150 facts that will make you say "wow!"

If long-legged dad is not spiders, what are they in the world?

Few things spice up your day, such as learning a new knowledge, making you rethink for a long-standing assumption or a question of manual parasics, or even start to double all courses and conferences and Wikipedia. Ice information of. In other words, a fact that makes you say: "Wow!"In this case, we gathered a 150 of 150 who are guaranteed for that. So read it, and be surprised! And for more secrets of life, do not miss the40 facts so funny are hard to believe.

Tomatoes contain nicotine

 nightshades tomatoes peppers

Although we all have heard that fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients, you were probably not aware that tomatoes also contain ... Nicotine? In fact, studies have shown that eating rich nicotine things such as tomatoes and peppers can actually help reduce your chances of doing Parkinson's disease. And to discover more food than you should definitely consume, checkThe top 50 foods for your brain.

Humans are the only animals with losses

Human Genome Project Scientific Discoveries

"If you look at all hominids, who is the family tree after the split with chimpanzees, there are not really many features that we can indicate that we can say are exclusively human"James Pampush from Duke University told the NPR. "[T] Pipe animals are all markets on two legs. The only thing that really comes out is the chin." Although other animals have jaws, no other humans have the small section of the bone on the lower jaw that fell in front of the teeth.

A convicted woman with the death penalty was released when she survived

Judge's Mallet Wordplay Jokes

Edinburgh-Local Local Woman Margaret Dickinson was hung in 1736 for killing his baby after birth. But after his body is thrown on a trolley to take away,she woke up And since Scottish legislation prohibited a punishment twice, she was free to go. And for stories of the same weird, do not miss30 crazy facts that will change your vision of history.

Ampersand was the 27th letter of the alphabet

Alphabet google

A combination of cursive letters for "E" and "T" (forming the Latin wordAND, meaning "and"), the symbol "&" for decades included in the alphabet, after "Z". He did not have his official nameup to 1837.

The camel bumps are devoid of water

camels in the desert

The camel bumps are not for storing water: they are for insulation and storage of food. The bump is almost all fats, which regulates the body temperature and serves as a source of alternative fuel when they wander for days at a time without food in sight. So whereto do They store their water?Right in their blood.

A bear became a war hero in the Polish army

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During the Second World War, the 22nd Poland Artillery Supply Society of the 2nd Polish Corps had 440 pounds.Bear Syrian named Wojtek Among his ranks. He came to them as a cube and was raised as a pet, drinking milk from a bottle, then beer. It would help transport ammunition and finally took an official soldier when the army reached Egypt, where the animals were not allowed (but the soldiers were). And if you think it's adorable, do not miss these40 amazing animal facts.

France has more time zones than the United States or Russia

learn a new language

This does not seem to be an immense country compared to these others, but France has islands scattered around the world. In total, its territories fall into12 separate time zones, compared to the six and six Americans of Russia.

The United Kingdom is the country the largest number of tornadoes in the world

tornado craziest fact

When you think in the UK, tornadoes are probably not the first thing that comes to my mind. But according to the National Center for Climate Data, the United Kingdom has more tornadoes compared to its earthly mass than any other nation. So, while Argentina, Bangladesh, New Zealand and Japan - as well as the famous fall of Tornado Alley in the Midwest - all suffer from tornadoes, there is nothing very classically British as a tornado , old chap.

A torrefera sailor once his hands freeze hooks to allow him to swim at the coast.

real missing treasure

When a sailor named Howard Blackburn found herself in freezing temperatures away from the coast to Newfoundland and without mittens, he knew his hands geful. But to always be able to use them,He reached and "Removed the two oars and squeezing my fingers around the handles, held them there until I could not move my fingers anymore. I knew then they were stiff frozen." It allowed him to row to continue rowing and finally at the shore.

Spices and herbs are different

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Spices come from each part of a side factory of the sheet; Herbs are the leaf itself. A spice must be added to food and / or roasted front and during cooking, while herbs should be added at the end because they release the faster flavor.

Yes, you can feel when someone is watching you

man staring through fence, astonishing facts

This is called "look detecting" and it's the meaning of your brain when someone feels you look at you.Studies have shown Let some brain cells flock in response when someone looks at you, but not when the gaze of the observer is avoided a few degrees left or to the right of you (which causes different cells instead). We have evolved with this ability to detect potential threats because the direct look is a symbol of domination.

A football game once aroused a war between El Salvador and Honduras

soccer ball against a sunset

Literally known as the football war, this 1969 American pump has taken place as a wide range of tensions rushed between the two countries. But the thing that has aroused it was a series of games between the two, in which tensions become more intense until Honduras finally cut the diplomatic ties with its neighbor.Two weeks laterEl Salvador invaded.

The eels have two jaws


The second is hidden in their throat and strikes when the bit bit on his prey, pulling him further in his throat. The result is like another thing from a sci-fi movie.

When you "talk" in your mind, your throat says every word

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NASA scientists have worked on a machine capable of reading the nervous signals in the throat that control the floor when humans speak. They found nervous sensors located under the chin, near the Adam apple, which communicate between the brain and the voicemail. According to the researchers, these sensors are read by a computerized processor for transmitting the signals into words. (In other words, NASA is about to read your mind.)

Onions make you cry because they release acid

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Onions have an enzyme called Factor Factor Factor Synthase, which converts amino acids to the onion into sulfenic acid. Sulfenic acid becomes unstable when the onion is cut and stands out in thiosulfonate (it is the smell of onion) andSYN-PROPANTRIOL-S-OXIDE (The gas that makes you tear).

It's hard to make swords as strong as the Vikings'

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You would think with all our technological developments that it would be easy to recreate weapons the Vikings there are hundreds of years. Not so much. Nova watchedModern samples Try to recreate "ulberft swords" made of steel crucible. They managed to get it away, but hardly. These are the old Vikings were fairly skilled engineers.

Police horses in Toronto have their own bargaining cards

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Like baseball or Pokémon players, the four-legged members of the Toronto Police Service Unit get their ownTrading card deck. The passion project of a pair of horse enthusiasts, the effort turns off a game of cards every two years, with one of the pairs of photos of horses and others design the cards.

The stripes of zebras are intended to repel insects

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Inan experimentScientists have placed zebra coats on regular horses and compared the result to "real" zebras. They found that the flies that would normally be attracted by the horses seemed to be extremely thrown when you try to land. However, the horse's heads - which were not dressed in zebraped stripes - always attracted the flies.

The placebo effect still works when you know you took a placebo

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Scientists have found that the placebo effect does not have to rely on the person not realizing that they took a placebo. In a study by the University of Harvard and the University of Basel, those who essential a placebo have supposed to relieve the pain and those who knowingly received the dummy medicinesBoth have shown Relief of pain.

John Wilkes Booth's brother saved the son of Lincoln

John Wilkes Booth Unsolved Mysteries

In 1864 or 1865, actor Edwin Booth shot the son of the president, Robert Lincoln, back from a train while he was starting to move and the young man found himself pressed against her. Robert Lincolnwould call back how"I was twisted with my feet and I fell somewhat dropped, with the feet down, in the free space and was personally helpless, when my coat necklace was vigorously seized and I am quickly drawn to Foot and a secure pied-à-terre on the platform. After turning to thank my lifeguard, I saw that it was Edwin Booth, whose face was of course well known to me, and I expressed my gratitude to him and, in doing so, called him, the 'called by name. "Abraham Lincoln would be murdered by the brother of Booth month after the incident.

Ants refuse "medical" help when they know they are fatally wounded

Red ant

To avoid wasting the resources of the colony, severely injured ants will refuse the help of "paramedical ants" that would usually try to help them. AsNational Geographicto explain, "The dying ants refused to cooperate, folding their legs when they are surveyed or picked up, forcing their aid to abandon them."

States have their own betrayal laws

United States Constitution Civic Studies

We believe in betrayal as a federal crime, but many states have their own betrayal laws - and their application tends to be more severe than national legislation. No American has been executed for betrayal against the United States federal government, although five convicted persons of betrayal against each state haveFace to face run.

The strongest sound on the recording was a volcanic eruption in 1883


It would be the Krakatoa volcano, near Indonesia, who, after being dormant 200 years, broke out in an explosion in the ear that shot a 16-mile ash in the air and triggered several tsunamis. He produced a sound that was heard3000 miles away, In the Australian Central Island of Rodrigues.

The president of the food for the poor is called Robin Mahfood

serving food at a soup kitchen

Sometimes you are just born to do something. President and Chief Executive Officer of the Non-Profit Hunger Rescue OrganizationFood for the poor is none other than Robin Mahfood.

The rected helps your brain relax

Woman watching tv in bed christmas depression

Watch your favorite shows and videos, re-reading your favorite books and listen to your favorite music and more benefits: itputs your mind in a state of facility. As humans, we have a limited pool of mental resources. When we are overwhelmed, we start having less self-control and less motivation for tasks by hand. When you look at a postponement or listen to your favorite tunes, you do not have to make efforts to control what you think, which means that your brain can perform a quick mental reset.

The word "robot" is native to Czech word for "slave"

Robot Butler Predictions About the Future

The word "robot" appeared in English in the 1920s, according to the online etymology dictionary, based on the Czech word "Robotnik", which meant slave and which itself was rooted in the old word Slave of L 'old church for servitude, "rabota". This fact should be particularly ironic once we reach the singularity and that robots become our overlays. And for info on the distance in the robotic revolution, learn the20 types of artificial intelligence that you use every day and you do not know it.

During kidney transplants, doctors generally explain the extra kidney without deleting one of the other two.

Woman with Kidneys

We imagine that a kidney transplant would involve exchanging the unhealthy kidney for healthy health. In fact, in most cases, surgeons will leave the kidney inside the patient's body andAdd the healthy kidney somewhere near their basin. And for more amazing kidney hacks, see the20 warning signs that your kidneys send you.

There is a name for this feeling you get when you are high and think about jumping

an exterior view of the willis tower observation deck in chicago

If at the top ofan incredibly large building Or look at a steep drip of the highway, you probably had a weird moment where you ask, "What if I jumped?" It happens, you are not alone - so much, that there is a name For the phenomenon; it is the call of vacuum "or" the high rank phenomenon ".

In 1973, a Detroit tiger brought a table leg to the plate

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After three withdrawals, "Stormin" Norman Cash left the plate with a table leg that he had caught the cloakroom, ready to swing. "Why not? I will not hit anyway"he has answered When the referee asked what he was doing, before putting aside the leg aside.

The quilt AIDS is the largest piece of popular art in the world

aids quilt

Started in 1986, with gay rights, Cleve Jones, by 2016, the quilt (officially titled the AIDS Memorial Memorial Quilt project)measured 1.3 million square feet and weighed about 54 tons.

The cities of the United States had a "ugly law" until the 1970s

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A number of cities have had "ugly laws" on books prohibiting these "patients, mutilated, mutilated or distorted in any way, so as to be disgracefully or disgusting" to be seen in public. Most finally repealed these laws, although Chicago was the last,repeal in 1974. And for more city secrets, seeThe 50 most exhausted cities in America.

Loch Ness holds a softer water than all the waterways from England and Wales combined

Hunting for Loch Ness Monster, celebrities not like us

Which includes all rivers and lakes in the country, given the Loch23 miles long And about a mile wide ... and deep enough for a massive creature of the sea.

Harry Truman refused to ride on Dumbo Ride de Disneyland

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During your visit to the recently opened amusement park in 1957, President Harry S. Truman, Staunch Democrat, did not want to be photographed sitting on an elephant, the rival republican party symbol, so herefused to board The conduct of flying elephants. It may just be that he was nervous on the heights.

"Truman show illusion" is one thing

Truman Show Amazing Facts
Paramount Pictures

People have actually been diagnosed with "Truman Show Delusion". Named after the film of 1998 featuring Jim Carrey, thisThe phenomenon has been defined in a question ofCognitive neuropsychiatry As "a new illusion, mainly persecuted in the form, in which the patient believes that he is filmed and movies are broadcast for the entertainment of others."

Elephants have prehensic genitals

Elephant walking

As his trunk, the procreative organ of the elephant is prehensile. Like an onlooker in the phenomenondescribe, "As we looked at it in distorted fun (and the weakest hue of insufficiency), he used his penis to spread, Swat flies on his side and scratching on his stomach. David Taisonough did not never shown that. "

Nearly 15% of the land of land missing a tendon

muscle mass

You can test if you are part of this exclusive group by holding your arm and touch your thumb to your Pinky. In your opinion, you will see an elevated tendon, it's long palmaris, a muscle that was once probably used but does not do much for us. Those without the minorityhave evolved Beyond that.

Almost all serotonin is produced in the gut

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We think about serotonin that this neurotransmitter that makes us feel good and that we are released to our mind by various illegal substances. But in fact,More than 90% Serotonin is produced in our digestive tract.

The coaches of the rival high school once conspired to help a player to break a record

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In 2003, the Nate Haasis High School district established a dazeling transmission record, only to learn later that its own coach and the rival team coach had consistently failed to let him occur (in exchange of the rival team rating a touch). Haasis took the high road when he learned from what had happened,and rejected the honor.

You would need more than 700 floppy disks to equal a storage gigabyte

Floppy Disks, obsolete

While storage solutions become more compact and effective with every year, it may seem incredible how far we came. An One-Gigaoctet file is easily stored in the cloud these days. But back in the 90s and early 2000, we stored our files on things like floppy disks. And it would take 711 1.44 MB of floppy disks to store a gigabyte. This is a large number of floppy disks. Thank God for the cloud, right?

Babies have more bones than adults

Baby boy

It's true! While born with about 300 bones, some of these fuses as we get older - which means that we are adults, we only have 206 bones. Our smaller bone is inside our ear while the largest is the femur. And for more incredible baby facts, consult the20 most popular baby names inspired by movies.

The flies of the house live about a month or two

flies Amazing Facts

Although familiar belief is that the Flanders common lives only two to three days, in fact, the rather disgusting insect lives aAverage of one to two months, giving him many opportunities to get rid of your food and make it rude.

Shaq only hits a three-pointer throughout his career

Shaquille O'Neal

On a 19-year-old career in which he scored 28,596 points, Shaquille O'Neal hit a three-point shot exactly once: onFebruary 16, 1996, In a match of 121-91 between the Orlando Magic and Milwaukee Bucks. "I would not call him a good shooter at 3 points, let's put it like that," said his coach Brian Hill. "He could have the bullet up there on the rim, but it was not going to do too many of them."

New YorkerThe writer Joseph Mitchell had the bloc of the writer for 32 years

Monogrammed Notebook

After writing his room "Joe Gould's Secret" in 1964, the belovedNew YorkerThe writer Joseph Mitchell has never published another room, but he continued togo to work on the offices of the magazineeveryday. He did not produce any new writing until his death in 1996.

The first search engine was named Archie and was invented by Canadians

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Although it is difficult to imagine a world without Google and that some of us may not even remember to ask Jeeves, back in the early nineties, there is no had a handful of flute search engines available to internet users. But the first one was created in 1990 by some students from McGill University in Montreal. Apparently, the rudimentary search engine was so popular at some point, it accounted for nearly 50% of the entire Internet traffic in the city. His inventors named it Archie - likearchive But without the "V."

Charlie Chaplin published his first sound film 13 years after the talkie was invented

Charlie Chaplin Famous Celebrities
Wikimedia Commons / P.D. Jankens

Chaplin was such a success in a silent film, that he continued to do them for years after "Talkies" started taking off popularity. Part of this was due to the fact that his silent films have always taken money, and a part was due to his lack of confidence in his skills in the new support. When he finally did his first talkie, 1940The big dictatorHe was a masterpiece that actually made criticism.

The man of the war has lost only a race

horses racing at a horse race

The legendary Racehorse Man O 'War ran in just 21 races during his career and won 20 of them. His only loss,In August 1919, was at the hooves of a competitor appointed, appropriately, upset.

Nobody born after 1935 walked on the moon

The Moon Landing Unsolved Mysteries

The last person to have the honor of walking on the moon was the American astronaut Eugene Andrew Cernan, the eleventh and last person to walk on the moon (during the Apollo 17 mission). But it was Charles Duke, the tenth person to walk on the moon, who was born the last of anyone who has already walked on October 3, 1935.

Malaria is responsible for the death of half of the humans who have never lived

Mosquito biting human

It's aCruel Killer.

About one-third of spoken languages ​​today are endangered

Couple Talking Over Coffee Romance

There is an estimate of 7,097 languages ​​spoken in the world today (839 spoken in Papua New Guinea), but because many of them are pronounced by a small number of people they areconsidered at risk of extinction.

Crickets can help you say at the temperature


Although the specificities vary, scientists have discovered that crickets at different intervals depending on the temperature outside. They always make it fairly that you can determine how hot or cold, counting the number of chirps over a particular interval and adding a game number.popular oldAlmanac of the farmeris to count the number of chirps over an interval of 14 seconds and to add 40 to it).

Posuss does not play dead, they pass

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Creatures are not quite qualified actors that they are often presented as. Instead, they are only strategic locks, falling into a comatose state involuntarily when they feel intense fear, which can last hours, convincing any predators who would be dead (they are evenEmit a smell similar to a corpse really sell the act).

Dad longlegs are not spiders

daddy longleg spider

They do not produce silk, have only one pair of eyes and do not have the narrow "size" that make the spiders. In fact, they are moreclosely linked to Scorpion that other spiders. (It does not really make them less scary, however.)

In 1925, Texas held an extraordinary session of a supreme courtyard all a supreme woman

austin texas state house

Since a case involving a fraternal organization of which almost all the elected representatives of Texas were members and had to recrust, the governor finally had the idea of ​​appointing a group ofJust the Supreme Female Court, Since the organization has not accepted the female members.

The Maya had a goddess of suicide outstanding

mexico mayan temple

Called Ixtab, she supervised heaven where those who clung to get in the afterlife.

Ben Franklin left thousands in Boston and Philadelphia - they could not touch since 200 years

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin

The man who invented the phrase "a saved penny is a penny won" lived and died by the mantra. In his will, he left the cities of Boston and Philadelphia every 1,000 pound sterling (worth about $ 4,500 at the time), with warning that they could not touch him since 200 years. The two followed his wishes and, in 1990, found that these a few thousand people wereworth of millions. And for more money secrets, see the20 crazy fact that you have never known about the bills of a dollar.

Ancient Egyptians had a bonus month

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The former Egyptian calendarwas similar to our present,With 365 days in a year and 12 months. But everyone was exactly 30 days, leaving another five days at the end of the year. Instead of spreading them throughout the year, they just made a "interlayer month" treated as distinct from the rest of the appropriate year.

America's favorite drink is healthier in 2013

eco friendly

Who said the Americans become less healthy? While Soda was the most consumed drink by the country for more than two decades, in 2013, bottled watertook this title.

David Letterman once created a scholarship for students "C"

David Letterman, Peabody

Never has an academic star itself, the late television legend has created a 1985 scholarship for telecommunications students who have shown exceptional creativity,rather than academic excellence. To apply, they were invited to submit a creative project such as writing or interactive media.

During the Cold War, a small town in Western Virginia asked for Soviet aid

west virginia

In 1977, the Mayor of Vulcain, West Virginia, frustrated by the lack of support for the state he had received to replace a bridge, extinguished a request to the Soviet UnionTo help pay for that. In the moment, a Russian journalist has shown to report on history, the West Virginia legislature released the $ 1.3 million funds to pay the bridge replacement.

The CDC urged schools to open later

woman sleeping at desk alzheimers symptom

Help students overcomeChronic sleep deprivation.

The recipients of the medal of honor get much more than a medal

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It's not just about the pretty speech and the recipient medal of the Medal of Honor. TheyAlso get A monthly bonus of $ 1,300, a 10% increase in retirement retirement and, in some states, a special medal of a license plate.

A father once hired a virtual Hitman to kill the video game character of his son

video game man

Frustrated that his unemployed son spent all his time playing video games, a father in China hired a qualified player tokill the character of his son. It did not work, however, as even when the son has stopped playing, he continued not having an interest in finding a job.

Coca-Cola posted their own clear beverage

coca cola sign

Shortly after Pepsico introduced Crystal Pepsi, Coca-Cola has clearly made the tab. Despite early success, like its competitor, beverage soon blurred on the market and many believe itwas a "kamikaze" waterfall Blesser Crystal Pepsi by association.

"Genuine leather" is actually quite shabby

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While this label may seem involving something about a portfolio or a pair of quality boots, the term "genuine leather" is a formal phrase applied to the leather that has a corrected grain (in other words, artificial) which gives it aMore natural appearance. Leather buffets usually visceate it as poor quality.

Stephen Hawking once threw a party for time travelers

stephen hawking
Shutterstock / The World in HDR

In 2009, the theoretical physicist prepared sofas, champagne and a giant banner with the words "welcome, temporal travelers" in the hope that any real time traveler of the future could return on time to attend. Unfortunately,Nobody showed.

The Catholic Church agrees with the evolution since 1950

st peters basilica in vatican city in rome

While evolution is often characterized as antithetic to biblical lessons, the Catholic Church has recognized the Darwinian evolutionBack to Pope Pius XII in 1950.

Angelina Jolie once hired a Hitman to kill each other

Angelina Jolie Celebrities Who Won't Live in U.S.

During a dark period in the younger days of the actress, she was considering committing suicide, but thought it could be easier on her family to have her life taken by someone else. Thus, as she told an interviewer in 2001, she hired a Hitman who urged her to think about it for a month before pursuing the lead.She thought better and decided against the plan with the plan.

The pool on board theTitanicIs always full

titanic sketch

Bad joke. But the ship had aimpressive six feet deep, Saltwater heated pool for swimming training sessions and spa style relaxation.

Women suffer from sports commotions at higher rates than men

woman with a concussion

Researchers have found that women playing high school football were about once and more likely to undergo cerebral concussions than boys playing high school football - and braincomions werelikely to be more severe.

Nelson Mandela was on the American terror surveillance list until 2008

nelson Mandela, inspiring quotes

It wentBack to 1986when the Reagan administration condemned the Mandela group, the African National Congress, to combat the apartheid regime of South Africa (which had supported the United States during the Cold War) through what She called "calculated terrorism" (this did not help what Mandela the group also included a number of leading communists).

Kleenex was invented by the army for use in gas masks

Gas Masks Kiss

Kleenex tissues may seem like an innocent invention designed to soothe sincerely nose, but in fact, it has grown as aFilter to put in gas masks During WWI. Called at the origin of the UGG cheesecloth The paper filters replaced the cotton after cotton was needed for bandages on the battlefield.

John F. Kennedy, Aldus Huxley and C. S. Lewis all died the same day

jfk, john f kennedy
Public domain

It would be November 22, 1963. Although you probably only remember the day of JFK's assassination (excuses to the English authors).

Of the first five presidents, three died on July 4th

declaration of independence

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson are both died July 4, 1826 - the 50e birthday of the birth of the United States. The fifth president of the country, James Monroe, died five years later on July 4, 1831.

A soldier once survived a free fall of 22,000 feet

soldier silhouette

Alan Magee, a US shooter during the Second World War survived a fall of 22,000 feet, without parachute, when his B-17 wasshot and caught fire. He fell downward because of the shock and the lack of oxygen that rises but woke up to find that he had fallen through the glass roof of the station of a small German town. He was treated and became a prisoner of war for two years.

"Make your wet dreams come true" was once a political slogan

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In 1928, as the former Governor of New York, Al Smith, ran to the presidency against Herbert Hoover in the midst of the debate on whether alcohol should continue to be prohibited, Smith's campaign said that his Anti-prohibition ("wet") should be promoted to those frustrated by restrictions. So they produced someNOTE NOTE BUTTONS Wearing the slogan "make your wet dreams that have become reality", which carry a very different meaning today than they did.

Area codes originally based on population density

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Developed in the rotating telephone era, part of the area codes planning consisted of making major population areas are the easiest to cadranate. So New York City had 212, Chicago A 312 and Los Angeles had 213. According toAtlas obscura, "The most important and most important cities have got the best codes, while small states had to slide the zero all around, almost like a punishment of sorts so as not to be bigger."

Aluminum was once more precious as gold

Tin foil

Now that we use it to wrap our food, it might seem difficult to believe that in the 19e century, this element was extremely valuable. When he finally learned how the metal could be extracted, likeSlateExplain: "People worshiped the element of the color and the element of the element 13, which remind them of the spark of gold and silver - a new precious metal. In fact, aluminum became more precious than gold and silver in the 19th century, because it was more difficult to get. The French government has already exposed aluminum bars of Fort Knox next to the jewels of the crown and the minor emperor Napoleon III booked a popular set of aluminum cutlery for special guests at Banquets. (The less favored customers have used gold knives and gold forks.) The United States, to show its industrial prowess, even capped the Washington monument with a pyramid of six aluminum in 1884. "Once the innovators have understood how to extract it on an industrial scale, the market has broken down. But for a moment, aluminum was king.

The owner of the company SEGWAY died by Segway

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Talk to die for your work. Jim Heselden, a British businessman who bought the segway company from his inventor in 2009 died a year later when hisscooter went on a cliff And in a river near his Yorkshire domain, falling from 30 feet to his death.

The pirates wore ocular patches to give them a better view of the bridge

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You probably supposed it was because they had lost a look and vanity led them to cover it with the patch. Not that, it's happening. Jim SHEEDY, SCIENCE VISION AND DIRECTORY DIRECTION OF THE PACIFIC UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF OREGON,explained to theThe Wall Street newspaper That since the hackers were to move frequently light conditions above the bridge on the dark extreme below, many "wore a patch on one eye to keep it outside the outside."

We are short of helium for balloons


Well, it's notquitealso desire as youmay have heard, but the helium is, in fact, a non-renewable resource and when it is released, it escapes the earthbecause of the light. That being said, a huge helium reserve was found a few years ago a few years agoin TasmaniaSo we should go a moment longer.

September 11 is closer to the fall of the Berlin Wall than today

Berlin Wall Kiss

It may not seem like a long time ago, but only 12 years have elapsed between the fall of the wall and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

"Buttload" is a real measure of wine

Friends Drinking Wine

Some wineries and distilleries always use the term "buttes" antiquity toRefer to a complete barrel. It derives from the medieval French word for startup and, depending on the MacAllian distillery, is equivalent to 108 imperial gallons.

Australia has already lost a prime minister - and has still not found it

Movemember started out down under originally.

It would be Harold Holt, the 17th Prime Minister of the country. It cameSwimming near Portsea, Victoria, in 1967 and has never been heard again. Of course, he probably drowned, but when a massive search operation failed to recover the body, he was declaredabsentiaand the theories of the plot remain on what could havereally Arrived at him.

There are more public libraries than McDonald's in the United States.

Mcdonalds Meal

It is 16,766 libraries, compared to 14,146 McDonald restaurants (starting in 2016). Onlyremember that The next time you desperate our education system.

There are more ways to mix a card game than earth atoms

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More specifically, there are 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 billion to organize a terrace of 52 cards . AsYannay Khaikin explains, "Every time you pick up a well mixed terrace, you almost certainly hold an arrangement of cards that has never already existed and that may not exist."

Lemons float in water and limes

lemon lime water

He must dodensity.

Less time separates us from T-rex that T-Rex of Stegosaurus

tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur skeleton

If you believe all these films and dinosaur shows, all the different prehistoric lizards lived together during the same time. Not so fast. AsSmithsonianto explain, "About 83 million years of separate apatosaur from Triceratops. The so-called mammalian age - which started when non-avian dinosaurs were suffered about 66 million years old. Less than Time separates us from Tyrannosaurus Rex that separated T. Rex of Stegosaurus. "

A strawberry is not a bay

Spinach in salad Lower Blood Pressure

You can not judge a fruit by his name. Technically be a bay, a fruit must develop a flower that has an ovary. Strawberries have flowersMore than one ovary (like Frambots). And for more amazing facts, see the40 random obscure facts that will make everyone think you are a genius

A lawyer is a bay

healthy woman

It is a "single seed bay" to be precise. As agriculture and natural resources of the UC Riversideusefully explains: "There are two main classes of fleshy fruits: Drups and berries. The Drups are characterized by a fleshy mesocarp but a hard coriace or bone endocarpe. They will have" stones "or" pits "rather than seeds (example. : Fisheries). In addition, a drupe generally has only one seed. The berries, on the contrary, are characterized by a fleshy endocarp, as well as the mesocarp and may have more than one seed

Hugh Hefner is buried next to Marilyn Monroe

Hugh Hefner

In thePierce Brothers Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles.

Michael Clarke Duncan was charged with being notorious B.i.g. Bodyguard of B.i.g. The night he was killed

michael clarke duncan

Before his actor, Duncan was a guardrail for celebrities, ranging from Will Smith to Jamie Foxx. He had been hired to protect Christopher Wallace - whom you may be familiar with his more common name, notorious Big-in March 1997. He changed his assignment, only to find out later that his almost customer was shot down and killed at night he would have protected him. He led Duncan to leave his work as a bodyguard andContinue action.

Croissants are from Austria


Although we generally think of them as French, these fleeting pastries come from Austriankipfel.According toSmithsonianIt is from 1683 to celebrate the victory of Austria on the Ottomans at the headquarters of Vienna: "The story follows that a baker, early to make bread, saved the city when he heard the Tunnel Turks under the city ​​and sounded an alarm. The curved shape of Kipfel, says to imitate the crescent of the Ottoman flag moon, then seems to pay a poetic tribute to the indomitable spirit of a city that resisted a powerful strength of invades. "

On Venus, a day is more than a year old

the planet venus in space

It takes 243 days of the earth for Venus to turn around its axis (that's what denotes a day) butIt takes only 225 days of the earthTo travel around the sun, which means that a day on the planet lasts a little over a year.

Researchers attempt to map each neuronal connection in the human brain

Shot of your brain on riddles

The human genome project is well known, but researchers are currently undertaking the human connection project, aimed at completely implementing the neuronal connections of the human brain to better understand its functions and connectivity. "Everyone knows that imaging is not equivalent to the mapping of each cell. There is an endless expanse of potential detail that we always want to know:" One of the scientists behind itRecountNational Geographic. "But this [model] is a new piece on the chessboard." He pauses. "And it's really a chessboard."

The first president born a US citizen was not elected before 1837

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Although one of the few absolute requirements of anyone who manager for the United States President is that it is a natural born citizen, none of our seven first presidents would have described this rule. It was not until Martin van Buren, born in the newly created country of the United States in 1782 andPresident elected in 1837, that we had a natural born president. It is interesting to note that it is also the first president for which English was not his mother tongue.

Only one country separates Finland and North Korea

Moscow, Russia

It would beRussia.

The state of Wyoming has only two mechanical stairs


They are both located inBanks in the city of Casper. After a comprehensive investigation,Atlanticfound no in Jackson Hole, Sheridan or even the capital of Cheyenne.

We went on the moon before thinking about putting wheels on luggage


TheFirst piece of wheeled luggage Was sold in Macy's in 1970. It was invented by Bernard Sadow, which was inspired when he grew his two large suitcases through Puerto Rico airport. And for more hacks of life, do not miss the30 amazing facts that will change the way you see the world.

If there are 23 random people in a room, there are 50% chance that two share a birthday

birthday cupcake

Crazy right? It's so true that it even has its own name,The birthday paradox. And for birthday ideas, we had you covered with30 best birthday gifts for your husband.

It rains diamonds in Saturn

stars in space

Too bad it is uninhabitable. When lighting storms strike Saturn, it turns to methane in soot of carbon, which hardens when it falls on the ground, first in the graphite, then diamonds. High value hilails are,According to a researcher, "Large enough to put on a ring, although of course they would be uncut."

The clouds become gray because they become thicker

cloudy sky weather affects your mood

Generally, the clouds are white and mellow, and it is because the water particles are widely dismissed, which makes it possible to pour the light. When a cloud is about to pour rain, it brings together more droplets of water and ice crystals, which makes it thicker, which prevents the light from throwing itself on a glance. The result is a dark gray shade.

Place a ripe banana next to the fruits mature

bananas things you're doing wrong

As they ripen, bananas produce ethylene gases, a plant hormone that stimulates maturation. All the fruits do not respond (for example, the citrus do not do it), but for those who do it, the gas causes maturation by triggering the genes of the plants that govern growth and decomposition (ETR1 and CTR1); The gas causes consequencesdeactivated, which cause other cells to light up, which led the ventilation of the cell walls, the conversion of starchs into sugars and the disappearance of acids - all we simply call "maturation".

Men are more likely to be dyes than women

Pick-Up Lines So Bad They Might Just Work

The most common gene for the color istransmitted on the X chromosomeWhich women have two from, compared to one in men. The gene is recessive, so in a woman, even if she has the mutated gene, the stronger and dominant X chromosome will be "winning". Conversely, if the male is found with the non-dominant color gene on its chromosome X, it will be ColorBLIND because it has no other X chromosome.

Tylenol can help relieve emotional pain, too

tylenol murders

Everyone loves acetaminophen for its ability to reduce physical pain, but did you know it can reduce emotional distress too?A study conducted at the University of Florida Shot that regularly used pills to mitigate body pain and pain also atmake activity in brain regions that treat social pain. In addition to news,another study He has also shown a reduction in empathy among ordinary acetaminophene consumers.

Female dragonflies sometimes make a false death to avoid having to couple

dragonfly genius facts

In a process calledsexual death filingFemale dragonflies will literally stop intermediate air and fall on the ground when aggressive male dragonfly continues to coupling. It really works (the majority of time): biologists have confirmed that 60% of female insects that simulate their deaths have been able to escape crazy males.

The coffee grounds are an incredible anticipate

side effects coffee grounds ibuprofen

Have children or pets in the house and do not want pesticides on the counters? Try this trick: Sprinkle coffee grounds (new or used) in the corners of your cabinets, counters, pet food dishes and wherever ants can appear. Soon, your ant problems will disappear: ants are pushed back by the smell and even if they eat it, exposure to caffeine will kill them.

Yes, the egg came before the chicken

egg carton

Think about it in this way: bird ancestor dinosaurs - are born of eggs for a very long time. At one point, a chicken-like avia has produced a progenitor with a kind of genetic mutation that made it crossof chicken for justchicken. Since this mutation chicken chicken creature has come from the egg, we can definitely say thatThe egg came first.

Shake your head will wake up the body's pieces "sleep"

people, emotions, stress and health care concept - unhappy african american young woman touching her head and suffering from headache - Image

Paresthesia (theclinical term For when your members fall asleep) are caused by your nerves being pinched, which limits communication between your nerve endings and the brain, your brain and your brain can not communicate feelings. If the Paresthesis occurs in your arms, hands and the top of the body, you can usually wake up the appendages by turning one's head to another, because it is usually neck nerves that become pinching, cutting the communication channels nervous from your top of the body. Brain.

Tornadoes are invisible

Bad weather and the storm with the wind on the sea. tornado over the ocean

According toThe National Storms National LaboratoryA tornado is a narrow and violently rotating air column that extends from the base of a storm on the ground. Because the wind is invisible, it is difficult to see a tornado unless it constitutes a condensation funnel composed of droplets of water, dust and debris. You do not see the tornado, you see what the tornado takes back.

The ovule egg is the largest human cell and sperm is the smallest cell

uterus model, astonishing facts

The gametes of each sex are on opposite polar ends of the cell spectrum, with the female egg (egg) being the largest cell of all human biology and male sperm being the smallest. The "largest cell" is about one millimeteronlyvisible to the naked eye, about the width of a piece of hair (and it's if you have a good view).

The rich used to live on the ground, not penthouses

old Trajan Market in rome, ancient rome facts

When the Romans first built apartment apartments (calledinsula, about nine to ten high stories), it was the richer people who lived on the ground floor. The upper soils rarely had running water and did not have the bathrooms. Imagine climbing on nine stories every day, many times a day! It was not beforeThe elevator came in the 1800s The penthouses and the units of the upper floor have become status symbols.

Young eggplant resemble eggs

eggplant, improve memory

Baby aubergines really look like big dark-colored eggs. And back to the 18th century, when the Europeans named them, the eggplant were more of a yellow color, not purple, then the name was even more appropriate. Oh, and while we are on products strangely appointed, thegrapefruit(Who does not look like anything like a grape) draws his name from the way the fruits grow in clusters on the tree, like giant grape clusters.

There is a high-speed connection on the moon

The Moon Landing Unsolved Mysteries

You can scroll through the Instagram, publish on Facebook, and even watch Netflix on the moon. Using lasers, NASA was able to establish a data transmission from the ground to the moon and the back. Theresearchers Download speeds made from 19,44 megabits per second and download speeds of 622 megabits per second on the 384 633 kilometers between land and the moon.

Real diamonds are not displayed on an X-ray machine

diamond real missing treasure

There is an easy way to know if your darling is a choapie.Diamonds are carbon, which has a very low atomic number (six to eight, depending on the note). The lower the atomic number, the more difficult it is for an X-ray machine to "read". Most X-ray machines are designed with sufficiently high photon energy as the low number of atoms, or oxygen in the water - are quite transparent, so that things like calcium in the bones (or metal in weapons) appear more clearly.

Clouds are incredibly heavy

blue sky with clouds

The average cumulus (fluffy)cloud weighs 1.1 million books. So, at that weight, why do not just fall out of heaven? Because they are relatively light compared to their environment: the cloud can weigh a lot, but the mass of the air in the same space is about 1.1billion books, which makes 1,000 times heavier than the liquid.

The evidence exists that the FBI urged Mr. MLK to commit suicide

Martin Luther King Jr Memorial

In 1964, the Federal Inquiry Office sent an anonymous letter to Martin Luther King Jr. with a registration of what he claimed to be his sexual indiscretions and exhorting him to withdraw from his leadership role, refuse the Nobel Prize and / or commit suicide (yes,Opinions vary What exactly the letter asked him to do). The plot was exposed in 1971 and proved constant embarrassment for the organization since.

Make margaritas can give you second degree burns


There is a condition calledphytophotodetermination Whether you get it if you spend too much time in the sun after handling limes, lemons or even celery. Such production articles contain a chemical compound called Furranocoumarin which, when in contact with the exposed skin and the sunlight, will cause a phototoxic reaction, which will result in an appearance (and feels) like second degree burns. .

Idiot,Imbecile, andImbecile are clinical terms

hospital hallway supplement industry

"Idiot" refers to a person with a Qi from 0 to 20; "Imbecile" refers to a person aged 21 to 50; and "Moron" refers to anyone between 51 and 70. All these terms were medical conditions until October 2010, whenS.2781 of the 111st Congress (or "Rosa Law") Imposed that the clinical duration for any lower question related to IQ is called "intellectual disorders".

The nautical mile speed is measured by "nodes" because they used nodes to measure it

Back in the 17th century, the sailors measured the speed of their ship using a contract called"Common Journal", " A rope coil with nodes also spaced attached to a piece of wood. The piece of wood has been lowered from the back of the ship and let float behind it without the coil, it was attached to the ship. After a precise time, the line was drawn and the number of nodes between the rope and the vessel were counted. The speed would be the number resulting from nodes.

Disney World is the second largest explosive buyer in the United States.

new year's resolutions

And it's because the fireworks count as explosives. The US government is the only entity to buy more explosives than the happiest place on the planet. Disney retains his high secret numbers, but some believe they spend between $ 45,000 and $ 50,000 on explosives by show.

Dopamine levels in the brain can determine which political party you choose

Movemember was at one point proof for young men of voting age.

Very dopaminegic individuals tend to work with abstract, ideas and the future, andtend to affiliate as a liberal. Dopaminergic low individuals tend to settle for the way things are and tend to affiliate as conservatives.

Silence helps rebuild the brain

southern slang

When patients have been exposed to prolonged silence (two hours or more at a time), revealed brain scansNew cell growth in the hippocampus. In otherto study Exploring the effects of different types of music on the brain, researchers have found that the two-minute break between music has actually induced more relaxation than any type of music. That's right: silence is really golden.

"Intestine feelings" have a psychological merit

Rumbling stomach, man holding his stomach in pain

There areMore neurons in your intestine The liner that in your spinal cord (this is how your digestive system can work alone without the need for brain information). These butterflies you enter your stomach when you are overcome with emotion? It is your neuron system of the stomach reacting.

At the scale, the saturn rings are thinner than the paper

planet Saturn in front of the Milky Way galaxy (3d illustration, elements of this image are furnished by NASA) - Illustration

The inner circle of the seven rings of Saturn spans about 180,000 miles of circumference. But the rings are at most 0.6 km. Let's make mathematics: at the thickest tip, it equals a width thickness ratio of 0.0000033. A piece of standard paper of 8.5 per 11 (which is 0.004 inches thick) has a width thickness ratio of 0.00036-or more thanhundredtimes that of the rings of Saturn.

Say "God bless you" as an answer to Sleezing came from the time of the plague

man sneezing

He became banal to say "God bless you" after someone is sneezed in Rome, whenThe bubonic plague was running across Europe. A common symptom of the plague shedged, so that the pope at the time (Pope Gregory I) suggested saying "God bless you" to anyone sneezing, in the hope that the prayer would save them from the deadly plague.

Mice are used for medical research due to logistics size

Mouse brain {best of 2018}

It is true that their genetic makeup looks closely like humans, but realistically, the chimpo is the best choice.Mouse Also reproduced much faster than monkeys, so it is easier and faster to watch genetic mutations and toxicology effects during generations, compared to other test mammals.

Your stomach could dissolve a razor blade

shaving razor close up

Gastric acid (hydrochloric acid with a pH note of 1-2) isstrong enough to dissolve the razor blades. So, if your stomach is so acidic, how does your body handle it? The truth is that your stomachwould have Essentially eating itself if it did not generate its own range of protection every day. When your body is unable to properly produce sweet mucus and filled with protein, you live painful ulcers.

There are more than three matters of matter

Chemical reaction. Two clear liquids are mixed to produce a yellow precipitate.

Forget the three youlearned about the science of school class (solid, liquid, gas). You will also find super fluid fluids (liquids with a specific quality of zero viscosity), plasma (a gas conceived only of ions) and amorphous solids, among others. But the most interesting - and generally you will findcolloids: "Tutives" containing two or more material forms, such as whipped cream, shaving foam and butter.

Polish your shoes is like filling chicken nests

man polishing his shoes, astonishing facts

You do not shine and do not pick up unequal spots when polishing shoes, you simply fill the crevices. When you polish a shoe, simply fill the scratches and holes with the shoe wax. So why are you shining? The filled spots then create a uniform and uniform surface, which reflects the light more uniformly.

A sunburn is that your skin cells have committed mass suicide

bad beauty products

A sunburn is the result of your body forcing your skin cells to destroy essentially (scientific term:apoptosis, or the programmed cell death) in an effort to prevent other damage in the form ofskin cancer, which can result from damaged DNA in the burned cells.

The brain itself does not smell any pain

old man with a traumatic brain injury

Although the brain controls the pain you feel throughout the body, the brain itself has absolutely zero pain receptors,according to Allan I. Basbaum, Professor of Anatomy at the University of California, San Francisco. This is why the craniotomy (cerebral surgery) can be made with the patient big awake, which isIncredibly useful for surgeons trying to map and locate specific brain regions.

The sailors created the tradition of half-status flag

flag at half staff at sunset

The first recording of aFlag being stolen halfway For mourning was on a British expedition to Canada in 1612, on which the captain was killed. The crew lowered the flag to make room for the "flag of invisible death". This tradition took between the seafarers between the seven seas and was really solidified in 1799, when the American Navy ordered all the flags to fly half masts to cry the death of George Washington. In 1954, President Eisenhower published Proclamation 3044, normalizing the requirement of all federal buildings.

The mascots of Elmer glue and Borden dairy are married

crafting glue

The Mascot of Borden Company, which appeared on its dairy products, finally acquired a "entirely American family" in 1940, including its husband, Elmer. When the company has deployed a new glue in 1947, the fact that it can be used to fix things around the house soon returned Elmer, the helpful husband, aObvious mascot.

Barcode scanners Read white bars

barcode scanner lady

Not theblack bars.

Lightning can hit the same place twice

Lightning over field with a tree

Whether in 10 minutes or 10 million years, it is statistically inevitable. (Exhibitions A to ZZZ: skyscraper with antennas, like the Empire State Building or the Willis Tower.) AThunderbolt In any place does nothing to change the electrical activity in the current storm, which means that duplicate strikes are required to occur.

Chocolate is scientifically proven to make you happy

woman eating dark chocolate

You will find some compounds in your chocolate bar that have been linked to an improved mood and even altered brain motifs: tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the brain produce serotonin (neurotransmitter related to happiness and satisfaction);phenylethylamine, an adrenaline-boosting compound is often nicknamed the chemical "love" because it stimulates the feeling of falling in love; andtheobromine, a proven compound to reduce stress reduction and increase relaxation.

Apples are more efficient to drill you than coffee

Apple Cut in Half {New Years Eve Traditions}
Ryazantev Dmitriy / Shutterstock

An apple has a crisp crisis that wakes up with a large amount of vitamins, antioxidants, fibers and phytonutrients. Instead of waking up with caffeine, the average of 12 to 13 grams of natural sugar in the apple is slowly released in the blood, wakes up without jitters that are usually associated with caffeine. Theglucose in the fruit is Easily digested by the body to feed the cells, offering slow and steady energy and lasts the entire apple digestion process, rather than fast tip and crash resulting from a cup of coffee.

Stop panels are eight sides for easy recognition

Stop Sign Illegal

The red is attentive, of course, but the shape of the sign was determined by the American Association of State Highway Managers to be the most recognizable. The signs used are not reflective, so at night it was important that drivers can distinguish the sign. An octagon is more remarkable than a circle or a square. In addition, the form is recognizable for traffic traveling in any direction, allowing drivers to be more fully aware of the driving landscape.

Grandparents who live longer

grandparent and grandchild in the woods

Grandparents who actively wear and spend time with their grandchildrenare proven to live longer. Taking care of children keeps them physically and mentally active and also helps relieve stress. The feeling of being "necessary" also plays a role for maternal and paternal figures. And it's beneficial for children too! Spend time with Nana and Coppy provides emotional support and stability at home.

Food drinks shoot you, faster

2018 was worse than 2017

When the body consumes alcohol and a sweet mixer, sugars act in the same way as food retarding the emptying and absorption of the stomach. There are no sugars (or very little) sugars in dietetic drinks for the stomach to digest, so there is virtually no time buffer between alcohol consumption and alcohol poisoning.Studies have shown an 18% increase in poisoning for those who have drinks mixed with dieters compared to those who drank sweet mixed drinks.

Alaska is the only state that can be typed with a row on your keyboard

mountains in alaska

Do not believe us? Try it yourself. And for more than one trivial blowing well, check these50 amazing "Did you know the facts that will amaze everyone.

You can spot a liar by the way they answer questions

Woman Talking with Boss at Bar

When you ask questions about someone you think can be conducted, pay attention to what they say, but the way they respond. Truth cashiers tend to develop responses with more details more you ask;Liars will tend to stay with the same basic responses, repeating their answers on and again (and again and again) until you drop the subject.

You can stop crying and waking up with your eyelashes

makeup mistakes

It's an old age ballerina trick from the moment the step makeup would irritate your eyes, but you can use it day-to-day: to stop tearing, looks up and left. In addition, if you wake up to feel groggy, you can welcome you instantly by brushing your lower eyelashes with your finger. Try it tomorrow morning!

Pringles are not potato chips

Potato chip cans

Pringles are hyperbolic paraboloids that are actually only 40% potatoes. They consist of rice flakes, wheat, corn and potato, then pressed in a super thin sheet and cut by a machine. The cuts then move to a mold, which presses them on their form of signature, then they fell into the oil. That's why, on the box, you can read, in the small fonts, "potato chips" (not "chips").

Hydrofugee clothing work using superficial tension

Feet of child in yellow rubber boots jumping over a puddle in the rain - Image
Shutterstock / Evgeny Atamanenko

Water-repellent clothing are covered with a chemical compound called DWR (Sustainable repellent), which operate by increasing the contact angle (the surface tension) created by the water when it touches the fabric. By increasing the angle, a "spiky" surface is formed on the textile, which makes the water turn into tiny droplets when they come into contact with the contact, so that the water moves. If and when the angle is flat (a low contact contact angle), the water droplets are flatter, so they are extended instead of moving.

A pig was once tried and executed for murder

Pig brain crazy news 2018

In 1386, particularlynaughty pig was judged for the murder of a child in cliff, in Normandy, France. Those who try that the pork determined that he was guilty and condemned that he be "mutilated and mutilated in the head and fores, then hang." He was even dressed in a man's clothes because he was trotted on the public square and hanging.

A typhoon hit hiroshima a month after the bomb

hiroshima city names

Talk with a punch to two. A month after the devastation of the atomic bomb in August 1945, Hiroshima was struck byTyphoon IDA, who killed about 2,000 people in the prefecture. And for more historical facts, you can not be aware, do not miss30 things in the manuals of the story that were not there only 10 years ago.

Saudi Arabia Import Camels from Australia

Saudi Arabia Desert Astonishing Facts

Principallyjust those to eat.

The first drummer of Steely Dan was Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase Celebrities

Well, technically itplayed in a group With the two guys of Steely Dan for some concerts in college. They would continue to play in a few more bands before training Steely Dan and Chevy Chase would go toSaturday Night Live.

The most unfortunate number is 42

powerball winning numbers

In the digital world, at least 42 is the most unfortunate number for a rather surprising reason. (This is also the last issue in theUnlucky lottery numbers ofLOST.) There is a malicious zip file in document 42.zip, named above the "Zip Bomb". It is a size of 42 kilobytes, but once decompressed, it expands at 4.5 petitabytes (or, to perspective, 4.5 million Gigaictets), crushing any system, it is open. And for more amazing digital truths, here is 40 facts about the numbers that will make you feel like a mathematical genius .

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