25 ways to turn into a sexual god

Bonus: You will also be a much healthier man.

Sex Has been scientifically proven to relieve stress, blood pressure, stimulate your immune system of and libido basically increase, sex the sex of spurt, kicking thus trigger an endless cycle of pleasure. Who does not want? While we are sure that your sex life is great transcendent, even, as is, there is always room for improvement. Whether they are whispering some more sweet races or making the most subtle changes to the most basic positions, which follows is a complete list of tips to instantly improve your sex life. And for a little added push, brush on the10 things you can do every day to send your sex drive to the stratosphere.

Have more sex morning


We are more busy, more stressed, and in several directions drawn than ever. In the crisis, things that are not considered essential Get put away. For the work of couples and family commitments, 15 minutes from morning sex may seem like a luxury they choose to jump. Bad movement! Morning sex is not only the effective time at the same time you are there, in bed and outbreak it is also a way to start the day on a positive note. In addition, sex has been proven to accelerate more oxygen to the brain that intentioned with a first thing in the morning, you can set up for a more productive day. Just try your best not tofall right to do the act after the act.

Stop smoking


If you are a smoker, a 2011 study showed that abandonment will result in thicker, firmer, faster erections. To test the study bandage of the participants, the researchers used what is called a penis plethysmograph, which measures the variations of circumference and the hardness, while the men watched porn. During the 8 weeks study, 31% of the participants who had succeeded in smoking had stopped smoking erections more than in the past. And 75% of the former smokers who have suffered from erectile dysfunction at the beginning of the study, no longer done at the end. Once you finally put on the stick of death, learn11 other tips for a harder erection.

To drink coffee

If you are looking for a habit of replacing cigarettes, choose to drink coffee for the love of your sex life. A study published by the University of Texas Health Science Center revealed that men who consumed between 85 and 170 milligrams of caffeine per day were 42 percent less likely to declare erectile dysfunction than those who do not consume everything. The researchers explained that caffeine makes the muscles in the more relaxed penis, which increases the blood flow and therefore stronger erections. To brew your beans (we want to say that to the letter, not euphemic) to perfection, invest in one of the15 Best Coffee Makers on the Planet.

Fill your toy box

We live something from a golden age for sex toys. Not only are they more efficient than ever to make their users feel good, businesses like Lelo and Jimmy Jane design beautiful toys and marketing them sophisticatedly and debonnaize. Do not think that sex toys are for the solo game. Emily Morse, sexologist and sex host with a podcast Emily, says that 53 percent of women who report possess sex toys, 81 percent of them used them with their partner. Your move? To be one of these partners.

Enter the zone [s]

Sex exercise anywhere

Women (and men) have much more than the erogenous areas of the handle that we set on. She stimulates her brain by encouraging to think about what she loves. Give a similar amount of attention to his scalp, ears, neck, wrists, fingers and feet, and a session tonight do a whole body of experience. And while we are there, it's the perfect time forMaster your massage technique.

Eat dark chocolate


There is a chocolate reason has become a given gift before the rosy activity. Cacaouoy increases the levels of serotonin, hormone stimulating mood, which can reduce stress levels, stimulate desire and make it easier to reach orgasm. And that's not all: cocoa also increases blood flow in the arteries and relaxes blood vessels, sending blood to all regions on the right, which can stimulate sexual pleasure. As it is, in addition to the fact that chocolate can improve your sex life, it canStratospherically stimulate your workout.

Drop a few books

An Italian study of 2004 showed that overweight men with a BMI of 28.7 (which is around 195 pounds for a 5'9 "male) have a risk of more than 30% for development ED that men. 'a normal weight. In addition, dropping FLAB can effectively increase the size of your penis by a reduction of fat in your pubic area. A larger penis that you can rely on as needed? What motivation do you need To get on the elliptical bike? If you need additional advice to lose these extra books, you could do worse thanMaster the lean-life-life training.

Stay slow and stable

Sex exercise foreplay

It is not true of all women, but many report that a prolonged kissing and depression session greater than clothing can considerably increase their level of excitement, often indicated by the amount of natural vaginal lubricant it produces . Although your unbridled enthusiasm can be appreciated, know it until your fingers have spread between his legs will really pay dividends if you are looking to make a lasting impression. If you see it well, rub the thighs together, extending your legs or just grabbing your hand and placing it on its crotch, a successful session is practically in the bag. Pro Tip: Place a large playlist you will appreciate and go three songs in length normal to the first and second base. At the moment you rolled third, it will stream you.

Hit a new pose

If you have been together for a while, you have probably found sexual positions that really work for both of you. It is good that you know how to grow effectively. But do not let yourself be the big enemy. Take the time to try some new things. They do not need to be acrobatic: it is enough to make small variations on your old favorites can make a world of difference. For example: the alignment technique of the croott, or the position of the cat, is a subtle missionary variation, but the increased stimulation of the clitorals it gives in for it, the sensation of Snugger and the movement from top to bottom ( As opposed to In and out) the motion requires you can be a game changer. The cat is one of theSexual Positions She wants you to try tonight, so contact yourself, then brush on others to really improve your sex life.


If you are more confident of your penis, you will be more of the tail when you bore it in the bedroom. One way to have it in search of his best and the biggest is to reduce excess bush. You do not need to go from all Ken dolls, but a modest manicure can reveal an extra thumb of shaft unnecessarily obscured. The grooming happens to beOne of the things that smart men do before big dates.

Share your fantasies

Parenthood sex

Sometimes we forget: a part of being in a long-term relationship is to have a partner with which you can share everything. If you are close enough to sit on the toilet with the door open, you really have to be comfortable sharing the thoughts that light you. Be open on what lights up and accepts what it tells you. Many fantasies will remain unrealized, while you will find others end up being on your dirty task list. But they do or not end up by chance, it's not really the point. The goal is for you and your partner to learn from other aspects of your sexuality.

To do yoga

An Indian study demonstrated that men who took yoga could triple the time they lasted in bed. The researchers concluded that yoga improved the base force and pelvic muscle control, which made it possible to prolong the time until men have an orgasm. To really improve your sex life, learn theYoga moves for sex that will blow your (and her) mind.



I have a smartphone? Then you have a photo studio and a series of editing at your disposal. Why not use it to send attractive images from front back when you are separated from each other. The sexing is the remote levy during which you can stimulate and strengthen anticipation for the next time you are alone. If you are addicted, however, which can totally happen - learnHow to conquer your freeze dependency once for all.

Porn watch

Couple improve your sex life porn

A good way to realize your fantasies is to share some of the porn videos you like, or even search for new clips together. Seeing the tastes of another in porn is a great way to learn more about the type of stimulus you answer. Maybe your partner is not your exact cup of tea, but do some of your sexy QT together and you will find chances that you find a dirty ground. If the porn is not really his thing, ask him to share the erotic literature that lights it up, then read in turn aloud.

Talk to him

Couple in bed parenthood sex

You can tell him anything, right? Then do not be anything but direct-, although you liked how you would like things to change in the bedroom. It is better to have this conversation sooner or later. Does it do something you do not particularly like? Use it as a pivot to tell him what you are doing. You can start this conversation asking him to tell you what she loves about sex you have and what she is not crazy. If you really want to increase heat and improve your sex life, memorize the13 sexiest things you can tell a woman.

You are you

Flirting flirt improve your sex life

You are the only one and only. If that's what works for you, great. But that should not say that you are one of the others. If you are still in the pockets of others, things can be obsolete faster than if you had a semblance of an independent life. Try not to depend on everyone's company and maintain or cultivate a rich social life. Do not miss the activities you like to do, even if it does not do it. Flirting a little. Encourage it to do the same thing. Even if we are monogamous, it is important to remember ourselves - and we always have value in the sex market.

Reflect on your sex life

Mirror improve your sex life

Get a mirror, man. Seriously. A large mirror leaning near the bed offers a new eye open perspective on and will improve your sex life exponentially. This gives you all the benefits of doing a sexual video without risk of risk when you give a PowerPoint presentation. In addition, you will give you an additional incentive to stay in shape. Talk about who ...

Take the pride of your appearance

Dinner jackets

Having a companion can lead to letting things slip. It's good to get comfortable. But too comfortable can be the first step on the road to be sloppy. If you and your partner have decided to fill in all the others, do not go live to regret it. Hit the gym, update your wardrobe periodically, familiarize yourself with trends (while leaning classic) and stay on your personal grooming. Not only will you increase the likelihood that it is excited to be on your arm, it will be reciprocally in kind. It's a winning victory! If you need help help you at the gym, learn the11 ways of smart men motivate to go to the gym.

Have a couple of drinks

Although the Dick whiskey is real, an Australian study of 1,580 men has shown that drinkers have reported up to 30% fewer problems in the bedroom than those who have abstained from alcohol. However, the researchers quickly mentioned the respective partners of men were not there to corroborate their stories. So take this one with a salt rim. However, it's also good luck that everythingBrowser on your night chassis skills.



A recent study of French researchers found that men who eat the most spicy foods tend to have higher levels of testosterone than those with softer palaces. The study authors assign the stimulation effects of T-boosting partly to capsaicin, a compound in peppers that previous search associated with an increase in testosterone levels. Seriously spicy peppers are also packed with quercetin, a nutrient shown to increase testosterone levels in the body by reducing the amount that is otherwise rinsed by the kidneys. Capsaicin, the compound that makes hot tabascin sauce, releases chemicals that increase heart rate, excitation mirror signs and your libido. For more things, you can chew to improve your sex life, read on the7 magic foods that will strengthen your sex drive.


Sex exercise shower

It started with a kiss, right? Funny, then, that the manufacturing has elapsed once you have had the deep throat of a monogamous relationship. Do not just think about doing like something that must lead to sex. When we kiss, our brains respond by releasing oxytocin, a very good chemical that helps us feel connected to our partners. This is an essential part of staying together for the long term.

Do you have to do with the equipment

Dream girl, sex

Just put: she works with a lot, you do not have. Week internet or crack a book and give yourself a refresher on which parts tend to respond favorably to which stimulus. Remember, for example, that some women find direct contact with the clitoris too intense and that simulating the area around it or manipulating through the clit hood is a great way to start gauging its level of comfort. Find out how to rub an area of ​​about two or three inches in the vagina and on the front front wall can be something she is a fan of. (While you are looking for, you would also get better looking for what "earlier" means.)

Eat watermelon


The watermelon is one of the richest natural sources of L-citrulline, an amino acid that can help make your erection more difficult. Once it is in the body, it converts to L-arginine, stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which increases the blood flow to the penis, reinforcing the erections, which will be a non-warning to improve your sex life. And for more means of a more difficult erection, read on the10 ways to keep your young penis forever.

Return the script, slow down your roller

Sex standing up

This is not always the case, but a common complaint women have for women that the sexual response of men does not always have in the same way with theirs, the chosen moment. Nobody likes to be the two-pump proverbial chump, so forget what you think about how a sexual experience. It's not your fault, of course. The baseball analogy I previously used strongly suggests a certain sequence. But if you feel like you are always approaching the "no return" too quickly, get used to going out. Then descend it, stimulate it manually, kisses other erogenous zones or just go out until things are simmered a little. Use this technique enough and you can get a better sense of your own answer, gradually lengthen the time you can have sex. If you need additional advice on that, brush on the5 easy ways to make a lot longer last.

Sexer exercise


Research published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNALrevealed that sedentary men were more likely to experience erectile dysfunction, while Harvard's public health school has also found that men who participate in a vigorous activity for 20 to 30 minutes are about 50% less likely to have Erection problems that inactive men. If it pique your interest, this is as good as everything to learn the The exercise of 30 ways can improve your sex life .

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: Sex
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