The surprising benefits of having sex

Reason number 3 482 941 To love sexy time.

In addition to feeling good, having sex has a variety of health benefits. It stimulates your immune system, reduces your blood pressure, reduces the likelihood of incontinence in women and prostate cancer in men, raises your pain threshold, reduces the risk of heart attack, helps you sleep and Facilitate stress. Without speaking about,It's a great exerciseand much more funWhat to do with bench presses. AA recent study has even noted that this gives older people A boost in the health of the brain.

Now a new study,Published in the newspaper Emotion, discovered that having sex not only improves your mood, but you also feel that your life is more meaningful.

The researchers asked 152 graduate students to keep a daily newspaper in 21 days in which they followed their sexual activity rate, their mood and their sense of life. The results revealed that those who had sex reported a greater well-being and satisfaction of life the next day than those who did not do it.

It is not if a big surprise, since sex releases the "happy hormone" dopamine, a neurotransmitter that activates the pleasure center in the brain. What is interesting is that the strengthening of well-being has been found mainly among those who were in monogamous relationships, suggesting that intimacy plays a role in this sense of welfare. Those who were in stable relationships but did not have sex on a regular basis did not have the same positive effects as those who did it, indicating that having a partner with whom you do not enjoy Super sex is not enough to improve your quality of quality. life.

In order to determine whether or not sex comes with happier or happy people simply have more sex, researchers performed a trolley. They found that while sexual activity on day 1 was correlated with self-fulfillment and a better mood on day 2, he did not work as a preacher of additional sexual engagement, which still has a times the credibility to the belief that it was sex that caused partners to feel more joyful, rather than the opposite.

Like any study, it presents limitations, as it is largely based on self-reports and that participants were clearly aware of its subject. But it is nevertheless important because a growing corpus of research indicates that Americans are a little bit about a sexual crisis.

United States rates have hit a historic low and a recent study of theThe PEW Research Center predicts that at least 25% of the millennia will remain single forever forever. And even those who are in committed relationships have fewer sex, largely with "technoferentence". A recent studyfound that 10% of people admit to checking their phones during sex. And, in an even more disturbing trend,Many people opt to watch Netflix at night instead of having private time with their partners.

According to Cambridge Statistician David Spiegelhalte, couples have an average sex five times a month in 1990, but are now less than three, representing a decrease of forty-ten under twenty years. At this rate, by 2030, couples will not be sex at all.

The study is important to show that,as sleep, Regular sex is not just something to tighten when your schedule allows, but an essential part of your emotional well-being. And to give your sex life a major boost, checkThe new science proves that men with it have a better sex life.

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Categories: Health
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