The 40 worst things on the turn 40

It's your best decade. But that does not happen without disadvantages.

They say that your 40s are your best years. And to be sure,They are totally correct. But that does not mean that the entering in the middle age is not without any inconvenience. From these graying hairs to this terrible feeling of being left out of the cultural conversation, here are the 40 worse things about the transformation of the big oven-oh. And for great advice on aging graciously, do not miss our complete lists of the 50 things notman Wherewomen should possess.

"Middle-aged middoyal" now refers to you

temple facial exercise

Welcome to "Middle Ages!" Whether you are ready for that or not (of course you are not), this sentence now applies firmly to you.

Mid-life crises

mid-life crisis

Unfortunately, mid-life crises are a real thing. Any day now, you can feel the need to leave your job to pursue a completely different career path, or to meet you with depression. Take action and break any monotony cycle in your life by adoptingNew sticky habits.


worst thing about turning 40

When you leave your 30s, these lines of laughter, wrinkles and goose feet could become more perceptible. But do not be afraid: you can reverse the appearance of the lines with the20 best ways to erase wrinkles.

That very first gray hair

getting gray hair is one of the worst parts about being 40

Some people go prematurely gray earlier in life, while others are not affected until they are much older. If these first silver hair arrive in your forties, it can be difficult to take. And if you are a man, try to possess him asSilver Fox Steve Carell.


worst things about being 40

This is the least preferred procedure for everyone, but it's an important key for the prevention of colorectal cancer. Now that you have reached 40, schedule a regular colonoscopy (every three or five years), just part of your life.

Your youngest year tan returns to haunt you

worst thing about turning 40

If you enjoyed returning to the sun in your teenager, 20s and 30 years old, your skin will startshowing the damage Now that you are in your forties, usually in the form of brown spot spots. And this is not the only way your body will remind you that you get older. For more facts about your body, check the40 ways your body changes after 40.

None of the celebrities your nieces, nephews and children love are recognizable

not recognizing celebs anymore is a bad part about turning 40

No, Ariana Grande is not something you order at Starbucks.

Touch your toes is more difficult

worst parts about turning 40

No matter how many times a week, you get your buttocks at yoga, it is undeniable that your flexibility decreases. Remember: Fitness becomes a little more difficult in the north of 40 years, but it is nothing you can not manage. Just follow the10 Surefire ways to get your best body in your 40-year-old!

You start worrying menopause

worst part about turning 40

Between the 45 and 55 years, most women begin to go through menopause, although it can happen earlier or later depending on the person. When menopause feels more like a reality, you could start making a baby panic and you're wondering if you're just hot or you have a hot flash symptom - and more.

Ointments are part of your shopping list

turning 40

Bengay with hemorrhoid cream, you can not governanything on your next CVS race.

Your favorite groups break or disappear from the view

worst part about turning 40, classic rock

Unfortunately, we all get older in the same direction.

Mammograms are now on your list of annual tasks to do

mammograms are one of the things that suck about turning 40

According toAmerican Cancer SocietyWomen over the age of 45 should have annual mammogram projections, but if breast cancer takes place in your family, might be a good idea to consider going sooner than that.

In 10 years, you will be 50

things that suck about turning 40

But do not worry. here is50 ways to look like younger in your 50s.

The kids there address you as "Ma'am" or "Monsieur"

single father over 40

The same goes for "Miss" and "Mister".

Hair grow in pretty bizarre places

hair popping up everywhere sucks once you're 40

Although you may not necessarily have to shave your legs or armpits, boring small hairs can start cropping on your chin, your upper lip or even your nipples once you enter your forties.

You call "children" aged college ".

college kids are kids to 40s people

A child is not necessarily a pre-scull. People who are in college, 21-year-olds and people who many others could consider adult adults are starting to appear as "children" in your eyes.

Drink alcohol is not what it was once

alcohol isn't as fun over 40

Take the amount of liquor that you used to drink, divide it in half, and you will always find yourself with a hangover the next morning.

You need more coffee significantly

people need more coffee over 40

Although less alcohol catches a buzz, it takes and a lot more coffee to make you pass as a 40-year-old person.

Your rules become irregular

irregular periods happen after 40

As your body urged you for its next stage of life, you can see funky changes in your cycle.

Hair start thinking

hair starts thinning after 40

There is a reason that there are so many advertisements for shampoos and conditioners who claim to strengthen the hair. As we get older,Our hair is outBecause our bodies produce fewer estrogen.

Forty means that you are halfway up to 80

over 40 myth

Once again, you are officially in "Middle Ages".

Intestinal movements are not the same as these

stomach pain

Unfortunately, constipation is a reality for many people over 40 years old.

If you are barman cards, you are flattered

bartenders IDing you is good after 40

Now it's not the worst thing in the world, but it's a daily reminder of your newly exalted station in life.

Facebook messages are less often selfies and cake images more often

social media changes after 40

Your Facebook feed is suddenly filled with desserts, home snapshots decorated for holidays and children's photos in fun outfits.

Get out of the bed elicit a groan

getting out of bed is harder after 40

Yes, things start getting a little cute when you cross your 40 years.

Raise the lights agrees you

turning lights off

You are always the one who turns around the house extinguishing all the lights. It's like no one else cares about the electricity bill!

See a young person, no jacket, not shiny, drives you crazy

seeing people without jackets upsets people over 40

You can not shake the desire to throw a coat on his bare shoulders - or ask the guy constantly, "Do you have cold?!" Despite his reprimands.

You constantly lose your glasses

losing your glasses happens after 40

The fight is real. I do not know this sentence?Read here.

The appointments of your doctor multiply

Doctors appointments become frequent after 40

From the appointment of the eyes at the rendezvous at the screening of colonoscopy to the mammogram at the visit with your GP ... do medical appointments never end?

You need more fibers

taking fiber is one of the worst things about being 40

And you start adding it to your water glasses.

There is a holder of day vitamins of the week on the counter

vitamins are necessary after 40

With all the vitamins we need to take, it is better to be organized and the cop one of those weekly dollar week owners. But always, we can not believe that we now have one of these things.

Strings are out of the question

thongs are no longer a thing after 40

Give me cotton panties or give me death!

Advertisements on anti-aging creams areyour demographic

face cream commercials

Women on the screen TV with a beautiful flawless skin promoting anti-aging creams? Yes, they officially talk to you with you.

You regret all the times of your mother told you to moisturize your neck and you have not listened to

moisturizing is necessary after 40

Mom was right. Let's just leave that.

Melatonin is crucial to fall asleep

melatonin becomes necessary after 40

As we get older, insomnia becomes more than one question, so it is not surprising that we continue to reach the bottle of gummy melatonin.

Mascara is no longer a preference. It's an imperative

applying mascara is necessary after 40

It's not just your hair that bow down in your forties. These are your eyelashes too.

You never know if you are going to wake up cold or hot

sleeping becomes inconsistent after 40

The hot flashes and cold sweats are part of menopause, so do not be surprised if you wake up in the middle of the night, the sheets under you soaked. It's just part of age.

The Bryant Way, Harriet Carter and Gold Violins Magazines arrive

mail catalogs become unavoidable after 40

It's as if these companies literally know when you have reached 40. (They do it.) So, if you need a portable mobility or a bathtub at the integrated step, these catalogs have your back . (Ugh.)

Inspect. All. Alone. Mole.

getting moles checked out is one of the worst parts about turning 40

Yes, now that you are 40 years old, you must be on the lookout for signs of melanoma at any time. So, if brands on your skin become darker, change or pick up, you will need to visit a dermatologist.

The doctor keeps you warn of arterial pressure

blood pressure becomes a talking point after 40

We get it: blood pressure is more important than ever. But should the doctor drive the point at home in your heart, then twist the knife? And to make sure you really conquer your 40 years, be sure to read the34 bad habits that everyone should stop at 40 years old.

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging / Over 40
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