20 myths worst foods that always persist

To think that the fats are bad? We have major truth bombs for you.

After all these years of being told of false information by the family, the media, and even some health professionals (yes, even the experts to be fooled sometimes!), So many peoplealways believe some of the most common food myths to be true.

If you are wondering if the milk is really helping to build solid bones, so clean-up of juice are as reliable as they seem, or if you need to storage on the chocolate to increase your sexual appetite on Valentine's Day You are lucky: some great bombs of truth come from your way. For more truth bombs, consult the40 biggest myths on life after 40 busted.

Chocolate is an aphrodisiac.

Chocolate Worst Food Myths

The idea that chocolate is an aphrodisiac has been around since the 80s, and which is probably why the box fly in the shelves on February 14e. Unfortunately, all these heart-shaped boxes are not as strong of an impact after all.Studies have not been able to prove a solid link between chocolates and sexual excitement and satisfaction, but that does not mean that the placebo effect is not always strong.

Since people believe that chocolate can help boost their libido, they can sometimes get there just thinking that it goes. It might not be a science, but good - all that works, right? Even if chocolate may not be able to put you in the atmosphere, here isHow chocolate will stimulate your workout (seriously).

Eating fat makes you fat.

Avocados, naturally fat, Worst Food Myths

Although lawyers, nuts, olive oil and other healthy fats are full of advantage-stimulate the body, there is still this strange fear that the fat food will make you fat, although this an in total myth.

"So many women are still afraid to eat fat, coming from the low fat craft that captivated the public in the 80s and 90s. But we were wrong, "saysMichelle Cady, Nutrition Coach Integrative HealthFitvista.com "When you increase your consumption of healthy fat and reduce your consumption of refined, white carbohydrates, you will stay satiated longer, stabilize your blood sugar levels, and teach your body to burn the grease of the extra body, rather than from rely on fast gusts of carbohydrates, sugar and glucose for energy ".

Eating carrots keep your eyes healthy.

carrots, Worst Food Myths

Everyone grows up thinking about eating carrots keep your eyes healthy, either improve your view or just keep your vision already very strong. The funny thing is, even if they are super good for your body and contain vitamin A eye-stimulant,HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL Said to eat fresh fruit and dark green leafy vegetables are even better, more beneficial choices about eye health. Who knew? For more ways to seriously improve your health, see these50 ways to be an immediately higher energy person.

It takes 7 years to digest the gum.

bubble gum, Worst Food Myths

One thing that is probably sent directly into panic in fashion both like a childandAs an adult accidentally swallows your chewing gum. It is quite well known that it takes seven years to digest, but this is just not true. When it comes to your digestive system, the gum does not get a special treatment - it goes and go out the exact other way to do food (and speed!). And for more fun facts, here is20 Amazing Facts You Never Knew About your body.

If you try to be healthy, you should buy the perimeter of the supermarket.

woman at grocery store, Worst Food Myths

When you try your health game, you probably stay with a grocery rule: Store's perimeter stick. But you do not have to spend all your time in the product section; As long as you avoid treated junk food, the alleys of the environment are not as bad as they are supposed to be.

"Start the most out of the middle alleys -. They are supplied with superaliments otherwise, you will miss on the old fiber-rich grains such as sorghum, millet and amaranth and plant-based foods containing proteins, such as nuts, chia, linen and quinoa, " saidBonnie Taub-Ten, RDN, creator ofBetterthandieting.com and author ofRead before eating - take yourself from the label on the board. "In addition, how can you withstand the value of beans? The underestimated supermarket gem is full of soluble fibers that could help the rate of control cholesterol while providing a 6 grams exorbitant sum of vegetable proteins per half cup, weighing only about 40 cents per serving. "For more healthy hacks, check out the30 best ways to stick to any diet.

Milk builds solid bones.

Milk, Worst Food Myths

Ready for a shock? Despite being served a milk card with your school meals and all the Got Milk? "Announcements that promise solid bones, milk is not as good for you as it is announced to be. A 2010 study published in the journalNutrition in clinical practiceFound the milk could be the reason why the bones lose calcium, doing the opposite of what it promises to do. In addition to this, a 2009 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Discovered that bone fracture rates were the highest in countries that have consumed most dairies. Interesting, right? Maybe it's time to move the passage to soy or almond after all.

Using the 5 second rule ensures that your food is still cautious to eat.

food on floor Worst Food Myths

The five-second rule saved you from having to redo your fooda lot of times. Bad news, although: despite the world's thinking, germination soil as long as it is picked up within five seconds, it's a total myth. Unfortunately, it only takes a very small fraction ofaSecondly for bacteria to contaminate your food - so fast, there is no way you can pick it up on time to save it, unless you have the speed of flash superheroes. If you always want to try your luck, however, keep your soils super clean and hope the best.

A juice is a sustainable way to lose weight.

juice cleanse Worst Food Myths

Year after year, women spend hundreds of dollars on juice juice with hope to lose some books. The problem? You do not have lasting results - and it's really horrible for your body.

"When you just drink juice, you miss the nutrient's balance that your body needs daily. Cleaning is also usually very low in calories, much less than you need to go through your day," saysAmy gorin, MS, RDN, owner ofAmy Gorin Nutrition in the New York area. "Many people are turning to fast patches for weight loss, but there is no quick fix."

Instead, Gorin simply recommends eating as healthy a diet that you can lose weight in the right way. You will keep your check health, Create a healthy lifestyle that sticks and be much happier in the process: "Eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein and healthy fat." And for more advice, checkThe new secret of weight loss Everyone speaks.

Turkey makes you sleep because of the chemicals it contains.

Christopher Kimball Thanksgiving, turkey, Worst Food Myths

Eating a plate of Turkey can easily make you sleepy, but not for the reason you think. People tend to think that Turkey has a special quality inducing its sleep because of the chemical tryptophan it contains, which is known to make your body relax. There are many other foods containing much more tryptophan than Turkey, however, and the real reason why it tires so tired is because you usually eat it twin with a complete Thanksgiving feast - aka so much food thatanybody will want to pass after.

You must count calories to stay healthy.

man using app at gym, Worst Food Myths

There are many reasons for which people have calories and one of the main one is becoming globally healthier or losing weight. The truth, however? There is absolutely no need to participate in the game of soul-nozzle numbers.

"Our bodies are smarter than any super human computer. When we try to follow or manipulate our calorie consumption, we have set ourselves for a potentially restrictive relationship with food, "saysMichelle Cady, integrative nutritional health coach ofFitvista.com. "Certain days, we are naturally more than others. Some days, we need to eat less. Concentrate on water, protein, healthy greases and complex carbohydrates and reduce sugar and processed foods, then let Your body do the rest. "

Organic food is better for you.

organic fruit, Worst Food Myths

If it's more expensive, it's better for you, right? Not necessarily. Despite free organic foods of herbicides and pesticides, there is really no evidence that it is better for you than standard products.

A 2012 study ofStanford Universitywatched in the difference between organic and non-biological foods and did not find anything that has shown that organic versions were no longer nutritious or worn less health risks than regular things, even if people pay so much more to the grocery store for that. Basically, eat your fruits and vegetables and do not worry about paying a premium to do it.

You should not drink less than eight glasses of water a day.

drinking water Worst Food Myths

With regard to drinking water, everyone tends to respect the same standard rule: drink eight glasses a day and stay healthy and hydrated. The funny thing, however, is that it is actually a myth; This number still exists forever, but you do not have to respect to get all the fluids that your body needs. According toMAYO ClinicAppropriate admission has more things to do with you as individuals, not a standard number: people must drink according to their age, location and health, and some of these fluids can come from food.

Carbohydrates are not good for your body.

carbs, Worst Food Myths

People have this strange vendiew against carbohydrates. Thanks to the media, they went to be something that feeds your body and gives you energy to something that will assume you weight. The truth, however? They are pretty crucial and should not be feared.

"Your body needs carbohydrates to work. And if you are an athlete, your bodyreallyneeds carbohydrates to maximize your sports performance and help you develop muscles "Gorin said. "You will need to eat carbohydrates after a strength workout, because otherwise your body will break down these carbohydrates to reconstitute your body with glycogen that has been used during your exercise session. Without carbohydrates, your body plunges In its own protein stores to get glycoene, letting your body run out of protein that it should help your muscles recover and grow. "

When youare Fill out your plate, simply make sure to look for good kinds. Cut the refined carbohydrates out of your diet - like white rice, white bread and white pasta - and go for body fuel, whole grains with fiber fiber, like brown rice and pasta whole wheat and bread. And for a bigger weight loss tip, here'sThe best way to strengthen your metabolism every day.

The coffee will break your growth.

coffee Worst Food Myths

The reasoning of your mother to want you to avoid a coffee in high school does not really check the forehead of truth. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLDespite this, it is convinced that it is afraid of growth, there is absolutely no merit that you are a growing child or an adult: search shows There is no link between drinking coffee and osteoporosis, which can reduce your size.

The only thing that is really late growth in your growth is your genes and overall health; The height of your parent determines the size of your size and eating a balanced diet can help you grow big and strong, but coffee has nothing to do with that.

Eating small meals throughout the day will increase your metabolism.

energy before noon, snacks, Worst Food Myths

When you try to give your metabolism a boost, it is not uncommon to meet tips for eating smaller meals throughout the day. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that works really. A 2013 study published in the journalObesityFound there is absolutely no difference in the metabolism when comparing those who have consumed six small meals with those who have eaten three normal meals. In fact, people who ate the small meals tended to be more so temper than those who have not sprayed it, increasing their desire to eat. Talk about the counterfeit.

Eggs increase your cholesterol levels.

eggs, Worst Food Myths

There is a tendency to be mixed opinions on whether the eggs are good or bad for your health, but the 2015 food guidelines define things directly in terms of cholesterol.

"We now know that dietary cholesterol in eggs may not affect blood cholesterol. And eggs offer many advantages: a large egg has 6 grams of high quality protein, which helped you feel more complete," said Gorin. "It also offers a choline, which we know now, is important for the brain developing a baby and can benefit from cognitive health later in life."

That being said, the eggs might not be bad for your cholesterol, but there is still something to watch.

"A big egg contains 1.6 grams of saturated fat and you need to take this with your daily saturated fat limit," says Gorin. "It should not be more than 10% of your daily calories, so no more than 20 grams for a daily diet of 2,000 calories."

The drinking milk increases the phlegm.

Bad bosses, milk at the office

There is nothing worse than treating the phlegm, the sticky mucus coming out in the back of the throat when you are under the weather. Good news is the myth that milk increases the amount is not true - but according to theMAYO Clinic, consumption can make it thicker and more irritating than it would normally. So maybe skip dairy when you are sick and do not worry about that causing phlegm in general.

Brown sugar is better for you than white sugar.

Brown Sugar Worst Food Myths

Well, bad news, brown sugar lovers. You might feel healthier replace the white table sugar with brown stuff, but according to theCleveland Clinic, the only difference is the taste. With regard to your health, sugar is sugar: It does not matter its form, it will raise your blood sugar level, which could increase your risk of obesity and diabetes.

You can not get enough protein on a vegan or vegetarian diet.

fruits and veggies Worst Food Myths

When people think of protein, they generally think of beef, poultry, seafood, fish, eggs and other animal derived options. The good news is that you do not need these options to get an appropriate amount of protein - you can easily do it through plants.

"I was vegetarian for about half of my life and I can say first-hand that you can absolutely get enough protein on a vegetarian diet. Just give him a thought and make sure to incorporate sources protein at each meal, "Gorin said. "For example, Edamame, aka soy, contains 17 grams of protein per cup. In addition to adding them to an increase, you can also mix them in a smoothie. In addition, half a cup of cooked white beans offers About 10 grams of protein and I love using them as a pizza trim. "

Eating an apple a day really keeps the doctor.

apple, Worst Food Myths

As long as you get an apple in your diet every day, you are clear, right? Well, not so much. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLStudies have shown that, although apples are a healthy, filling, and offer many health benefits, no evidence that eating a day prevents you from visiting the regular. But despite the doctor's visits, there were good news on the Apple Front: these daily Apple eaters use fewer prescription drugs than the average person, so keep it. But before doing so, make sure to checkThe best way to science-approved to wash an apple.

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Categories: Health
Tags: food / Myths
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