20 lessons you have forgotten about the summer camp really useful

Do you think the rope nodes are the only thing children learn to summer camp? Still think.

More than 14 million children go to the summer camp in the United States only each year. And although many assume that the lessons learn at the camp have more to do with the knot and paper-mache that real life, there is in fact countless important skills at camp every summer. According to research published by theAmerican Camp Association, Going to the camp promotes important skills, the navigation of relationships to be more affirmed, giving those who attend a surprising course on the world's preparation.

So, while your camp memories could have more to do with attaching hitching nodes than learning the skills you use as an adult, these 20 lessons you have forgotten from the summer camp that are actually useful could Just remind you how many these summers have been influential. And when you want to raise your own children, check out these40 Livestock Parental Hacks of Incredible Children.

How to interact with other species

Brown bear

Although it may seem silly, there are few times in life after the camp that someone will give you realistic tips on how to reproduce bears. Although the probability that you can be attacked by a wild animal is slim, knowing how to hang your food away from your campsite, which leads to fighting compared to what to flee, or how to avoid being killed from a horse could only serve You are well on the adventures you like later in life. And these tips to treat with the mosquito bites you learn at the camp are always surprisingly useful when the summer rolls around each year. And for safer ways to enter your daily burning, try these10 amazing training videos of the 90s who are always awesome.

How to unplug

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According to recent research of theKaiser Family FoundationThe average boy between 8 and 18 years old spends more than seven hours a day from indulging in entertainment media in a wide range of devices. However, at the summer camp, where phones and gaming systems are out of bounds, children learn a lesson that many of us could build a refresh as adults: how to live without these devices and be more present . And for more reasons for fessory devices, checkThe 30 best reasons to take digital detoxification.

How to sleep anywhere

Civic Studies

This queen-size bed comfortable you are used to home? Yeah, do not count to find anything similar to the camp. These beds without comfort and sleeping bags on the floor have a precedent to sleep anywhere that serves many of us who serves a lot of us later in life, like these nights we spend on Fans of friends When we travel or we travel at the Fragal College for years that we claim to sleep on an air mattress is anything but a spinal torture exercise. And for more ways to improve your life, see these70 genius tips to strengthen your trust.

How to respect nature

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For many children raised in urban environments, the nearest they can interact with nature on a regular basis consists of seeing spring grass slides between the sidewalk gaps. However, those attending the summer camp learn to respect nature by being immersed. Better yet, researchers atUniversity of British Columbia found an important link between children who play outside and those who are invested in the protection of nature as adults.

How to cook without supplies

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Want to see someone whipping a meal of what looks like you like an empty cabinet? Ask the closest boy scout. Camp - especially these night trips in the woods where you learn to cook around a campfire - can teach anyone to make a gastronomic meal of virtually nothing, a skill that serves a lot of us in these years of penny Postgraduatepin when Ramen and a packet of frozen peas is considered a gastronomic dinner.

How to interact with opposite sex members

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For many children, especially those attending schools at once, get to know the opposite sex members, it's a heartbreaking experience. And even for those who attend co-Edes schools, trying to navigate after a person and have to see them every day until you reach 18 years old, is not an exploit, either. Fortunately, the camp teaches us to interact significantly with members of the opposite sex, to learn to treat them as equal - and not just people on a potentially date of the road. And when you want to improve your own relationships, ditch these40 Relationships really terrible.

How to be alone

Woman Traveling airbnb

While living under the roof of mom and dad offers little opportunity for real solitude, the camp often provides a lot of solo downtime. Whether you come out alone in a berth for a free time or solo sleeping in a tent on a camping trip, the summer camp teaches us the value of being alone without being alone.

How to fend for yourself

bad puns

Without our parents or teachers we have known for years to help us, the camp teaches us another important skill: how to fend for ourselves in difficult situations. That we take with a bunkmate or try to Naber the last place on a trip off campus, the camp is one of the first experiences of many children with self-advocacy and that the one who often shapes their future. And when you want to start living your best life, master them30 life skills Every man should know.

How to be a good sport

Shaking hands mortgage payment

Whether you're competing in a game to capture the flag or you have a color war at the camp, there is no denying that the camp teaches you the importance of good sportsmanship. While after a contentious competition at school, you can withdraw in the comfort of your own home, children at the stallion camp must both play and live together, making resolutions to the essential friendly. And given the number of different teams that you will play during a summer, learn to hear you with new teammates is just as important as losing gracefully. And for more less lessons on life better, discoverThe 50 best ways to be one (a lot) best man.

How to be really independent

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For many children, the summer camp is the first time they are far from home. To get this problem with our parents, we learn independence, we learn to get our first taste for freedom to live under their roof. Better still, without mom or dad there to catch us if we fall, we learn to be affirmed and defend ourselves.

How to be responsible

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While few 10-year-olds do not have real professional experience, the camp often teaches us a similar responsibility. Setting tables in the dining room, straighten berths and helping with wide-country cleanings all promote a sense of responsibility not easily taught in an academic setting.

How to feed our inherent talents

Couple Painting Together

Being stuck in a class of mathematics that does not challenge you or a class of history that you enformation to tear hardly in favor of learning learning in most children. Fortunately, at the camp, where children can continue their artistic passions without a swiveling part of the calculation of the calculation, we learn what our talents and interests are and appreciate many opportunities to perfect these skills.

How to work in a team

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When you live, do you work and play in the same space, teamwork is essential to keep things caught day and the day. Whether you are on the same team for a part of Kickball or try working through a bunkmate issue, teamwork is not negotiable when you live together in restricted neighborhoods at the camp. Teamwork makes dream work, after all.

How to be resilient

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At school, a bad or minor disease often means that we must go home and velge on the couch while watching a bad day television. However, at the camp, we learn to be resilient and get up after a fight with a friend or coming back on the horse, sometimes literally, after we have been marginated by an injury.

How to be disciplined

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There is nothing like letting you connect outside your tent at 6 o'clock in the morning to teach you one thing or two on the discipline. While begging for five minutes of bed in bed that can work with your parents, strict schedules adhered to summer camp set a precedent for a disciplined future. Instead of spending the summer indoors inside sleeping late and playing video games, the camp teaches us to stick to a planning dictated by someone else from the moment we Let us go when we go to sleep, an invaluable lesson in the competence of self-discipline that we can all adults also use adults.

How to be more confident

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It takes a shocking amount of self-confidence to go somewhere that you have never been and know anyone and try to make friends. The camp pushes us in self-confidence a deep end, forcing us to gather self-confidence and the courage needed to meet new people and try new things away from our usual safety nets.

How to be a leader

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Leadership skills do not develop at night - There is a reason why CEOs pay tens of thousands of weekend retreat aimed at feeding them, after all. However, while being a leader does not come naturally to everyone, the camp helps a lot of us promote the leadership skills we have never known that we had. Being pushed into new activities and roles in social groups often means finding what kind of leader you are, a skill you will find most of us, essential as adults, both at work and in our interpersonal relationships.

How to get out of our areas of comfort

hilarious words

To learn to swim to go to the zipper lining, there are countless things we do at the camp that are well outside our areas of comfort. Fortunately, this can define an important precedent for the outdoor thought in the box and push our limits as adults.

How to love the exercise

watching tv at gym

To get several times chosen for the last time that the kickball at school is rarely the catalyst for a love for life of physical activity. However, at the camp, where the children turn on horseback, kayaking, swimming, play in color wars and generally spend most of their time being physically active, children learn to love exercise, making it more likely to keep a major part of their regular routine as adults too.

How to make friends of life

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Maybe the best lesson we learn at the camp - and one that serves us in adulthood, it's how to do and maintain sustainable friendships. While the friends we do at the camp can withdraw in their corners of the world when the camp is finished, the maintenance of these friendships fixes the scene to do the same thing after the high school, the college or when our friends begin to take these Dream jobs away from home. And when you want to develop your social circle,This is the best way to make new friends.

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