20 social label errors, you should stop earning 50 years

You grew up, and it's time for you to be tracked skills.

There are few more unpleasant things than treating with a person known to be rude. Unfortunately, for many of us, not knowing the rules of the label when we are younger, it often means that we continue to commit the same social false false more and more than adults.

So, what is a person without school training to do? According to Label Expert Karen Thomas, founder ofKaren Thomas Label, mastering social graces, regardless of your age, will always serve you well. Better yet, an appropriate label is not so difficult to learn you might think.

"The whole premise behind the label is respect for yourself and others: what you are talking about, what you do, and how you treat people. Whether you are 40, 50 Or 60, there is no excuse for not being like. The age should never be an excuse for poor ways, "says Thomas.

"If people are not aware of an appropriate label, it's certainly something that people should examine, not only valuable for their character, it is also a great ability to learn and contribute to a society much more civil. "

If you are ready to become a more appropriate and polished person, start by nixing these social label errors. And when you are ready to make a better impression, pepper your vocabulary with these30 words that will make you smarter (but not pretentious).

Use text talk

habits after 40

Although it is practical to abbreviate into your communications, the use of text speaks, especially in professional communications, is always a false label.

"You will not want to talk with acronyms of text in some contexts, because everyone will know only what they represent," says Anne Chertoff ofBeaumont label. "When writing an email or a formal letter, he may not get out professional if you use a language of text." And when you want to make your communications more mature, start by giving up these40 things only millennia say!

Yawn without covering your mouth

yawning man

It can be difficult to delete that yawning - they are contagious, after all - but leaving your mouth discovery is undeniably rude. "The yawning is a sign that you are tired, so it is polite to cover your mouth and even apologize to yawn while talking to someone," said Chertoff. And when you want to be more polite, adhere to these23 old-fashioned label rules that are still applicable!

Give unsolicited advice

Couple chatting Bad Dating Marriage Tips

We sometimes feel the desire to advise others, even if it has not been requested. However, to the extent possible, try to avoid scratching. And if anyone provides you with advice that you have neither requested nor needed, it is perfect for them to say politely to stop.

"It's okay to say to stop someone to give unsolicited advice, but the necessary process must be polite," says Thomas. "Rather than cutting someone from someone or getting your hands in their face, the best way to do this would be the case," Thank you for your opinion, but I will go in a different direction. "Everything is in the delivery." And when you are ready to clean your act, start with the20 ways to be less nasty.

Mark people in photos without permission

Facebook friend request

"Although some people like to be labeled and are seen on social media channels, others would prefer their privacy and not be labeled or not having their published online image," said Chertoff. "If you are not sure whether the person you are viewing a desired image to their image to save online, you must send them the image and ask for permission." And for more social media rules to paste for, see these15 Facebook habits that you have to break.

Season your food before tasting

Salt and pepper shakers

You may think you know exactly how much salt or pepper a dish needs a dish before it is even placed in front of you, but season your food before tasting, it is not surprising ways.

"The leader, whether in a restaurant or at home, will have seasoned the meal before placing them and serving it, then it can find it insulting if you do not taste the meal before adding salt, pepper or Another seasoning, "says Chertoff. And remember: salt and pepper came as a pair and must always be transmitted when someone requests them. And the next time you dine, be sure to follow the25 things you should always do in a fantasy restaurant!

Speak with your mouth full

Woman Eating Steak

If you do not want to gain a place on the "Do not Invite" list, it is imperative that you have the appropriate table manners. The fastest way to improve yours? Keep your mouth closed by chewing and never, never talk with your full mouth.

"We should always chew their food with the mouth closed and wait until they swallow before speaking," says Chertoff, who recommends the guests to take smaller bites to avoid being taken with a conversation to the complete mouth. "You also want to avoid accidentally digging on the table if you talk about food always in your mouth, which is another reason you should not talk before having swallowed the bite you have taken." And for more cooking got, discover the20 Secrets Chiefs will never tell you!

Tell people they look tired

phrases men over 40 should stop saying

We all went there: you head to the desk a little less polished as usual and someone immediately insists on the basis of your appearance apparently Haggard, you must be exhausted. If you have already felt the need to do it, you must undoubtedly you should abstain.

"What you really say is" you look awful, "said Thomas." People feel that they do someone a favor by telling them that, but they are really not. It's not useful, it's not constructive. It's really really rude. "And if you feel a little sleepy, check the40 ways to have more energy after 40!

Do not use a turn signal

Car turn signal

The label of the road may feel like forgotten by the drivers, but that does not mean that you are exempt from the safety rules when you are driving. In particular, the use of your turn signal is of utmost importance, that you are singing parking or pulling in a car park. Chertoff emphasizes that, in addition to being illegal, do not use your turn signal is a serious hazard for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. And the next time you are driving, make sure to check these40 roads that everyone should lead to 40 years!

Licking your fingers

Woman eating etiquette mistakes

Although it may be tempting to lick the barbecue sauce with your fingers after having dug a plate of ribs, do not be surprised if your fellow foods are consisted when they see you do it. Even if your hands are more sauce than the man at the end of a meal, licking your fingers is never the solution.

"Always use your towel to clean your hands and your fingers, no matter the delicious sauce or crumbs of your fingers," says Chertoff. "If a towel does not clean your hands, excuse yourself and wash your hands in the toilet." And when you want to improve your dinner ways, avoid these25 things you should never do in a fantasy restaurant.

Open an umbrella inside

By doing, give yourself extra seconds recorded rain flowing outdoors, there is no reason to open your umbrella if you are still inside.

"You should not open an umbrella inside because you do not want to accidentally hit someone in farm neighborhoods. If the umbrella is always wet, the opening inside can have water on the Others in the room or on furniture or walls, "says Chertoff.

In addition, many cultures believe that the opening of an umbrella inside is bad luck, so always wander on the side of caution. And before making a false not similar abroad, make sure to know the30 largest American cultural errors are abroad.

Deliver news by e-mail that should be treated in person

Email, more time, productivity

For many of us, digital communication is a second nature at this point. However, for some types of major news, such as deaths or breaks, it is always better to be polite and tell your loved ones in person.

"You have to weigh the importance of a subject before making an email or a text. Some topics, like" I break with you "should never be made numerically," says Thomas. "It's just that we are so used to sending a text or an email that we become coarse in our communication."

Do not clean after your pet

Man with pet dog

Nobody expensive the time they spend from cleaning after their pets. That said, you should get used to doing it anyway, or risk committing a cardinal label. "Cleaning after your pet on courtesy and respect for people who can live or work in the building or walk in the street where you walk your pet. You will not want to enter that either, so it's The polite thing prevent others from climbing it by cleaning after your pet, "says Chertoff.

Using all capsules

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Unless you try very angry to transmit a point, the use of all caps is always aggressive and appropriate. "Use all caps when text messages or e-mail give the impression that you write to the recipient," says Cheroff. "The tone is difficult to read in an email and write in all caps, or even use many exclamation brands, can change the tone that you have destined for the message." If you want to play safely, tap the caps and pass your excitement in the text of what you say instead.

Do not put the toilet seat

Toilet with lid up

Leave the toilet seat, whether at home or in public, is undeniably rude - just ask for almost anywhere there. However, Thomas says that, instead of making it a major problem, there is a simple solution.

"Women, if you bother, put the seat when you're done. Men, if you bother you, so do the opposite. It's a solution to the problem. Rather than complain, make a solution."

Cursed at improper moments

man angry at printer

We all had this moment of realization when we instantly regretted dropping a word NSFW in our conversation with our boss. The bad news? It's a pretty false label label. The good news? It can be easily corrected.

"There is a time and place of cursing: preferably not in public, preferably not in business," says Thomas.

So, what should you do if you accidentally dropped a polished f-curved bomb? "The best way is to excuse you and say," I'm sorry for the coarse language. "You can not take it back, but by offering not an explanation, but an excuse for this coarse behavior, it softens the shot," she explains.


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Your excitement to eat your meal does not excuse the bad ways on the table. One of the worst label offenses you can commit to the table? Audible chewing.

"It's inexcusable and should not be done, especially with the gum," says Thomas. However, "I do not think there are foods that should be an excuse to chew strong. If you see someone who does it, it is normal to correct them, but the delivery is essential, offering a solution rather What to say, "Look, ring yourself as a cow. '

Standing people

Time Being Single in your thirties

All running, a label error is alone, standing, someone standing is still inexcusably rude.

"The unpredictable circumstances occur, but with all the technology we have now, there is really no excuse for that," says Thomas. "You must get in touch, whether by e-mail, text, phone call or message."

Talk about

girl with dollar bill, crazy facts about dollar bills

It is understandable to being interested in the amount of someone else or to be proud of your own salary. That said, it's always a label no-no to ask people to disclose their financial situation, or talk openly about your choice, with a few exceptions.

"Talking about the money is very crich. Rent or boast of these subjects is really a huge fake not. It is simply not done in the appropriate circles," says Thomas.

So what should you do if someone poses a wage question to you? "I'm just stating them to them:" I'm not comfortable talking about my salary, I hope you understand, "said Thomas." That said to the person I'm not at ease of Share this information, but without being impolite. "

Amiez the people you do not know about social media

social media changes after 40

Social media can feel like the wild west to new adopters, but there are label rules that even novices should follow, namely not friendship the people you have never met. "If you want to connect to a person on social media, you do not know it's better to know if you have a mutual link that can introduce yourself," recommends in Chertoff.

Knowing which network to connect is essential, too. CHERTOFF suggests connecting professional connections to networks such as LinkedIn, but keep networks such as Facebook friends only.

Do not put your cart

Grocery cart

While restoring that your basket at the store at the end of a shopping trip can feel like a hassle, it is important that you do it anyway, unless you are physically unable to do it.

"Purchase baskets are communal items available to all customers of a store or supermarket. It is polite to return them to the shopping cart area after using them so that other customers can use them, "says Cheroff. After all, you do not want to be the person who ends by soon the car of a stranger through their negligent actions. And when you want to save money on your next purchase trip, ditch these15 grocery errors that kill your portfolio.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Etiquette / Over 50
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