That's why you cross your legs

And why you may want to stop immediately.

If you come from a Western culture, there is a good chance that, sitting, you will cross your legs in one way or another. Maybe you are the guy to ride them instinctively at your feet. Or maybe you are a yogi of the Diehard, and sit regularlySukhasana(Colloquially, "Criss-Cross Appese"). Or maybe you are a gun Figure-four (the ankle rested on the opposite knee) or European style (knee on top of and rinse against the opposite knee) Sitter - the two most common postures. There is also a good chance that you did not give it a single thought forWhy You sit down your way of doing things.

"Your body is designed to move," said Expert postureDr. Steven Weiniger, author ofStand Taller Live longer: an anti-aging strategy. "When you crossed your legs, you try to improve the lower back mechanics and take the stride." Put another way: you try to mitigate the discomfort in all its forms. Weiniger breaks the discomfort in two broad categories, at low grade (your sleeping leg) and of high quality ("Oh, my God, I am in Agony! "). Your mind prevents your body from preventing your body from being in a high quality discomfort.

But more than just on behalf of boosting comfort, the crossing of your legs is a learned behavior, especially from which side you do it. As a study in theJournal of Physiotherapy Science Revealed, people crossing their right leg on their left more than double those crossing the opposite. "That's the way they are, and that's the way their body molded, "says Weiniger." It's not just hips - it's all the body muscle system. Think of a shirt that you have a little twisted and how it now has folding lines. This does the same thing but on several layers of muscles. "

At the same time, consciously crossing your legs can be a total power. Just look at the oval desk. You will find extensive documentation of American presidents - includingJohn F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon,Ronald Reagan,George Bush Sr. andJr.,Bill Clinton,Barack Obama-Sitting-European style, whether in interviews, meetings or post-service conferences. In a way, it makes sense: cross your legs takes more room than to sit regularly - and take more space is considered dominant. "If you meet a coyote or something like that - in the woods, "Weiniger said," In general, you want to make you look smaller, "to project domination.

But the question remains: Should we all cross our legs so much?

Depending on the search inSurveillance of blood pressure, regularly assuming a cross-leg position, FIG. FIG., the European style or any variation may result in more than 6% your BP levels. It is also horrible for your posture; Cross your legs puts excessive pressure on your peronal nerve or part of your nervous system responsible for the feeling of knees down and can also stretch your piriff, or muscle that helps your hips to turn. (Doing things: Piriformis muscle, says Weiniger, is just above the sciatic nerve, and when it is pinched or compromised in any way, serious high quality discomforts are imminent.) Finally,through Johns Hopkins Medicine, keeping the legs crossed while the session may arrive allegedly causing varicose veins or "spider" (although some experts feel that it is the act of sitting, cross legs or not, which causes the condition).

For its part, Weiniger simply recommends being aware of the amount of time you spend on a crossed leg. "It's easy for someone like me to say," Hey, everyX Quantity of time, you have to move, "Weiniger says." But everyone's body is different. "In other words, if you set a timer to get your legs every ten minutes, but you feel unkalled at the mark eight minutes, do not hesitate to move your legs.

Or consider the office. Believe me:It's going to work wonder on your back-andHelp you burn nearly 100 calories a day.

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