20 common cleaning tips that you should always ignore

Pass shortcuts, people.

With respect to storing home, most people are on the use of shortcuts to make the process as painless as possible. And while some online tricks are really useful and effective, there are also some common cleaning tips floating around the internet andtransmitted like tales- old womenthat, rather than accelerate the process, actually make things worse.

For example, all on Pinterest are Mommy bloggers that vinegar is affirming the solution to everything, but in most cases, this cooking base does not make bacteria banning as we think it does. And for years, even the experts swore that your microwaving sponge keeps you safe from diseases, but recently scientists have proved that this is not the case. Here we have gathered some of the most common cleaning tips you should never put into practice.

Clean a coffee machine with bleach.

coffee machine, coffeemaker, cleaning tips

Do not listen to your friends or family members if they ever suggest using bleach to clean your coffee machine. This cleaning product is unfit for consumption, it will literally burn your bowels and if you do not get it all, you run the risk of accidentally ingesting. If you want to clean your coffee maker (which you have to do at least once a month, by the way), just perform a little white vinegar through the brewing cycle followed by several cycles of hot water to erase all the Vinegar of remains.

Vaporizing glass cleaner on your computer.

Woman is cleaning her computer screen with a cloth.

Aggressive chemicals in windows could be well on windows, but over time you will see that use them on your yellow computer, fog, and crack the screen. According toCable, The best way to clean a computer screen is either with a cloth soaked with water just or with a solution of 50 percent of vinegar (tears of acidity by dirt without damaging the screen) and 50 percent water (dilute the mixture so that it smells so strong).

Use a combination of olive oil and lemon juice to polish wooden furniture.

Cleaning and polishing wooden furniture

Pinterest fanatics often spend this DIY trick, but you can not trust you on the Internet. AsCarolyn, Director of Good Housekeeping Institute Cleaning Lab,Explain, Olive oil leaves behind a sticky residue that traps dust and debris, giving you more cleaning in the long run.

Use tea for clean wood furniture.

Woman cleaning furniture

The only thing you need to do with a freshly infused pot of Earl Gray is drinking. Some people might tell you that you can also use the hot drink to clean your wooden furniture, but it will actually damage, because the water tends to leave stains on the wood.

Wash sponges in the microwave.

Dirty dish sponge

Many sources, including good reputation of the American department of agriculture-recommends your microwaving cooking sponge to kill the bacteria that lives on it, butto study Published inNature found that the simple microwaving is not enough. In the end, the study revealed that a sponge that was still microwaved RG2-related bacteria bacteria homes that can cause your sponge each week diseases and food measures, researchers recommend replacing the place or for thus to stay healthy.

Pour the white wine on a stain of red wine.

Red wine spill old wives tales

In a way, it has come to be commonly accepted that a red wine spot can be easily removed with a little white wine, but that's not the case. The use of white wine to treat a stain will leave sugar granules behind, which possibly caramelize to create more spots. However, thereis An alcohol out there that will remove a red wine with stains, it's just not the kind of drink.

Soak the clothes in salt water to keep their color.

Clothes are soaking in water

This common cleaning trick is nothing more than the story of an old woman who does not want to leave. But while some tales of old women are just ridiculous, this one is potentially dangerous becausesoak your clothes Salt could cause your clothing items to the dye leak on the other.

Use Hairspray to rid ink stains.

Shirt with an ink stain

Once upon a time, back when fixatives were composed mainly of alcohol, this cleaning trick actually worked, hence his power to stay. However, today's fixatives are either low alcohol or fully without alcohol, making it common cleaning a bad.

Add detergent for cleaning laundry.

woman putting laundry in a washing machine

In the place oflaundry, By adding an additional detergent to your load of linen will leave residues on your clothes, wash the color of your clothes, and give your unpleasant smell.

Make your bed every morning to keep the house presentable.

natural wood bedroom interior design health tips

Although the most obsessive people do their bed every morning (and will judge you not to do it), which they probably do not do is that it goes well after getting uptrap millions of mites in And keeps them with the safety of sunlight and open air that would kill them.

Rub a stain of carpets to delete it.

Cleaning a carpet stain with a spray bottle, common cleaning tips

Many people seem to have the impression that the best way to remove a stain with a carpet or carpet consists of rubbing it aggressively, but on the contrary, all this will soak the dye in the carpet and make it more difficult to remove. If you spill something on your carpet, what you should do is your task is a big part of the stain, rinse it with clean water, blot themselves, then treat it with a specific solution to the type of spot.

Use a dryer sheet to clean furniture dust.

Woman cleaning the couch with a cloth

Reuse aused The dryer leaf like a duster is not a bad idea, but a new dryer sheet is another story. The fresh leaves are coated with softening that will normally transfer to your clothes during drying, so if you use these new dryer leaves to dust off your furniture,

Clean your cabinets every time you store.

Clean under the sink pro housekeeping tips

"Clean [your cabinets] too often can wear the finish and swell, because moisture enters the surface,Matthew Ricketts, president of the professional service of the household house of better life, explained toBetter houses and gardens. According to the expert, the safest thing to do is dig if you will find a stain or splash - not to mention this is also easier and more efficient!

Use the log to wipe your windows.

Kids cleaning the window with the newspaper

Upcycling Your log in a cloth to wipe Windows Cleansing may seem an environmentally friendly and cheap idea, but it also has the potential to harm your windows. Not only does the hard paper texture, but the ink could potentially rub on your window trim and thresholds permanently dye.

Travel coffee grounds through the trash to rid nauseating odors.

side effects coffee grounds ibuprofen

With all the detritus that crosses it, it is not surprising that the disposition of garbage tends to raise a nauseating odor after several uses. And although many people will use coffee grounds to purify their elimination, they can potentially obstruct if they are not flowing with sufficient amounts of water. If you want to give your garbage to eliminate a nice odor, use a cleaning product specifically designed for the disposition of the garbage, such asPink trash cleaner ($ 4).

Vinegar will clean anything.

Pouring vinegar

"The vinegar is an acid so that it can cut through the dirt and can kill bacteria, but only if you use it at full or almost complete"Derek Christian, Owner of the home cleaning service My cleaning service, explained in consumption reports. "Most people [only] put a butcher in a bucket of water and it does not do much."

Handwashing dishes are better than using the dishwasher.

woman drying dishes, energy

There are several reasons to explain why this is not the case. Not only uses the dishwasher more environmentally friendly, more profitable and less tedious, but it is alsoBetter kill bacteria Thanks to the temperature of the water.

Use Coca-Cola to clean a toilet bowl.

Cleaning a toilet bowl with blue substance

When cleaning your toilet cuvetor, it is best to stick to products really designed to do the job and leave Coca-Cola in the kitchen. Although many claim that the gaseous drink can cut through the spots, it can actually have the opposite effect and potentially darken them, the drinking sugar creating a breeding ground for bacteria.

Cleaning solutions must be wiped instantly.


With regard to cleaning, most people are doing things as quickly as possible. However, if you do not leave your cleaning solutions sitting for at least a few minutes, they will not have time to install effectively and kill bacteria, which makes all your cleaning day basically for nothing. If you are not sure how long your solution needs, simply designate the instructions of the bottle.

Discarding a lemon in the dishwasher for extra clean dishes.

dishwasher machine kitchen utensils

Some websites claim that drumming a lemon in your dishes, do them somehow shine, but that's not the case. Yes, citric acid in lemons operates in some cleaning areas, but there is simply not enough of the substance in a lemon corner to have an effect on a fully charged dishwasher, so everything you will do Here is to waste a perfectly good lemon.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: cleaning / Home
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