23 towers of barbers on shaving properly

Get a right razor quality of the comfort of your own sink.

Made: a razor shaving right is as good as shaving gets. Sweetness, proximity,I'm all at anotherNess. And yet, right shaving shaver are a luxury most do not regularly indulge in, especially because it requires a lot of time, patience, and a dedicated mastery of a brand new technique (or a trip to the hairdresser).

But here is the thing: this precise level of quality is realizable even without the help of a right razor. In fact, you might even be able to get a shave as smooth and closely with what is in your bathroom that moment. By deploying a handful of time, softened techniques approved experts, you can transform your disposable gillette into a more efficient shaving tool than any similar device Scythe you can find in a hair salon. Here, with the permission of Leo Wyatt, Barber DirectorThe best hair salon in New York, one of theThe 12 best barbershops in America, You will find a complete guide, 23 steps for your best never shave.

Always use hot water.

man splashing hot water on his face

Most guys know this rule by heart, but it wears the stern repeat, because some do not do it. (In fact, my roommate is a cold-shaving pagan.) "Moist heat softens the skin, making it more flexible for an easier, closer shaving," says Wyatt. It opens your pores, too, which allows you to have more of each hair than you would be able to cold water.

Leave with barbasol.

man with foamy shaving cream

There is not a guy on the planet who is unfamiliar with barbasol-perfume signatures and hairdresser, snow white foam. But if you still use creams or foaming gels for shaving, you are only getting your way. "The visibility of the foam, and creates air pockets that leave gaps in protection," says Wyatt. Such shortcomings means that even if your face cansee Fully covered with shaving cream, it is not if you are naked basically some whole sections of your skin. It does not matter if you use a gel or cream. What matters is that you opt for a variety of non-foam.

Never forget the pre-shaving oil.

beard oil and beard wax

It lubricates the skin, which allows easy, coherent application of shaving cream or gel that in turn reduce pseudos and redness. And for more great advice for men, consult the40 common errors No Man more than 40 should do.

Do not shave in the shower.

10 minute workout

The most misunderstood part of shaving gear is something you can not buy in a local store: lighting. For a perfect shave, you will need light lighting and clear visibility, both said Wyatt, are "generally better at your sink than to your shower. »

As a bonus, after the shower, your skin will already be foaming and your pores opened by hot water. (Unless you take a shower with cold water, in which case .... MEC. VAS. We just saw that.)

Shoot your skin.

man shaving off shaving cream in front of a mirror

With the thumb and the first two fingers, pull your skin tense like a canvas. This will give you a smooth surface to work with for the ultimate shave.

Shave with grain.

bad beauty products

You have probably heard this sentence transmitted as an intergenerational advice. You also probably wonder,That in the world what it means? In fact, "the grain" means "the direction of your hair grows in. So, if you want to minimize the pseudos, you want your razor to follow the grain "especially if you are prone to irritation or razor bumps," says Wyatt. In general, you will want to shave with jambs on your face and untied on your neck. But, again, take extra precautions, since the hair grow in different directions for all guys.

Reverse the missable stains.

man with a towel looking at himself in the mirror

The most difficult task of shaving is smooth peak of three millimeters under your nose. The easiest place to be missed is half an inch square in front of your ears, under your favorites. Double (or! Triple) check these regions.

To slow down.

man shaving

Of course, the mornings are in a hurry, but it's not an excuse to go to the bulldozer through your shaving routine. A shave will not turn to cuts and cuts (or worse, a little forgotten shaving cream behind the ear). "It's all about the technique, taking the time to make every step correctly and carefully, using good products, and having good visibility," says Wyatt. In short: Take another three minutes and you do not go out with a bloody face.

Use a three-blade razor.

man shaving close up

A few decades ago, it seems, the shaving gods have decided that a razor simply not enough. Now you will find three blades with five blades and even seven blades yes,there is aSevenRazor -Blade on thereoptions in your pharmacy.

Now this growing digital measurement competition is not a bad thing; Having several blades of medium razors can actually cut hairunderyour skin. It also means that there are more pointed things on your face that could cut you. Optimal balance? Three blades.

Or a single blade.

man shaving with a single blade razor

Although many guys swear by the three-blade razor, if you are subject to razor bumps, choose a single blade razor. Multiple razors tend to shoot facial hair; This is what causes razor bumps. A single blade razor will not make hair. There is only one disadvantage: although you will have little by little bumps, you will not be as close to a shave.

But, whatever your choice, change it often.

vintage shaving tools

Gillette's expertsrecommend Change your blade every five to ten shaves. But any mileage you get out of your razor may vary depending on a multitude of factors, including the thickness of the hair, the length and duration of your shaves.

A good rule: Take a look at the lubrication band (this gel part on the top of the blades). If it's a lighter shade in a measurable way as when you bought it, you need an exchange. And if your blade even shows a hint of rust, well, you needed a new exchangelong a long time ago. "A sliced ​​blade gives you a better shaving with less irritation," says Wyatt.

Keep your clean razor.

shaving razor close up

To mitigate the growth of bacteria, thoroughly rinse your razor after each use. And let it dry for a few minutes before storing-otherwise, you risk rusting the accumulation.

Get your check beard in check.

man getting a shave from a barber

Among the bearded men, it is a secular debate: where exactly, if the beard should start and the skin starts? Some guys say that the width of two fingers of the chin. Some guys say it's all the way on Adam's apple. But the truth, as for all things, is somewhere in the middle. "Complete it at about a number over the apple of the Adam, or where the neck is when the head is inclined," says Wyatt.

Condition your beard.

man toweling his beard dry

The best beard oil is not at all a beard oil. "Do not forget that your beard is hair," says Wyatt. So, treat your beard as if you treat your mane: condition-it. For best results, use a light conditioner, likeThe Cilantro de Malin + Goetz ($ 8) conditioner.

Use this afterset.

baxter of california shave tonic

With a pleasantly powerful mix of menthol, rosemary and eucalyptus-plus in charge of vitamins in the rejuvenation of the skin A, D andBaxter California Shaving Tonic ($ 17) Is sure to calm all burn you might feel after shaving.

And this shaving cream.

vmv hypoallergenic shaving cream

Remember: pick up a non-foaming option.VMV Hypoallergenics Shave Cream N ° 01 ($ 22) In agreement with the name of the company, completely devoid of any allergens.

And this moisturizer.

malin and goetz moisturizer

Wyatt recommendsMoisturizing Vitamin E Malin + Goetz ($ 50), which is responsible for vitamins, in addition to E, the moisturizer also includes B5 and essential fatty acids - that will give your skin a flexible and young glow.

For cuts, do not use fabric.

man with tissue paper over cuts on his face

Use ice. Holding an ice cube on a shallow cut on your face will stop bleeding in a few minutes flat. The cold essentially compresses your skin and help the blood coagulate, everything without the need to leave cotton spots on your face. Nevertheless, make sure to keep fabrics nearby. When the ice melts, it could cause blood to flow into your face, because the water pulls the blood. You want to vadrail that something, something that ice will not help you at all.

Master drying technique.

man towel dry face

Towels, although often made from soft cotton, can be raw on the face, due to grooves in the fabric. Instead of rubbing your face vigorously, a practice that can cause a clear skin gently dry skin, instead.

Know your thatch.

ryan reynolds and ryan gosling

Unless you are enlisted or if you have to go to the Code of the Clean Dress, the Thatch is the way forward. In a recentto study in theScalable Biology Journal, women find twammes to be the most sexy face style of hair. If this information is sufficient to allow you to skyrocket, know that, unfortunately, there is not a single way to get thatched. The hair of each guy develop at a different length. For some guys, it takes only 48 hours to hit this brand. Others, three weeks. To get an idea of ​​what you are targeting, look at the most famous Ryans-Gosling and Reynolds - both of thatched suppliers.

Determine what works.

Tom Selleck passed on classic role

All facial hair styles do not work on all guys. That's why you can not imagine Tom Selleck without a burress mustache for which Chris Evans looks so strange with the same thing. Determine what works for you. For the Lovelorn, at least, here is a potential direction: this study in theScalable Biology Journal-The same that we find the thatch to be the most sexy-revealing look that the woman prefers adult bear for long-term and engaged relationships.

No matter what you choose, however, a word of advice: leave the chops of the sheep in the 19th century.

Never share.

man shaving in a mirror

When it comes to shaving, sharing is not kindness. Even if you can not not be able to note that this happened, the razors can cover your face in barely perceptible pseudiers, which left countless bacteria on the blades, if they are not disinfected. Share your razor with a person is as if you tap an open injury against an open wound of their (except, certainly, much less extreme). Do not do it. Personally, I discovered that the same people who prefer to shave with cold water have no qualification as to sharing razors - so be on the lookout.

Catch your reflection.

handsome man with towel around shoulder looking into mirror

Smile. You look at a million dollars.

Categories: Style
Tags: Grooming
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