Meet the old model that wants to save the life of your dog

Shoo Founder Agota Jakutyte hopes that only to revolutionize the food dogs industry.

Like a lot of good ideas,AgotaJakutyte started with an existential crisis. The 23-year-old beauty had grown up to become a model, mainly because his country of origin, Lithuania, puts a large amount of value in the eyes of a woman. But once it has started to be successful in modeling, it has been filed by the superficial and egocentric accent of the industry on the opinions of other people from you, then she asked the realization elsewhere.

Wanting to help people, she decided to go to school of law, but she said, while she saw how inhuman and money-oriented, the profession seemed to be. An extremely intelligent young woman, she wrote an essay on the compensation of damage to the Lithuanians who lived during the Soviet Union, who attracted the attention of a local deputy, who then invited him to work in Parliament.

For a moment, she thought the policy would be her way to achieve self-realization. But then she's tired of the bureaucracy and returned home.

Desperate of meaning, she turned to yoga, therapy and meditation, but nothing helped. One of the main features that separates the millennials of the baby boomers is the reluctance of the old to come down from a certain life of life simply because that's what the society decrees or "that's what the people."

For the generation of his parents, being a model / member of a young age would have been a source of pride and a clear sign of success. But today's generation is determined to lead an original life, examined, a life adapted to their unique personality and is as a statement as apparel of ethical and personalized origin.

Agota Jakutyte

Agota started reading books on how to be happy until she finally comes from a simple idea that resoned with her: be really happy, do something nice for someone all days. Agota has always been a dog lover. She therefore decided to travel around the world help dogs in countries that did not have the infrastructure to deal with all their degrees.

It was a trip that led her to Bali, where she was part of a rescue mission that gathered stray dogs and took them to villages where they urged the inhabitants to adopt them; In India, where she voluntarily worn in a monkey shelter and took them to walks, played with them in swimming pools and foods. To house Indonesia, Hong Kong, U.K., Spain, Germany, Amsterdam, United Arab Emirates, etc.

Agota Jakutyte

But Agota did not just want to contribute and follow; She wanted to create and direct.

One night, she decided to try to use a dog shampoo and realize that he contains loads of toxins. And she thought, "If you like your dog, why should you have different products?"

Back home in Lithuania, she called a manufacturer of glass cleaners, told them what kind of organic products she seeks and asked them to do so. In September 2016, it was a whole range of hygiene products, as well as snacks,Under the name SHOO.

The name of the company is a double bike, standing for the word that people use when they want to get rid of stray dogs, as well as "Shoo-Shoo", what you call small puppies in French.

Agota Jakutyte

Agota started researching canine nutrition and found shocking results. She discovered that the average duration of the dog has declined by almost half since the 1970s. At the time, the average life was 17; Now it's less than 10. She also found that dog diabetes has increased by more than 900% since 2011 and cancer is the leading cause of deathin 47% of dogs. As for humans, the main guilty is a bad nutrition.

"The world by itself is a much more polluted toxic place, then before. Moreover, our pets are excessive and their food is filled with carcinogens and chemicals," agotaRecountBetter life. "And if we look at the tumor as something we need to fight, we will always lose, because we really have to look at the tumor as an answer to something going on!"

The Agota solution was the same which is seen from so many nutritionists today: a cetogenous regime. The Keto regime, as its disciples call it, is a low glucidity diet in which the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. The effect is that it generates weight loss because your insulin (storing your fat) falls significantly, lowers your blood sugar levels, improves your skin and increase your energy levels by giving your body a Source of healthy and reliable energy.

For agota, the magic of a cetogenic regime was obvious for its first hand.

"I have endometriosis that brings a lot of pain every month, but when I went on a regime of keto, everything disappeared. I feel no pain, discomfort, I have a lot of energy and I feel a Authentic happiness, even if just a few years ago, I fought from depression. "She said.

Not surprisingly, Keto's miracles were obvious on his dogs right away.

"My 11-year-old Cartain, Ferdinando, who suffers from a vertebral column disorder, Syringomyelia, received a death penalty by the veterinarian after the drugs they are prescribed had no effect," A-T -The declared. "After many hours spent on Skype calls and meetings with Skype's best nutritionists, I decided to make Ketogenic food for dogs. I know that the food I created Works because my Ferdinando is now and festives like a young boy and my other dog healed his skin problems. "

Only a few more than a year ago, Shoo is already a flourishing company, the products sold in the United Kingdom, the United States, Hong Kong, Australia and all over Europe. In addition to its fully natural shampoo, it has a myriad of treats and toxic toys, such as beet and energy tokens and a natural hazelnut stick.

Shehas become a little a sense of internet After creating a "coffee" without caffeine, without dog coffee and gave him the name somewhat unhappy, "Ruffee".

"Unfortunately, I did not go well," she said, adding that she plans to change the name of the drink, which contains dandelion, hawthorn, chicory, budder. Carrots and Fulvic Acid. Currently, it's alwaysWaiting for funding on KickstarterBut the photos are adorable.

roofee coffee for dogs

His real passion project is his line of cetogenic food in dogs, which she launched earlier this month.under the name ROCKETO (named as such because she says half-joking, she hopes that Elon Musk uses him when he started sending dogs to March).

But for Agota, his main concern is to be an educator and a healer, not a businesswoman, that's why she plans to start a chain where she will share short videos on nutritional health.

If the price tag on its entirely natural food seems too steep, Agota exhorts the owners to try at least to minimize the carbon consumption of their favorite canines.

"For those who think that the ketogenic regime is absurd, we encourage to minimize the level of carbohydrates for your domestic animals (dog ancestors eat about 4% or carbohydrates and in a food percentage based on Kibble usually / high. From the range of carbohydrates are about 60%) and mammals, including domestic animals. And people have no ability to deal with starch and constant sugar, in excess, because it confuses our metabolic physiology. "

And for other people who want to leave their work to do something unique and meaningful with their lives, she has a very simple advice:

"Just do. There will be no better time that now. Many people are waiting for better circumstances, miracles ... but it will not happen. So creates this spiritual miracle now."

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