17 toxic household items for dogs, according to experts

De Jonquilles in Dranan, these common household staples are toxic to dogs.

When youpossess a dogYou always have the best interest in your puppy in mind. And that means taking precautions to keep your dog away, away from any potential poisons. Of course, we all know that chocolate is a non-GO, but it's not the only common household article that is toxic for your precious pet. In fact, there is a good chance that your home is a real field of mining things that are toxic to dogs. From electronics to everyday cleaners from greenery types, here's all you need to stay outside the range of Fido, depending on veterinarians and PET experts.



Mables are ideal for preserving your clothes. But for dog owners, it's just not worth the risk. According toAmerican Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), justa Mothball can make an extremely sick dog. If the mibrillers have napphthalenic, they can "cause serious illness, including irritation of digestive tubes, liver damage, kidneys and blood cells, swelling of brain tissues, crisis crises, damage caused by Respiratory tract "or extreme death of your beloved dog.

Pipe cleaner

man pouring chemical drain cleaner down a sink

If you have a pet, you should not have a drain cleaner. According toLi-Ran Bukovza, founder of the dog board siteChippytipit is "a caustic chemical mix that makes it possible to dissolve tough hoofs in the drains. By definition, chemical makeup is extremely toxic and if your dog is unlucky enough to pass it, it can cause serious news lights just Arriving coming into contact with his skin. "If you have to own a bottle, store it in an area that your puppy can not go to - and also make sure to quarantine any room in which You use it. You do not want to rover the licking of the sink!


Batteries, things you shouldn't store in your basement

The batteries are often a necessity for various technologies in your home, but do not keep extras within the reach of your chokes. According to Bukovza, your dog will not generally ingest batteries, but simply lick or get in touch with battery acid can cause health problems such as ulcers, chemical burns or swelling of the throat. All old or leaks batteries should bedisposed of safelyand unused batteries should be locked up to prevent animal access.

Electronic cigarettes

Juul e-cigarette

If you use electronic cigarettes, consider breaking the habit or, at the very least, limiting your steam to the exterior areas only. According toDistribution of people for sick animals (PDSA), the liquid inside electronic cigarettes is very toxic for animals as it contains high levels of nicotine. With their tempting odors, the liquid inside electronic cigarettes easily attracts domestic animals and a small amount can be very toxic for dogs.


a pule of rat poison in the corner of the house

Avoid bringing rodenticides in your home if you have a dog. Although you can think that they are only toxic for rats or mice you are trying to get rid of, they are also very dangerous for your dog. According toJennifer COATES, DVM, member of the advisory board forPet of life todayThese poisons are flavored so that they attract rodents - but that too, unfortunately, also attracts your pets. Just ingest a small amount can sometimes be fatal. (And if you really want to get rid of mice, considercat.)


antifreeze bottle

Although most humans know not to appear the top of a bottle of antifreeze and the same thing, it can not be said for your puppy. "Many types of antifreeze contain ethylene toxic glycol while tasting soft dogs. It is a potentially fatal combination, because the ingestion of ethylene glycol can lead to serious kidney damage,", declares coatings. "Look at your vehicles for potential antifreeze leaks and plan to switch to a safer type containing propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol."

Various adhesives

a man placing wood glue on a piece of glue

If you plan to do remodeling or repair work on your home, be careful of the type of adhesives you buy. The AVMA warns that polyurethane adhesives are in manyhousehold productsAnd are dangerous if ingested by a dog.

"In particular, several marks of expansion of wood glues - those containing diphenylmethane diisocyanate (often abbreviated as MDI) - have the potential to form obstructive gastrointestinal masses if ingested", the AVMA warns on their site Web. "The ingested adhesive can form an expanding glue ball in the esophagus and stomach of your animal, creating a firm mass that can be four to eight times the original volume of the glue."

Some plants

Peace Lilies on a Window Sill Home Hazards

Plants and flowers are a great way to add a beautiful greenery to your home, but if you own dog, you have to think twice on thePlants you buy.Rachel Barrack, DVM, founder ofAnimal acupunctureIn New York, says you should avoid lilies, daffodils, mute cane, tulips and holly, because most of them can cause intestinal problems for your dog. The AMVA also warns of Sago Palms, Azalea, Rhubarb and Fungi.

Chemical fertilizers

someone spraying chemical fertilizer on a vine

When it comes to keeping your lawn in advanced shape, do not use chemical fertilizers. "Many allergies blamed on the grass are actually reactions to toxic chemical fertilizers placed on it. The injury caused to pets can be amplified because they are likely to lick and bite feet caught up by these chemicals" , declaresCASSY AYAGIPresident ofFormla landscaping In Los Angeles, California. "Biological fertilizers, the efficient placement of plants and mulching are excellent alternatives."

Mulch of cocoa bean

home damage

However, if you decide to use Mulch as an alternative to chemical fertilizers, head with bean cocoa mulch. The coatings say that "the mulch of cocoa bean contains the same chemical compounds that make dangerous chocolate for dogs." And although it is a better alternative to the toxicity that your dog can ingest chemical fertilizers, the coatings recommend dog owners to stay away, seeing that there are still other good alternatives there.

Synthetic grass

a close-up photo of artificial turf outside someone's yard

Synthetic turf can make your garden virgin, all day, every day, but it comes with a high price for puppy parents. "Where natural herbs are cleaned and cooling air, synthetic turf carried biological risks of waste and blood, needs hazardous chemicals to clean it and increase the chances of exhaustion of heat", Note Aoyagi .

Air scales filled with chemicals

Room spray

You may not realize that some items you use in your home to make things nicely contain chemicals that can be toxic to your dog.David Ewart, an interior designer forBroadway Pavilion In England, says that any pet owner should be diligent to check the ingredients of these products.

"We will always suggest checking all air refreshes, incense or candles that you buy to make sure they are not toxic to dogs," says Ewart. "Opting for a well-tested and ideally organic room scent or diffuser is generally safe because many other essential oils and are safe for human and animal inhalation."

Potpourri liquid

a pot of liquid potpourri on a table

Specifically, dog owners should avoid escaping from the use of liquid pupourri. According to AVMA, most liquid potpourri products have harmful ingredients that can cause oral ulceration and other health problems for your dog.

Labelles easy to access

kitchen trash can, second uses for cleaning products
Shutterstock / Kelly Marken

We do not say that you should get rid of all yourgarbage When you get a dog, but you should be aware of the types of garbage cans you have. The garbage cans with easy access openings result in easy access to pets.

"Replace all your open and swivel trash cans with those with pedals," RecommendJacob Dayanco-founder ofFinanceand a four dog dad. "This prevents your puppy from getting into the trash and potentially preventing something toxic. Personally, my dog ​​likes to tear napkins and paper towels in tiny small pieces. Have a basket with a foot pedal. Prevents the trash can and to make a mess. "

Laptop radiators

portable heater in the corner of a home

The PDSA warns pet owners against the purchase of portable radiators. Not only could your dog cleanse them and get hurt, it's also afire hazard for your home. Instead, consider safer alternatives such as air heating or isolated heating in your walls or floors.

Unprotected medicine

a bunch of unlabeled medicine bottles in a medicine cabinet

While the twoDrugs on the counter and prescription May be necessary and useful for you to keep home, dog owners should be extra precaution because many of these drugs can be toxic or fatal for dogs. No dog owner should never have a unprotected medicine cabinet at home. "For example, blood pressure medications can cause seizure attacks, even though current painful analgesics, such as Tylenol, may result in permanent liver damage," says Bukovza. "Always keep all your medicine safely locked in a wardrobe well our scope of your dog."

Grape, lawyer and other food products

grapes on a wooden table - funniest jokes

Chocolate is not the only food that Fido should avoid disappearing. PDSA, caffeine in large quantity can harm your dog's heart and foods like grapes, blackcurrants, raisins and sultanas contain potentially fatal toxins. Other foods they suggest staying away from your pet include onions, garlic, Cibols, lawyers, peanuts and salt. In other words: you simply stick with good dog food. And for more ways to be a better owner of Pet, here's allFood you should never feed your dog .

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Tags: Home / Pets
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