40 things you can not escape after 40

Numer on Thursday is no longer a good look.

Your 40th anniversary should be a cause of celebration, not misery. Yes, you are younger. But you're not reallyold That is. You are somewhere between the two. You overlapping the two worlds; Quite young to always be dynamic and full of potential, but old enough for learning of your mistakes. This is 40 years old as amazing. You gave much of the behavior that makes your 20 years (and even your 30s!), Well, sometimes not so smart.

Here are 40 things you have probably stopped doing in your forties, not just because you can no longer get away from, but also because you finally realized: "Wow, was that something I was doing? Likeallthe weather? Seriously? Why did not anyone tell me it was a bad idea? Okay, okay, it's cool, never talk again. "And for more ways to make the most of your first life, do not miss these40 ways to make your 40 years the highest decenary the healthiest.

Be cool

Band t-shirt, what to give up in your 40s

Who are you trying exactly to impress? It is questionable if being cool has a value, even in your adolescence or 20 years, but when you have 40 years, you should have abandon the useless pursuit of "freshness". And guys, if it seems to you looks like you, you may want to check the50 things that no man over 40 should possess.


tequila shots words and phrases

Wake up the next morning without memory of what you did the night before, or how you arrived at home or what you happened to your pants, is only a terrible idea at all levels. Drink moderation could be beneficial for your health,According to some studiesBut beating alcohol until you're enough to think that committing a crime looks like a good idea, it's just a bad look at someone from your age.

Have a platonic roommate

40s roommates

If you split rent or mortgage payments, it is best to be with a person with whom you are romantically involved. It's a single one over 40 years old, but you should be financially safely at this stage to cover your own livelihoods.

Here is a sentence that you should absolutely say at this age: "Hey Brah, need your share of the electricity bill. And have you eaten my pizza of stays? Not cool!" And for more life after 40 years, do not miss the40 most frequent regrets that people have in quarantine.

Overload on social media

essential dating tips for men over 40

The rest of the world does not really need to be alerted every time you have a drink of alcohol in your hand. Or what youreally Think about the president. The world is miraculously good without you weighing with your two hundred. Social media are addictive and can deceive even the most media people to think they have a captive and adored audience. But at age 40, I hope you are sufficiently wise to realize that social media is a suck time that will eventually constitute Doodly-Squat in the long term.

Feel obliged to go out

higher energy person

Fomo, or afraid to disappear, is a real anxiety for people of a certain age. When you are in your adolescence, 20 years old, or even 30 years, it's hard not to think that there is something incredible that is happening somewhere that you may not live if you are not everywhere at the same time.

But when you go to 40, you realize that most of what you are missing is not all that is spectacular anyway. To paraphrase President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the only thing you have in Fomo is Fomo herself.

Eat more than cooking

Things You Should Never Do in a Fancy Restaurant

Pay other people to make you a whimsical meal is one of the joys of adulthood. But even the best food food comes with lots of hidden calories and unsusive ingredients. The cooking at home not only allows you to take more control of what you put in your body, it is also cheaper and cheaper. Yes, learn to cook can be a relaxing and restorative activity. Ask every 40 years and they will tell you, be it your own leader can be better than any carriage.

Have just a "beautiful" suit

commonly misspelled words

When you were a child, having a pair of thick clothes, sometimes called "church clothes", was all you need. But these days have been left for a long time and have more than just a respectable costume does not ask much. If the only time you dress, it's when you are sitting next to your grammy in a Pew church, you have to rethink your priorities. And if you really want to upgrade your wardrobe, check out these30 Timeless Instant Instant Upgrades.

Splitting of the bill eight manners


It's not that being 40 means that you roll it. But when you dine with friends and the check arrives, it should not be a crazy fantasy to think that you or one of your peers could catch it and say, "I have this."

Do you really need to cross the bill with a thin tooth comb, which commissioned what and how to split it uniformly and make sure everyone pays enough in gratification and Blah Blah Blah? Quite! Someone put their credit card down while everyone says, "Thank you, I'll get it next time."


celebrity photo secrets, Things You Should Always Do at a Fancy Restaurant

Take endless self-portraits of yourself, none that anyone asked, is the height of narcissism. Do you really need a picture of yourself make duck lips to feel a sense of self-confidence? We did not think it. Place the phone and come back to do something that does not consist of looking with love to your reflection.

Forget a former birthday or birthday

birthday cupcake

It is no longer adorable (and it is doubtful it's ever) to "totally space" on a birthday close to friends, or to take a last minute crossroads at the pharmacy to pick up balloons and flowers Because you just realized you miss. a birthday. Get a Google calendar and learn how to use it.

Keep in a dead end

Stressed out man

Take a just job for salary can be a noble thing ... at the beginning anyway. But stick too long in a job that you hate, without a future or possibility of promotion, is a movement of suction cup. Your career should be more than just a way to pay invoices. You have to find something to do with your life that makes you passionate and excited to get up from bed in the morning.

Stay in a toxic relationship

is she satisfied couple arguing

You do not do ithave to be in a relationship at your age. The world is filled with happy singles and perfectly content of more than 40 years. If your partner treats you with something less than the respect you deserve where you doubt your own self-esteem, it's time to throw them like a bad habit.


Woman Coughing in Bed

"I'm sure it's going to possibly" is something you say about a stolen that has become in your home, not a symptom that could potentially be the warning signs of a serious illness. Get an annual balance sheet should be routine for you now, not something about your task list to make you continue to put.


habits after 40

Let's hope it's not the first that you have heard that the intimate relationships between consenting adults could have consequences. Need Sex Ed at this point is as if you need a refreshing on basic mathematics. You know how it works, try to practice a small precaution.

Forget to save money

Budgeting money

You are closer to the retreat that you were at 8 pm and you should at least have a small savings account. Here is a simple test to help you determine if you put enough side: if your car needed a new transmission tomorrow, would it exhaust your savings? If that would, you do not adequately prepare your financial future. If you need help to amplify your bank accounts, learn the40 ways to seriously stimulate your savings after 40.

Experiment with a new haircut

boost your confidence

An hour and a place ago to get a braided mohawk or a shaved pixy cut at the coast, but your forties are not. If you want a good to do, check the15 best haircuts to look instantly younger.

Live with your parents

adult son living with parents

Your childhood room should be something else completely now. Maybe your parents turned it into an office, or a storage room. It's absolutely not somewhere that you should break for more than a week, while you "work some business." If your mother makes your bed every morning and you do your laundry, you have severely messed up with the natural order of things.

Be abusive friends

Man Shrugging Shoulders in Argument Over 40

This can be confusing when it was younger to realize that friends who treat you like dirt are not really friends at all. But at age 40, you have been around the block a few times and you must know now that anyone talking about the basket of you, behind your back or right to your face, is not worth your time.

Leave your home or apartment become a discharge

messy bedroom Lies Kids Say

Do you live in a fresh house? Sweet Lord We do not hope, you are 40! So, do not let your point look like recently organized a great Kegger. Pick up this laundry room, sweep the floor and wash your dishes as you are an adult who does not wait for mom or dad to do it for them.

Go for fist-bump

never say this at work

It's not going to land. The other person thinks it's a handful hand, then you try to recalibrate the mid-bump, then they make their mistake and try to come back to you with a bump, but it's too late because you are already in Fashion hand hands, and then your hands meet in a troublesome implosion of joints and fingers, then everyone laughs because "what do we even think?" Youwere not thought. Do not bump. You are no longer a person of fist bump.

Jump work because you are Hippover

woman sleeping at desk alzheimers symptom

Had a little too much to drink of the week? First of all, no, you shouldnot do that. But if it happened anyway, you have to drag your Hippover behind the bed and work anyway. Maybe punishing headaches will serve as a reminder for ever,already Redo it.

Blow up plans at the last minute

hilarious words

RSVP is a binding contract, at least in adults. If you said you were going to appear for a dinner, so show up. Thanks to hours of lame excuse before being supposed to happen, like "we could not get guardian" or "I think I'm going down with a cold" just because you want to stay at the house and watch sludgeWestworld is a) Do not delay anyone, and b) completely inconsiderate and rude. You are better than that.

Sleep afternoon

woman waking up punctual stressed out

Yes, even on weekends. Damn,above all week ends. The weekend should be a moment to get out of the house, meet friends and do something active, do not stay in bed until you are at the edge of lunch disappearance. Do you know who else sleeps all morning and receives anything significant accomplished? Cats. You are now officially not better than a cat.

Go to rock festivals

REM Band '90s Jokes michael stipe

Going out and see live music is always a good idea. But music festivals, with innumerable acts playing over several days, is not where to do it. Not for you anyway. Nobody needs to stand in the mud for many consecutive hours, lesser from all those who have been alive for four decades. Save your money (and your calves) and see your favorite group in an indoor location.

Excessive text messages

Women on smartphones Facts About Millennials

Textos can be fun and practical. But if what you have to say is more than 250 characters, maybe you take the phone instead and give them a call? This is what adults do. They have real conversations and exchange thoughts and ideas that do not require emojis.

Remains in the past

being single

We live in a culture that rewards and encourages nostalgia. People as young as they have already been obliged to be treated in their past. At age 40, you should know better now. It's good to go back to your youth, but never forget to wait more than you look back.

Do not exercise

Wifi television

Even if you spent all your life avoiding the gym, it's never too late to start. This may seem like a cliché of a motivation poster, but it's true. You do not necessarily need a gym subscription either. It could be something as simple as jogging, whichNew studies indicate Could be extremely beneficial for seniors who have mainly avoided exercise during their lives.


tequila shots

The sentence, "Hey, do some jägerbombs" is not something that should never leave your lips. An order of 40 years, a series of 20 years, it's like a 20-year saying: "Let's see if there is a horn expense."

Always be on the fence about having children

mother daughter walking trees

Despite what you may have said, you always have time to become a parent. Several recent studies have proven that more people than ever areBecome parents after 40 years. So it's not the problem. The problem is, do you want children? And at age 40, he is no longer acceptable to say, "Well, I do not know, we think about it." No, sorry, there is no more "think" in the cards for you. If you want a child, it's time.

Take money from friends or family

person borrowing cash

It's not everyone does not make a serious bank in the quarantine, but even if you still have trouble joining the two ends, 40 years old has no age to ask your parents to ask Your parents a "loan" that you "promise" to "pay them" back "As soon as you" can ". If you can not afford it, whatever the salary, you do, thenYou can not afford it. End of the story.

Night stands

dressing well 50s

Wake up next to a foreigner felt so dangerous and risky when you were in your 20 years. Well guess what? It's always dangerous and risky in your forties.

Not dental silk

Woman Flossing Teeth

We can not say that enough. If your oral hygiene routine does not include anything else, either. Silk. It must every day. We are not kidding. If you are 40 years old and you do not make silk dental, stop reading this immediately and go through the thread. Seriously. Currently. Go to the dental silk. We will wait.

Do anything only to impress people

Bungee Jumping

Do you remember this classic phrase your mother used you? "If they jumped from a bridge, would you do it too?" When you are 40, if someone jumps from the bridge, your first answer should be: "Are you out of yourdisturbs? "

Use a dry shampoo more than the real shampoo

woman showering

In general, people tend to wash our hair and break it with a dry shampoo are a good idea. But if you do not remember the last time you have entered a shower, and the dry shampoo has become a regular part of your morning routine, you took this shortcut too far.

Junk food as a regular part of your diet


The casual fast food meal on a trip on the road will not kill you. But if a deep dish pizza or an extra meal is your idea of ​​a Saturday night dinner for two, you get your calories in all the bad places.

Spring Break

miami beach florida

We do not want to take a much deserved beach vacation with your darling or enjoying family vacation at Disney World. We are talking about the type of spring break where colleges consume far too many adult libations and a camera of "wild girls" hides nearby.

Be an internet troll

man looking at computer shocked

There is a good age to be a fool to people you do not know online, but it's a particularly feature without flattery on a person aged 40 or more. If you have already written a medium tweet or left the hateful comment on an online forum and you are old enough that your mother does not reach your lunches, you formally make life.

Relying on your fast metabolism

woman running

Remember when you could eat three pizzas and do not win a book because you were 20 and your metabolism burned calories like coal ovens on the Titanic? Well, your titanic has just hit an iceberg and these coal furnaces are gone, and now every bit of food has consequences. Who knew the movieTitanicwas a metaphor so perfect for turning it? However, if you want to get the most out of your body's clock, check the30 best ways to strengthen your metabolism after 30.

To be jealous

couple fighting Bad Dating Marriage Tips

There is no loss of time larger than jealousy. If anyone else has something you want, you should focus on what you can do to do it too, not on how much you are pissing that they beat you. Any reasonable 40 years should already understand that.

You burn

mindfulness stressed out woman at desk yelling work

Working hard is one thing, but if you give up your nights and weekends to prove that you are a kind of productivity cyborg, it will only make you hurt in the long run. You will do more good while turning off the laptop and you will make a look.Studies have shown That in the elderly, a good night's sleep will give you a renewed sense of purpose the next morning. And if you need help on this forehead check the70 tips for your best sleep ever.

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging / Over 40
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