Military time facilitated: the best ways to use a 24-hour clock

Learn everything you need to know about metric-system-for-clock.

As anyone, with a friend enlisted or formerly enlisted, attest, attest, the military time can be enough doozy. ("Happy Hour to twenty-two hundred zulu!") And although it may seem strange that your friend is depositedmilitary lingo In the daily language, here is the agreement: in the big diagram of things, those of us who use A.M and P.M. are back.

These days, military times, also called 24/24 clock, are regularly used by pilots, astrologers, meteorologists, public transport workers, researchers, polar explorers and the inhabitants, the Emts and the Hospital employees, etc., all of our armed forces. Basically, in any profession where any information divergence can result in a serious error, the 24-hour clock is used. In addition, most of the rest of the developed world use it as a standard chronological measure. Think about this as the metric system - forclocks.

In other words, yes, you should know how to read it. Here's how to read the military time.

Where comes the 24 hour clock

To understand the 24/7 clock, it helps to tilt certain origins; Despite his registration name, the army really invented the military time. In fact, the practice goes back long before any modern military did not exist four millennia at the tenth dynasty of ancient Egypt.

AsOtto E. Neugebauer, the famous mathematician of the twentieth century, note, in his collection of historical tests,Astronomy and historyAncient Egyptians have invented a "settling" system for measuring time. Constellation units, a reference decanent to one of the various stars models that appear in the night sky recurrently. The astronomers of Egyptians have identified 36, carntly their positions constantly evolving in the night sky and have written tables to follow them.

Over time, Egyptian astronomers realized that each recently visible decan marked the beginning of a 10-solar-lunar cycle, or 10 days, causing a repetitive table of 360 days. (If you are wondering, yes, this system is the foundation of the modern year.) During every dusk (DUSK or DAWN) 18 decans would be visible - but three overlap with the preceding and future cycle of 10 days. , which means 12 decanades were unique at each cycle. These 12 have become de facto measurement for night hours.

For day hours,Egyptian Measured time with a device that you can recognize: a solar dial. These devices broke the day in 10-the basic figure of human existence units, with an additional unit for dawn and an additional unit for twilight. The 12 hours of the sun and the 12 hours of decan meant that every day was 24 hours.

But if the 24-hour clock has not been invented by the army, how did she win the moniker "Military Time"?

Fast forward of 3,900 years, give or take, in the early stages of the First World War: in the interest of maintaining strategic coherence and eliminating the divergences of the mission - not to mention the soldiers at the station Underwater, the British Royal Navy adopted the 24-hour clock. Shortly after, the rest of the Allied forces followed the pursuit and, in the last few months of the war, the British Army formally became permanently transformed.

However, it was not until the middle of the Second World War, that theUnited States Armed ForcesWhile generals have had to coordinate the frontiers in several theaters around the world and need the specificity of practice, on July 1, 1942, seven months after entering the struggle.

How to read the military time

The basic concept of conversion to military time is far from complex; In fact, it boils down to two simple steps. First, remove the colon and AM. or P.M. Signifying. Then, process the time as a unit of ten instead of a unit of one (that means placing a zero in front of digit numbers). Thus, 1h00 would take place from 0100 to 2:00 would be 0200, and so on. When it takes two digits, things are even easier: you do not even have toto do Anything for the second step. 10:00 A.M. Becomes 1000, 11:00, becomes 1100, and again.

Noon is where someMath on the flyComing into play. From a baseline of 12, you will need to add the time and use the number obtained for your military time conversion. Think about the seminal opening line of1984, throughGeorge Orwell"It was a brilliant cold day in April and the clocks struck thirteen."It is 13:00, at 2:00. becomes from 1400 to 11:00. Becomes 2300. And for all intermediate numbers - do not worry, we did the mathematics to make reference to this practical military hour table:

military time chart

As you will see, 12:00 midnight is called 2400 - and that's where things get a little complex. Midnight can be called 2400and 0000, kind of like aAce poker Can be both a high or low card. But when you arrive at the minute at the minute of Minutiae, the weather is always based on the scale 0000-12: 01 A.M. is 0001, 12:46 A.M. is 0046, etc. The following graph, which uses 15-minute increments for four distinct hours (one-digit morning, two-digit evening, two-digit evening and two-digit evening), should help eliminate any remarkable issues on how to translate Specific hours in the corresponding clock versions of 24 hours:

military time quarter hour

How to say military time aloud

Read the minutes military minutes is one thing;saying It's an entirely different beast.

Chances are chances you have seen Hoorah Flick loaded with lines like lines such as "Rendezvous at the Eight Hundred Eight Hours." In some ways, it's ok. But more in a way that one, it is plannedly false.

For starters, using "Oh" in the military time is verboten; "Zero" is the appropriate term, complete stop. By using zero, a number, instead of "Oh," which could meet a break in the speech or an exclamation of surprise, there is absolutely no uncertainty about what the speaker says. As such, the five branches of the United States military mandate for zero use. (Another score on zero: If it's at midnight, zero should be deployed twice.)

To be fair, the use of "hours" is nottechnically Incorrect; The use of "hours" varies from service to the service, department in the department, country country. But in this sense, when it comes to staying universal, it is better to just leave "hours" completely.

What the line is certified certified, however, is the use of "hundred". In military time, it's always "hundred", never "a thousand" and neveralready Simple and solar figures.

So, this hypothetical line, "oh eight hundred hours", would simply be "zero eight hundred."

To elucidate, here is an example sampling of times with correct pronunciation:

1700: Seventeen hundred
2000: twenty hundred
0645: Zero six forty-five
1215: Twelve fifteen
0015: zero zero fifteen

The skinny on "Zoulu"

In 1884, at the International Conference of Meridian - an Assembly of Geopolitical Powers - What to determine a longitudinal basis in an increasing globalization, 26 nations settled on Greenwich, London, as the basis reference, creating Greenwich Mean time (GMT). "Zulu", a term that you may have heard in tandem with military time readings, refers to a coordinated universal duration (UTC) or "zero time". (For all useful purposes, especially for civilians, the difference between UTC and GMT is zero.)

On international missions, where soldiers can pass through several time zones, it is essential to have a chronological standard. UTC is this norm. So, if you hear someone say "twenty-two hundred zulu", it means that it's 10:00. At the Royal Observatory of Greenwich in London - at 17:00. (WhereHAPPY O'CLOCK HOME TIME) At New York.

Why Zulu? Simple: In the phonetic alphabet of NATO, Z is equal to Zulu. And "zero time" starts with ...?


How professionals use military time

People many non-military walks use the 24-hour clock. The drivers use it to stay chronologically grounded. Astrologers use it to measure the star cards. Meteorologists use it to keep with precision storms tabs (although when they present you on television, they will convert with a unit that you have accustomed, as in ", the wind Council will remain in effect until 10:00). Transit workers use it to draw schedules and planning trains (they also convert it so gently). Research scientists use it to maintain studies on track and globally applicable.

And if you are a polar inhabitant orExplorer-In you are in a place of location that does not have a designated time zone and can, depending on the season, do not even have solar day or nocturnal-military time is the only way to say, for Some, what time is it.

But perhaps the most crucial use of military time is among medical workers: doctors, nurses, EMTS - everyone. Imagine that you are sick, you are in the ICU and you need a specific medicine at 18:00. on the point, every day. The doctor writes only in his medical instructions and hands to the nurse. The nurse, unable to clearly read the doctor's chicken scratch ("Is it aA or oneP"He thinks), administers the drug at the wrong time - by a margin of 12 hours. Obviously, this could be catastrophic. To avoid even the slightest margin of error, the clock 24 hours is used.

How to implement the military time in everyday life

You can easily edit the clock on your phone, tablet, computer, social media accounts and even yourmicrowave Reflect a 24-hour clock. In no time, you will grow up to that, and practice will become second nature. Note simply that, on all these devices, if you use an American region device, which is probably the case - the moment will be rendered with a colon. 1110 will come as 11:10, no difference that what you have seen for years; 1300 will come as 13:00, a little different from what you have seen for years.

And if you are really committed, you can even find a 24-hour analoguewatches At the sports. (For our money, we are partial atNavitamin cosmonaut By Breitling, a clockwork at the level of the CEO constructed entirely of black steel and adorned with more stylistic bells and whistles than the eye can see. It's a real piece of art.)

How many times are you goingNeed use military time

About as often as you will use the metric system.

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