10 things you need to know before adopting a shelter dog

Make sure you are ready before taking a dog to their "Forere Home".

According to ASPCA, Each year, 3.3 million dogs enter an animal shelter. If you are someone with a soft spot for dogs (and why would not you be?), The idea of ​​dogs cooperated in cages in a shelter of shooters probably difficult on your hearts.

But there are good news: there are things that any lovers of the animal can do to solve this problem, like sterilizing and sterilizing their own pets, but obviously, the big personally backup a shelter dog. Unfortunately, refuge dogs can present unique challenges for owners. So we talked about some experts on what people should know before starting theRescue process of a dog.

Each refuge animal is unique

Shelter dog,

Like people or snowflakes, no shelter animals are similar. "All dogs are individuals and all the facilities you get a dog is different," said Kenny Lamberti, Vice President of Pets atThe human society of the United States. And Mike Kaviani, Director of Lifestyle Operations forAustin live animals, says, "Any dog ​​can have any individual challenges, so the key key is wherever your dog's dog wants to have this conversation on what to expect from your dog." That said, you can have a good idea of ​​what your potential animal could be like ...

Shelter animals are carefully checked

Shelter dog,

Although some are concerned about behavioral problems in refuges domestic animals, "the vast majority of dogs that come from a shelter are evaluated for behavior and health," says Lamberti. In addition, shelters will generally offer potential reports of their animal behaviors, Lamberti thinks that owners can better predict the behavior of a life dog than a dog from some breeders. And, speaking of dogs: remember that a thorough verification process is only one more reasonWhy President Trump needs a dog.

Expect to see a lot of pit bulls

Shelter dog, pit bull

According toPetfinder dataPit Bull Terriers are the most common dog breed found in shelters. This can be because pit-bulls are often stereotyped as aggressive or dangerous - an unfounded concern, such asa study found less aggressive pit-bulls than Chihuahas. According to the best friends of the Society of Animals: "Aggression is not a characteristic of race or personality, and is not specific to a dog breed." Unfortunately, it did not prevent pit bulls from being one of the main objectives ofSpecific legislation at breed, aineffective Attempt to reduce dog bites.

Most pets do not find themselves in shelters because they are bad

Shelter dog,

"The behavior is sometimes a reason, but it's not the top one," says Lamberti. Instead, the main reason why people deliver their animals are due to housing problems, as they enter a building that does not allow pets, nor restrictions on certain breeds or are obliged to move due to working problems. Kaviani echoes this feeling, saying, "It's a little percentage [of hosting dogs] who returned for behavioral problems.

They need time to adjust

Shelter dog, anxious dog

Take any dog, but especially a shelter dog, in a new environment in a new environment can be a little shock for the dog at the beginning. As a result, they can appear initially too shy or anxious in their new environment. "Dogs, they are like humans, they adapt to the change in different ways. Many dogs, they may need a little time to facilitate," said Kaviani.

Avoid "trigger stack"

Shelter dog, scared dog

Triggers are all that can cause dog anxiety, and then Kaviani says they always insist on people not "trigger stack", nor put the dog in a kind of anxiety - inducing situations at -Delo a new home with a new family with a new family. Kaviani says, "I think a lot of people who pick up at home a new dog, they are so stokes to have a new dog and look forward to all the things they can do with their new dog." Common trigger activities to avoid with a new dog throws a party and inviting many foreigners on or taking the dog at a dog or toilet park.

Separation anxiety is common

Shelter dog, sad dog

Although not exclusive to dwelling dogs, Kaviani said: "Separation anxiety can be one of the most common behavioral challenges with rescue dogs, because of everything that ended them again." So the owners should take steps to show dogs, because Kaviani says it, "You may have been abandoned in an earlier life, you may have lost your previous house, but you will not lose our house. "

Some of the steps KAVIANI recommends taking music on, giving the dog a puzzle toy filled with food to keep them happy and busy while they are alone and "working slowly / diligently up to how long the dog Is left alone for in order to feed them more and more time periods of time, and to show them that you come home every time, and to show them that you come home every time. "

Do not give dogs near free dogs from home

Shelter dog, dog making a mess

Some dwelling dogs may have been technically trained at home by their previous owners, but the states of Kaviani, "[that] does not mean they understand the rules of your home." It is therefore preferable to train your new rescue or keep them limited to part of your home. Kaviani Note: "It is much easier to limit freedom at the beginning and to enable freedom."

Pets can be good for children

Shelter dog, shelter dog children

Although not without careful planning, "we always inform that families with children bring children to shelter and facilitate a meeting with your children and dogs," says Kaviani. It also emphasizes that children should never be left unattended with a new shelter dog, because children can not always recognize when a dog wants to be left alone, and that's one of the main causes of bites. dog.

You will be a hero

Shelter dog,

Anyone who went to an animal shelter and that these dogs who look at you with their cages can tell you that it is an incredible act of compassion to take a homeless solitary animal and give them a happy home.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Pets
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