40 life choices that you will regret 40

The actions of your 20s are designed to catch up with you.

In your 20s and 30s, it's easy to feel invincible. All the choices you make, no matter the disease or potentially dangerous, have never seemed to have long-term consequences. Drink too much alcohol last night? Just sleep and you will be back on your feet in no time. I have not been in a gym from high school? Whoever worked - you have always had a quick metabolism and you have been able to stay in shape without exercise for this long.I have not been at a doctor for years? Unless you have alarming symptoms, you are probably good. You can tell young people everything you want their bad decisions to catch up one day, but most of them will not believe you. Or if they believe you, it is weak on their list of priorities.

Well, it's time to change that. If you are young and you are sure, there is nothing you do today that you will regret 20 years in the line, you might be surprised. Here are 40 choices of life you would like to have a chance to do during the 40-year period.

Be sedentary

Woman on Phone Work From Home Jobs

Too much to sit in your 20 and 30 years could catch you at the middle age. In a2017 study Published inAnnals of internal medicineAdults aged 45 and over had increased health problems and even advanced mortality rates because of too many years of vegetables on the couch rather than get out of sweat and perspiration. You can feel good today, but your 40 year old body will thank you for leaving home.


reasons you're tired

Listen, we get it. It's fun to eat all this delicious grease and sugar. And when you are young, it seems to slip through you without more than the occasional stomach ills. But it will not be so easy for a long time. Just checkThis 2012 study From the Northwest University of Northwestern, the "life-made life-made lifestyle choices can affect your cardiac health in your forties." This comes back to this: the less you have set up when you have 20 years, the less you are probably a diabetes and heart disease candidate when you are 40 years old.

Paste with a mediocre job

jealous wife

We are not all lucky to find our dream work right away. Sometimes you need years of research and a lot of patience. But you finally find it, as long as you do not get you installed. And it's worth making the trip. A study by the University of Ohio State found that landing a job in your 20-year-old which makes you happy can have a great effect on median mental health.

"If I can give a single health notice page for 20 years, I suggest finding a job that they feel passionate," Hui Zheng, a sociologist of Ohio State University, "saidNew York Times. "This passion can keep them motivated, help them find meaning in life and increasing expectations about their future." When they reach 40 years, Zheng stated that less happy people in their work "are more likely to report depression, stress and sleep problems and have lower mental health scores."

Do not spend enough time alone

save 40 percent of your paycheck

As you get married and you have children, you will be surrounded by people 24/7. You can hardly go to the bathroom without someone knocking on the door with a question. Even at the office, if you managed to go up across the company, you will have a team of employees requiring your constant attention. When you are younger, do not missThese possibilities to be really alone. Depending on all likelihood, you do not yet have the type of social commitments that require your total attention. A small loneliness, where you are responsible for anyone, but yourself, isGood for your brain.

Be more spontaneous

summer break

You have heard that the old proverb, "the grass is always greener on the other side?" Nowhere is no longer true than with aging. The things you look forward to with the Middle Ages - the beautiful salary, the loving family, the big house with two cars in the garage - seem super of your advantage, but when you finally arrive there, you could discover that you Give everything for the chance to be spontaneous again. When you are young and barely used, you have thethe freedom to get up and go with little or no notice. Get in a car and just driving without destination, nor call friends and make last minute plans to go well, well, wherever you want. You would eventually get the stability you want, but for today, do not forget to be able to make it responsible for anyone.

Act like a fool on social media

teenager on smartphone

It's not because it could cost you a job one day - and it's a real risk, as2018 studyFrom the career manufacturer found that 70% of employers check the social media before recruiting a person - but because you leave a permanent assessment of your past that could let you fear for many years. The Internet is not similar to pass paper notes in the class, which usually end up mopped and forgotten in a trash can never embarrass yourself. No, some of these images and comments will be online forever, waiting only to be discovered by a spouse or your children or, worse of all, you.

Not save money

credit card

Even if you are not ready for today's property, you will be in your forties. And when this happens, it will be imperative to have a considerable amount in savings to use as a deposit. But investing in real estate is only one of your big financial needs during your forties and beyond. You will need additional species for weddings and education of your child (or children) and even debut of a pension fund. Just oneSmall percentage of your paycheck Each week, you can add more than several decades in something substantial.

Disturbing that the worst happens


Here is the obvious reason not to worry about things thatstrength Arrives: 99% of the time, the worst case scenario does not come to pass. But there are more reasons to calm than the simple practice of it. BecauseHigh levels of cortisol Are released when you worry, this can reduce your immune system and affect heart health.Numerous studies Indicated that too worrying in your 20 years can lead to midday consequences like heart disease, diabetes, depression, decrease in fertility and even oddness.

Do not spend time with your family

Thanksgiving Dinner Dealing with Holiday Stress

In your 20 years, especially, you get your first taste of independence, creating a life outside the family. But do not make the mistake of cutting them entirely. As much as your friends seem to be your all right now, when you reach your 40th anniversary, you will regret every moment you have not spent with parents. Time goes from faster than you think, and as the parents' age and the brothers and sisters settled their own roots, you would like you to have had these years back - and that you had a second chance to know people who owe the most.

Do not have a hobby

woman laughing while reading a book -- funny books

In your forties, life becomes more serious. Your job is more demanding, and your life at home involves making sure your children do their homework and there is food on the table and that the laundry is folded and blah, blah, bla. You will probably not have so much leisure time to focus on somethingfrivolous as a hobby. Make it now, while time is always on your side and you do not have any responsibility by moving weekend construction model aircraft or wickets through vinyl record boxes on a store 'dusty recording used. If your hobbies are already established, they will be easier to return to your forties when you get an unexpected free time.

Gain too much weight

a person stepping on an electronic scale - terrible weight loss tips

According toData from disease control centers and preventionMost people acquire a quantity of disproportionate weight in the twenty. The average woman in the United States adds twelve books over the twenties, while the average male games of about nine. And these are during what are supposed to be the most meager years, when your metabolism pulls on all cylinders. If you keep your weight under control in your 20 years, it will be much easier to 40 control the weight fluctuations. Let your body know, from the beginning, "you are not the boss of me!"

Let the friendships slip

small acts of kindness

It's easy to make friends when you are young, and sometimes they may seem like it. If you lose your best friend or you get out of a narrow social circle today, thinking goes, you can always replace them tomorrow. But as you get older, it becomes more difficult to hold friendships. Those you really nourished will stick to you, and it will have a huge impact on you in your forties. On a2017 study Of the University of Michigan State, sponsored by the National Institute of Aging, the History of Friendships in the Middle Ages "can make a world difference for our health and well-being," said the author d study, psychologist William Choppik.

Do not listen to your parents

mom helping daughter Moms Should Never Say

We do not know your parents, but we will do a chance to guess they are notalways wrong. In fact, they can be correct on more things you want to admit. It's too easy toBe stuck in a rebellious step, away from our parents' advice simply because we are respected to be informed what to do. But guess what? All you meet now, all you are about to experiment in the future, your parents have been shot down first. Winning from their wisdom is not a sign of defeat, this is the proof that you are smart enough to take advisor.

Fight to not be good enough

Girl is stressed because she didn't prepare for her exam

It is too easy to fall into a spiral of self-hate, convincing from ourselves that we are not good enough and that ever will ever. Here is a secret for every 20 years of age: you are wrong. Youare Good enough, and you will find it finally.

Yes, your self-esteem can feel beyond the repair right now, but it's better. Aparcel better, in fact, according toNew research in Switzerland. According to their conclusions, the age in which most peaks of the self-esteem of the population is 60 years old. It is true, long after our consideration of youth and dynamics of popular culture, it is at this moment that the majority of human beings decide: "I am quite spectacular. "So, do not waste that young people care about being able to love you more. You'll get there eventually.


a woman getting first-time tattoos
Shutterstock / Microgen

We know that many of you will disagree with us. It is very good. Hey, maybe you are the 1% of people who had a tattoo at 20 years old and still think it's great when you're 40. If you managed to get that, congratulations. But for the 99% of others, who always feel like idiots for obtaining that the tattoo "good jovi rules" or "I will always love Jennifer", canceling this decision would be the first thing they do if the Travel time has become a reality. If youmust Be inked, however, start with the100 incredible tattoos for timers.


bad puns

This can be age and experience to develop thicker skin, the slightest offense does not leaving a chip on your shoulder that never cures. Get some practice in forgiving, even if in your heart, you know you're in the right and that this wankheknow who he is - does not deserve a second chance. We know it's hard, but you have to learn to be a larger person. When you do not develop emotional muscles that help you forgive and forget, you will become more equipped to have healthy relationships that last well, and far beyond average age.

Forget to balance the party with exercise

Woman Running Near Water Anti-Aging

There is nothing wrong with blowing steam during the weekend, even if it involves eating occasional and drinking too much. Hey, we were all there. But do not forget to balance this behavior with healthy habits too. As Barry Popkin, Professor of World Nutrition at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, said at a recent interview, the weekend exercise can "offset all these additional calories from Friday to Sunday, who come with additional consumption and consumption of consumption. "

Young adults consume about 115Following Calories during the weekend, then on any other day of the week, Popkin says. But you can have fun as long as you compensate with calorie activities for the rest of the time. The establishment of this type of responsibility will serve you in the long run, especially since you reach your forties.

Sun tanning

woman wearing sunscreen

You know theImportance of sunscreen (we hope) But even the tan safely could define you on a disaster course.Recent studies Have shown that the use of an inner tanning bed before the age of 35 can increase your chances of developing melanoma of more than 50%. And having up to five serious sunburn before you reach the age of 20 can increase this risk of melanoma by a height of 8%, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Do yourself a favor and keep exposure to the sun at least.


woman writing in journal weight loss

Write everything. It could be a blog, if it's your cup of tea. But it's not about sharing your life experiences with the world. Things that seem so important today will disappear from your brief and, when you are 40, you will cherish every moment you have written, every detail you have documented so that it was lost forever. Of course, you may remember great moments, but never as strongly as after that. It's not just for you, your future children will love to know what you werereally as at their age.

Borrow too much for college

Woman holding up her college degree

You probably do not think about the long-term consequences of student loans when you are applying for the first time to the college. Well, they are decisions that will come back to bite you, again and again, even well in the Middle Ages. According toAn online surveyDirected by Harris Survey, 48% of college graduates have the impression of having borrowed much less money and have always been able to pay their tuition fees. US graduates owe approximately $ 1.4 billion in student loan debt and a study on citizens' financial groups found that60% of them Will not be able to repay these loans before at least one day in the quarantine.

Do not see more live music

Concert tickets for the Best Birthday Gifts for Your Husband

It's not because you will not see live music in your forties. (At least we hope you will not become one of those middle-aged people who never see in concert unless you guarantee a chair.) But for the music you like when you are 20 years old, the Experience to see her live live is fugace. The artists you like, who create the music that shakes your soul, they will not be done forever. The bands break. Musicians die or retire. Do not become one of these 40-year-olds who talk about their favorite groups, then have to apologize for why they have never seen Nirvana or David Bowie or a frightened rabbit concert until It's too late.

Attentive too much on what others think

women putting on heels in a bedroom

Has your mother ever asked you, "If all your friends jumped from a bridge, do you too?" I hope you answered with "of course no", but you can always be likely to put pressure on the peers, especially in your 20 years. Put too much stock in the opinions of others, especially foreigners, it's the way most people end up making their most important life mistakes. (We would not want to be explaining for 40 years to his children why he always has struggles with ulcers because of the challenge of the Pod tide.) The researchers at Virginia University foundIn a 2013 studyThat adolescents succumb to peer pressure had a "difficulty in establishing friendly friendships" well in adulthood, as well as difficulty with even minor disagreements with romantic partners.

Do not travel the world

woman wears backpack on train

You can have free time and disposable income to travel freely in your 40-year-old and beyond. But if you like most people, you will make the majority of your exploration at the beginning of your twenties, when your commitments are minimal and caught across Europe without anything a list of hostels does not ring so terrifying . Nothing is so sad enough that a 40-year-old who has never seen the world because it was too fast to find a job after college. You have the rest of your life to focus on your career, take the time to see the Eiffel Tower today.

Get married too early

happy married couple wedding day

Marriage is a very personal decision, and to tell us to tell uswhen you should or should not make this leap of faith. But, just for you to be with all the facts, statisticallyDivorce is 50%less likely If you get married at 25 rather than 20. And the divorce rate gradually decreases when you enter in your 30s and 40. Which does not mean that you will certainly be divorced if you say "I do" by 20. But there is definitely a value of the outlet slow down and to ensure that your relationship is solid before you rush to the altar.

Never learn to cook

couple at a cooking class date night ideas

You can only survive so long on the delivery of pizza and cold cereals. Teacher yourself how cooking does not only consist of becoming more autonomous and saving money on pre-manufactured food. Like Barbara J. Rolls, Professor of Nutritional Sciences in Penn State, told theNew York TimesYou will discover "tasty ways to add variety to your diet and strengthen the consumption of vegetables and fruits and other nutrient-rich ingredients."

When choosing to choose the ingredients in your meals, you are better able to "reduce unhealthy fats, sugar and salt, as well as the calorie surpluses found in many prepared convenience foods," says Rolls. If you are in the habit of doing healthy meals in your own kitchen, this skill will only evolve and bloom, and more than 40, you will have serious culinary skills that do not just keep your trim trim, but you Amaze your customers.

Do not have enough sleep

girl sleeping in the daytime.

The least effective way to terrify a 20-year-old child tells them that they should have more sleep "or else."Sleep is widely regarded as a luxury at this age, something that is refreshing when you get it, but certainly not a priority to a healthy and productive life. You will not have many of them who worry that you do not have a few hours of sleep every night will slow them down. Although they may not feel the effects today, rest assured that they go in 20 years. On a2017 studyOutside the Netherlands, the long-term consequences of negatives not to get enough sleep includes "hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, weight-related problems, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and Colorectal cancer. »

Regretting the past

sad woman thinking

There are two ways you can face when you made a mistake in your 20s. One, you can learn and move on, I hope more and more strongly by the knowledge you have acquired from your missteps. Or you can let it rot, fill with regret that keeps you at night, looking at the ceiling of your room and curse you to get it so bad. These types of regrets do not go, and they tend to stick around for the long term. The last thing you need in your 40s, when you have your hands full with real problems, must still be transporting the luggage of your 20 years. Forgive your mistakes and move on.

pretty volunteering no

Couple Volunteering Together Valentine's Day

To make the habit of giving your time, whether fora charity or any other organizationYou want to make a gift to your energy, for free, is something you should definitely start early. Once you set these models, and volunteering at least a few times a month is part of your regular routine, you are more likely to continue in mature age. And that's where the actual benefits occur. On a2013 study From Carnegie Mellon University, mid-life people who volunteer are less likely to regularly develop blood pressure than those who do not finger if there is something for them. And for more ways to give back, learn more about the17 charities contributing to eccentric return in creative ways.

Live in the future

things women don't understand about men

Wait, do you read this right? Is not the mistake of "living in the past"? Of course, there is that. But a greater concern for people in their 20s is looking for the front with subsèmes, anticipating a future they have always dreamed by forgetting to appreciate what is all around them. It's good dream awakened that your life will be like when you are 40 years old (in fact,Science says it means you're crazy intelligent)But do not let him distract you from all that is great about your lifenow.

Forget to take care of your teeth

couple brushing teeth

Yes, do not forget to brush the teeth after each meal is a huge problem. But you know what is a bigger hassle? Periodontitis. Take care of your teeth and visit to the dentist could not regularly be more important, even if you assume your teeth are blank. According toNational Institute for Dental Research and Craniofacial, 26 percent of adults aged 20 to 64 have untreated caries. The only way to be sure is to make an appointment with your dental hygienist.

Never put you in frightening situations

skydive valentines day ideas

We do not talkreal danger. Do not risk while taking stupid risks or you endanger physical. We hear the kind of terror that is in your head. Playing in front of a crowd, for example.Or parachute jump from an airplane. Or try an exotic cuisine that you goose bumps. (Do not laugh, but some people are sincerely panicked by Sashimi.) These things can feel scary when you are 20 years old, but the more you avoid them and refuse to face your fear, the more they will develop to become monsters in your head. As you have 40 years, after decades to blow your fears out of proportion, it might be too late to take the plunge and know what you are capable of.

Pass too much on things you do not need

man taking money out of a wallet

Nobody, in the history of human existence, has reached 40 years and thought: "My God, I wish I had bought more things. You can get an endorphine precipitate every time you make a new purchase, but not really you to buy a happiness. And in the long run, it can make you more miserable. A2017 Pew study revealed that 46 percent of Americans spend more than they do every month. These financial expenses will start building, and you know who will have to pay them back? The Middle Ages you, which is. And we can tell you right now, it's not happyMay the 20-year-old man thought he needed different types of fitness trackers and an echo point in each room.

Do not spend more time in nature

Pacific Crest Trail Adventure

Getting the outside and in nature is not only a great way to free your stress. It is the establishment of a behavior that will continue for a lifetime. In a2016 survey of hiker demography, 75 percent of them were under the age of 40 who does not want to tell youhabitBe hiking in your 40s and beyond, but you are more likely to do it if it's a habit you have brought when you were younger.

Do not let your inner child take control from time to time


When we are just short of a college, too many of us are in a hurry to prove our maturity. We want the world to see us as reliable and serious adults, not children claiming to be adults. And it's great, as long as you completely abandon the pulse to play. Your inner child is what keeps your feeling of curiosity alive, your willingness to laugh too strong and to have too much pleasure, even if it makes you stupid. The more you push these natural instincts, the more difficult it will be in your forties to let go and be stupid for no reason. Your inner child is not going to crush your reputation and ruin your chances of a long career; He will give you a reason to smile again.

Ignore your credit score

stressed woman staring at credit cards - paycheck to paycheck

When you live with roommates and you do not have material possessions outside a futon and a bike, your credit score does not seem to be something that should worry you. But that's where you are wrong. SomeThe search indicated Whether teenagers have a better credit than people in the end of the 20s. And once your credit has begun to plant, work and time required for reconstruction can be exhausting. Do not give yourself a battle unnecessary to mount. Be careful to pay your bills on time and work on the construction of your credit history and you will make much easier for 40 years.

Use pills to increase the focus

Student studying

The pressure exerted in the academic success of adolescents and college students can be so intense that many of them are looking for drugs like Adderall, usually prescribed to ADHD patients, sharpen and improve mental performance.But new studies indicate That an addiction to such drugs can have fatal consequences, especially if it continues to adulthood. In addition to a physical and psychological dependence, it can alter the activity of dopamine in our brain reward center, "Alter (ING) our ability to experiment with pleasure without the chemical support of the continued use of amphetamine". What all 40-year-old district want to hear - you can not experience any compressed joy anymore. Thank you, I am 17 years old who thought he needed Adderall to Ace than the scientific test!

Watch more TV than reading

man eating food in front of the television

There are andles of research studies demonstrating the positive effects provided with a reading life, helping your brainPrepare uncertain situations in lifeslow down or prevent Alzheimer and dementia. As for all that television, well,He has been bound with a decrease in cognitive function with average age. Also tempting as it may be to waste another weekend with a long crange-celebration of your new favorite TV series, make your brain a favor and take a book instead.

Do not learn a second language

Two people using sign language.

Being bilingual does not consist of having a cool party round or to travel without translation dialogue.Learn a new language today could increase your salary in your forties. It isAccording to a MIT economist, who studied the link between learning a foreign language and future profits. This talent is a big other way in an increasingly global economy and research suggests that it could increase your potential to win up to 3%.

Keep in a relationship

things women over 40 need to know

Whether you're afraid of being alone or think you'll be able to change them, there are many reasons that people stay in a toxic relationship. And each of these reasons is false. You will eventually realize it, and although it's never too late to find love again - you are always a spring chicken in your forties - the damage to your health would have already been made.Studies have found This remains in a bad relationship can put you at risk of heart disease, hypertension and obesity.

Do not slow down enough to appreciate little things


You can go back to tips like "Stop and feel roses" as being too clicked, but it is saved by science.A 2012 surveyStudents at the University of Colleges at the University of Rutgers have found that their daily levels of appreciation, which they have defined as "recognizing the value and meaning of something - an event, behavior, behavior, behavior, Emotional access positive to this one "-Had a direct impact on their general happiness. Take a moment from time to time to look around and enjoy what you have. It's a habit that will stay with you and just enrich your life when you reach the average age.

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