Mark your own private doctor

Okay, then you did not marry a doctor. But concierge medicine could be the closest.

There is a reason why your doctor does not work well. Doctor's shortages, heavy patient loads and paperwork batteries make the documents more than ever before. A general practitioner will have to work 22 hours to tend to many more than 2,500 people in a typical practice, according to researchers from the UC San Francisco. And although the Affordable Care Act provides insurance for those who need it most, the resulting additional patients do not fail to pinch even more doctors. This is a wonder more doctors do not call sick.

Direct care practitioners offer a solution - for people who can afford. These doctors charge annual fees in exchange for care on demand. While a typical GP sees 20 to 40 patients a day, concierge documents see between 10 and 15 years. It means less waiting, more face time and a better manager of your health, says Steven Knope, Mr.D., the author ofConcierge medicine. In addition, it allows doctors to focus on the treatment of health in health optimization. Ready to register? Read Fine Print First.

How much does it cost?

Fees may vary considerably depending on your needs, but two general models prevail.

FEES FOR CARE: Doctors using this model do not accept insurance but contract directly with patients. The fee ranges from $ 50 a month to (Gulp) of $ 25,000 a year and cover all unlimited care office visits, services on appeal, vast annual physics and advocacy within the health system during stays. hospital or emergencies. You always use your insurance to help you pay specialists, hospitalizations, diagnostic tests and blood work.

Fees for uncovered services: Doctors accept care insurance itself, while fees go to cushion extras such as day-to-day visits, email access and nutrition coaching and nutrition coaching and Fitness. Price points vary, but the national average is about $ 1,700 a year.

No matter what model you choose, you still need an emergency insurance. Most people opt for a plan with a higher franchise, says Tom Blue, Executive Director of the American Academy of Private Physicians.

How do you choose a doc?

Your first step is to and search for location. Then configle interviews with doctors. In addition to learning about cost, ask if their office manages insurance claims for the services they provide or if it is your job. Make sure you can send an SMS or email to the doctor. Find out what is included in the annual physique and how long is office visits are attributed. Check emergency availability. If you have a specific health goal (such as 10 pound loss), ask for an example of a plan.

Drug by figures


Decrease in percentage of hospitalizations in patients aged 35 to 64 persons insured by members of a concierge practice, compared to those who are not members


Percentage of doctors who plan to reduce patients, work part-time, withdraw or move on to a concierge practice during the next to three years


Number of minutes An American doctor attributes an appointment on a routine patient

Sources: American Journal of ManagementD Care, Survey of Physician Foundation 2012, Medical Care

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