27 SIGNS YOUR LIFE needs major changes in 2019

A few years, you have to do more than drop a few pounds or ask for an increase.

Change is never easy. Whether it's small, like cutting a bad habit or drop a book or two, or something big, like changing jobs or rethinning your relationship, you fix it on a new way requires diligence, of the discipline and determination. But if one of the 27 red flags that follow applies to you, you are someone who could possibly use aMajor Life changes. Read about what they are. And to help you with your improvement trip, be sure to read these40 ways of science supported old habits.

You do not live in the present.

sad man

Whether regretting in the past or anxiety on the future, live outside here and can now pass his toll. "We all think about the past and in the future from time to time, but never spends out of time in the present moment, it is unhealthy and holds us from growth, fulfillment and personal success," says Vinay Saranga, MD, a psychiatrist and founder ofSaranga Full Psychiatry.

You can not change the past or control the future, but you have a say in your life today. During the new year, try to find the closure of the past and try not to emphasize things beyond your control, says Dr. Saranga. All you can do is put your best foot forward. And for more advice to be aware of the new year, consult the20 things to give up to be happy in 2019.

Going to work Never excite yourself.

sad older woman

Very few people jump from bed every day excited to get to work, but it should at least be something that is likely to come back, whether responsible for revenue growth or feeling of improving the lives of anyone One in the same way as you can. But if you fear going to the office and you can not wait to leave, you might be in the wrong work, says Ariane Machin, Ph.D., co-founder ofConscious collective coaching.

You use your credit card when you do not have money.

credit card

SWIPING Your credit card may seem like a great way to purchases when you do not currently have the funds on your account, but it could potentially be a sign that you are not happy. "Getting out a credit card to sponsor frivolous purchases on a regular basis can be a sign of deep dissatisfaction with your daily routine," says Sanior Sanalste, Sean Messier. Your desire to spend what you have not can come from A wish to escape. However, the expenses you can not afford will only lead stress. Instead, find other ways to feel more adventurous.

Your little conversation always leads to the work discussion.

two women talking

The work takes most of our day, so it's naturally something that happens in the conversation. That being said, if you are the person who only wants to talk about desktop potins at Happy Hour, the work clearly takes too much of your head space. Being involved at work is good and dandy, just remember to be present in other areas of your life.

You can not remember the title of the last book you read.

Self Help Books

These days, it's easy to fall into the habit of never reading any more than a title. We are constantly bombarded with news, opinions, tweets and more. The amount of text available to read is overwhelming, so much so that it is easy to look at both your phone for hours in the end, or to fix it and ignore everything. With this, it's hard to remember reading these things we call books. Do you know, cute little rectangular guys you see on the shelves at Hipster Bars? Reading is incredibly beneficial for mind and soul, so do not forget to take the time to escape in the pages of a book. And if you prefer audiobooks, check22 amazing audiobooks that make trips (or shuttle!), Less boring.

You do not want to be reminded like that.

pensive, sad, thinking

Ask yourself: what do I want to remind you? "If your current career does not align with this legacy, then you are not in the right place," says Tiffany Toombs, Lifestyle Coach and Founder ofBlue lotus spirit. To find a fulfilling way that you are proud, Toombs recommends making a list of things you are passionate, then make another list of things you are good. Chances are, there is a career path where your passions and your skills meet, and you can make money to do what you like. If you want to perfect a hobby on the side, go through these40 best hobbies to take in your forties.

You can not prevent you from being jealous of your friends' life.

jealous husband

Everyone wants their friends sometimes, but you might need a major overhaul if you are always obsessed how the other people are still obsolete. "You start visualizing the circumstances of others and feel like in the mud," says Machin.

If these thoughts are concerned about, stop dreaming and start making changes! Machin recommends asking a few people in your dream domain for a phone call or coffee to discuss what this industry is really like. "It can give you a good impulse on what the work involves and what kind of person is in office," she says. Maybe it will be a less romantic image than what is in your mind, but it could also be the perfect fit.

Food delivery employees know you by name.

Man delivering a pizza to a woman

Phone applications that bring food to our doors with a button click are both a blessing and a curse. The experience of the realization of you want to have fried chicken then to be able to have it without leaving your home absolutely amazing? Yes. Is it in good health? Hard no. Of course, some restaurants offer healthier food options, but you really choose those? In addition, make your own meals at home is a much easier way to know exactly what happens in your food. Order from time to time, it's totally fine, but you should be in control of your diet so that your closest relationship is not with the person who brings you Chinese food late at night.

You fight after drinking excessively.

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It's hard to feel proud in the morning after a night of high alcohol consumption and maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle, it is also essential to avoid being caught. Even if you drink more than what is recommended, it's a lot more productive to watch what in your life cause you in this way, rather than supposing it's just not the problem.

"If you consider yourself frequently, you often drink lately and that you can admit that it's more than you want, it's probably a sign that you are not satisfied with some aspects of your life and that you You need to investigate ways to improve yourself, "says the writer and blogger combines McCormick. Once you have addressed what makes you feel the need to drink so much, you can find that you have a moment easier to know when to call it stops.

You have thought of something for months.

Unhappy Couple

A bad day - even or even some bad weeks - at work is not always a signal to get a new job. But do not ignore a feeling that will not disappear. "It does not go a bad day and then jumping to conclusions," says Machin. "It's a motive - you have been feeling like this for a while." If it's been months and you can not get the idea of ​​making a big change from your mind, listen to this little voice in your head.

You continue to cancel plans with your friends and family.

woman on phone

"When someone apologizes that they do not have enough time to engage with friends and a family, it's a small sign that they lack balance in their lives. It's not Not a question of how long we have, but rather how we manipulate our activities throughout our day to optimize our time, "says life coach Ashlie Walton.

There is always time to take time and if you pretend that there is no, you may avoid something and / or someone. The thing about avoidance is that it will always find you, and things are more likely to go your way if you find it first.

You can not think of an easy solution that will make your job better.

sad man at work

Leave a job can be difficult, especially if it's a position you loved. To determine if the above is your only option for job satisfaction, Toombs recommends that realistic changes that could make you happier. Think about what your job would change if you have requested an increase, delegates of certain tasks or have you said in larger decisions. If any of these options are talking to you, great! You might have more happy years to your business. But if nothing repairable makes your work more attractive - maybe your new boss is a fool, or your job description has changed drastically - it's time to start applying elsewhere. If too much work is your problem, check the50 higher secrets of a perfect professional work balance.

You end up excusing a lot.

teenager on smartphone

If you are "sorry" a lot, you take your fault when it is not necessary or that you regularly leave people. Anyway, it's time to change. To apologize less means being more confident of your actions and your words, and it is a great way to live. If you feel good about your way of life, you will not have to ask for forgiveness.

Your office is clean but your office is not.

thoughtful woman on computer

The organization is a great way to refuse your mind. This is probably why cleaning is one of the first things we do when trying to "get our lives together." Once you have put all your mail in a battery, your files in a wardrobe and your clothes in a wardrobe, you may think that your job is over. This is where you are wrong, my friend.

There is much of our lives in digital space, we must keep these files organized as well. Put computer documents in separate folders will not only feel less dispersed, it will also help your computer last longer. When crossing your digital files, you will probably find things that you can put in the trash, which will eliminate space and keep things smoothly. And do not forget any return on a hard drive! Having everything you store on your computer is accounted for will help you feel generally reassured and on the best things.

You do not wake up with a sense of purpose.

Woman Yawning in Bed Why We Yawn

"Many people do not have intentionality in their days - they just pass through the motions," said Kristen Battisttelli. "Without greater purpose, people will not give priority to their personal care, tolerate to be in a toxic relationship, will remain in the immutable work but occupied for a decade." Sounds like you? It's time to make some search for the soul. This could be your year to start a hurry of accompaniment, escape a sparkling relationship, or dive into volunteer work.

You are a pessimistic.

woman sad alone on couch

"If you're still thinking about the worst, expect things to happen, do not think you're worthy of great things in life, then you have to make a change in your life," says the Dr. Saranga. It recommends building self-confidence by reading self-help books and surrounding you with people who have a positive influence on your mental health. If you always feel like negative thoughts, consider consulting professional advice.

You feel paralyzed.

Sad Woman Looking at Phone 25 Years

When the idea of ​​making a big change overwhelms you, it could mean that change is exactly what you need. Feeling as if you do not know what you should do or how to get there can be paralyzing, but do not let it go into your way, says Machin.

"It can be very stagnant - inducing," she says. "In the back of your mind, you know you have options, and you will find something for you." Be proactive to get you out of the rut. Visit a city that you have always dreamed of living or taking a class in a field that you have dreamed of breaking up.

You are obsessed with your reputation.

ways to stick to diets, Everyday Energy Killers

If your decisions are all about the approval of other people, it's time to change Dr. Saranga. Be honest with yourself on who you make your choices, he says. Do you get up in an industry that you hate because you want to have a success? Do you give up "me time" because you feel the need to look busy? "Follow your heart and do not worry for others," says Dr. Saranga. "If they really like you and care about you, they will support your goals and dreams."

You have changed, but your life does not have.

essential dating tips for men over 40

Check the path you have always imagined for yourself can be scary, but it's natural to change. "We spend as many changes as you're not going to be the same person you had five years ago," says Machin. Your priorities and your passions will not remain the same forever. The field you have so enthusiastic about Grad School can lose his chandelier, or maybe a city that felt to exalt now gives you a headache. Accept that people change (yes, even you!) And let yourself leave the freedom to explore other options.

You are completely eaten.

nervous job applicant

If you have a basic routine down but you always feel frenzied or blurred, it could be a sign that you have to give up certain responsibilities and start to start you first, says Battisttelli. "You know you feel better when you have" me time "on everyday life and yet you still do not," she says. She recommends doing this your year to say "no" to other people and "yes" to your own self-care. Try to meditate, exercise, logging, reading or any other activity that annoys you.

You feel out of contact with all your friends.

Woman feels guilty with her boyfriend.

The balance of professional life seems different for everyone, but it may be time to restore your priorities if your Fomo has been extra-strong this year. "If you start feeling left or out of contact with what's going on or you have not had a conversation with your parents in four weeks, it could be an indication that maybe your time is spent Must be re-evaluated, "says Machin.

The transfer of your priorities can feel a big deal, but the baby steps can help you find there. Machin recommends treating your social life as if you would be a professional meeting: schedule it in. Setting up a fixed time every week to call a friend or make sure your family eats your dinner together a few nights a week.

Your doctor is worried.

happy patient

Major changes in life do not need to involve quitting or uprooting your family, sometimes it is only yourself, you have to worry. If your health is in a descending spiral of bad eating habits, inactivity and a lack of sleep, it's time to make changes. Note if your doctor or loved one expresses your concern about your weight or other health factors; They might be more on the nose you want to admit.

"Most people can not put their finger on it, but this feeling of tension is stressed all the time, not excited things," says Machin. Once you allow yourself to dive into a healthy eating lifestyle, full night sleep and many exercises, you will probably feel better, both physically and mentally, she says.

You can not say "no" to anything.

signs you're not ready to have kids

Take care of you reserve out of work hours, you risk making your life more exciting, but it can also be stifled. "Many people who are stuck in this trap of being busy do not know how to get out", says Toombs. "They all have these commitments and they do not know what to give up." If you feel like you keep turning your wheels and you're not going anything, start moving your priorities. Instead of housing on tedious tasks that do not receive results, determine what takes the least energy for the biggest impact, suggests chezombs. Volunteer at your child's school for an hour instead of spending the afternoon doing cooking cookies or ignore unimportant emails that do not require an answer. If too much work takes you, memorize13 smart ways to tell your boss "No."

You never get a minute to yourself.

divorce over 40

To be busy is the new happy being, but who says that both can not arrive simultaneously? Even those of us who are constantly traveling a minute to save. And 60 seconds is really all you need to give you a moment of consciousness and serenity. PsychologistRobin M. Deutsch Explain: "By calming your mind and returning to a place of gratitude, you will lower your stress and increase your happiness." Try deep breathing exercises on your swips, or just give you a break in the day to relax with your thoughts.

Meeting with friends makes you anxious.

two sad friends embrace

The break is still difficult - and this includes friendships. But you must be honest with yourself if someone of your social life takes you. "Anyone who creates a high level of anxiety on a continuous calendar because of the way they treat you is not someone you want to spend time with," says Toombs. Before cutting ties completely, try talking to your friend borders and things that make you feel down, "she suggests. If this person still does not respect you, he or she does not belong to your life.

You never like your workouts.

Woman lifting dumbbell Exercises for Adding Muscle

Exercise is a great way to stay healthy, but if you only work because you want to do it, you are absent from potential enjoyment. "When you exercise outside, pay attention to your environment, weather, architecture or benchmark, etc. If you are doing exercise inside, try to take advantage of this Whether you are doing when you are right now, "says Deutsch.

Although training itself is not your favorite activity, there are ways to find a silver lining in the routine. If your exercise plan is already defined, you can try one of them25 amazing resolutions that have nothing to do with weight loss.

You can not get up without hitting snooze.

Girl Sleeping Next to Phone Social Media

Something must change if your current lifestyle is constantly keeping you with a good night's sleep. "Sleep is a huge indicator of overall health and vitality; I give it the priority on nutrition," says Battisttelli. "Even you deceive an hour of sleep, an hour of sleep causes your productivity and its ability to think clearly to refuse." If you press Snooze several times each morning, do you need a coffee to move the day or start falling asleep at your desktop, take a look at what prevents you from waking up. Cut out the tasks that burn midnight oil or find ways to divert thoughts that prevent you from launching and turning. For more help to achieve your goals, learn the25 The main errors for the new year resolution.

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Tags: holidays / wellness
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