50 questions that you should never ask someone more than 50 years old

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Many people are watchingto get old As a privilege, a clear indication that you have a serious life to your belt. However, for many others, the elderly are treated as a curiosity, an endless oracle from which to glean the wisdom on what is coming. In reality, people over the age of 50 do not differ a lot of adults in their twenties or 30 years, except for some more candles on their birthday cakes. Thus, before creating the IRE of your more than 50 friends or family members, make sure you do not ask these potentially offensive questions.

"Do you feel old?"

older man smiling outdoors

Although you plan to consider someone more than 50 years old as an "old" person does not mean they necessarily look at their age this way. If you ask someone a question, do not be surprised if they offered themselves - after all, some researchers now believe that 60 people are some of the average age, not at 40, as we had already been conducted to believe.

"Do you want to have had children?"

lesbian couple

Although many people seehave children As important milestone, do not assume that everyone sees things that way. That the good relationship never came around, someone treated infertility, otherwise they had never had an interest in raising children, it's not your business for which someone could or may not have wanted to have children.

"Are you worried about being replaced at work?"

older woman on computer

People are not computers: they do not become obsolete simply because they have reached a certain age. Although it may be a concern for aging people in an age society, ask this question shows that you also think that your friends or colleagues become too old to make their jobs.

"Do you regret to sit so young?"

older men smiling

Hearing that someone has been married for 30 years, may seem life to your life, everyone does not see getting married at a relatively young age like a bad thing. In fact, many people do not see marriage as "settle" - a good relationship, there is often little difference between being coupled and be single.

"Why are you still single?"

woman smiling

On the swirling side, everyone does not think that being in a romantic relationship is a prerequisite for a happy life. In addition, for members of the crowd on 50, this question is particularly insensitive - after all, this group is more likely to have lost a loss of a spouse or divorce than your average.

"Do you feel weird to be the oldest person here?"

Older Woman on Exercise Bike Anti-Aging

Most people are not profoundly aware of their age until someone does not point it, as you have so much comfortable with this question.

"Are you afraid to die?"

Older Woman with Orange Juice Yo Mama Jokes

As a human being, it is not unreasonable to have fears about what happens after disassembling this deadly coil. However, for most of the good healthy 50, death is not something they will have to worry for a few decades and, as a rule, insinuating that someone close to death is a real stop of conversation.

"Have you had a growing color television?"

50 compliments

Although, if you ask a question of 80, the answer could well be no, do not assume that everyone over 50 was watching in black and white. In fact, the first color televisions hit the market in 1954, so many people in fifty and 60 have only seen the performances broadcast in color.

"Do you even know who is this celebrity?"

50 compliments

Acting as elderly are intrinsically illiterate when it comes to pop culture is not just gross, it does not even make sense most of the time. Being more than 50 years does not mean that you no longer have access to the Internet, on television, magazines or movies, after all.

"How much money do you do?"

Woman and money, Bad Dating Marriage Tips

Although it may seem less rude to ask someone to someone over 50 and than theoretically stable, it would be to ask your friend who barely screws on the minimum wage, it's always an invasion Major of privacy. Staganing the growing wages and debt affecting innumerable American households, it's probably not a sure bet to assume that everyone over 50 is cash.

"Are you going to really wear that?"

dress well 50s

These "rules" of fashion not to wear miniskirts more than 30 are so obsolete. Turn 50 does not mean that a person needs to suddenly give up things that are comfortable or feel good.

"Can you always do it at your age?"

older women exercising

It is not because a person has reached 50 years, it is not an indication that their body falls quickly down, by any means whatsoever. Unless someone specifically notes that they can not do a particular activity, it is better to keep your mouth zipped on this type of line of questioning.

"What does it say to be old?"

older mom parent and daughter out to eat

Just because someone over 50 does not mean they consider themselves old. And, of course, there is no universal aging experience to start, ask a person and say it's no different to be 25, while someone else can you To say that things have been held for decades.

"Do you know how to use an email?"

Mac laptop email signature

Email is a fairly omnipresent form of communication at this point, so it is probably wise to assume that most of the adults you encounter know how to use it unless you specifically declared it otherwise.

"Is it your grandchild?"

woman with child

Older parents quickly become the norm, so it's probably wise to play safe and assume that a child is someone's son or daughter before asking them immediately if they are a grandparent.

"Do you want to have more success?"

Older Person Applying to Job Not Ready to Retire

Success is a subjective thing. It's not because someone does not drive a luxury car or a big 50-year-old house does not mean they did not find success - just mean they did not hit your specific measurement of success.

"Have you had plastic surgery?"

Man Receiving Botox Injection Anti-Aging

Does the plastic surgery industry increase? Without a doubt. Does this mean that every person over 50 who looks great has had it? Definitely not. And even among those who have, it's always a private affair.

"Do you hate [insert the group here] people?"

older woman smiling

While we often think of the elderly as defined in their own way, this type of generalization is not only hurtful, but inaccurate. Before trying to use someone to talk to a basket of another group of people, ask yourself why you are so curious in the first place.

"Do you want you to marry me?"


To get married, it's just not a goal for everyone, and simply because someone is over 50 and did not knot the knot does not mean they missed something.

"Is your natural hair color?"

woman dyeing hair

Many people of all ages dye their hair. However, when you ask someone if their hair color is natural, it already looks like to imply that it's not.

"Do you already feel stupid with younger people?"

older couple hugging outdoors

While a 50-something may seem old when you are in your 20 years, it does not mean they feel old. And in many cases, people 50 and up with younger friends or spouses do not think something weird about receiving friends a decade or two younger, as long as they are going well.

"Does your spouse do that for you?"

50 compliments

It's not because someone over 50 does not mean they are necessarily defined in their own way or subscribe to specific gender roles. Not only does this question often assume that people are in heterosexual relationships, it also assumes that people a certain age depend on their spouse to help them understand what most people would judge normal skills of life.

"Are you tired?"

older couple outdoors

Although this question is undeniably impolite at any age, when you ask someone over 50 years old, it is particularly the cup. Remember: just because someone does not wear makeup, is dressed or has wearing that their hair does not mean differently that they are exhausted - even theBest search for 50 years Do not look at 20.

"What did you really want to do with your life?"

50 compliments

So you've seen someone more than 50 years old working a job you thought they were under them and you thought it was a good time to say something about it. No matter how you mean this issue when you ask for it, it seems inevitably rude and judgment; Many people love their jobs and find them filled, although some do not think they pile up the traditional measures of success.

"Do not you think it's a little late to get married?"

older couple flirting outside

Finding a romantic relationship has no age limit. It's not because someone is over 50 does not mean it's "too late" so that they actually get married, the marriage rates for the elderly are actually on the rise .

"Are not you too old to have children?"

you can't understand me is something no husband wants to hear

Although people can have more difficulty conceiving naturally when they are over 50, it hardly means that children are out of the question. Not only did fertility treatments have allowed parents to have children naturally over 50, many families also adopt children after 50 years.

"Do you consider yourself a cougar?"

Healthy Older Woman women's Health myths

Simply retreat this sentence once and for all. We have no equivalent expression for men who are older women, so why do you throw it unnecessary for women who arrive so young people?

"Do you know how to use a computer?"

man at computer Smartest Men Get Ahead

Most jobs require at least one form of computer literacy these days. Unless your colleague over 50 or your colleague does not specifically ask for help, it is best not to assume that they lack all computer skills.

"What are you doing for pleasure?"

40 compliments

Although this question may seem relatively unofficial, it is also delivered with baggage for the entire 50 out of 50.Amusing hobbies For many people over 50 are exactly the same as for their younger counterparts: traveling, seeing movies, spending time with friends - it's not all criteria and hook.

"Are not you adorable?"

50 compliments

There is no way to deliver this line without it sounding condescending. The elderly are not puppies or newborns: they are sensitive individuals and could probably pass without the Fawning.

"Does everything still work in the bedroom?"

older couple smiling outside

In general, unless you are a doctor, it is not wise to ask people specificities of their sex life. It's doubly true when you ask someone more than 50 years old and that your question is basically ", can you still do it?"

"Why do not you live in a bigger house?"

stone veneer upgrade home value

Large houses, fancy cars and huge bank accounts do not automatically appear at your 50th anniversary. Many people over 50 are still just in scrolling and suggesting that they fail not to live more luxuriously is obviously offensive.

"Do you have to fix all the time?"

Older Woman Eating Fruit Anti-Aging

Of course, many more than 50 people can see that their metabolism does not activatefast weight loss They appreciated in their 20 years. However, implying that it means that they should constantly a diet will do that no one feel better about this relief tire.

"Have you died a lot of people?"

40 compliments

While some people over 50 may have dated more people because they have had more time on earth, it does not mean it will be true for everyone. And frankly, ask as many people with whom someone has been with is about a good look.

"Do you plan to grow gradiently?"

best skin

What does it mean to age gracefully, anyway? While many people rent hair coloring and botox, they also rent people wholook younger May what they are often the result, among other things, hair dyes and botox.

"When did you lose your hair?"


Hair loss can be a painful subject for some people. So, unless you are particularly eager to hurt someone's feelings, it's probably better to save this issue for good friends only - if you ask anyone, that is to say.

"Are your parents still alive?"

grandparents with grandkids

The death of a person's parents is rarely a good topic of conversation. Unfortunately, many more than 50 years old people have seen one or two parents disappear, and it's probably not the thing they have the most eager to speak, unless they have brought it themselves .

"Do you want to do more with your life?"

Older Couple during Sunset

Similar to questions about the success of a person, the concept of "doing something" with your life is entirely subjective. Who to say that having a happy life in your hometown necessarily means that you have not lived?

"Do you want to look younger?"

40 things only women over 40

In a society that sees largely disposable elderly, there is no context in which it will not meet as an insult.

"Do you have a senior moment?"

non coffee energy boosters

This is good when your grandmother is equal to his keys of the car and refers to her as a "senior moment". When she does it and ask if she has a higher time, she is undeniably rude.

"When did you go gray?"

man with gray hair outdoors

While Gray can be a popular hair color for the moment, for many people, he always has a strongly negative association with age - and everyone wants everyone wants to discuss their cosmetic failures with other people .

"Is one of your friends dead yet?"

mature couple in bed

Not only does this question seem that everyone over 50 has a foot in the grave, for those who have lost loved ones, it's just a way to force them to relive painful memories.

"How is your memory?"

mature couple talking

Although some people find that their memory worsens as they get older, it's far from universally true. And if they wanted to get it up, they would do it.

"When planning for retirement?"

Retired couple

Although 50 may seem old to some people, for others, there are still 20 good years left from retirement. So, unless you know something about their finances, they do not do it,Do not assume that they are ready to retire Just because you think they are old enough for.

"Do you really want to live at 100 years?"

older person on ipad

While human life continues to increase, so too, do the number of peopleLive in 100. However, if you want to ask someone more than 50 years old, you may want to retain your breath: Nobody likes the reminder of their own mortality after all.

"Who starts that when you die?"

Jewelry, secondhand, secondhand jewelry

If someone is still alive and has not started deciding who will get silverware or jewelry, it's probably not your place to start making a mental accounting of their award-winning property, either.

"Do these real teeth?"

old man brushing teeth

Oral hygiene has become a long way, which facilitates people's maintenance to maintain their real teeth in their golden years. And that their teeth are real or if they wear prostheses, it is probably not a welcome question.

"When are you going to a retirement community?"

older man and young man

Retirement communities can be wonderful for those who choose to live in them, but do not automatically assume that everyone's more than 50 will make this choice. If you want to know about someone's life situation, just ask them - if they have immediate projects to enter a retirement community, it will come.

"Are you jealous of the youngest?"

older woman with flowers

They say with age come wisdom, but it's far from the only advantage of age. It also comes with maturity, a sense of self, and in most cases, not much jealousy than some people are younger than they.

"How old are you?"

birthday cupcake

It does not exist to deny that society is envisaged by the discrimination of age, which has led a lot to keep their age a secret closely kept. So, unless you are looking forward to doing uncomfortable, let people reveal this information about their own terms.

Categories: Health
Tags: aging
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