30 words that will make you instantly smarter

Leave these words mellifules roll your tongue.

Let's see a clear thing just in advance: just randomly using big words in the hope that you gosmarter will not work. AsA PRINCETON STUDY Found, it can have the opposite effect. But do not let it discourage to expand your vocabulary. Learninga new word here and there - and knowing how to use it effectively - do you make you doappear smarter: it's actuallyFabricate You smarter, for real.Recent studies found a correlation between increasing your vocabulary as an adult and strengthen your brain.

Now it does not mean memorizing a dozen words with six or more syllables will make you the smartest person in your social circle. No, reinforcementyour vocabulary It's more about having a sincere curiosity on the language and wanting to find new more creative methods to describe the world around you. To help you in your quest for greater intelligence, here are 30 words that will not just you just intelligently, but could youFabricate You smarter. And see where the smartest people live,This is the smartest state of the US

Read the original article onBetter life.


woman in a white shirt plugging her fingers in her ears

If you do not already know the definition ...: It does not look like a breakdown, but it's a bit. A "cacophony" is any noisy and unpleasant mixture of sounds. This could be musical instruments, screaming dogs, car horns or even people.

EXAMPLE: "A bachelor party is happening next. Hence the cacophony."

Looking for more ways to boost your intelligence?Just, these many minutes of exercise will increase your brain, the study says.


Bored sad girl at the party

If you do not already know the definition ...: This is the feeling you get when you are simultaneously bored and bored. You waited anymore, but you have ...this? You are not depressed exactly, but you prefer to be anywhere, but here. (If you are in one of theThe 50 cities with the worst single scenes in America, you probably know the feeling.)

EXAMPLE: "How was my date last night? Well, I'm just going to say that. In the end, I had a feeling of ronge of trouble."


Secrets, relationships, friends, smart word, aquiver

If you do not already know the definition ...: You have a serious case to believe it, but you do not know how to talk about it without saying "feeling"? Try this tasty word, which means that you are so overcome with emotion that you greatly tremble.

EXAMPLE: "Am I excited for the newStars wars following? I am aquir with enthusiasm! "

What better way to exercise the mind than to learn more with these23 made on your brain that will blow you.


Arrogant and belittling boss

If you do not already know the definition ...: You can not put your finger on it, but something about how this guy sounds perfectly sincere. He thinks he has all the solutions, but he just blows smoke.

EXAMPLE: "I know you think you're useful, but you're far too glib."


young black man pointing his finger at black woman putting her hands out while they argue on the couch

If you do not already know the definition ...: Can you imagine how much fun Twitter fights would they be if people answered the insults that hurt their feelings ", dear sir, I takeshady At this comment? "Yes, it means" offense "or" boredom ".

EXAMPLE: "I know you're just an internet troll without feeling of law or wrong, but you have not had to cause me so much shade."

And for the terms that will have a negative effect on how you are perceived by others, check5 words that will ring you less confident, according to experts.


smart word, non-sequitur

If you do not already know the definition ...: It's when the subject in a conversation is changed without warning, usually abruptly. It's a good way to say, "Do you listen to me even?" HisLatin translation, literally: "It does not follow."

EXAMPLE: "Wait, why did you come to raising astronauts? I thought we were talking about mud shopping. It was a strange non-sequitur."


woman running late

If you do not already know the definition ...: It sounds just like something that aLooney Tunes The character would say - but it's actually a legitimate word, which means "go wrong." Originally derived from the Spanish wordvamosWhich means "Let's go", modern use takes a rump: when it's time to bont, the danger is probably imminent.

EXAMPLE: "I do not know how much a mountain lion has been in the room either, but we'll talk about it later. Vamoose, Man, Vamoose!"

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A Starbucks on the corner of Front Street and Wall Street in Manhattan's Financial District; New York City; Photo taken on April 6, 2014; editorial use only (A Starbucks on the corner of Front Street and Wall Street in Manhattan's Financial District;

If you do not already know the definition ...:You could say "that kind of thing is everywhere," and you would probably understand. But then you miss all the pleasure of the language. A word like "omnipresent" communicates the same idea, but it is the deep pizza of the vocabulary. You have to eat it with a fork. (Officially, it means: "found everywhere.")

EXAMPLE: "Oh yes, I saw a lot of guys with hipster beards. They are omnipresent."


Nefarious man with mustache

If you do not already know the definition ...: The evil is just the evil, but when it goes to the extra mile in the territory of Villain de Bond, it is when it becomes harmful.

EXAMPLE: "The way he runs his business, it's so ... nefastious."


young couple arguing, still single, argument fight, smart word

If you do not already know the definition ...: Of course, you can ask your wife or girlfriend why she is so bad and unpredictable. Or you take a safer tactic and use a word that is not loaded enough in a negative way.

EXAMPLE: "Do you seem a little capricious tonight, my dear, everything is fine?"


Woman working at home having a video conference with colleagues

If you do not already know the definition ...: No, we do not please. This is a real word, referring to any activity that claims to be useful but is really only a big waste of your precious time.

EXAMPLE: "Of all the meetings of the company we had this year, it was the biggest Boondoggle!"


Portrait of cheerful young manager handshake with new employee.

If you do not already know the definition ...: Calling someone a "suckor" or a "Brown-Noser" feels so juvenile, as an insult you would start to someone in high school. You can do better. And unless they know what it means, "Sycophant" can even look like a compliment.

EXAMPLE: "No, you totally deserve this increase. You are the biggest sycophant of the office."


record player

If you do not already know the definition ...: When the music strikes you well in the feeling, it's hard to explain why you love it so much. Instead of saying "This is good," Try a slightly more expressive word like "mellifluid". This means a fluid and fluid sound that strikes your ears in the right track.

EXAMPLE: "I can not help but listen to the new arcade fire record. It's so searched mellifluid."


man tying up his brogues coolest accessory every year

If you do not already know the definition ...: Tell a copy "Your leather shoes are the boss" makes you look like a fratty guy. If you are going to compliment someone on his robust and robust shoes, use a word with a sense of history. If that was good enough for Irish workers in the 18th century, it's good enough for you.

EXAMPLE: "I love your brogues, my brother."


Bored guy slacking at work

If you do not already know the definition ...: Just using the word "perfect", you are the opposite of the infusion. (See what we did there?) The only one who manufacture a perfect half-heart effort, are those who are not really sure if being called "perfunctor" is a Snov, but can not be disturbed from the to concern.

EXAMPLE: "The interviewer has laid all the superficial questions. He did not seem really interested."


Signs your marriage is over

If you do not already know the definition ...:Words like "link" and "stand of one night" if judicial. If you have a secret meeting with someone, you should not be alone with, and it is possible that one or more of you do not wear pants, good my good gentleman, it's a treaty.

EXAMPLE: "No, we never officially dated. We have just had the occasional trash."


Angry boss, first heart attack, smart word

If you do not already know the definition: It is also the name of sulfuric acid, which is powerful enough to burn just about anything. That's how it works with the emotion too. If you have vitriol for someone, well, they are far from your favorite person.

EXAMPLE: "Do not even abandon the name of this type. The amount of vitriol I have for this person, I can not even explain."


Photo of a senior woman going through financial problems

If you do not already know the definition ...: Rarely makes a simple word (or a word and a number) expresses an idea as complicated. You can thankJoseph Heller To reconcile the term in its 1962 novelCatch-22. It's a paradox where there is no escape: you are damned if you do and damn if you do not do it. If you are in a situation where there are no easy answers and one of the two choices seems to look like a dead end, what you have is an old-22 capture.

EXAMPLE: "You must have money to make money. It's a 22."


bromance listening talking smart word

If you do not already know the definition ...: If it starts to appear as an expanded vocabulary is just an excuse to be more creative with your insults, you might be right. But if you are so weak and you've elapsed, you do not realize that being called Obtus is not the adulation, maybe you deserve it a little?

EXAMPLE: "Do not worry, it's too getted to realize that we are talking about him."


man with eyeglasses siting on floor in the living room and using smart phone and laptop for managing home finances

If you do not already know the definition ...:We do not want to say theFamily guy character, but a marsh marsh, or a difficult or precarious situation. If you are stuck in a quagmire, you are quite difficult.

EXAMPLE: "Until he pays the IRS, Bob is in a diameter of a financial quagmire."


Cropped shot of a young man working from home

If you do not already know the definition ...: We live in a scary and uncertain world, and it's easy to feel disconcerted or confused. But you can add a small color to your consternation using a word that looks like it belongs to a British comedy.

EXAMPLE: "I followed the GPS, I have no idea how we had this loss. I'm beaten!"


Group of friends around a table sharing a meal

If you do not already know the definition ...: When someone pushes to do something you prefer not to do, you could accuse them from trying to intimidate you or to make you ahead - what we called once called "peer pressure" in high school - Or you could hit them with a word that gives the break. That alone could make them again.

EXAMPLE: "Nice try, but you're not going to cajer me to drink another beer."


Couple fighting and pakcing

If you do not already know the definition ...: We have all been taken in the act of being a fool without reason. But who means: "Sorry, I was a fool for no reason?" Here is a better way to explain.

EXAMPLE: "No, I did not really hear it when I said you would die alone and unlikely. I was caught."


Smiling, happy young man

If you do not already know the definition ...: You were going to put pressure for an increase at work, but your boss is already planned to give you one? It's aaccomplished! Your partner you will route to do the dishes, but they have already loaded the washer? Anotheraccomplished! If there is a cooler, more French, to say "already done", we have not heard. (This is not always a good thing, even if human resources come into force a new frustrating policy and tells you only after the fact that it is aaccomplished, too much.)

EXAMPLE: "What is expensive? Do you need me to get out the basket? Well, no need.Accomplished! "


Couple laughing

If you do not already know the definition ...: A real good word gives people break, forcing them to wonder if it really means what they think. Gregarious sounds like an endorsement - and it is; This means that someone is sociable and fond of the other people's company - but phonetically, it's a little too close to "gangrene". They might ask, but it would mean to admit that they do not know what the word means.

EXAMPLE: "You know why I love you well? You are one of the most gregarious people I know."


organized desk

If you do not already know the definition ...: A fun word because it changes according to the context. Used to describe someone who is obsessed with little details and can be very difficult to please, it is obviously meant as a compliment when you say, "You are an excellent cook, you must be very tedious in the kitchen." Ideal for the office, but maybe not so much when used in the bedroom.

EXAMPLE: "It's six o'clock and you still did not have orgasm? You are too tedious."


Sad older man with his head in his hand

If you do not already know the definition ...: Feel a little thermally sentimental? Or stifled with emotion without apparent reason? Describe what you feel with a word that manages to have gravitas (despite this being normally used to conceal something too much sentimental).Ernest Hemingway Has never been crying, but he certainly had his moments of Maudense (drunk).

EXAMPLE: "Sorry, watching all these old photos always makes me Maudlin."


woman shocked surprise with computer

If you do not already know the definition ...: This feeling you get when you read the news every morning, and that you are like "is it true? Does it really happen? It can not be real life". It's because you are granch.

EXAMPLE: "Yes I sawGame Of Thrones Last week. I am always beaten. "


man refuses to drink, smart word

If you do not already know the definition ...: Whether you are an alcoholic by recovering or you have never touched a drop, you completely abstain from alcohol qualifies someone as a taeteotalizer. Where does it come from on earth? No one is totally safe. This could have something to do with drinking tea: he arrived from the first time in fashion during the temperance movement of England of the early 19th century. (Richard Turner, the guy who is probably coming with the floor, so loved that he put in his gravestone.)

EXAMPLE: "Are you sure you want to invite it to your birthday party? He is a teetotaler."


Marriage, couple, smart word, empathy

If you do not already know the definition ...:You should really know what it means now - and that's certainly the one we should try to use more often. People with even the slightest sensitivity to the feelings of others might as well have super powers.

EXAMPLE: "I know you think he's the enemy because of his political beliefs, but let's try to have a small empathy, okay?"

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