10 Morning habits destroying your productivity

These are the worst ways of all time to start your day.

Done: The way you spend your morning is essential to the way you make the rest of the day. This first hour, even the first minutes - set the tone of the day, and if you have bad habits (or simply no habits), you will find yourself to burn precious hours, to lose time, stress unnecessarily and of Finally derive your day. before it even started.

But having the right routine in place can transform all your day, ensuring that you brake on all the cylinders, thinking at a higher level and you get more background work than you never thought. Here are 10 morning habits you need to cut your daily routine to make sure you are attending your best foods every morning. And if you are looking for other ways to have a new start, do not miss the52 easy ways to be smarter with money in 2018.


Man hitting the snooze button

"The Snooze Snooze button the free time of your Jumpstart and usually calls for precipitation," says Jodi Ashbrook, an author and a speaker and founder of Zenleader. "Rather than hitting the snooze more than once and rushing to your KEURIG machine or directly in the shower, give yourself a chance to fight to wake up on a positive note.

If you have trouble adapting to this morning routine without snooze, your alarm may need to go. Nele Van Cauteren, Director of Customer Relations for the Shoomkloom Wellness Company suggests that being "awakened by a hard and annoying survey awake" is a major killer of morning productivity. Instead, it recommends you "to wake up naturally or soothing awakening sound, like a favorite song". And for bigger tips, here is here15 ways to double your productivity within half of the time.

Do not put your clothes at night before

Clothes laid out night before

"If you wake up and do not have a clear structure of what you should do next to prepare you for a successful day, you use a reactive mode instead of a productive mode," says Rafael Hope, a personal trainer, productivity expert and founder ofAmen.

To avoid this, it recommends that you set up a builder system of several practices you do every morning, even when you do not necessarily get out of it. Having a routine, even a modest, will give you the foundation on which to build a super productive morning. And if you spend 20 minutes in the morning, you worry about what to wear, you are already behind. So make an extra step of upcoming planning and you will wake up with an instant edge.

Do chores

Woman doing chores in the morning.

"The mornings can quickly turn into a nightmare when everyone rushes without much attention to the surrounding world", "Jasmine Hobbs, Cleaner and Home OrganizerLondon cleaning team. "You can reduce all this stress to a minimum, if you do not do your housework in the morning and that you make most preparations at night. Do breakfast and check children can really save your mornings. You will even go to bed much more peaceful and relieved. "And for a morning routine that certainly did not involve household tasks, checkRituals of alarm clock decadent from Princess Margaret.

Eat a slim breakfast

Bagels for breakfast crummy

You are what you eat and your day is just as good as you start with. So a first sugar meal filled with sugar will leave you a quick energy boost, quickly followed an energy accident before the day barely started.

Milana Perepyolkina, lifestyle expert and author ofGypsy Energy Secrets: Transforming a bad day in a good day, no matter the life that throws youRecommends a fruit or green "fiber fruit smoothie that will slow the absorption of sugar. A smoothie that tastes that you have at breakfast will make you feel right away and provide a sustained energy until lunch." And for healthier morning meals, here is here3 Perfect breakfasts for belly fat grease.

Fails to define your priorities

Man contemplating priorities.

"Productivity is largely based on focus - and better you can focus, the more you will probably accomplish what you want," says David Radin, CEO and co-creator of the Instant Planner confirmed, who worked with hundreds Professionals. be more efficient in their roles.

To get this goal, Radin recommends planning your day when you wake up, setting your priorities and focus on these items before you distract the least important items.

"It's even better if you could define your priorities the previous night, and just review them the first morning - and keep your dayday day-to-day job, so you can create good habits on how you Drive your day, "adds Radin.

Verification of emails and social media

Man checking email in the morning.

"Check the emails The first thing can throw you from your game in you with the agendas of others and the other objectives of the people," says Amira Lamb, a physical life and holistic life expert who runsHolistic Hottie Inc. "Verification of social media or new news things in the morning can or you in a funk quickly and easily."

Mara Thomas, a speaker, a coach, founder ofREGAINYOURTIME.COMand author ofSecrets of personal productivity and recently releasedWork-free, the subsidies that withdrew in loaded work are understandable, but dangerous.

"When you sit at your desk and think that" what should I do now? "The number of options for options can be overwhelming," says Thomas. "And it probably makes you withdraw into busy work, something that is easy, familiar and does not require a lot of thought. For most people, it means an email. "

She adds that this is what makes a list of tasks set or an agenda of the day, created before going online, so vital.

Fails to centralize tasks

To do list for starting morning right

"People sabotate their morning productivity when they do not organize their tasks on a list of consistent tasks," says Thomas. "Call your list of tasks to do by centralizing your tasks. Do you check two different mail accounts, post-it notes on your computer, your calendar and voicemail to determine what you need to do? Get your TO DOS All in the same place. "

Forget your moment of Zen

Man meditating on the beach

The morning is the time you need to define your mind frame for the day, you feel founded and positive about everything you need to face. This makes a kind of conscious break - either to meditate, make claims, either pray - extremely useful for creating a healthy state of mind for the day.

"Concentrate on what you want to go well that day, by meditating, asking your god what is your task for the day, etc., can be an excellent mental practice to make you super clear and super focused on what you intend to accomplish for the day, "says Ginny Leavitt, health coach and founder ofSET POINT WELLNESS.

Natasha Solae, Founder and CEO ofGirlceouniverse, Suitable, highlighting the importance of "intentionality" in setting up your day on the right track.

"If you want to define your day to succeed, the most changing thing of the game you can do is start your day off with intention," says Leavitt. "When you first set your intentions, you tap your inner GPS and create a clear crystal plan of what you want to get that day. This intention allows you to anchor you in your values, your passions and your aspirations so Whether you know that every task you have complete for the day is a task that brings you closer to your biggest goals instead of keeping you busy. "

Forget about moving your body

Morning run, two people on a beach

"One of the worst morning habits that can throw the productivity of a person does not do the time to exercise," says Deborah Sweeney, CEO ofMycorporation.com. "The best way to crop your morning to include exercise is to wake up a little earlier than usual and tighten in a fast jog, a spinning class or yoga before going to the office. 'is not always easy to wake up a little earlier for exercise, but it's worth it for the extra energy it provides to your body to protect you all day. "

Even a serious stretching session can make the difference between soft or power sensation when you set your door to walk. A kind of physical activity in the morning will make you feel more precise and you will feel more ready to handle what the day throws you.

Forget to check the weather

Rubber boots in a puddle

"With the winter months on us, a quick visit to the window can let you know that you have to go out, clear snow, and then prepare to wait at the last minute and the precipitation of the door," saysRubina Tahir, chiropractor, author and lifestyle expert. "The vinaigrette for time is important. If you feel good, you stimulate your productivity. In addition, being cold or too hot can you pass your concentration when it comes to daily tasks - the goal is to achieve The balance and stay ahead of the mother nature. "

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