20 most funny things on horror movies that have no meaning

Thanks to the slim and gender-scale logic, these films are also hilarious as they are terrifying.

October is on us, which means that the horror movie season is officially here.

There is no doubt that gender has seriously evolved since the wage disaster that isChainsaw Massacre (1974) first struck the screens. Special note isJordan Peele 'sGo out, a black horror comedy that addresses racism and was both commercial and critical success.

But even from 1996, Wes Craven'sScream Successful to deliver real chills while simultaneously sketching the overproof horror-tropes of horror movies undoubtedly.

And, in adulthood, you can not prevent you from soaking the familiarity of the formula of hits likeHalloween,Omen,The sixth sense,The ring, andI know what you did last summer, while recognizing that many features that embody the genre is a little ridiculous. So, read it to get a real taste of horror movie logic. And for a fragry IRL, check the15 most haunted places in America.

The bad things always arrive for teens

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

The majority of classic horror films seem to arrive at the people who are in their last year of a first-year college year high school. Yes, the pubescence transition at the beginning of adulthood is terrifying, but who decided to put groups of teenagers through the ringtone (sometimes literal) was one thing?

If you lose your virginity, you die

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

This is too well known trace, the one that was pamphledic inScreamWhen the Buff Randy film says that the first rule of surviving a horror movie is "you can never have sex ... sex is equivalent to death, okay?" And if you want to see how often thisreally arrives, check the40 best horror movies to panic to you totally.

Even go to drink alcohol

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

To quote Randy once again, "You can never drink or do drugs ... The sin factor! It's a sin. It's an extension of the number one." Way of being heavy with guys of Puritanical Ethics. And for more laughed overlides, do not miss these40 hilariously little practical things that always arrive in movies.

They never stay in a group

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

Whenever I look at a horror movie, I always think: "Why does anyone go to any time anything? The bad things happen when you are alone. Stop entering the Basement of your friend for yourself to get more beer. The killer is not going to come after yourself at a free Vivaldi concert in Central Park! Do this instead! "

The characters always workUp stairs

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

InScream 2,Sarah Michelle GellarThe strain character a staircase to escape the slash, leading to his premature death. It's a kind of funny, since, in the originalScreamNeve Campbell's character makes fun of the scary movies saying that they are always presented "a stupid murderer harassing a big chest girl who can not act who always manages the stairs when she should run the front door." And if you prefer to see realistic cinema, checkThe 20 largest (and most realistic) films are fighting all time.

Ghosts only wear Victorian clothes

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

This is 2018. Once I would like to see a flashing ghost an ironic t-shirt or triple white yeeezys.

And always do exactly the same thing they did when they died

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

John Mulaney With a big joke about it, where he says that the very sad thing about ghosts is that they always do the same exact thing they did when they were alive. It would be nice to hear that the sweeper who haunts the cinema asked for a position in the direction and had it, but it is never the case.

Nobody checks the story of a house before buying it

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

Pros: Before buying an old frightening home, you may want to check if there has been a suspicious series of salary activity. And if he or she has a secret subsoil, a cellar or an attic. Really, half of the murders are on the real estate seller who continue to put the murder cabin on the market.

Or some of its more frightening accessories

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

Of course, let's keep this chair than an old man was stabbed viciously by his ex-wife. Seems legit. A-Plus Feng Shui.

The victims inThe ring Could have stayed away from televisions

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

The 2002 blockbuster thriller is really a low precautionary tale on our dependencies to our own TVs. Nevertheless, if I knew that a small paranormal girl was going to eat my face by creeping a television in seven days, I would go full David Thoreau and I live in a cabin away from any technology. Although it's worth noting thatWatch too much TV can actually kill you.

Almost all problems could be solved by cell service

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

Modern films are trying to go beyond this loophole while still having characters in an area with a bad service, but realistically, most mobile phone carriers have a wide range nowadays. But be able to text a policeman "the killer is X. I am with him at the address Y", followed by an emoji knife, ruin the dramatic tension of most films.

Killermen always use obsolete weapons

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

The use of a knife to kill a victim has undeniably graceful film quality, and it makes sense that a true sociopath would like to savor the suffering of his victim. But a hook? A chainsaw? A meat slicer? Surely a firearm would be easier.

Children areSo Unnecessarily scary

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

Especially those who are packed and speak almost never. The entire kind is like a long anti-child campaign.

Nobody ever listeners to pets

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

Pros: If your dog barks anything, or your cat suddenly falls dead, or your horse fled into a panic, immediately evacuate the premises. For more information about how this affects you in a non-multimedia view parameter, check19 things your dog tries to tell you.

Ghosts always written messages on mirrors

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

Surely, if you can communicate via supernatural channels, you can simply send a text?

And they are always so vague

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

It's not a night night. Tell me just who you are and how and when you're dirgé, I can come back to watch Netflix.

And easy to contain

 Funniest Things About Horror Movies That Make No Sense

Oh, right, here is a supernatural force that you will not be able to throw through the roof, but can be stopped with a bed sheet. It's like this scene inTornado In which a natural phenomenon sufficiently strong to cook the cache cow and that lifting homes out of the ground can be avoided by electing a belt at Penny J.c on a pipe.

The killers move so slowly

horror movie tropes

I realize this part of the fear factor, let's say, Michael J. Myers is that he really takes good time. Everyone bolted in the streets screaming with help like a Banshee, and it's right there walking at a casual pace, which sends a clean message of complete control in any situation. But it's always a little funny when you look atHalloween Now and realize that much of the movie consists of a killer who has just stayed in silence to look at things.

Nobody ever envys the most obvious suspect

hilarious horror movie tropes

Go out is a brilliant film, but there is an element of it that does not make sense in the real horror movie mode. How does nobody noticable that all these guys who disappear dated the same girl? In addition, if your girlfriend eats fruit curls separately from milk, head to the hills!

Everyone goes inside abandoned buildings


Oh, what is it? A mild asylum dilapidated in the middle of the woods? Why do not we sleep here for the night? It sounds fun and safe!

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Categories: Culture
Tags: Funny / Movies
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