If you have this TV provider, get ready to lose your favorite channels next week

The supplier can soon eliminate 108 channels for millions of subscribers.

The twoCable TV and satellite can cost a nice penny these days, causing many Americans to turn your back on TV providers and stick tostreaming services in recent years. But the main point of sale of the cable and satellite is that they offer hundreds of live TV channels that streaming services do not do it, and it is always a draw for viewers willing to pay heavy costs . Unfortunately, this Perk is now at risk of some subscribers. Read it To find out which television provider may be required to fall more than 100 channels next week.

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The network of dishes can soon lose channels in the middle of a dispute with the Sinclair broadcast group.

Parkdale, Oregon, USA - Oct 26, 2019: DISH satellite TV antennas are seen in a farm. DISH Network Corporation is a U.S. television provider.

The network network subscribers can be without their favorite chain, thanks to a dispute with the Sinclair broadcast group. August 9, Sinclair said it was unlikely to beReach a new agreement With the television provider before its existing expiry expires on August 16. According to Sinclair, this will affect 3.5 million subscribers in 38% of the United States.

"We have tried without success to receive fair and customary terms with dishes for the renegotiation of our retransmission consent,"David Gibber, Sinclair General Counsel, said in a statement. "Given the status of these negotiations, we believe it is important to alert the actual risk dishes subscribers that some of their favorite stations will no longer be available via the dishes."

The television provider will have to deposit 108 channels if a new agreement is not reached.

Young man holding a tv cable remote control, watching tv. Life style, entertainment, young people. fashion, design and interior concept. Natural light

If the pair does not reach a new agreement before August 16, all the television stations of Sinclair broadcast and the tennis channel will be dropped from the dishes. In total, this should affect about 108 channels, including 97 ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC affiliated in several states, such as California, Texas and New York. According to Gibber, this will cause crockery network subscribers to lose "access to local news, local news, popular syndicated programming" and] sports programming, including college and NFL football. "

Tennis fans will also lose "West and southern wall cover of the open of Cincinnati, Ohio", as well as "access to demand and online access to programming" when The tennis channel is removed, Gibber explained.

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Dish Network says Sinclair makes "scandalous requirements".

June 2, 2020, Brazil. In this photo illustration the DISH Network Corporation logo seen displayed on a smartphone.

The network of dishes has released itsown follow-up declaration On August 9, calling for the requests of the "scandalous" broadcasting company. According to Flat, the new Sinclair Agreement not only has the broadcasting company increases its royalties, but also requires the television provider to keep other programs than many customers do not monitor.

"Sinclair is a demanding dish pay nearly $ 1 billion in fees for their television channel - a massive increase in what we pay today for the decline in opinion,"Brian Neylon, the Chairman of the TV TV group, said in a statement. "Sinclair makes these scandalous demands, turning his back on his public interest obligation and putting customers in the midst of his negotiations."

The two companies seem to wait until the other concedes.

Shot of a young woman relaxing in front of her TV at the weekend

Both companies have a week to reach an agreement allowing subscribers to keep these channels. "It's still time to reach an agreement with Sinclair which is just for all parties involved, especially our customers. We will continue to fight on behalf of television customers to keep TV invoices as low as possible" , said Neylon. Gibber, on the other hand, says that Sinclair encourages the subscribers of the markets affected to "contact the network of dishes and know it that it is important for them that the network of doubts bore these stations".

But if no agreement is made, Sinclair says that the dysheming network subscribers can interrupt their service providers or switch to continue to obtain these stations. "We apologize to our viewers for the disadvantages that this could cause, although our programming continues to be available either using other program providers or via an antenna reception on the air", A Declared Gibber.

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Tags: News / TV
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