5 ways of thinking differently than most people

If you want billions, start thinking like a billionaire.

Make money is only a small part of what makes someone really rich. Much of this comes from a person's mentality - how do they think of money, how do they think about time, their goals and how they defineSuccess He himself. There are ways that the super successful approach of these distinct things from the average person. But by adopting some of these billionaire mental practices and rethinking some mortgages, a person who works on 9 to 5 Grind can start bringing big money. Combine these 5 tips andThe unique way to join the 1%And you will be on the path of milliairear status in no time.

They focus on gains, do not save

billionaires man at table with money

In his bookHow rich people thinkSteve Siebold distilled three decades he conducted with millionaires around the world in dozens of advice to help guide readers to crop their mentality. The first distinction between rich and medium: "The middle class focuses on savings. The world class focuses on gains." He emphasizes that this is particularly true during financial difficulty - when the economy is slowing down or when their industry is successful. Instead of making fear and making decisions focused on themselves, to deviate as much money as possible and not to make aggressive movements, the super rich see an opportunity.

"Even in the midst of a cash flow crisis, the rich reject nickel and penny thinking about the masses," he writes. "They are masters who concentrate their mental energy where she belongs: on the big money."

The rich guys do not pay attention to the amount of money they are retired - they are looking for how they can turn the money they have a wealth a lot more riches. Having some rise aside for when the race becomes difficult will not hurt either: Check theA better way to make money during your free time.

Money is a tool, not a goal

Hundred dollar bills, representing savings

This leads to the second way that billionaires think differently than the average guy: of course, they have huge bank accounts and built a lot of impressive money. But they do not fetish it, plunge into their vault and back through their gold coins, like Scrooge McDuk. They seek ways to turn it into more money and more opportunities.

"Money for billionaires is a tool, not the goal," saysPeterson Teixeira, Entrepreneurship coach. "They always find ways to make more money and use the freedom that came with money to make even more money. It's a game."

A commercial contract that goes well and lands a million dollars deserves to celebrate - but you should be entitled to work on ways to transform this million in two or 100 million more. A simple way to keep the money moving consists in investing it, or at least a portion of it. Keep an eye on the market and attention20 the most learned investment to do right now.

Wealth is time, no money

billionaires man looking at watch

Since they do not get a big silver blow for his own love, the super rich see time as the ultimate luxury good, and they seek to make the most of the limited amount of the one they have. It means delegating all they do not like to do or not to find satisfactory (with billions, you can hire anyone who you want to do what you want), but it also means spending their time participating in thrilling experiments and Pressure so much satisfaction and the joy of getting out of the days they have. You can start integrating this philosophy into your daily life today, even before hitting billionaire status, focusing on the positive and minimizing the constraints of your life-read on these10 ways to reduce the stress of men to start.

"The wealth loves every minute of good times and bad moments as an entrepreneur, ensuring not to miss happiness and love and family and to make sure you spend time exploring this wonderful planet we call The house, "said Paul Kirchoff, founder ofEPX worldwide, a group of networking adventures that organizes elite outputs for high entrepreneurs and performance. "It's not about how much money you have, it's about the amount of costs you have. You can control your costs and the level of financial wealth needed to do what you want is A lower but financial health is only one metric. Spiritual and emotional wealth and wealth earned with various experiences is much more precious. We are all limited by time. "

The billionaires were used to having what they want when they wish, but even someone with Bill Gates, the money can not live forever.

Their goals are big but few

business, billionaires

Because as long as daily tasks of a billionaire's life are delegated to those below Him, his mind is not focused on tons of minor goals, but rather great image stuff. At some point, his list of things to do is usually quite short. The spirits and offices of the richest tend not to be cluttered.

"They do not subordinate dozens of objectives, nonspecific objectives or inaccessible objectives," said Jeff Campbell, creator of the financial blogNew dad of the middle class. "They tend to focus on one to three tasks a day, while setting goals of the week, month and year. Rather than a vague goal, like" lose weight ", the success of the 'Uber would give a specific goal of "losing two books a week for 10 weeks. '

Or they might say "buy an island"Or" develop a product that fulfills a gap in the market. "Instead of moving on to every step of these big pictures and finding reasons why they may not work, they leave these difficulties with other people who trust, and keep his eyes on the horizon For the next way to do some millions more. Do very much one thing and know how to delegate are only two of the25 richest things still do.

The work is their hobby


The billionaires are not where they are without a huge loss of passion for the projects they work and "work" for them is often indistinguishable of the holidays - they do what they like and find ways to gain from the money by doing this. As Siebold calls him, "the middle class wins money that does things that they do not like to do ... World class becomes rich by doing what they like."

Or, like Jas Krdzalic-President ofBodybuilding.com, who works with many high-performance customers - put it ", they engage in their business ... and do work like a hobby."

The rich guys do not understand the concept of "work" in a traditional way - to show, put on time and be paid to spend time doing something. They know that rewards stem from something and offering something that is on demand. They see the steps that need to be taken to achieve their goal, but the focus is always on the goal and enthusiasm they feel by reflecting on it. So, for billionaires, "work" is very fun. But if you insist, you need some hobbies outside your 9-5, make sure that thevideo games you play will make you a smarter man.

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