20 crazy facts that will breat you

The daily trivial that proves the truth is foreign than fiction.

The world is a crazy place. Even the most ordinary things, boring and daily can be revealed to have a strange branch - or do something you have no idea.

For example, did you know that worms eat four to six times their weighteach day? Or these trained pigeonscan tell the difference BetweenClaude Monet andPablo Picasso?Who knew?

But there are dangers there too. Your mobile phone is infested with bacteria (see below) and traces of the bubonic plagueWas found In the New York subway. It turns out, when you dig a little more deeply, things you have taken for granted or that seem perfectly normal can surprise you. In this spirit, here are 20 small strange facts, you will probably be surprised to learn. For more information to get your race spirit, here is10 amazing facts to make you smarter this week.

Humans are the only animals that benefit from spicy foods

crazy facts

It is an evolutionary mystery that scientists havehad trouble explainingBut humans are the only animals that really like to eat spicy food. There is no health benefits to eating painful peppers (although some research discover that this can fight the fungus), so the best reason to be suggested is the shudder factor - no different from the fact that we are the only animals like rollercoasters and frightening movies. And for big tips on a healthy diet, it's theBest weight loss hacking you can do.

Humans are also the only animals whose brains contract

crazy facts

As we get older, our brains tend to contract and can suffer cognitive dysfunction such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia. But as the best researchers can say, we are theOnly animals to whom this narrowing arrives. Tests on other animals found no similar phenomenon - even close relatives such as chimpanzees and rhesus monkeys. And for more facts about your body, here is the40 ways your body changes after 40.

The potato potato chips cause more weight gain than any other food

crazy facts

AStudy of the University of Harvard With more than 120,000 people found that potato chips had to blame the gain of an average of 1.69 pounds per person over four years. Other Fatteners: Potatoes (1.28 pounds), sweet drinks (1.00 pounds) and unprocessed red meats (0.95 pounds). And for faster facts about food, here'sWhy does health experts avoid lettuce in 2018.

That the fish is probably labeled badly

crazy facts

This salmon is probably not salmon. Researchers estimate that about one-third of all fish sold in restaurants and grocery storesis badly nailed-Often to deliberately deliberately mislead consumers and get them to buy more expensive fish (get tilapia while paying red snapper prices). Snapper was considered unparalleled 87% of the time, the tuna was misclassified 59%. It's far too common that an event is a stroke of luck.

Bananas can not reproduce

crazy facts

The bananas we all know and we love, known as Cavendish, are actually aHybrid of two other species of plants. It has no seeds and could only reproduce with the help of farmers, which eliminates and transplates a portion of the plant stem to create our preferred yellow fruit. And for more your favorite fruit, checkWhy bananas are curved.

It is impossible to buzz while you hold your nose

crazy facts

For the same reason, you can not expire while holding your nose and close your mouth - to make the noise of buzzing that you have to transmit air through your larynx. You can not do that when no air can be expired. Nevertheless, seems quite strange.

The least interesting day of history was April 11, 1954

crazy facts

That, according to software developers, real knowledge. The research engine project collects facts and facts of more than 300 million facts that it has collected, just two on this date: a football player named Jack Shufflebotham is dead and a Turkish academa named Abdullah Atalar was born . And for strangest historical facts, here is the28 sustainable myths in American history.

Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis died the same day as JFK

crazy facts
Public domain

The death of these venerable British writers (whichDeceased in about 10 minutes Either) would appear to be named in most cases. But it was difficult for the loss of the author ofCourageous new world or the Narnia series to engrave a lot of attention whenPresident John F. Kennedy was murdered in the hour. Conspiracy? You are the judge. And for more conspiracy theories, here's20s government secrets, they do not want you to know.

Larger forks you lead you to eat less

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A study in theJournal of Consumer ResearchI found that when the guests received smaller forks with whom eat their meals, they have finished eating less. According toResearchersThis is because the smallest food overlaps lead guests to "feel they do not do much bump to consume their food and, therefore, satisfying their hunger". And for more daily lifestyle hacks, here's70 genius tips to become instantly happy.

Cellular phones are full of bacteria

crazy facts

Although it is unlikely to cause cancer or sparks a fire station as a popular tradition could suggest, mobile devices have been found in charge of bacteria. According to some research of British scientists, the average mobile phonecarry18 times Following Potentially harmful germs as the toilet handle in the men's toilets. When was the last time you disinfected your phone?

The longest living insect is termital

crazy facts

The cockroaches can have been around since the dinosaurs roamed the planet, but the queen of the earth lives longer than any other insect out there. Some scientists believe that these obese and pretty disgusting creatures liveAs long as 100 years.

Chewing gum after a meal reduced stomach burns

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It provesThe saliva that is stimulated In chewing gum becomes more alkaline, effectively neutralizes acid reflux that creates stomach burns while soothing your esophagus.

Dogs can feel cancer

crazy facts

They do not call them "the best friend of man" for nothing. The researchers found thatDogs are capable of Pick up a specific fragrance that cancer produces in a person - which is undetectable for humans. So, if your dog acts strange around you, it can be you who needs to be checked by a doctor. And if you are looking to repay your friendliness of canine,Meet the old model that wants to save your dog's life.

Bees can detect bombs

crazy facts

If you thought it was impressive - bees are able to detect bombs with their tongues. Like the application of the law uses dogs to sniff explosives, bees can be formed to associate the perfume with the reception of food as a reward. Thus, when the bee manager sees her expand her proboscis, they know they have a bomb on their hands.

Small friends do more housework than husbands

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An investigation of 17,000 people in 28 countries found that after marriage, time for a man to do weekly tasksdecreases significantly.

The world's largest producer of the world's tires is LEGO

crazy facts

The toy company produces about 306 million tires a year, much more than any other manufacturer in the world. They can be tiny toy tires, but the fact is still standing.

The longest word you can tap with just your left hand is "pulldiens"

crazy facts

For grammar sticks that say it should include a hyphen (requiring your right hand), the longest word is "hostess". The longest word you can tap with your right hand is the European wildflowers "Johnny-Jump-up". And for more enjoyment of Goofy, here is50 Chrns so bad they are really funny.

The naps could save your life

crazy facts

The research found that a mid-day nap can make you more creative, targeted and fresh for the rest of the day. But a study also found that it could also reduce your risk of cardiac attack. More specifically, those who come out regularly were judged37% less likelydie of a heart attack or other coronary disease than the one who worked straight through the day.

You sleep more deeply on a hammock than a bed

crazy facts

Swiss scientists have found that the rocking motion of a hammock leads to bags benefiting from alonger period From "N2 sleep" and increase "slow oscillations" and "sleep sleep" -jargon to "sleep deeper", those sleeping on a traditional bed. The rocking movement was also found for the subjects to fall asleep faster than a regular bed.

Newborns do not tears tears

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LACRYMAL CONDUCTIONSDo not develop completely In infants until one to three months, it is impossible for babies to lose tears. No wonder they have to express their emotions by crying strong. And for more facts, you may have missed, here is the20 things your university teacher does not tell you.

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