The 30 largest American cultural errors are abroad

How to be a better and smarter traveler.

As exciting as a question of traveling in a foreign country, anyone who has always taken foot on new land knows that this can also be a field of cultural mines if you do not know the rules. In general, being polished and observing what natives will make a long way in your quest to avoid offending your head of the hotel or cute girl at the bar. But what about these unique social customs that you could not know without doing research in advance?

For these, we have compiled a convenient list of some of the most crucial mistakes that people practice when traveling abroad below. So print this with your boarding card and for more travel tips, do not miss these35 Bright Travel Hacks Only the GlobeTrotters experience know.

Tipping in Japan

tipping, cultural mistakes

In America, leaving something other than a 15% trick may seem rude, even if your server is spitting into your face. In Japan, however, it's the opposite. Trust me: The waiters will hunt down the street to give you $ 1.50.

Wear your shoes inside

take off your shoes, cultural mistakes

In America, it's pretty in Waltz around another person's house in your outdoor shoes. But in Russia, Norway, Malaysia, Japan and many other countries, it's like taking a bucket of dirt and mud and sprinkle with casualness around the apartment of your host.

Sitting on a bed in your "outdoor clothes"

wearing clothes in bed, cultural mistakes

One of the biggest questions I get people when I travel is: "Why are Americans sitting on their beds in their outdoor clothes?" They see teenagers do it on the Disney Canal and are absolutely stunned. Why would you bed your bed, your sacred sleepless haven, with the Hobo residue that your pants do your journey at home?

Kiss or hold hand out

couple embrace, 20 phrases to say, cultural mistakes

You may be used to public affection exhibitions of the West, but in India, embrace in public can imprison you for "public obscenity". The same for many Muslim countries, even progressives like Morocco, where you will notice that even3 o'clock in the morning During a nightclub, no one gets out.

Provocative dressing

provocative woman, cultural mistakes

This seems to be obvious but it's incredible how many American girls coming to wear short shorts and a tank top in India, Africa and Muslim countries in the Middle East, where he is expressly badly seen. There is no reason to do full burqa, but covering the shoulders, chest and knees go a long way.

Wishing someone a happy birthday before their real birthday

Single, birthday, birthday cake, cultural mistake

This one might seem strange, but wish someone a happy birthday before the date of their birthday is a bad omen in countries like Russia and Germany, where you basically jieve someone and encourage evil spirits to Kill them before their birthday.

Shake your hand with your left hand

Job Interview, cultural mistakes

In Indonesia and other countries with large hindu populations, your left hand is used to clean your bottom. It is therefore considered rather rude to use it to shake someone's hand. Just use the right to be safe. And for more appropriate label, here is23 old-fashioned label rules that always apply today.

Waiting for rice in China

bowl of rice, cultural mistakes

In the United States, we are used to enjoying the white rice with the grease and greasy of our meal. But, in China, rice shows finally and eats this means you always hung up after your dinner.

Give umbrellas or clocks like gifts in China

clock, cultural mistakes

The Chinese are very superstitious with regard to homophones. The number 8, for example, is considered a good chance because it seems very similar to the word that means "wealth" or "fortune". The word "umbrella", however, sounds like "the separation" and the word "clock" looks like "paying the last respects", so it is not good gifts to give.

Wearing a swimsuit in a sauna

sauna, sweating, cultural mistakes

In places where sauna is used for a turkey, Russia and other Switches in the form of swimming, it's odd to be something other than nude in a sauna. If the thought of it puts you uncomfortable, you can always wrap your naked body in a towel.

Use the bidet in the wrong direction

bidet, bathroom, cultural mistakes

America is one of the few countries in the world that one way or another has not taken the miraculous contract which is a bidet. Even in third world countries such as India and Morocco, you will find them in virtually any hotel room and you can first be perplexed by their appearance. To be clear, they are intended to wash the post-intestine movement behind, not before.

Raise your arms to the wave in Greece

waving, cultural mistakes

In Greece, prolonging the five of your fingers while waving your arms is an insulting gesture called aMountza, not what you do when you think you see your neighbor neighbor who crosses the street outside the supermarket.

Blow your nose at the table

blowing nose, cultural mistakes

This one should be a little obvious, but it's a particularly intense fake in China, where it is perfectly acceptable to mow your excess of phlegm in the street outside, but not in a handkerchief in the dinner table .

Fails to note that your vinaigrette is empty

red wine, over 40, cultural mistakes

It is always Gentleman to recharge the glass of a woman when he crowns low on the wine, but in many countries, you would do it even if you were not on a date. In Russia, for example, it is considered vulgar for a woman to catch a bottle of wine and pour it for herself, so she expects the man closest to her at the table to do it for her. Do not wait too long!

Request an Irish car car in Northern Ireland

guinness, pub, bar, beer, Ireland, cultural mistakes

A favorite among Frat Boys, the Baileys and the concoction of Guiness are quite popular in the United States, but in Northern Ireland itself, the name is offensive - because they have a tragic story of terrorism attacks via attacks -Witts.

Take pictures without asking permission

taking photos, camera, pictures, tourists, cultural mistakes

This can be a fake not even in America, where the Amish, for example, refuse to be photographed because it is considered immoderate. Native Americans and Australian credentials are also wary of being photographed because they believe that a snapshot can capture the soul. Even in the souks of Morocco, you will find that people can be very offended if you photograph their store without asking permission or offer a couple of dirhams. Never hurt to ask first!

MAKE OK sign with your fingers

ok hand sign, cultural mistakes

When traveling to a country in which you do not speak languages, you may be hoping for gestures to move. But know that, in Turkey or Brazil, for example, making a circle with your pointer and your thumb usually indicates to a person you literally compare them at your back end.

Touch someone's head

touching head, cultural mistakes

In Buddhist countries, the head is considered as part of the most sacred body. So, patting someone on the head is a no-no-no. So, no matter how cute of this little boy, resist the desire to let go.

Talk or eat during a toast

toast, beers, cultural mistakes

In Eastern European countries, a toast can last ages and include a lot of tears. No matter the fatigue that you tire your shooting glass in the air, and no matter how much you want, you must persevere and wait for the toast to be finished to click glasses and drink at the bottom.

Make the "horns" sign.

obnoxious guy, rock and roll sign, cultural mistakes

While in the United States, it is used to showing that you play in a piece of impressive rock music, in many Mediterranean and Latin countries, it is used as a way to tell someone they are deceived.

Give to the lady of the house a bouquet of yellow roses

yellow roses, cultural mistakes

Again, you will never expect you, but in France and Germany giving the hostess a bouquet of yellow roses indicates that his partner is a trunk.

Take a business card in Japan and put it immediately in your pocket

business card, cultural mistakes

The Japanese take business cards very seriously to the point where presenting them is a ritual known asMeishi Koukan. The highest ranking gives his card first to his card. The other person receives the card with both hands, studying him carefully and keeps it in their hands for the rest of the conversation. Then you have to protect it with your life, because how you treat the card symbolizes how you will treat the person. It's not like the United States, where you just took one and push it in your pocket, only to throw it at the laundry party.

Forget to remove your toilet slippers

bathroom slippers, cultural mistakes

In Japan, people often have special slippers to wear when using the bathroom, but it does not wear them once you have done your business and have left.


peace sign, cultural mistakes

Beloved by hippies everywhere, make a V panel with your index and your middle finger is generally considered indicating that you are all warm and crunchy granola inside. But in Ireland and U.k., He is equivalent to leaving someone.

Arrived on time in China

crowded street, china, cultural mistakes

In China, the arrival at the time means that you are late, it is therefore good to always appear at least 15 minutes before waiting. In many Latin countries, the opposite is true.

Enter or get out of the room first

exit, cultural mistakes

Asian culture has focused on respect for seniors. They are always allowed to go out and enter the room first. Unless you are the oldest, stay back!

Pointing with your feet

feet, cultural mistakes

Like the head is considered the most sacred part of the body in Buddhist cultures, the feet are considered the least sacred, and pointing it with them or the projection of the sole in Southeast Asia is extremely offensive.

Chewing gum in Singapore

chewing gum lifestyle habits, cultural mistakes

Small knew: Chewing gum is illegal in Singapore, with the exception of dental or nicotine and spitting from the gum in the street can be punished with a fine of $ 700. Honestly, however, unless you are a teenager hanging in front of a dinner, chewing gum is better to avoid being avoided in general.

Give a Russian date a bouquet of a dozen roses

bouquet of roses, cultural mistakes

To the west, it is considered a brand of gentlemanic old world to greet a woman with a bouquet of a dozen roses. But while Russian women like to have flowers, only an odd number will do it. A peer number is what you give to the funeral.

Thumb up

thumbs up

Once again, you generally think that both inches up are an internationally recognized symbol of "Everything is great!" But in some parts of Iran, Greece and other countries, it is actually equivalent to a major, so let these thumbs up in your pockets!

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