Here is why "siren" is the hottest new fitness trend

Do you want abs like Ariel? Continue reading.

Just when you thought that the obsession with the internet with the sirens was over, comes "mermaid". A new series of training on YouTube quickly wins popularity byProvide a "transformation course" of 8 weeks which involves swimming in a swimming pool with siren tails provided bySiren fun.

The way it differs from swimming, which is of course an excellent body workout on itself, is that the roller of the body needed to swim as a siren really focuses on your core.

"As swimming, the Smaiding is a body workout, but it focuses particularly on the basic muscles", American coach at swimming, Christine Dustin, who helped create training,RecountSelf. "The water provides a resistance you do not go out on earth, while giving a low-impact environment that leads to few injuries. The workout enhances your heart, increases your lung ability and improves your flexibility."

Unlike other workouts, it is also applicable to all ages.

"The Sirèneing is a sport for life," said Dustin. "[It] can be appreciated when you are 9 years old or when you are in your 90s."

Not to mention, it's fun! What little girl has not dreamed of living under the sea like Ariel growing?

Every week, a funLiberate three days of training which are about 20 minutes each. All you have to do is find a tail and press the pool and you are ready to leave!

And if you want to enter another fun fitness trend, why not try"PLOGAGE", the new craze of the Swedish exercise?

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Categories: Health
Tags: Fitness / Workouts
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