Never go to the ocean at that time, shark experts warn

It's when you are most likely to meet with a hungry shark.

Shark observations wereup this summer, which is actually a good thing, as experts say that seeing more sharks means that there are more fish near the shore. But Beachgoers may not share the same affinity for narrow encounters with the most dreamed predators of the ocean. It is important to keep in mind that when you swim in the ocean, you visit the field of sharks, but if you follow some simple rules, you should be able to completely avoid sharks. In fact, make sure you do not swim at certain times of the day could make all the difference. Read it to know when you avoid going to the ocean if you want to avoid sharks.

RELATED:If you live here, get ready for more sharks than you've ever seen before.

Avoid swimming early morning and evening when sharks usually feed.

Person swimming in the ocean at sunrise

Although taking a dip while sunrise or sunset may seem like an idyllic way to start or finish a day, you are more likely to have a hungry visitor at these times. The experts saidToday that people should "avoid surfingEarly in the morning and evening when sharks usually feed. "According to water underwater, Australia, Sharkstend to hunt at dawn and twilightAlthough they are known to eat at any time, the prey goes through their way.

The Florida Museum also urges people toAvoid water at dawn and twilight. "Many sharks are the most active at these times and are better able to find you that you will not see it," they explain.

RELATED:If you see it at the beach, do not go in the water, the experts warn.

Avoid water that can attract more sharks.

Fishing pier

You should also pay attention to the water you go. Any body of water with a fish surplus could put you at risk of a shark encounter. The experts saidToday That people should avoid water that is frequented by sports or commercial fishermen because they can shit water, which could attract sharks. The Florida Museum also suggests avoiding water that contains wastewater because it attracts bait fish, which then attracts sharks.

Strong note that a way to know if there is a large fish school nearbyIf you see diving sea birds. In addition, if you see a fish break, it could point out that a shark is in the region.

Never swim in the water near seals.


There may seem like an experience once in a life swimming in the ocean a few kilometers from the seals, but experts warn that this is also dangerous because seals are one of the favorite snacks of sharks. "If you're stupid enough to go swimming among a group of seals broke into people, you put yourself in danger. There is no question about it," marine biologist and shark expert.Bob bob, PhD, saysStrong.

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Avoid doing anything in the water that could attract sharks.

people swimming in the ocean

You may not realize what you wear when you swim can be the difference between simply seeing a shark folding shark and meet a shark closer. According to the Florida Museum, you should avoid going into water with uneven tanning clothes or bright colors. "Sharks see the contrast particularly well, so use extra caution when the waters are cloudy," he explains. In addition, you should never wear brilliant jewelry in the water because "the reflected light looks like brilliant fish scales".

RELATED:If you live in these states, never go into the ocean when it's calm.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News / Safety
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