15 reasons why cats are much better than dogs

The large animal debate of "cats vs. dogs" is as old as time. It is now time to adjust it.

Debate "cats against dogsIs such an argument as old as time. It is rare that you will find someone who both loves too.Dogs are passionate about their very small andcat people are very passionate about their felines. However, sometimes it feels like cat people are a minority in a dog magnet world Majorly. And when things pop like a 2017 study in the journalSociety and animals who shows human parents feel more empathy for puppies they do for babies, it's hard to say dogs have not won theCat VS Dog Debate... But, have they?

Cats, like anyone who has one will tell you, are better than dogs in all ways imaginable. they areSofter, softer and smarter. They are quieter and cleaner. They are masters at the same time the art of lounging lazy and that of skilful hunting (rodents). Moreover, once, we are used to venerate them asgods. And all this is not only an opinion of the cat lover is science and data to back up. Yes, you may have heard that dogs are the best friends of the man, but here are all the reasons why cats really do for buddies much better.

Possess a cat can make you smarter.

owner reading a book next to his cat

Next time someone asks you to defend why cats are better than dogs, this little lob makes them happy chat people are smarter than dogs. According to 2017 research published in theMale-Animal Interaction Bulletin, Self-identified cat lovers tended to have higher intelligence than dog lovers do. (We are unless exit, however.)

They splash less.

cat drinking from the sink why cats are better than dogs

As a team of researchers from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology and Princeton University revealed in 2010, cats drink waterfar more efficiently than dogs. When a cat takes a glass, his tongue does not really pierce the surface of the water; It forms a funnel that raises water for a splash-free drink, get in four rounds per second. A dog, on the other hand, go sloppy plant his tongue in the bowl of water like a barlet of cannon. It is the scientific proof that cats and dogs rule literally.

They are cheaper.

cat owner cuddling their cat

According toProtective Animal Animals Society, meanadoption Fresh for kittens and cats start at $ 32 and can operate as high as $ 270. For dogs and puppies, the fee starts, however, at $ 115, but go all the way up to $ 660! The adoption of a cat is a little more profitable.

They love humans more than food.

cat lovingly laying beside its owner on the bed

Over the years, cats have gained a bad reputation for being cold and remote. "They do not love you because you feed them," Dog owners often say cat owners. There is also the persistent rumor, were you dying, a cat will not worry at all, and would, in fact, eat your residues deceased to survive. But the search says all of this thought is just ordinary fuck. According to a study conducted in 2017behavioral process, Cats prefer human interaction to all other stimuli, including food, toys, andcanary. Can you say the same for dogs? We think no.

Their love is more meaningful than a dog is.

cats can make over 100 sounds, why cats are better than dogs

Dogs, it often appears, everyone's love. Cats, on the other hand, are more Standoffish during a meeting someone again. (Centuries of domesticity still can not eliminate the innate caution of a stealth predator, it seems.) When a shower dog you in the affection, it can be nice, but you know that everyone is getting The same treatment. WhenChat warms up to youHowever, you feel unique as special and you deserved it well. And, as we just learned thatbehavioralprocess study, no, it's not just because of the food.

They take less space.

sleeping kitten why cats are better than dogs

On average,Animals webmd Said a domestic cat will usually weigh about 10 pounds. Dogs, of course, have more variables, there are hundreds of different races but, theAmerican Kennel Club Medium-sized dog clocks, on average, at about 50 pounds. As for what takes more of your well-deserved space, it's not wizarding.

They live longer.

old people hanging out with their cat

Need another great reason why cats are better than dogs? Theylive much longer. In reality,Animals webmd Said a domestic cat, on average, will live between 10 to 15 years. Dogs, on the other hand? Depending on the size of eight to 11.

They are not so nauseated as dogs.

dog and cat sitting on couch together

If you want to evoke a moment reveal, just think of "wet" and "dog" words. You knowexactly This odious perfume I'm talking about, and you know as well as little offend the olfactory nerves as much as an aroma of a wet dog. Cats never stink like that.

They sleepa lot.

sleeping cat signs of affection

Made: animals are at theirthe cutest when his sleep. And cats sleep everywherefrom 12 to 16 hours a day, Which means you have more than half of your watch hours to take some seriousnessAwarm-Inuise Instagram photos. And, frankly, we should take a note of this behavior because we might all stand upSleep a few hours more every day.

These are expert hunters.

cat about to slaughter a field mouse why cats are better than dogs

Before judging cat habits, be aware that these long hours are supported less laziness and more evolutionary coding. Cats are natural predators; Unlike other mammals, who may have animated for food, the felines had to hunt, which meant spending big pieces of the sleeping day, maintaining energy to chase his next meal. This is also the reason for which much of this 12 to 16 hours period passed into a light touch. Before domesticity came into play, Felines had to sleep lightly, in the case of prey or a more dangerous predator - trampled on their turf. (This is also why we call a "canap" a canap.)

Their centuries-long hunting history spent in modern day. According to a 2013 study published inBiological conservation, domesticated cats are responsible for the death of 2.9 billion rodents and birdsevery year. All this is to say: your cat is essentially a terminator with a fur, and we would be invaded by rodents if not so that their valiant efforts govern the population of vermin.

They are better for the environment.

corgis are worse than cats why cats are better than dogs

You can assume that all this desired death leaves a negative impact on the environment, but the ecosystems are well adjusted now. In fact, it's not cats butdogs It's not so great for the planet. According to research conducted byNew Zealand researchers In 2009, dogs are about 2.1 times the environmental impact of a SUV. Talk about a serious carbon tab printed!

You do not have to walk them.

kitten in litter box why cats are better than dogs
Shutterstock / Ysbrand Cosijn

Whenever dogs need to free yourself, you have to take them outside. Yes, you can train them to need this at certain hours of the day, but always, it's a pain. Cats will just have a litter box on their own volition. A cat and owner stay most out of the bathroom of each - and it's really one of the sweetest reasons for which cats are better than dogs.

And some of them can even use toilets!

cat in bathroom why cats are better than dogs

It's not just aMeet parentsscenario. It's atrue story. You will have to start training early, even at three or four months.

They clean themselves.

cat licking its own paw

Cats do not require regularlygrooming sessions like dogs do. The language of a cat is barbed in a way that eliminates dirt and filing fur with striking efficiency. Cats lick literally clean, another practical reason why they are better than dogs.

Once upon a time, they were gods.

the great sphinx of giza why cats are better than dogs

Asearly as 3,000 bc.e., Felines were adored as deities. The Egyptian goddessBast- of war, protection or moon, according to the dynasty, it is among the first. His sister at folklore,Sekhmet, the warrior goddess of healing or hunting (again, according to the dynasty), was found to be blown with Egypt on his breath. Oh, and there is also a little thing you may have heard of calling Sphinx.

But feline worship is not relegated to ancient Egyptian culture. There is alsoDawn, the Hindu sacred tigress;Ket de Barongthe "king of Balinese spirits"; And all the pantheon ofGODS JAGUAR of the pre-Colombian Maya era. In other words: your cat may come down from a deity. That you believe in this kind of thing or not, however, it can not affect treat the little guy as such .

Categories: Culture
Tags: animals / Pets
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