40 facts so funny are difficult to believe
Navigate to victory on your next trivial Tuesday with these fun facts.

"You do not really start growing before stopping learn," Magnate software and philanthropist billionaireBill GatesRecountTime. It's not just true for rich technology icons. Studies have shown that learning something new every day canImprove your brain health andmake you happier. But most people prefer to skip the study and stay out with entertainment, you can do both some funny facts.
Studies have proven thatLaughter is the best medicine. If only there was a way to fill our heads with new knowledge while also soothing our appetites for a stupid pleasure. You are lucky. We have gathered some of the best fun facts for you. In fact, some of them can be the strangest, funniest and funny factoides of the jaw of all time. Take a break and read them all. It may seem to lose time online, but you make you more intelligentlyand healthier. And for more ways to dominate the trivial night, check out the50 facts about life you will not believe that you did not know already.
1 The Supreme Court has its own private basketball court with incredible nickname.

There is a basketball court on the top floor of the Supreme Court of the United States. His nickname? You guessed it: "The highest courtyard of the country. "And for more trivia, here is the100 blowing facts in mind that you have never heard before.
2 Walmart has a lower acceptance rate than Harvard's.

Harvard could be hard to enter with aAdmission rate of 4.5%But try this for the size:Only 2.6% of Walmart candidates are accepted. How do apples? Now we realize that this comparison is not perfectly flawless, but you have to admit that it is a fun fact.
3 A football fan has already dedicated his obit to insult a team from the NFL.

True History: Cleveland Browns life ticket holderrequested in his obituary For "SIX CLEVELAND BROWNS BROWNS" at its funeral. Why? "Bruns can let him down one last time." To burn! And for more spiritual answers,These are the biggest insults of history.
4 There is a technical name for the "fear of long words".

This is called "HippopotomonstroseSpeedaliophobia". And for more linguistic facts, here is the20 words that you will not believe are in the dictionary now.
5 The hunt of unicorns is legal in Michigan.

Lake Superior State University in Michigan offers aLicorne hunting license. Unsurprisingly, the "heral leader of unicorn hunters" has already cited: "The continuation of the unicorn is a solitary quest." We do not wish them anything but good luck!
6 Someone actually paid $ 10,000 for invisible works of art.

An art collector oncePaid $ 10,000 For a "non-visible" sculpture created by actor James Franco. Works of art have been billed as a "endless oxygen tank". Uh, yes ... it's called air. We breathe some now ...free!
7 There is an official decision for how many Toots Pop Licks it takes to go to the center.

It is officially 364 specified to go to the center of POP Toots. Well, at leastEngineering Scientific Endeavor At Purdue University, which used an exclusive "licking machine" rather than a human language. And for more fun facts,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
8 MOO cows with regional accents.

"In small populations such as herds, you will encounter identifiable dialectical variations that are most affected by the immediate peer group"explains a British teacher in an article forBBC News. In other words: you can take out the cow of Jersey ...
9 An American city had a mayor of 3 years.

In the small town of Dorset, Minnesota, where a new mayor is picked every two years by drawing the names of a hat, aged 3 years namedRobert Toufts wasMayor elected in 2015. His styling style: "Be nice and not talking Poopy." In 2018, I think we can all agree that the world could use more Tuftes Robert in a superior office. And for more great anistricides, here's20 crazy facts that will breat you.
10 The monster cookie has a real name.

It's Sid. No,seriously.
11 China censated the word "censure".

I guess you can not be guilty of a crime ifNo one can describe what it is! And for more fun information, do not miss the125 facts that will make you feel instantly smarter.
12 Barry Manilow did not write his striking song "I write the songs."

And before having registered it, Barry did not even think it was aparticularly good song.
13 Automatic distributors are greater threats for humanity than sharks.

You aretwice as likely be killed by a vending machine that a shark, according to theNew England Aquarium. So when isChain of discoveryFirst the creation of their "week of vending machine?"
14 The toothpaste blob on your toothbrush has a name.

It's called a "newsletter. "
15 Americans have a troubling understanding of the IT code.

On a2014 study driven byVoter and published by theLos AngelesTimes,one of the Americans on new - exactly 11% of the population-thinkHTML is actually a disease. OF!
16 The Queen is a brilliant total wedding!

If you invite the Queen of England to your wedding, even if you are not a royalty, there is a chance it couldshow downAs she did with a couple without a mistrust in Manchester in 2012.
17 You can engage frightening clowns to terrify children.

You canhire a clown In Switzerland to track your child and break from the depth a cake in their faces at their birthday. Seriously. As if "beautiful" clowns were not terrifying enough!
18 Flowers like Viagra.

Here is a fun fact: if you put Viagra in a vase, he will stand away from flowers right now for a week beyond when they would normally wilt,According to a study led by Israeli and Australian researchers.
19 Terrorist instructions were once replaced by cupcakes.

The secret intelligence service of Great Britain once pirated an al-Qaeda website and replaced the instructions of the bomb withA recipe of Cupcake.
20 There is an American city with a population of one.

Monowi, Nebraska, is the only city in the United States with an officialpopulation of a person. Yes, she owes taxes ... herself! It is in the 80s and it is used as the village mayor, the librarian and the bartender.
21 President Coolidge had a sense of childish humor.

Believe it or not, the 30th American president thought he was hilarious to push the emergency ring on his officethen hide When the secret service has arrived running.
22 Some passengers go to insane lengths to avoid luggage costs.

In 2012, a man wore 60 shirts and nine pairs of jeans on China's 11th and an hour flight in Africa because he did not want to payAdditional luggage costs. Although hilarious, we do not recommend it.
23 A bridge for squirrels exists.

A city in Washingtonhas a Treetop bridge On a busy road, it's just big enough for squirrels. This is called the "Nutty Narrowrows Bridge". Admits the. It's undeniably funny.
24 A brigrammer had an unusual way of Sean Facebook.

Maneesh Sethi, a computer programmer, hired a woman (at $ 8 per hour) toslash Whenever he tried to check Facebook during working hours!Smartphone dependency Is real people!
25 Neil Degressse Tyson surprising other career paths is not what you guess.

While he had a graduate, astrophysicusNeil Degressse Tyson considered to become aStripper to make extra moneyAccording to an interview with the University of Whales of the North-South. He visited a club and watched dancers plays at the songLarge balls of fire. Tyson left immediately and became a mathematical tutor instead. We are delighted, of course.
26 A Norwegian city has a super ironic name.

There is aVillage in southern Norway actually named "hell". And get this: every winter it freezes!
27 Some idiot constitutional amendments have never arrived.

An American constitutional amendment was proposed in 1893 suggesting that the country is renamed "The United States of the Earth. "There has been another stranded amendment, a few previous years, who wanted to abolish the presidency and install a" Roman-style triumvirate ". As if the United States needed more comparisons to the Roman Empire condemned!
28 People do not always pray for what you were expecting.

According to a 2014 survey by a Christian retailerPath of life In Nashville, 7% of Christian Americans pray for a parking space!
29 We have musical roads.

There is a highway in Lancaster, California, who plays the "William Tell Overture"-Oll the theme of" The Lone Ranger "-Whenevars Road by car to 55 mph. Yes, roads that sing!
30 We are more prepared for a zombie invasion that you probably knew.

US centers for the fight against disease and prevention have aReal website devoted to "zombie preparation".
31 The silence conversant in thedusk The movies adapt surprisingly.

If you all play them together, there is exactly 26 minutes of quiet look.
32 Lobsters communicate with their remains.

The lobsters have vestiges on each side of their head, they communicateUrinating one another. If they want another lobster know that they are happy or sad or angry or interested in a relationship, they say it with PEE!
33 Dolly Parton lost a JOS contest.

Dolly Parton is once entered in a celebrity game contest, without revealing his true identity, in a club of San Francisco. Shelost to a queen dragenine.
34 A man actually changed his name because he lost a bet.

After losing drunk poker in 2009 in 2009, a New Zealand man hadHis name has changed legally changed To "Complete metal Havok more sexy n intelligent that spock and all superheroes combined with frostnova. "It took five years, but the name was finally approved by the government. All 99 characters of his new name are on his passport.
35 The carrots could simply turn you into orange.

You want another funny fact? If you eat enough carrots - about three large carrots a day for several weeks, it increases beta-carotene in your blood and couldtransform your skin orange.
36 People hate confidentiality policies (and reading fine impression in general).

It would take 76 working days (if you work a day of eight hours) to readEach Privacy Policy Online You accept an average year.
37 Nabokov can be the real inventor of emojis.

Russian authorVladimir Nabokov came with theSmiley emoticon idea in 1969.
38 High heels were originally for men.

When high-heeled shoes arrived at the first time in the 10th century they weredestined for men. It was not until the 18th century that more women wore high heels than men.
39 Latin America has flowers that look like lips.

There is a flower in the tropical forests of Central and South America that looks like a wheeled mouth covered with lipstick. This is called Elata psychotrie.
40 Cows do not like Willie Nelson.

Here is a fun fact for you: a dairy cow will produce up to 3% more milklistening to music. But they do not like country music, especiallyWillie Nelson. They need something with a good pace.

Daily habits that lead to brain cancer, say doctors