heading in Puerto Rico in Philadelphia. The bolt inflamed the fuel stored in the plane reserve tank, causing an explosion and part of the wingSeparated from the plane. Everything fell down and all 81 passengers were killed.

A man claimed that lightning has restored his sight.

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Edwin Robinson, a resident of Falmouth, Massachusetts, was blinded by a car accident in 1971. He was then struck by Lightning in June 1980, the striker unconscious for 20 minutes. On awakening, Robinsondiscovered that his view had returned.

A Ranger Park has survived seven lightning strikes.

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Park Ranger Roy Sullivan holds theGuinness file To be struck by lightning more than anyone else. But while he was revealed to be a remarkable survivor after these seven strikes - and alone upside down, that "lightning does not hit the same place" -Sullivan had his own demons to fight. He took his own life at the age of 71.

The "flash" is real, but it is difficult to prove.

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A ball of spherical light, known as "ball flash", has never been photographed, but has been "seen and described since antiquity"according to Professor of Astronomy and Physics Peter H. Handel of the University of Missouri in St. Louis.

It appears for a few seconds, passing parallel to the planet and making occasional jumps. Handel says, "Sometimes it goes down from the clouds, other times, it suddenly materializes inside or outside or enters a room through a closed or open window, through non-metallic thin walls or through the chimney. "

Benjamin Franklin came with early protection.

'Franklin's Experiment, June 1752,' Benjamin franklin demonstrating the identity of lightning and electricity from which he invented the lightning rod, painting by Currier & Ives, 1876 - Illustration

Although its "kite experience" on the nature of electricitycan or may not really have arrivedFranklin came to the idea of ​​securing rods to lightning at the top of the buildings to protect the structures of the impact of lightning strikes. TheRod Franklin LightningHe said, would prevent a house from being "damaged by lightning ... Pass through the metal into the ground without hurting anything."

An iPod saved a teenager who was struck by lightning.

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A teenager struck by lightning in 2009 survived,Thank you to his iPod. The gadget's thread diverted the load of 300,000 volts from its vital organs. She suffered from burns and was unconscious, but lived to tell.

The study of lightning has a name.

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It is known as "fulminology". Oh, and there is a term forfear lightningAlso: "astraphobia".

Lightning causes "red sprites".

Awesome thunderbolt in dark night sky.

With the appearance of a fantasmagoric red mist, some 50 miles high in the air, this phenomenon, known as "red sprites", is caused by a positive lightning.

AsScience to explain, "The red color of sprites probably comes from these ions that break in the molecules in the air. Similar to dawn, the charged particles excite nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. The gases end up Settling and freeing this energy, some in the form of pretty colors. "

The lightning took off a rocket.

Rocket launch. Elements of this image furnished by NASA

The Atlas-Centaur 67 rocket of $ 78 million, launched in the bad weather in March 1987, was struck by a flash49 secondsAfter the launch, causing his failure controls and the rocket begins to collapse. The debris of the rocket landed in the ocean and near the shore, where he burned holes. Fortunately, it was not an inhabited ship, so the disaster resulted in null losses. And for greater impressive scientific coverage, learn everything about the 21 mysteries on space that no one can explain.

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