Is it the best omelette in the world?

Yes, these three eggs are fundamentally a mortgage payment.

The most expensive omelette in the world is actually a frittata, and it is prepared by the leadersNorma, a high-end establishment that is only open for breakfast and brunch. The restaurant is part of the Luxury Hotel Parker Meridien in ... -New York City, the city that never sleeps but still dreams - especially dear and decadent food.

So why, exactly, is this omelette so expensive? Marisa Zafran, Vice President of Marketing and Development at Parker Meridien and a recipe book publisher of the signing of the restaurant, explained that a type of extravagance and playful spending is "all the theme of our menu "Chez Norma. The Fritta is the idea of ​​Chief Emile Castillo and Steven Tipes, President of the Jack Parker Corporation (who holds Parker Meridien). According to Zafran, "they decided," Let's enjoy this, make this item extreme, really expensive, "never knowing that it would take off the popularity as it did."

The Zillion Dollar is barely named because it has a mix of ingredients that brings the price of the "Super Size" version up to $ 2,000. The frittata is a carefully made of lobster, eggs, chives, special lobster sauce and 10 ounces of Sevruga Caviar from the Caspian Sea, all at the top of a slightly grilled potato bed. This road culinary creation held theGuinness World RecordFor "the most expensive omelette" since 2004, when it was only $ 1,000. With its current price of two big, no other breakfast can compete for this title.

The price increase was to increase the costs of CAVRUGA's special CAVRUGA; The dish was "never really a silver manufacturer" for Norma's, and rather served as an example of the commitment of the restaurant to be surplus and playful. To date, only oneRound 10 people One year Order the two thousand frittata dollars, while about 10 people per month command the smaller version, according to ZAFRAN estimates. To make a really excellent omelette, you must of course break some eggs - but for a serious breakfast of Zillion Dollar Frittata, you could get closer to break the bank.

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